Losing Weight the Healthy Natural Way! Farm Fresh, Local, Organic

Well to begin with we must look at ourselves from outside of our normal perspective. Look at yourself from the point of view of someone you passed on the street this morning before you got the paper, or a cup of coffee. What I'm getting at is that we have preconceived notions and thoughts about our physical appearance and our inherent health or state of being.
What I want you to do is wipe the vision of yourself clean from your mind. We are starting with a blank chalk board. Now let's pick up the chalk and get our goals and desires out in the open. Let's be rational and realistic. I'm sure a lot of people would like to be built like Beckham or have the body of Rihanna. Although these are great physiques to aspire to, they are not realistic.
Don't forget that we are all the same species to begin with and healthy living can be an easy choice, not the privilege that some of us make it out to be.
So let's start not by looking in a mirror, but take a virtual step back and look at yourself with fresh eyes.
What it comes down to is a little discipline, mixed with good eating and moderate exercise. Good eating does not have to be torture! Quite the contrary! Don't be scared of FOOD! All the brainwashing and marketing schemes that make us think we need to drink zero-calorie coke and fat-free milk are ridiculous. At the base of this product placement is an angle the ad campaign is trying to wedge you into believing/buying.
I've grown up, with the help of a very health conscious mentor, being shown and drawn the fact of the matter info about foods we consume and ingest. The more processing and chemicals that go into our bodies the more of a problem our body is going to have trying to digest and "deal with" these wastes. Just think about things being close to a natural state, like if you picked a potato from a garden that you grew. You know all that went into that potato. From the spring water you watered it with, to the organic fertilizer you used to give it a jump start. Or if you picked an egg up from a chicken coop next to that potato bed. Those chickens walked around that garden, drank from that spring and shared the same nutrients as the garden and also naturally contributed its eggs and in some cases itself.
Yes this is a somewhat unrealistic ideal, but we have OPTIONS!
I follow a strong belief that farm raised vegetables, fruits, animals (not fish), as local as possible, is the best solution to a healthy and satisfying balanced diet. Finding a local farmer's market is a lot easier and affordable than some may think. Most cities have a well organized market or have one in the works. This also feeds local economies, local farmers, but also cuts down on carbon footprints that quickly accumulate while shipping fruits, vegetables, etc.. around the world by plane and train.
Free-range meats: chicken, beef, pork, etc... whilst considering them to be hormone free are a clear choice to healthy eaters. When you do a little research and find that in "Cow Mills" or Factories they manage to feed Cows fish, they are herbivores btw, by injecting them with hormones that make it possible for them to digest the fish. Whether for meat or dairy production, these hormones are stored in these cows. When you go to McDonald's and order a big mac you are more than likely partaking in a couple doses of those same hormones that helped Bessy choke down that carp. Of course the reason for this is that corn meal and hay adds up to be more costly than the carps. Please verify any of this independently.
So to sum up this portion of my health guide, please buy foods you know to be: organic, grown as locally as possible*, don't contain High Fructose Corn Syrup (It is BAD), chemical colorings/additives (Yellow #5), MSG (Mono Sodium Glutamate) or any extra flavor enhancers/preservatives.
Just a quick example of a real life problem in the world caused by over processed and preserved foods. In Europe specifically, cemeteries are having to artificially "turn over" burial plots. What I mean is that bodies in these plots are not decomposing at previously natural rates. The bodies are decomposing slower, presumably due to the higher levels of preservative rich foods in their diets. This means that the cemeteries have to dispose of peoples' bodies artificially where in the past the process was done 100% through natural decomposition.
That is just a small example of how preservatives are clearly having an effect on our bodies and subsequently our health.
In the next addition to this guide I will start scratching at a good way to balance your diet and choose the right things to eat. Things that you LIKE! After that installment we will shift into some good exercise practices.
Jonathan has been writing articles online for many years now. Not only does this author specialize in diet, fitness and weight loss, you can also check out his latest website guide on choosing the right resume templates [http://resumetemplatesguide.com]. Make sure you check out the What is a resume template article [http://resumetemplatesguide.com/what-is-a-resume-template/] if you are not familiar. He has been a technical IT writer since the late 90's.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5301186

Exercises to Lose Lower Belly Fat

Lower belly fat exercises are divided into 2 kinds: those that actually burn body fat and lower belly fat as well, and toning exercises. You need to realize that the body burns fat as a single unit. You can't burn fat from a specific body part by doing targeted exercises. However, you can tone a body part.
This article will include articles of both kinds so you'll be able to get flat lower abs.
Toning Exercises for the lower belly
1. Reverse crunches - You begin the reverse crunch by lying flat on your back with bended knees and feet slightly above the floor. Make sure that you're steady.
The movement is to contract the stomach muscles and to bring the knees back towards your chest. This works the lower abs primarily.
2. Hanging leg raises - This is a difficult exercise to perform and one which isn't for beginners.
You grab a bar over your head with straight arms and slowly raise your thighs and bend your knees until your knees are at a 90 degrees angle with your torso.
Slowly raise your knees toward your chest. You don't need to move a lot. Try to do this while keeping your back straight.
Return to the starting position while keeping your knees bent. You won't be able to do a lot of these but these will really rip your lower belly muscles.
3. Double Leg Lifts - A slightly easier lower stomach exercise which can be done at home. You lie on the floor with straight legs in front of you. Using your abs, you slowly lift your straight legs until they are completely vertical. You hold position for a few seconds and then lower them back down.
Don't let your legs touch the ground between reps. This will make the exercise more intensive.
Lower abs fat burning workouts
Remember that you don't need to work the abs directly to burn abs fat. You need to burn fat overall. To do that, you can do the following cardio workouts:
  • Running - Sprinting in particular is a great ab workout
  • Rowing
  • Martial art classes and kickboxing sessions
  • Spinning and aerobic classes
  • Rock climbing - This is a total body strength workout and a cardio one as well
You can also do total body strength exercises which will really work your body hard:
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Push-ups
  • Chin-ups
  • Pull-ups
  • Back rows
I won't go into detail on how to perform each of these exercises as these are just a sample. The key is to focus on exercises which work more than a single muscle group as they tend to be more intensive.
Doing these cardio and total body strength exercises will help to lose your lower belly fat. When this happens, the toning exercises you've done will really make your abs look firm and sexy.
For more exercises go here, visit this webpage:
Killer Lower Belly Exercises.
For tricks on how to get flat abs, click here: Burn Belly Fat Fast
John Davenport lost over 30 pounds in his twenties after being overweight most of his life. He now runs a weight loss forum and publishes a diet and fitness newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2194593

Eating Fresh Fruits And Vegetables Can Help You Lose Weight

Weight loss seems to be all the rage. Almost every magazine cover claims to promise some new secret you've never heard of before that can help you to lose weight. Supposed miracle diets are a dime a dozen, and it's easy to get lost in the weight loss craze. Crash dieting can be awfully tempting, and some diets may just work, too, at least for a few weeks.
Unfortunately, crash diets always ultimately fail, either because they are harmful to your health or because they require more will power than most people actually have. Usually, they require people to eat a small amount of calories and to restrict or eliminate certain foods from their diet. Other crash diets require taking dangerous weight loss pills or supplements.
A better alternative to crash dieting is the old tried-and-true method of simply eating a healthy diet. Nutrition experts might occasionally change their minds about how much we need of various nutrients, but they universally agree on the virtues of eating a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables.
Don't underestimate the value of fresh fruits and vegetables. They are tremendously good for your body, and they provide many of the nutrients that you need in order to stay alive. Eating them gives you energy, makes you feel good, and can also help you to lose weight. There's no real disadvantage.
Fruits and vegetables are a valuable source of fiber, which you need to keep your digestive tract functioning properly. A certain type of fiber also makes it possible for your body to absorb vitamins. Fiber helps keep your entire body functioning normally.
Fruits and vegetables also offer you an impressive number of vitamins and antioxidants. Vitamins are the basic essentials that your body needs on a daily basis. They do things like help your body fight off infections, assist with blood flow and bone growth. Some fruits and vegetables also contain minerals, such as calcium, which are also extremely valuable.
But how do these things help with weight loss? The answer to that question is a little bit complicated. We don't fully understand all of the connections. We do know that a body that has all of the nutrients that it needs is much healthier and able to respond better to exercise. If you do not get enough nutrients, your body may hold onto its extra weight because you may seem to be a starvation state. If your body seems to be starving, it may try to maintain its fat stores, no matter how badly you are trying to get rid of them.
Also, fruits and vegetables can fill up your stomach without filling you up with calories. With a few exceptions, most fruits and vegetables contain almost no calories. The exceptions are the starchy vegetables, such as corn, potatoes and winter squash, and the fatty avocado.
Although weight loss can be a difficult and involved process, you can make it a little easier for yourself by relying heavily on fruits and vegetables. When you do this and maintain an exercise program, you will likely begin losing weight.
Richard Bonn is the SEO Strategist behind Awesome Medical. Awesome Medical is the World's Largest Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery Network with directories for nonsurgical procedures like Botox to advanced procedures like Body Lift. For more information visit Plastic Surgery Marketing Guide.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6351973

A Bodyweight Exercise For Explosive Power and Hard-Core Fitness

When you think about bodyweight exercises you probably think pushups, situps,
bodyweight squats, pullups, dips, etc. There are so many bodyweight exercises
that you probably never heard of, Thrusting Pushups, Grasshoppers, Frog Pushup
There is one exercise that is a sick and result producing, yet most won't do it, it's
painful, it makes your lungs burn, makes your legs scream, the intensity is incredible,
the exercise is the Burpee.
A few seconds into this exercise will show you the benefits, this is not a exercise for
the weak, it's for the hard trainer, the person that won't give up, and your fitness level
will soar beyond what you have ever thought.
The Burpee should be used as part as a fitness program for the person that wants a
high level of fitness, they are very demanding you will either love them or hate them
and most hate them, they hurt, they make you breath hard, your lungs hurt and
your legs will burn.
You can get a great workout in as little as 2 to 3 minutes, and this is great for a busy
lifestyle. If you can workout for only 2 to 3 minutes and get great benefits wouldn't it be
worth it.
If you believe what you read, you can't get a workout in 2 or 3 minutes. This is where
the fitness experts and doctors maybe wrong. You don't need 30 minutes of exercise
to get into great shape, you don't even need half of that.
The Burpee is a great way to push yourself to the next level. The Burpee is a total
body workout, you will burn more fat, build better endurance, and a greater level of
physical fitness.
You can do the Burpee anywhere, indoors, outdoors, in a bedroom, a hotel room where-
ever you are, the Burpee will get the job done.
To do the Burpee:
1. Start in a standing position 2. squat down and put your hands on the floor.
3. kick both legs back at the same time ( you are now in a pushup position ).
4. bring both legs back under you, towards your hands, and jump up in the air.
This is 1 fast movement and should be repeated for as many as possible.
For a quick workout try this:
Do 10 Burpees, rest 10 seconds, Do 9 Burpees, rest 9 seconds, Do 8 Burpees
rest 8 seconds, continue until you get to 1 Burpee, when you get to 1 Burpee
work back up to 10 Burpees.
John Grube is an expert on the subject of bodyweight training. He has over 25 years of training experience and is the author of The Wildman Training Program manual , The New Expanded version The Wildman Training Course and The Super Strength Playground Training Manual.For more info http://www.wildmantraining.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/438938

5 Fresh Tips for Fast Weight Loss

Losing weight quickly can be both tough but definitely possible all the same. Instead of panicking because of the excess weight that you have put on, take control of the situation by handling it in a logical manner. There are numerous helpful tips that will assist you in losing weight fast and that is what this article is going to cover so read on.
There are literally limitless options available at your disposal when it comes to the available weight loss solutions on the market. The fast weight loss approach that you take must place safety and effectiveness issues first above all else. It's easy to go and jump on a bandwagon and try the newest weight loss silver bullet when dietary products are all marketed well. Ensure that you research any supplements or programs thoroughly in order to acquire insight which will enable you to not only lose the weight that you want but also live a healthier lifestyle.
Here are some great tips that you can implement in order to lose weight quickly and effectively.
Heed All Warnings - It's extremely important to maintain the discipline to stick to the plan and not try any drastic methods and lose weight too fast. When you are losing weight, the desire for faster results may tempt you to surpass the limits and try something stupid. Health experts advise that you shouldn't lose more than 2 pounds weekly. You can experience serious health problems if you ignore this warning.
Try Fasting - This is one of the fastest techniques for quick weight loss, but it does not mean that you do not eat anything and starve yourself. When fasting, make sure and drink plenty of water and eat fresh vegetables throughout the day. Although it is recommended that you lose 2 lbs per week, you can actually lose up to 5 pounds in 1 week when you fast consistently.
Supplement with Diet Pills - The market is currently flooded with numerous types of diet pills that can help you lose weight quicker than you normally would. Most of the supplements will mainly suppress hunger, boost metabolism rate and increase your energy levels. Some side effects that you may experience with the pills include: Insomnia, restlessness, anxiety, and headaches. Just be sure to do your research and choose a product that has a long list of positive reviews and is made by a reputable company.
Eat a Healthy Diet - Avoid eating all types of fatty and unhealthy high sugar foods. Instead, replace them with organic, fresh fruits and vegetables. It's also vital to drink plenty of water when you are dieting as this will help to cleanse your body's system through detoxification. In addition, it's best to eat less (but more frequently), eliminate snacks and foods that have high sugar content.
Exercise Regularly - Working out is one of the most effective ways of losing weight fast. Running, swimming and jogging are the best since they enhance your entire cardiovascular system. Purchase numerous work-out videos and enroll for classes in order to get the best out of this tip.
In order to succeed in weight loss, you must ensure that you are 100% focused on the task. Avoid all distractions and old habits. Every time that you lose weight, reward yourself by downloading your favorite music, going for a movie or just socializing and meeting new people.
Also be sure to take a full picture of yourself and place it somewhere you'll be seeing it frequently so that you can visualize your goals. This makes the execution part of it less tricky. In conclusion, it's possible for anyone to achieve fast weight loss provided they implement these tips in their endeavors. Have a long-term plan in place to help you maintain the new found lifestyle.
Do you want to know one of the best kept secrets for fast weight loss? Get the inside scoop on the best diet pills when you stop by http://topdietpillsthatwork.com/phentramin-d-reviews/ today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7544981