Showing posts with label Anxiety and Stress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anxiety and Stress. Show all posts

Powerful Thinking - How to Think Yourself Happy and Out of Worry, Anxiety and Stress

The thoughts we focus on affect our energy levels either empowering or draining us. Over time the impact of negative and fear-based thoughts leads to stress, anxiety, depression and general poor well-being.
Does this sound like you?
When we allow our negative thoughts through focusing on them to hook us into worrying and fearful ways of looking at our life, we lose the will, ability, energy to do the things that inspire us.
Does this sound like you?
Most people are focusing negatively on themselves and find it easy to argue for their limitations, talking about, what they can't do or can't have or can't be. It's a habit of thinking that most people have learnt. Like any bad habit it can be changed.
Does this sound like you?
Most people aren't aware of what quantum physics says about "thinking". It's a fact that there is evidence to suggest that just our focus on an atom changes it.
Imagine the difference between that focus being positive or negative and you have the essence of how you can change your life through thinking positively, and arguing for your unlimited potential.
We all know this as a truth because we know that positive people are happier. Some people find it more difficult to believe things that they haven't seen with their own eyes or something that undermines an old belief. Most people don't know that a belief is a thought that has grown with negative or positive focus into an absolute. Your belief may seem true to you but it doesn't mean it is.
The truth is we're using invisible forces all the time and not questioning it. I don't know anyone who questions the Law of Gravity anymore, do you? I don't know anyone who doesn't use electricity because they don't understand how it works, do you? We use lots of things that we don't understand.
So, try on this concept and free yourself of worry, anxiety and stress.
Your thoughts are energy and become things and circumstances. Just pretend that it's true and give yourself the chance to experience the benefits of believing in it temporarily. You'll feel just like a skeptic who discovers the amazing ability to illuminate his living room by finding that a light switch has miraculously appeared on his wall, banishing the need for candles!
Give yourself a day and decide only to focus on the positive elements of every, for example, if you're driving in your car and someone pulls out in front of you, choose the positive view and see the best in the other driver. Find a positive reason that they had to pull in front of you, something like they were stressed because they had an argument with their son or daughter. Search for the positive aspect and decide to believe it instead of the negative.
Write down the results. What did you notice? How did you feel? What differences were there? What did other people notice about you? How did other people respond to you? What did you learn? What were the benefits of thinking positively?
To supercharge your life and learn how to achieve your goals quicker, visit Fay can help you get clear on what you want and teach you the strategies you need to overcome your obstacles. Don't get in your own way, you deserve to achieve your goals and be happy!
Sign up for a FREE e-book called "7 Steps to Being Happy" and email Fay for a FREE 30 minute coaching session to work on your goals.

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Mental Health Awareness Month and Mental Illness Awareness Week - Free Depression or Anxiety Tests

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, during which the free National Anxieties Disorders Screening Day is held. Consider what Kim Bassinger, Marc Summers and football great Earl Campbell have in common. They have all suffered from an anxiety disorder, America's most common mental illness. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, nearly a quarter of the American adult population will suffer from an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives. Unlike normal worries, these individuals can experience a variety of symptoms which can include spontaneous panic attacks, endlessly checking and rechecking their actions, persistent, uncontrollable worry and social anxiety, which interferes with their lives.
The symptoms of anxiety disorders are characterized by fear and anxiety that appear for no apparent reason. Anxiety disorders include Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Left untreated, these conditions often become accompanied by depression, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts. Although most sufferers never connect with appropriate treatment, effective treatments do exist, which can offer relief within a relatively short period of time.
The first week of every October is designated as Mental Illness Awareness Week, during which the National Depression Screening Day is held. Consider what Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway, and Brooke Shields have in common. They have all suffered from clinical depression. 

Depression and manic-depression strike more than 17 million Americans each year, according to figures from the National Institute of Mental Health. Fewer than half, however, actually seeks treatment, despite the fact that treatment can help 80 - 90 percent of those affected.
Common symptoms of depression include feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, restlessness and irritability, changes in sleep and appetite, loss of energy and thoughts of death or suicide. Manic-depression includes feelings of euphoria or agitation. Clinical depression is more than just the 'blues. It is a real, pervasive condition that even has the potential to be life threatening. 
A sufferer has no better chance to "just snap out of it" than someone, for example, with a seizure disorder simply controlling their attacks.The screenings initiatives are invaluable opportunities for people, who might otherwise be timid about discussing their concerns or symptoms, to do so without feeling pressured.

Click HERE to watch the online video: "The Pain of Depression - A Journey Through the Darkness" For more information about National Depression Screening Day and National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day visit my website, You can also find information about free, online / in-person screenings for clinical depression and anxiety.
Gerald Solfanelli is a Pennsylvania licensed psychologist and certified hypnotherapist in full-time private practice, who has participated with the National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day and the National Depression Screening Day, since 1997.

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5 Tips to That Help Depression, Anxiety and Stress

Here are 5 tips that help with stress, depression and anxiety. These are all natural things that you can do without seeing a doctor. They could help you beat your problems naturally.

1. Exercise Regularly
Exercise causes the release of endorphins that are helpful for both depression and anxiety. Exercising regularly will also reduce allow you to de-stress. When you need to blow off some steam, go for a walk, drive to the gym or do some yoga stretches. You can do yoga stretches in just a few minutes to relieve work-related stress and you won't even work up a sweat.
2. Do Deep Breathing Exercises
Many people are naturally shallow breathers. Training yourself to totally fill your lungs will help with anxious feelings and nervousness. Deep breathing exercises can be used to stop an anxiety attack. Simply breathe in for a count of 4. Hold the breath for a count of 4 and exhale slowly for a count of 4. This exercise stops the production of adrenalin and naturally relaxes your body.
3. Watch What You Eat
Some foods contain small amounts of nutrients that have some anti-depressant and anti-anxiety activity. Small amounts of tryptophan for example are found in turkey and cheese. Salt on the other hand can make you feel more anxious by raising your blood pressure. Processed foods and simple carbohydrates may make you feel sluggish and depressed because of their effects on your blood sugar levels.
4. Watch What You Drink
While a little alcohol might help you relax, it can also cause you to feel depressed. Excessive alcohol intake contributes to anxiety and depression. It also puts stress on your liver and other bodily organs.
Caffeine is a drug. Some doctors believe that many people are being treated with drugs for anxiety when they are actually suffering from caffeinism.
A small amount of caffeine can give you a boost. But many people are consuming a lot more than they should. Caffeine is a stimulant that causes your body to release adrenalin. Adrenalin is the main cause of panic attacks.
5. Increase Your Nutrient Intake
Depression and anxiety are symptoms of many different kinds of nutritional deficiencies. While you might think that your diet is giving you enough nutrients, you are probably missing out on some of the more important ones.

Omega-3 fatty acids for example are lacking in the typical American diet. The essential healthy fats are found primarily in fatty fish like tuna and salmon. Unless you are eating at least two servings of salmon, tuna or another fatty fish every week, you are not getting enough of a specific omega-3 called DHA.
Low blood levels of DHA are associated with an increased risk of depression. Fish oil supplements have proven to be beneficial for people with depression, anxiety and attention deficit disorders. The brain needs DHA to function properly.
5-HTP is another beneficial nutrient. It is not found in large enough quantities in foods to work as an anti-depressant. Supplements containing 5-HTP and other beneficial nutrients are available. Those supplements can help you fight depression, stress and anxiety naturally.

Please click the How to Treat Depression, Stress and Anxiety Naturally link below in the resource author box.
Thanks for reading the article. There is a lot more health information tips on my website - all free. I would like to invite you to visit - Treat Depression, Stress and Anxiety Naturally

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