Top 10 Exercises Without Weights

If you hate to go to the gym, you are not alone. The good news is - you can get results in the comfort of your own home with some simple home exercises.
Bodyweight training CAN be effective. It CAN be a substitute for weights, if necessary. Training using your own body weight as a source of resistance is a time tested technique to get results fast.
Here are the ten best bodyweight training exercises that give you great workouts and great results - without the gym.

1. Supine Pull-Ups (works major muscles in back, shoulders, and biceps) Use two chairs and a pole - a heavy broom handle works well. WARNING: make sure the chairs are stable and that the broom handle is strong enough to take your weight. You could be SEVERELY injured if the pole were to break or the chairs to slip. Lie on your back underneath a low bar. Grab the bar with a wide overhand grip. Pull up. Lower and repeat for 6-8 reps.

2. Supine Biceps Pull-Ups (biceps, some back) Use the same chairs-and-pole arrangement from #1. Sit underneath a low bar. Grab the bar with a reverse grip (palms facing you), hands about shoulder-width apart. Keeping your body upright, pull up until your chin just clears the bar. Focus on the tension in your biceps, trying to relax the rest of your body. 6-8 reps.

3. Push-Ups (chest, triceps, shoulders) The key when targeting the chest with Push-Ups is the direction in which your elbows travel. As with bench presses, the elbows must move AWAY FROM THE BODY to target your chest, and be kept CLOSE TO THE BODY to target the triceps. Place each hand just outside your shoulders, slightly behind the line of your shoulders. Hands pointing straight ahead, upper body rigid as a board. 6-15 reps.

4. Tent Push-Ups (primarily upper chest) Assume the position in #3, but walk your feet forward so your body is bent at the waist, and your hips are up high in the air. Bending at the elbows, lower yourself until your nose touches the floor. Push up. Repeat. 6-8 reps.

5. Push-Ups, Triceps Position (you guessed it - triceps, and some chest) Begin with fingers facing forward in position from #3, hands slightly LESS than shoulder width apart. Lower your body to the floor keeping arms in against your body. Push up. 6-8 reps.

6. Triceps Dips With Chairs With your hands behind your back, support yourself on your palms at the edge of a chair. Your hands should be touching; your elbows should angle outward. Dipping in this position relieves a lot of stress on the elbow and shoulder joints.
Lower yourself, keeping your back close to the chair. Bend your elbows back and slightly to the sides. Keep your body angled slightly forward throughout the motion. Press yourself up until your arms are straight. 6-15 reps.

7. One-Legged Squats (front thighs, glutes, hamstrings) Stand perpendicular to a wall, about arm's length away from it. Extend your arm out to the side and place your palm against the wall at just under shoulder-height.
Angle the foot farthest from the wall at 45 degrees. Bend the other leg back.
Keeping your body upright, lower yourself until the non-weight-bearing knee is close to (but not touching) the ground. Support yourself by leaning against the wall. Press yourself back up to starting position. Repeat 6-8 reps.

8. One-Legged Hamstring Bridges Lie on your back with one leg extended, heel on the ground. Hold the other leg up off the floor. Pushing through your heel, flex your hamstrings to lift your body. Lower and repeat for 8-10 reps. Repeat with other leg. You can control the resistance and the degree to which the glutes contribute by changing the distance you place your heel relative to your butt.

9. Lunges Begin the lunge by taking a large step forward, keeping your head up and torso erect. Lower your hips and allow your trailing knee to drop to a point just before it touches the floor - never let the knee touch the floor. To return to the start, push off with your forward leg and then step back when the knee is completely straight. Repeat with other leg, 10-15 reps each leg.

10. Stair Running Stair running isn't usually considered a resistance exercise, and in fact, it makes hefty demands on your cardiovascular system. However, it also does an incredible job of conditioning the lower body. If your knees are in good shape, try doing 10-20 one-story sprints, preferably two stairs at a time. As you get stronger, work up the number slowly, keep one hand on the stair rail to catch yourself if you lose your balance.
Give yourself a bigger challenge by wearing a backpack filled with nice and heavy books.

To read reviews on home exercise equipment and learn how to choose the best exercise gadgets for your needs, visit Nitin Chhoda's new site guide to exercise equipment

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Is Diet and Nutrition the Best Way to Lose Weight Fast and Safely

Diet and Nutrition has been known to be the best way to reduce weight fast for a long time time. Although many people still struggle to lose weight, it is possible to burn body fat fast and keep it off permanently by eating fat burning foods that add nutritional value to your body.

There are plenty of healthy foods that you ca eat to lose weight, the secret however, is to eat foods that will motivate you to stick to your meal plan. A boring or tasteless meal plan is a total recipe for disaster. The best way to lose weight fast and stay lean, is by ensuring you stock up with healthy foods that you will look forward to eating every day.
Here is the best way to lose weight fast on a healthy diet and nutrition plan plus how you can be successful with your meal plan.

1. To be successful on a healthy eating plan, you need to stock up with healthy foods and completely eliminate all the fattening unhealthy junk from your kitchen. This entails getting rid of all processed foods, canned foods, jugged foods and anything that tends to last too long on the shelf. These foods most likely contain additives such as high fructose corn syrup, its high in calories and it will keep you overweight unnecessarily.

2. Personally, i found it difficult to switch to healthy eating in just a few days, to avoid frustrations, the best way to lose weight fast on a diet and nutrition plan is by making a gradual switch to healthy eating. Do it one meal at a time until you have a completely healthy nutrition plan in place.

3. It is vital that you know the number of calories going in your body, remember that the best way to lose weight fast is by burning as many calories per day as you can, more than you consume actually. You won't have to meticulously count calories but a simple research on the internet can guide you on the number of calories in your food.

4. You should have a food journal and make as many daily entries as you can, this is the best way to lose weight fast and stay lean as well as staying on track with your meal plan. A food journal is an effective way to assess when you are going off track with your meal plan and you will easily notice when you are making bad food choices and bad snack choices.

5. The best way to lose weight fast on a diet and nutrition plan is by eating many times a day. If you want to ward off unnecessary cravings or avoid emotional eating, splitting your meals into mini meal courses that you can eat five or six times a day is the best way to lose weight fast that works. You will not only feel satisfied for a longer time, but you will create a fat burning effect in your body as your metabolism will be in high gear.

6. We have already established that eating many times a day is a best way to lose weight fast that works. Many people continue to rely on fad diets or other methods like starving or skipping meals for quick results. Such methods may get you the results you want in short period of time, but you will most certainly gain the weight back soon after you stop the diet and start eating your normal foods again. Instead, eat more healthy, low calorie foods like fruits, vegetables, lean meat or whole grains and enjoy your diet experience.

7. Diet and nutrition advice will not be complete without mention hydration, it is clear that water is a best way to lose weight fast that works, drink as much of it a day as you can. Make it your number one slim drink and eliminate any carbonated sodas.

To get a step by step weight loss plan that i used to lose 50lbs in one month, visit the best way to lose weight fast site today.
If you are desperate to lose weight quickly and keep it off permanently,then go and grab your free copy of a 7 days step by step guide to permanent weight loss here > Best ways to lose weight fast. Its a Free E-Course so get your copy today.

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Healthy Recipe: Chicken Tortilla Pizza

Before you reach for the phone to order pizza drenched with saturated fat and sodium, try my chicken tortilla pizza. This is a recipe I make when I know everyone in my family is going to be running in different directions. It's so easy to make them ahead of time.
They'll keep for several days in the fridge so everyone can just reheat them when they come home, or store them in the freezer for later. You can also cut them up and grab a slice for a quick snack, satisfying those pizza cravings without all the fat and calories.

1 whole wheat flour tortilla
¼ cup part skim mozzarella cheese
1/3 cooked, shredded chicken
¼ cup pizza sauce
¼ cooked green pepper
Preheat oven to broil. Poke tortilla with a fork several times on both sides. Lightly spray tortilla on both sides with olive oil cooking spray or an olive oil spritzer. Place on cookie sheet and put under broiler until the tortilla just starts to brown. Flip the tortilla and crisp the other side. Remove from oven. Add sauce, cheese, chicken, and vegetables. Return to broiler and cook just until the cheese begins to melt.

 Nutritional Info - 1 pizza

300 calories
7.6 g fat
3.5 g saturated fat
571 mg sodium
4.5 g fiber
29 g protein

Time Savers
Use the meat from a store-bought rotisserie chicken instead of cooking your own.
Make all the ingredients on the weekend and just assemble and cook the pizzas at dinnertime.

Add mushrooms or any veggies you like.
Betsy McGuire invites you to visit and sign up to receive her mind, body, and spirit blog the day entries are made. You can also "like" Chickpea Wellness on Facebook and receive new articles on your wall.

Copyright 2012 Chickpea Wellness, LLC

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Becoming a Vegetarian is Good for You

Every day we hear the news talk about the latest miracle drug that cures all or the new diet pill that will help you shed pounds without doing anything. We know in our minds that these things can't really be true like the ads say, but there is something we can do that will help our health and help keep us fit and trim. It's simple! Become a vegetarian!
Several top-doctors and healthcare experts have come out and spoken about the benefits of leading a vegetarian lifestyle. Let's look at a few of the reasons why becoming a vegetarian can be a positive for your health.

A diet without meat and dairy products helps cut down on the increased risk of contracting illnesses such as: obesity, heart disease, asthma, diabetes and osteoporosis. These are serious health issues that not only affect a person's physical health, but also their quality of life. It has been proven in tests that vegetarians have stronger immune systems, than those that are not vegetarians.

Having a strong, healthy immune system helps your body to fight colds and the flu virus, thus letting you escape the sickness that others catch.

Medical research has shown the following statistics as they relate to being a vegetarian:
- There is a 50% less chance that vegetarians will develop heart disease.
- Those following a vegan lifestyle are nine times less likely to become obese.
- Being a vegan reduces the risk of ending up with cancer.
- Vegans have the lowest rate of coronary diseases of any group.
- Vegan kids' IQs are higher than their classmates.

- Older people can prevent or even possibly reverse health conditions by switching to a plant-based diet.
The majority of vegans also tend to be slimmer and fitter than others not following this lifestyle. Plant-based foods do not carry the cholesterol and saturated/trans fat that is found in so many "convenience foods" and meat products. Plants have the necessary nutrients that the human body needs to be strong and healthy, such as vitamins, minerals, protein, fiber and omega-3 fatty acids. This means we can eat more plants than we could meat products and still not gain as much weight or store as much fat. This alone is worth its weight in gold for those of us that like to eat a lot.

Manufacturers have taken notice of those that would like to be vegan and have come up with some creative solutions. Veggie Burgers look just like real hamburger patties, but they are made of wheat, oats, assorted vegetables, etc. There are sausages made of soy that look just like a real sausage. These are great substitutes if you were previously on a heavy meat-based diet and are facing meat withdrawal. If you want to go totally vegan, you can also find dairy substitutes, such as soy milk and soy cheese.

It looks like the vegetarian diet solves a lot of the health problems in the Unites States today. It helps with reducing cancer risk, obesity and protection against strokes.
It would certainly seem worth giving up that hamburger for so many benefits in return.

Michael Russell Your Independent Vegetarian [] guide.

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Pre-Workout Weight Lifting Nutrition

There's a lot of hype surrounding post-workout nutrition, but pre-workout nutrition is frequently glanced over. Although eating the right things after working out is indeed important to your muscle building and weight loss routines, eating the right foods before working out is just as important and can help you achieve new heights.

What to Eat
The first thing to understand about pre-workout nutrition is that there isn't a large difference between a pre-workout meal and a regular meal. You should be aiming for a good balance of high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats. The only real difference is that the last meal you eat before heading to the gym should be a little heavier on the carbs than usual because your body will need glycogen, which it can attain through the carbs you eat, to help power you through your workout. Fruit is always a good option.

The Importance of Protein
Yes, I did just say that your pre-workout meal should be heavier in carbs than protein, but you should still pay attention to the kind of protein you're consuming. As always, lean animal based protein is a good option. If you're going to opt for a protein supplement, make sure you're utilizing it in the best way possible.
A lot of people will chug a whey protein supplement right before working out because they think that this fast acting protein will help to fuel their muscles during the workout.

However, when taken alone, a lot of these whey protein supplements can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, risking a crash while you're still lifting.
A casein protein supplement, because this protein is digested slowly, may be a better option if you take it with food about an hour before you exercise because it will provide your body with a steady supply of protein for several hours. Note however that a supplement is not essential - you can always get slower acting protein from food, especially dairy.

I'm not going to provide you with a hard and fast rule as to when you should be eating your pre-workout meal because it's largely a personal preference and something you should experiment with. However, I can provide you with some suggestions that I hope you'll find useful.
If you prefer to lift weights at night, your pre-workout meal may be nothing more than a moderately carb heavy dinner. Wait for about 1-3 hours, then eat an apple or a different serving of fruit about 15 minutes before you plan to start working out.

Studies have shown that eating a piece of fruit close to your weight lifting routine may help to fuel your body throughout your workout.
If you generally exercise in the morning, eat a good breakfast as soon as you wake up.

Make sure to eat some fruit and high quality protein. Then get dressed and ready for the gym so you have as long as possible for your food to settle and fuel your muscles.
If you like to lift during the day, your pre-workout meal may be lunch or a mid-afternoon snack. Aim to eat 1-3 hours before lifting, and then eat a piece of fruit about 15 minutes before pumping iron.

Want to learn more about protein supplements for pre and post workout nutrition? This article tells you everything you need to know about whether or not a protein powder would benefit you and which type is best for your needs.
For more easy to understand information about nutrition, fitness, and simple every day substitutions, visit
Thanks for reading!

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Vegetarian Health Benefits Improve Good Health

Vegetarian health benefits are numerous but probably the greatest is the risk reduction of having a heart attack. Another valuable health benefit of a fruit and vegetable diet is the prevention of many of the cancers. There have been several studies that show those on vegetarian diets have lower rates of colon disease, diabetes, gall-stones, high blood pressure, and kidney stones. The people who maintain a vegetarian diet will probably not be overweight.

A vegetarian can have a lower cholesterol level and a low cancer rate than those on a red meat diet. The countries that consume a high fruit and vegetable diet that contain very little meat have a lower rate of breast cancer. A healthy heart, lower blood pressure, and a lower cancer rate are some of the common benefits; a vegetarian diet also helps in the control of diabetes, it rids the body of toxins, food becomes easier to digest and one will benefit from an improvement of health.

Fruits and vegetables contain more of the antioxidants such as vitamin C and E, beta-carotenes, and phytochemicals. Phytochemicals, the components available in plants, help to prevent many diseases. The antioxidants show a decrease in cancer, heart disease, and many other diseases.

Diets that are high in vegetables and fruits can be just as enjoyable, if not more, than diets that contain red meats.
 Most vegetarian diets not only are high in fruits and vegetables but also herbs for aroma and flavor. Planting an indoor herb garden gives one the opportunity to intensify the flavor of fruits and vegetables throughout the year.

Our chances of getting breast or colon cancer, strokes, or heart disease will increase when we take in too much red meat in our diets. Cancer and cardiovascular diseases are generally linked to those diets containing low amounts of fiber and high amounts of saturated fats. Most of our meat products contain high levels of sodium which will cause water retention in the blood and also cause a build-up of plague in the arteries lowering blood flow which can cause high blood pressure and heart diseases.

Grains and plant foods contain fiber while the majority of meat products have very little at all. Our body needs to flush itself out and the best way to perform this is through fiber; one of the main causes of colon cancer is the body not getting enough fiber.

We Americans consume so much meat that we end up absorbing more protein recommended for our bodies. This vast amount of protein will leach calcium out of our bones causing bone loss and bone disorders.
 It is most important to consume plenty of the leafy vegetables that are high in antioxidants to help improve our health. We also need the vitamins, fiber and antioxidants from the fruit that we grow in the garden along side all those vegetables.

Salt is considered to be the main cause of high blood pressure and hypertension but a vegetarian diet is low in salt content. Eating too much red meat causes cholesterol to build-up in your blood vessels which can cause the blood to try to flow faster to get through vessels which will also cause high blood pressure. To help in maintaining lower blood pressure you need the potassium found in vegetables and fruits such apricots, bell pepper, cauliflower, spinach, strawberries, tomatoes and many more.This spring is a great time to start planting the vegetable garden along with enjoying some of the fruit you probably already have planted.

Some vegetarian health benefits are in line for diabetics while most doctors advise the diabetic patient to eat more fruits, vegetables and whole grains to be able to control the disease.
These foods are high fiber and complex carbohydrates and are also lower in blood sugar which could eliminate supplementing the diet with medications in order to control the disease. Daily exercise is also quite important for better health but also in controlling diabetes.

Barbara enjoying vegetable gardening and has done some research on vegetarian health benefits and wanted to share her finds. There are a number of articles on her website Gardeners Garden Supplies pertaining to the garden and other health benefits, so please visit and give her your comments.

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Quick Healthy Recipes

Here are some quick healthy recipes ideas. These are recipes can be prepared in just a few minutes. They are hardy and nutritious. When you get home from a hard days work you may be too tired to cook a big three course meal. With these easy meals you will not be sweating over the hot stove.
Preparation is really important for making these tasty dishes.
To be prepared plan your menus in advanced. When you go grocery shopping have a list ready of the ingredients you need for the dishes you are planning to make. If you do this it will really speed up the entire process.

Hamburger is easy item that you can use for many different food dishes. It does not take long to cook some cheeseburgers. Everyone likes cheeseburgers. They are good for you and they taste great. You can slice onions and tomatoes to go with the cheeseburgers.
Butter and toast the buns. Bake beans and french fries go well with cheeseburgers. You can get bake beans in a can. Heat them up in a sauce pan. You can buy frozen french fries and heat them up in your oven. This is a meal that your entire family will enjoy.

Tacos are easy to make and fun to eat. Buy some taco shell and heat them up in the oven. In the meantime, fry some ground beef and use a packet of taco seasoning to give it an authentic Mexican flavor.
Grate some cheddar cheese. Chop some tomatoes and onions.
Fill the taco shell with the ground beef then put on the grated cheddar cheese. Top it off with the chopped tomatoes and onions and then spoon some salsa sauce. You can make burritos the same way just replace the taco shells with burrito shells.

Italian food is quick and easy to prepare. Spaghetti only takes a few minutes to boil. You can buy spaghetti sauce in a bottle. It only take a couple of minutes to heat it up in a sauce pan. Grated Parmesan cheese can be sprinkled on top. Heat some french bread in the oven. Make a salad of lettuce with carrots and green peppers. You will have a quick delicious meal with this spaghetti diner.

Cut up some broccoli, onions, mushrooms and stir fry it in a frying pan or a wok. Add some wine and soy sauce for a nice stir fried. Boil some white rice. Serve the vegetables over the rice for a delicious Chinese stir fry.

A favorite of many people is macaroni and cheese. This is a good hardy meal all buy itself. It is easy to make. All you need is elbow macaroni, some milk and medium cheddar cheese. Just follow the simple directions. Macaroni and cheese is a good filling meal. Make sure to leave room for desert.
The secret to quick healthy recipes is planning ahead. Plan your menus for the week and get all the supplies with one trip to the grocery store.
Then you will be all set to feed your family a tasty meal.

Many Quick healthy recipes [] are available when you know where to look. For weight loss and nutrition information, visit the website at []
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Weight Loss: Simple Steps to Good Nutrition

Good nutrition and eating healthy, nutrient rich foods is going to be very important if you are going to succeed in reaching your weight loss goals.
The truth is it's no accident that people who practice good nutrition are able to do so regularly and on a consistent basis.

 Good nutrition takes a little planning and by following these simple steps, you will be on your way to eating better and achieving your weight loss goals in less time.
The truth is it takes more work to eat healthy nutritious meals than it does to eat junk and food that does nothing to move you towards your weight loss goals.

 "Junk" food (food that does not provide much nutritious value and does not help you achieve your weight loss goals) is far more convenient and accessible most of the time. This is why in order to eat health, you must plan.

The first step is to plan your meals as best you can. Take some time on the weekend (or whatever day is convenient for you) to plan your meals for the week or at least the next few days.
Factor in where you will be and weather you can run out and get something healthy or if you will need to prepare something and bring it with you. By planning and having a clear idea of what you want to eat, you will greatly increase the likelihood of eating nutritious foods.

Another simple step is to get into the habit of buying fresh fruit and/or vegetables and bring them with you when you go to work. One reason people often eat poorly is because they get hungry and the only thing available to them is a vending machine with chips and candy bars.

 By having nutritious food in the form of fruits and/or vegetables right there for you, you will be able to consume nutritious snacks instead of junk from a vending machine.

Another simple step is to give yourself a cheat meal once in a while. As odd as this may sound, by giving yourself a cheat meal every now and again, you satisfy the urge you may have for a particular food that you really enjoy which may not be all that healthy.

 I wouldn't advocate more than one or two cheat meals a week. However taking one or two meals per week in which you allow yourself to indulge in items you really enjoy will be very satisfying and allow you to keep on course the rest of the week.
Follow these simple steps and you will be on your way to eating healthier and achieving your weight loss and fat loss goals in less time.

Aaron's Mission is to "Empower Women to Better Health, Fitness, and Quality of Life!" Aaron wants to help you reach your goals... CLICK HERE and get access to Aaron's "Lose A Size in 10 Days" Program... Normally a $97 Value, Absolutely FREE! You can also hear the transformation stories of several women Aaron has worked with and get on the path to a leaner, sexier, slimmer, happier YOU! Visit NOW!

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Healthy Recipes for Healthy Living: 4 Meals You Can Whip Up in 20 Minutes or Less

It is no longer a daunting task to whip up a healthy meal for you and family. Even if you are always on the go, with very little time to enter the kitchen, you can still eat healthily. There many meals that you cool in about 20 minutes or less. It does not really matter if you are working on a tight budget. You can still enjoy great and nutritious food.

Before you prepare a meal, you need to understand what constitutes a healthy meal. If you want to enjoy a balanced meal, you must throw all the wholesome grains, vegetables and great sources of protein into the equation. You must also ensure that you provide room for at least 4 servings of fruits and vegetables on a daily basis.

It is important to have protein in your food at all times. Try to avoid eating large amounts of red meat. If you can avoid eating red meat altogether that would be great. Go with boiled eggs as an alternative. Here are some healthy recipes for healthy living that you can consider.

3 Bean Salad
3 Bean Salads are common during the summer season although they can be eaten all through the year. 3 Bean salads are very easy to prepare. You just require a mish mash of all your favorite salad ingredients in a bowl and then you throw in a can of mixed beans. This is not the same as baked beans. It is important that you use healthy mixed beans.

Home Burgers
Homemade burgers take a little below 30 minutes to prepare. They may not sound exactly healthy because we chomp them most times at fast food restaurants. However, it all depends on the type of meat that you are using. A healthy choice is lean meat, avoid the fatty ingredients and only include red hot peppers and tomatoes.

It is easy to whip up some lasagna if you purchase pre packed sauces. If you want to even save your hard earned money, you can go further and cook in large quantities and freeze for storage. You can serve your lasagna with omelets or salads.

The great thing about making soup is that you can add all the nutritious veggies on the planet alongside onion or garlic and you are ready to serve. In addition, you can also add stock or serve with wholesome grain rolls.

Eat healthy and live longer. If you stick to only healthy meals, your body will show great signs of wellness and improvement. Avoid sugary drinks and fatty snacks for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Eat only at home and slow the process of aging. Get all the nutrients your body require in one swoop.
Saule Health has been an authority on vitamins and nutrition for over 5 years. Covering topics from diet and weight loss to general health.

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Five Secrets to Losing Weight With Cellular Nutrition

If you haven't yet heard about the role that cellular nutrition can play in weight loss, you are really missing out on something. Simply said, cellular nutrition refers to providing the right nutrition to the trillions of cells present in your body. If the cells of your body are under-nourished, you cannot expect to sustain your ideal weight or improve your well-being.
So, what should do you do? Simple. Take a look at these five secrets to losing weight with cellular nutrition and incorporate these in your daily life.

Vitamins are needed to provide energy and promote growth and repair of the body cells. There are four fat-soluble vitamins and nine water-soluble vitamins that you need to get from the food that you eat. However, the question that you need to ask yourself is "Do I get all the vitamins from my diet?"
Probably not.
Keep in mind that while the four fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body for a long period of time, the water-soluble vitamins deplete quickly. These water-soluble vitamins include the B-vitamins and Vitamin C. These vitamins play an essential role in the metabolism, growth, and repair of the cells in the body.

With the commonly prevalent fast-food culture and the excessive stress of daily life, these vitamins get depleted quickly. These also do not get absorbed as effectively as they should.

Minerals play an important role in cellular nutrition and weight loss. Your body cannot make 17 of the minerals that are required for healthy cellular functioning.
These include calcium, iron and magnesium. These minerals are necessary for the proper functioning of the normal metabolic process, something that is important for weight loss and well-being.

The cells of your body are constantly being bombarded by free radicals. These free radicals are caused by stress, medications and pollution and can cause major damage to the cells of your body.
Now, there are definitely some steps that you can take to reduce the production of free radicals. However, these are usually not enough.
This means that you will need to get enough antioxidants that help neutralize the effects of these free radicals. Try and get your daily dose of antioxidants by including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Water is essential to ensure that the nutrients are transported easily to the cells of the body. Water also regulates the body temperature. So, if you want to lose weight with cellular nutrition, you need to consume at least eight glasses of water daily.

You may be eating all your fruits and vegetables to make sure that you are getting enough of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, in most cases, it has been found that we don't get enough nutrients to sustain an ideal weight and maintain health and vitality. This is why experts suggest a daily nutritional supplement for a good weight management program.
Of course, you need proper guidance in using the right supplements for losing weight. But keep in mind that without proper cellular nutrition, you may find it difficult to lose weight and keep it off. You may also end up feeling exhausted and falling sick while on a weight loss program.

Of course, you need proper guidance in using the right supplements for losing weight. But keep in mind that without proper cellular nutrition, you may find it difficult to lose weight and keep it off. You may also end up feeling exhausted and falling sick while on a weight loss program.
If you want to get expert advice on how to lose weight with cellular nutrition, click here.

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