Fab 5 Diet Tips For Brides to Be

I have worked with a lot of people and one of the most important components in getting my clients the best results around is by piggybacking on some sort of deadline. There is no better example of this than with a new bride to be. It's amazing what happens to women as soon as they set a wedding date- they are ready and willing to do whatever it takes to get in their dream dress and inspire awe in all those who attend the most important day of their life.
But a bride still needs a dietary blueprint in order to get the job done. After all nutrition is 80-90+% of building a leaner, sexier physique. The following dietary guidelines have produced both body and life-changing results for our many clients around the world. Typical results are losses of 2-3 pounds of ugly, unwanted body fat per week and a reduction in at least 1 clothing size per month. Remember- the focus must be on improving overall health, body composition, and performance, NOT weight loss!
The Fit Bride Mentality:
EAT to Elevate Metabolism and Lose Fat (NOT Weight)
Tip#1- Stay Hydrated:
-Drink at least 2-4 cups of water immediately upon waking and then drink at least 1-2 cups of water every 2 hours you are awake. A dehydrated organism cannot effectively lose body fat!
-Drink 1-2 cups of water for every 15 minutes of vigorous activity to maintain optimal performance and to prevent dehydration during your workouts.
-Consume at least 3 servings of antioxidant-rich green tea per day to boost your immune system and accelerate recovery from exercise.
Tip#2- Eat Early and Eat Often:
- Eat immediately upon waking and then again every 2-4 hours after that for a total of 6-8 feedings per day. This is a staple for any solid fat loss nutrition plan because it allows your body to starve the fat and feed the muscle, optimizes performance, and prevents your body's starvation signals from going off- signals that will slow fat loss to a snail's pace.
- The dietary breakdown is 3 total meals per day consumed at breakfast, lunch, and dinner time, 3 total snacks/day consumed between meals and before bed, and workout nutrition in the form of a protein or amino acid supplement consumed around your training sessions. Snacks are typically half the caloric value of meals.
Tip#3- Focus on the Essentials:
-Consume a wide range of organic lean proteins of animal origin at each feeding. A great rule of thumbs is to consume at least a fist-sized worth of anything that had a face or a mother and ran, fly, or swam at some point (sorry, doesn't sound as appetizing this way, ha). Protein is not only the only macronutrient responsible for building and repairing that lean, sexy muscle tone but it also allows your body to best starve its ugly, unwanted fat stores. In addition, the sheer consumption of protein elevates metabolism and burns calories through the thermic effect of feeding since protein is more than twice as energy costly for your body to digest than fat or carbs.
-Consume a wide range natural fats at each feeding (olive oil, coconut oil, beef, salmon, whole eggs, avocado, mixed nuts, flax, full-fat cheese, etc.). Sufficient dietary fat intake is critical to beneficial hormone production, which allows for optimal fat loss. Furthermore, your body cannot optimally burn stored body fat without a sufficient amount of healthy dietary fat.
-Consume a wide range of fruits and veggies at each feeding (with a special emphasis on green veggies). A great rule of thumb when it comes to produce is to consume at least one green item AND as many other colors as possible at each and every meal to get the most health benefits.
Sample One-Day Menu
Breakfast (6am) : Omega 3 Eggs Scrambled, Greens, Fruit
Mid-Morning (9am): Mixed Raw Nuts and Fruit/Veggies of Choice
Lunch (12pm): Chicken, Salmon, or Shrimp Caesar Salad(dressing on side)
Mid-Day Snack (3pm): Cottage Cheese w/ Fruit or Veggie of Choice
Dinner (6pm): Turkey or Lean Beef Meatballs w/ Spaghetti Squash
Pre-Bed Snack (8pm): Wonder Mix- Cottage Cheese, Protein Powder, Flax Meal, Raw Nut Butter
Tip#4- You NEED These 2 Supplements:
-Take a daily whole food based multi-vitamin for your gender. Ensuring adequate intake of vitamins and minerals is essential for your body to function optimally, especially for people who struggles to get at least 8-12 servings of fruits and veggies per day.
-Take a high quality essential fatty acid (EFA) or fish oil supplement. Omega-3 fats found in fish oil are scientifically proven to increase metabolism and generate increased fat burning, besides having a host of other benefits like preventing cancer, reducing inflammation and joint pain, enhancing skin and hair quality, etc.
Tip#5- Think Fiber First When It Comes To Carbs:
-It is critical to focus on carbohydrate quality first AND then quantity second. In terms of quality, all carbohydrates (outside of dairy) that you eat should contain AT LEAST 3 g of fiber per serving and offer LESS THAN 10 g of sugar per serving. In terms of quantity, we have found most females achieve the best fat-burning effects by limiting their total daily carb intake to 50 g or less, NOT including their unlimited daily fibrous carb intake from green veggies (fruit can be used in moderation) nor the trace carbs from protein and fat foods.
-Use The Carb Reduction Blueprint: Use the following step-by-step process in the exact order listed to breakthrough any plateaus in your quest to get into that dress:
Step#1- Replace all white carbs with 100% whole grain carbs and all refined sugars with natural sugars found in food choices with ONE ingredient (e.g. fruit, honey, etc.). This will results in much more stable blood sugar levels, the key to maintaining high energy levels and burning fat.
Step#2- Limit all 100% whole grain starch and natural sugar consumption to within 1-2 hours post-workout or immediately upon waking for breakfast. Your body best handles these types of carbs at these times without excessive risk of this energy being stored as fat.
Step#3- Replace all starches and sugars with fruits and veggies. Fruits and veggies are the most nutrient dense carbs loaded with tons of vitamins, minerals, phytochemicals, antioxidants, and stomach-filling fiber, making them the staple of any good fat loss meal plan.
Step#4- Replace all fruits with green veggies (or any other veggies BESIDES corn, peas, carrots, and potatoes) to weed out any remaining dietary sugar (fructose- fruit sugar) that will prevent your body from maximally using stored body fat for fuel. Green veggies like broccoli, spinach, dark leafy lettuce, green beans, asparagus, etc. have the most figure-friendly benefits of any carbohydrate out there and can be consumed in an unlimited amount throughout the day to keep you full and satisfied.
Step#5- Use strategic carb and calorie cycling to take your body to next level (my clients and I have had great success with this but it is beyond the scope of this article).
Well, those are my top 5 diet tips to help you look your best on the biggest day of your life. When it comes to nutrition, keep it simple and stay the course. And remember, it's not about weight loss- it's about being as visually stunning as possible via losing inches in all the right places.
Mike Hanley is the President of Hanley Strength Systems, LLC and the Owner of The Training Studio in Morganville, New Jersey. Mike has made a name for himself as one of the premier trainers in the country, helping clients and athletes from all walks of life achieve their physique and sports performance goals. Mike is a well respected and established Certified Olympic Lifting Coach and Russian Kettlebell Instructor. With over 10 years active in the fitness industry, he is a wealth of knowledge and experience in the health field. His training methods include a mixture of powerliting, Olympic weightlifting, kettlebell training as well as many other methods to produce significant strength & performance gains. His specialty is his versatility to provide the highest quality training for every ability level from the young athlete to fitness enthusiasts to professional fighters. Mike has also worked closely with autistic teenagers as well as senior citizens both in the rehabilitative & fitness arena. In addition to his work in the strength & conditioning field, Mike Hanley is also a competitive athlete. Dedicated to leading by example, he competes in natural bodybuilding, powerlifting and Olympic lifting. Mike has also been seen modeling in various fitness publications.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2054244

5 Healthy Food Combinations

When you think of what to eat with peanut butter, a PB&J sandwich probably comes to mind. What about tortilla chips? Chances are that you think of salsa or cheese dip to pair with them. These foods are meant to go together simply because they taste good. However, some foods pair well as being not just tasty but healthy food combinations. Certain foods have one nutrient but not another and combining those with foods that contain nutrients they lack will produce health-promoting benefits. Each food has specific components that help your body more than eating either food alone.
1. Spinach and oranges 
If you're concerned about your iron intake, this is the perfect healthy food combination for you. Vitamin C aids your body with absorbing iron more efficiently. Combining vitamin C rich foods (like oranges) with iron-containing foods (like spinach) may improve the iron levels in your blood. An easy way to combine fruits and vegetables is by making salads-they're simple to prepare and nutritious!
2. Yogurt and oatmeal
Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day so do your body a favor and jump start your digestive system in the morning by combining these powerful foods. Eating the two together will provide your body with prebiotics and probiotics-prebiotics are fuel for the healthy bacteria in your gut whereas probiotics are the actual bacteria. Prebiotics are found in high-fiber foods like oatmeal, and probiotics are found in fermented foods like yogurt.
3. Brown rice and beans
This is a very healthy food combination especially if you're a vegetarian. Both foods are incomplete sources of protein. When eaten alone, they don't contain all of the essential amino acids that your body needs. But when you combine beans with any source of whole grain, you will receive optimal protein.
4. Olive oil and vegetables
Both of these foods contain high levels of antioxidants, so combine them together to get even more! They are also very nutrient dense and will provide you with plenty of nutrients in a relatively small portion.
5. Lean meats and whole grains
If you're an avid athlete or just like working out a lot, this food combination is perfect for you. Eating lean meats and whole grains together will help repair your muscles and cells, regulate your blood sugar and give your body fuel to recover. They are simple to eat together-all you have to do is make a sandwich or wrap!
Of course all of these foods are healthy when eaten alone; they just offer a few extra benefits when combined with other healthy items. Try them all to see what you like the best!
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7326297

Fight Stress and Improve Your Health

Everyone has the notion that stress is detrimental to our wellbeing, but do you know what you can do to help relieve this stress? You might have some ideas, but putting those ideas into motion is a bit more difficult. Exercise, fun activities, and even sleep can help reduce the stress you are facing. Fitting these things into your lifestyle can be tough though. For the elderly, however, fighting stress is an essential part of your healthy lifestyle. By having a stress fighting plan in place, you can improve your mental and physical health. For those at risk of getting sick-such as the elderly-beating stress becomes especially important.
Exercise is a great way to ward off the ill effects of stress. The hormones released by rigorous exercise do a lot for your physical health, but they also have a positive impact upon mental health. For example, exercise improves your brain's neurotransmitter numbers. These help your neurons (brain cells) function more efficiently and this can improve your mood. An improved mood is obviously a good way to deal with stress.
Cortisol levels can also be elevated by stress. Cortisol is a chemical that naturally occurs within our bodies, but it is closely linked to belly fat levels. In fact, cortisol is so closely related to stress that it has been dubbed the "stress hormone." While some cortisol is a necessity, too much can lead to weight gain-the bad kind. In the elderly, increased body fat can lead to chronic illnesses, such as diabetes. In addition to this, increased cortisol levels are linked to a decline in cognitive abilities, decreased bone density, decreased muscle mass, blood sugar imbalances, and high blood pressure. These things are all incredibly dangerous to the senior citizen population.
Stress can be relieved in other ways besides exercise. If you aren't getting enough sleep, stress might be the cause of this, but stress can also be relieved through sleep. This is a vicious cycle. Still, attempting to get around eight hours of sleep per night is important-even if you don't hit that number, trying is important. Resting is not as beneficial as sleep, but it is still important. Aim for eight hours of rest each night and you will see your stress melt away. Just make sure that you don't spend your sleepless hours tossing and turning. Try and use relaxation techniques or meditation to get your rest. A lack of sleep is connected to a weakened immune system-something that the elderly are already prone to. Getting sleep can keep you healthier as it lets the body repair itself.
Finally, have fun. Nothing relieves stress by unwinding and forgetting your troubles. This is a temporary fix, but it's extremely important. Fun pays off in a big way and it makes your life a lot more enjoyable. This, obviously, is a beneficial thing.
Matthew G. Young is a freelance writer who specializes in financial, sports, and health-related topics. To learn more about in home health care visit Paradise In Home Care

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7274867

7 Tips on How to Grow Hair Longer You Can Use Today!

There are people who seem to have a hard time when it comes to growing their hair while there are those who can easily do it. Many women not only have long hair but they are also able manage to keep it shiny. Want the same? Then here are tips on how to grow your mane longer and look great.
  • Visit your hair stylist regularly and have hair trimmed. If you do not trim off ¼ inch of your mane every two months, this could result in split ends and your mane would become frizzy. It may also sound ironic but you need to cut mane for it to grow longer and healthier. Have your mane checked by your stylist to see if there are split ends and then cut them off.
  • If possible, braid your hair using an elastic with minimal light pressure when you sleep. This would safeguard it from getting moved and pulled into different positions as you sleep. When your hair is constantly rubbed, the friction would actually damage it. After washing your hair, pat it dry instead of rubbing it briskly with your towel. You can also let it dry naturally.
  • There are elements in the environment that could damage hair such as sunlight and dust. Protecting it by donning on a hat is one way on how to grow hair longer. Avoid heat and styling products and devices such as hair sprays, gets, hair dryers, hot combs and curling irons because these can harm the hair and hinder the growth process.
  • When you comb, brush and wash your hair every day, this will cause breakage and weaken it. To give it a break, you should try sporting a wig or hair extensions. This shall allow it to grow longer and healthily.
  • Massage your scalp regularly. This will actually stimulate blood flow thus the hair follicles would get the nutrients it needs for hair growth. Massage your scalp for five to ten minutes every day.
  • Have a healthy diet, combine it with vitamin supplements and exercise regularly. This will let you get the nutrition your body and hair needs to stimulate hair growth. Make sure to avoid foods that have sugar and fat.
  • Hydrate your body by drinking at least eight glasses of water as your hair also needs moisture to grow healthily. Sleep at up to eight hours every day because the body needs to be rested for it to become stronger which would stimulate hair growth.
Women with longer hair become more attractive. To stimulate hair growth, it should be trimmed regularly, braided while sleeping, protected with a hat and given a break by using hair extensions. You should also eat healthily, drink plenty of water daily, get enough sleep and have your scalp massaged.
Finally, Wouldn't You Love to Have a Glowing Head of Hair That Would Turn Every Man's Head for a Long Admiring Glance and Freeze Other Women in Their Tracks with Envy?
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Read My Secrets at http://makemyhairgrowfaster.org

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7234872

The Best Body Weight Workouts for Weight Loss and Fitness

Body Weight Workouts for Weight Loss
Body weight workouts are the best options to go for when it comes to losing weight and maintaining fitness. They are a combination of cardiovascular and muscle building bodyweight workouts, facilitating burning of fat and increased metabolism. These exercises are often considered for military fitness training, martial arts, sports, dance and other activities. The best thing about these body weight workouts is that they don't require any equipment so they can be done at home, offices, parks and even in hotel rooms.
The Body Weight Workout Routine
Bodyweight Squats
The squat is an important exercise for building muscle, power and strength. It primarily works on the glutes (buttocks), the quads (outer thighs) and other leg muscles. Squats are great for strengthening lower backs. Athletes, swimmers, skiers, dancers and martial artists will benefit most from these exercises.
Push ups or Press ups
Push ups and press ups are core bodyweight workouts. They strengthen the shoulders, triceps, forearms and backs, making them much leaner. These exercises can be modified to suit the strengths of people. Press-ups can be done against walls and push ups can be done on knees or with the use of stability balls. Martial artists often demonstrate one-hand push ups.
Lunges are often considered second to squats in terms of developing glutes and thighs. They may be simple to perform but people of added weight may find them hard work. Dumbbell lunges can be great body weight workouts for weight loss starters since doing these do not require squat racks.
The Plank
The plank is often used as basis for evaluating core strength. It is demonstrated with the body supported either by the hands, feet, or forearms in classic press-up position. When doing the plank, it is important to keep your back straight up. When it starts sagging, it means you are getting tired and must take time to rest. Planks can be performed on the side, in half or in full position.
Jumping Jack
This is perhaps the most old school from the workout options but is great for burning fat and increasing the heart rate. Jumping jacks are performed by jumping to one position with widely spread legs and hands touching or clapping overhead. Intensive versions include bending over and reaching the ground between the jumps.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers can be great for core and bodyweight cardio strengthening. They primarily work on the abdominals, legs, chest and shoulder altogether. Begin with a push-push up position but with one leg bent forward. Simply switch your legs so one will always be straight behind, with the other bent beneath your torso. You can work slow or fast, depending on the pace you're comfortable with.
Abdominal Cycles
Abdominal cycles are great for strengthening the abdomen and building abs. There are a variety of cycling exercises that can be considered. Bicycle kicks include lying flat on the floor with arms behind the head and bringing the elbows over to one knee at a time in a twisting motion. Another exercise is cycling on air. This is demonstrated by lying on the floor and bringing the legs up on the air in a cycling or pedaling motion.
Doing these body weight workouts for weight loss are best for toning down belly fat especially when done with proper breathing techniques. There are several exercises which you can consider, including regular crunches, oblique crunches, right and left side crunches, reverse crunches and bicycle crunches. Choose the bodyweight exercise that you feel comfortable doing and that which your body can sustain.
These are just a few exercises you can use to get in shape and lose weight.
To Get The Most Out of Your Workout Routines and Stay Fit go to http://www.myweightlossworkout.com/workout-routines.html

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7841497