Feeling Great And Shedding Weight

Losing weight is a challenging battle for most people, taking up time and money. If you are ready to make a change and lose weight, take a look at the following tips and tricks to simplify getting fit and slimming down.

One of the main focuses of your weight loss plan should be counting calories. Be sure to write down the calories you are consuming by taking a look at the nutrition facts on the side or back of the food you are purchasing. If your food is a fruit or vegetable that doesn't list nutrition facts, look online for an average amount of calories the food contains. Once you have an idea of your daily caloric intake, you should consider lowering it, either by a little or by a lot, depending on your specific number. 
One pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories, so by reducing the number of calories you eat by 500 per day should result in weight loss of one pound per week. It is important not to reduce your caloric intake by 1,000 calories or more, as this will cause your body to feel like it is being starved, and will result in the "yo-yo" effect. As a baseline, women need 1,200 calories per day and men need 1,800, so do your best not to drop below those numbers. Even though they are an average for most men and women, you should find a calorie calculator online where you can input your weight, height, gender, etc. to find out your minimum daily calorie numbers.

One of the best ways to lower your daily calorie consumption is by using vegetables and fruits as a replacement for high calorie foods. If the fat content on a food you are considering is high, switch to a vegetable alternative. With today's advancements in food technology, soy products are much tastier than they used to be. You should also replace sugary foods in your diet with something low in sugar and high in fiber. Instead of snacking on chips, try a healthy, crunchy alternative, such as carrots or low-salt pretzels. For bigger meals, eat lean protein and fiber rich foods, such as chicken, fish, and legumes.

One way that you can make dieting easier on yourself is to remove all of the unhealthy foods from your home. Often times a dieter will get a craving for a sweet or savory food that is high in fat or sugar, but if you don't have the foods available, you will force yourself to look for a healthy alternative.
Aerobic exercise can be the most beneficial type of exercise for losing weight, so if you find yourself with even just a few extra minutes during the day, try to do jumping jacks or take a quick jog. This way when your calorie intake starts to plateau, you will be able to still burn more calories than you are taking in. If you have an appointment somewhere relatively close to your home, try to walk, jog, or bike there. If you don't have a lot of spare time for exercise, it is important that you slip it in wherever you can.

Using the tips in this article, you will be able to simplify your weight loss plan and start shedding weight. Weight loss is tough for many people, but it doesn't have to be for you. With simple diet and exercise, you'll be feeling great in no time!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7563955

Smart Nutrition Strategy For Extreme Weight Loss

It appears the bodybuilders have discovered the most effective solution for creating extreme weight reduction. Within bodybuilding media we sometimes view images of big guys that seem like they have really been sculpted out of granite. These folks seem very extraordinary, that forces you to question just what magic formula in order to remain in excellent shape.
The main recipe would be to really do something with the things most people may have learned. Most of us continually notice just what we all ought to do to manage weight, however a lot of us do not bring that awareness towards action correctly. Dropping unwanted weight is actually reached by using a harmony of the proper workout, for the unique physical stature, in accordance with appropriate, constant nutrition. As you may perhaps have found that sensible nutrition requires choosing meals which are healthful, natural as well as nutritious. Choosing things to eat which are in general less calories and processed sugar, as well as less sodium.
Piece of the solution to weight loss, would be to bring in this kind of smart nutrition in a slow process, instead of change to it immediately. There has to be a management of energy consumption, therefore the body system carries on to get sufficient nutritional necessities whilst to not get rid of the metabolic process but additionally, calories continue to be decreased lightly allowing your body to lose body fat efficiently. Keep in mind fat stores can't be shed in just days, however lots of people search for a system that creates intense, quick fat loss. In case you slim down the right way most likely you will constantly manage weight easily later on.
In reality I'd approximate that extreme fat loss will be accomplished using a 75% eating plan and 25% workout split. Do not misunderstand me, workout is essential to reducing your weight nevertheless, in burning body fat number all the way down the dietary plan carries this kind of an effect, and therefore demands professional nutritional concepts, frequently utilized by present day organic bodybuilders. Plenty work with a peaking method mixing each and every exercising as well as nutritional strategy they have mastered. Each small diet technique is employed to assist change the entire body into fat burning setting.
Since timing is as well essential, such concepts should also be presented at the perfect time. The truth is in order to highlight exactly how essential diet plan is keep in mind that bodybuilders can't remain in the state of severe weight loss for too long, Generally just a few weeks at most. Indeed, they're able to and frequently do remain fit throughout the year nevertheless, human beings aren't made to possess this type of low body fat portion therefore, intense weight loss must actually not be the purpose of the dieter. The actual objective must be to utilize identical methods before you have a decent and also balanced weight reduction after that merely preserve that stage.
Check out this interesting diet program - extreme fat loss [http://www.topfatlosstrainer.com/2010/08/01/extreme-fat-loss-workout-belly-busting-circuit/]
Read more on how to extremely shed your fats: xtreme fat loss [http://www.topfatlosstrainer.com/2010/03/10/xtreme-fat-l

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4837185

Five Reasons You Should Drink More (Fresh, Raw) Juice

Most people begin juicing for the health benefits juicing can bring into our lives. But do you really know exactly what benefits you are getting from juicing raw fruits and vegetables? Let's explore the top five health benefits of juicing:
1. Juicing concentrates the nutrients that exist in fruits and vegetables.
Have you ever noticed that it takes a whole lot of carrots to make one small glass of carrot juice? The juicer discards the fibrous pulp and extracts the juice, which contains almost all of the nutritious vitamins and minerals found in vegetables or fruits. The only thing that is not extracted is dietary fiber, of which only a small amount makes its way into the juice unless you mix some of the pulp back into the juice.
Because of this process, you may only be drinking a small glass of juice but what's in that glass is the beta carotene (and other nutrients) of a whole lot of carrots. Most people find it a lot easier to drink a glass of carrot juice than to eat six whole raw carrots!
One of the top health benefits juicing can offer is that the higher levels of nutrients can have dramatically positive effects on health. Some people are even able to stop vitamin supplements.
2. Juices can promote weight loss.
Fresh juices (as opposed to store-bought juices) can be a healthy choice for weight loss. Some fruits and vegetables are known for helping with weight loss, especially when consumed in their concentrated, juiced form. However, that's not the only way that juice can help you.
Juice is filling and is full of the nutrients you need to support your body's functions, without as many calories or as much fat as the starchy foods we tend to normally consume at each meal. Therefore, it is a great way to replace snacks, supplement meals, or even replace some meals entirely. Juicing can be a healthy part of any weight loss regimen.
3. Fresh juices contain important enzymes and nutrients that are destroyed in the pasteurization process.
Studies have shown that several nutrients, including Vitamin C, are destroyed when exposed to heat. Pasteurization involves heat, which is why store-bought juice is not as healthful as raw juices.
One of the health benefits juicing provides is the variety of enzymes that only exist in raw fruits and vegetables. Some of these enzymes promote digestion, help repair tissues, encourage energy production, and reduce inflammation.
4. Juicing is the definition of "whole foods".
Few food preparation techniques can claim that they use all of the fruit or vegetable being prepared. Juicing, however, generally involves feeding an entire fruit or vegetable into the juicer. This means that the juice extracted contains all of the nutrients and enzymes found in every part of the plant - including the seeds (in some cases), the skin, etc.
The main exception is that juicing removes much of the dietary fiber. If you feel that you are not consuming enough fiber, one easy solution is to mix some of the pulp back into the juice.
Did you know that the skin of the fruit or vegetable is often the most nutritious part? This is the part we are most likely to discard while cooking, yet the part we most need to consume.
5. Your digestive system has less work to do when you drink your fruits and vegetables as juice, allowing for quick nutrient absorption.
Of all the health benefits juicing can bring into your life, the benefit to your digestive tract and to your ability to absorb nutrients is a major one. The digestive tract is so hard working, and is often susceptible to stress or food related illnesses.
By drinking your food in liquid form, you are essentially consuming pre-digested food, thereby giving your gastrointestinal tract a break from the work of digestion. In addition, this allows for very quick absorption of nutrients. Some nutrients may even absorb more easily than when consumed with solid foods.
Want to find out more about the benefits of juicing?
William Paice is Editor and Founder of juicing site MEGAjuicing.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6674954

4 Tasty Fat Burning Foods for Nutrition and Overall Weight Loss

Finding the right fat burning food is one of the most important keys of proper nutrition and overall weight loss. In spite of what many of those fad diets would have you believe, eating healthy whole foods are the best way to not only lose those inches around the abs, but keep them off for good without getting depressed or missing foods. Learning to eat healthy whole foods is not a diet or new fad but rather a get back to basics way of living without all those nasty preservatives. Once you start understanding healthy foods vs unhealthy foods it will suddenly becomes a lot easier to maintain proper nutrition and eating habits without feeling deprived! Here are just four fast fat burning foods you may never have thought of before.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away-and the fat too as it turns out! Apples are great fat busters for a few reasons. First, they elevate blood sugar naturally and keep it higher for a longer period of time, making you feel more energetic and satisfied. Second, they contain plenty of soluble fiber which also keeps you feeling fuller longer. There are a dozen or more varieties of apples available year round and can be eaten on the go.
Hot Peppers
And hot mustard too! Both of these spicy foods can help to literally burn fat away, according to studies done by Dr. Jay Henry in Oxford. They work through a thermic effect, which is mostly just a fancy way of saying that they raise the metabolism of the body through heat. But this wouldn't be enough; hot pepper also have minerals and vitamins in them which makes them a healthy food to add to your diet.
Walnuts, Pecans, Almonds
Delicious and great sources of healthy fats. Try to get raw nuts if possible as the roasting process can oxidize some of the polyunsaturated fats in some types of nuts making those damaged fats slightly more inflammatory. Overall, nuts are still healthy even if they are roasted, but raw nuts are optimal.
You may not have ever thought of it, but melons are also a good fat buster. They are chock full of water, vitamins and fiber and contain very few calories. All melons can keep you hydrated and fuller longer with almost no fat and few calories for it. They are amazing diet buddies and with a naturally sweet flavor, you won't be craving the junk food anymore!
You can't possibly lose weight if the foods you use to prepare your meals are unhealthy and loaded with calories. You can't go wrong if you avoid processed foods and stick with whole foods and fresh ingredients. Anything boxed, frozen, jugged or canned is considered processed and has no place in a healthy diet. There's no need to starve yourself or eat bland diet food once you know about the huge range of fat burning foods out there. Their are plenty of whole foods which not only taste good but also promote proper nutrition and healthy eating habits.
Learn about some of the best foods you can eat for your health...Packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and good fats; these foods will help to repair the daily damage done through today's fad diets, environmental stressors and preservatives. Including just a few servings of these whole foods in your weekly diet will make a difference to your overall health, which in turn will naturally regulate your overall body weight. Here are 10 Powerful Fat Burning Foods to get you started.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6905390