How to Make Your Hair Grow Faster and Longer - 5 Effective Tips In Growing Out Hair

How to make your hair grow faster and longer? This may seem like a very complex question. But for people who take pride in how their hair looks, that question might as well double as a million dollar question. The fact is that a lot of people are struggling with making their hair grow faster. In fact, some of them are losing their hair faster than you can read this sentence. If you want to grow hair fast and to wear it long as well, then you'll need to check this article, a collection of some of the most effective tips in growing out hair.
  • Getting sufficient protein- Hair is made out of a protein called keratin. Conceivably, if you are getting enough protein into your system, your body has all of the needed building blocks to create hair, and consequently make them grow faster. Eat enough protein, and you should have enough keratin to build some really long locks quickly.

  • Taking specific vitamins- Vitamins are known to play a large role in making a lot of bodily functions work properly. But did you know that it also plays a vital role in making hair grow faster and longer? This is because some of these vitamins, particularly biotin, are also involved in the process of growing hair. Have a sufficient supply of vitamins, and you can grow your hair surprisingly fast.

  • Using hot oil- For some people, taking hot oil treatments is nothing more than mere vanity. But reality is, there are true, tangible benefits of using hot oil. If you want to know how to make your hair grow faster and longer, then you must also try hot oil treatments. Usually made from natural ingredients, this ingredient can strengthen your hair markedly and make it shinier.

  • Avoid blow drying- Sure, it is still advised that you properly dry your hair after baths and washing, but blow drying can be potentially damaging to your hair. The heat from a blow dryer can destroy the fibers of your hair, making it brittle and causing them to break and fall off. Air drying is a much better option.

  • Avoid using too many hair additives- Ingredients such as hair gels and hair sprays can help you arrange your hair. But using them too much can make the hair brittle in the long run, causing them to break. If you'll have to use them, limit them to specific occasions only.
Finally, Are You Tired of lifeless, damaged, frizzy, dull hair that won't cooperate with you? Is Having Perfect, Beautiful, Healthy, Thicker, More Manageable, And Longer Hair Worth To You?
Get a newly Innovative hair growing and beautifying method, that make hair grow faster 2-3 inches a month rather than the usual.5 inches! As well as: it will also stimulates the growth of strong, thick, silky hair that will enable you to noticed wherever you go!

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Mental Health 101 - How Stress Can Damage Your Brain More Than You Know

Stress is a feeling of imbalance due to events that have a negative effect on a person. It is however, a normal way that the body responds to such events. This happens because the body prepares its defense system to counter the feared danger; this is a process to ensure mental, physical and mental health.
It is important to note that the body doesn't differentiate between physical and psychological stress. When a person is under stress due to a traffic jam, or a lot of bills, a busy program or when arguing with a colleague, the body reacts in the same way it will react to a life or death situation.
Since stress can be said to be an alert mechanism to the body's defense system, it helps the body in different ways. First, it helps one to stay on the line of duty, alert and with energy. In addition, in emergency circumstances, it can save life by giving an individual additional power for defense and many other helpful ways.
However, when stress goes beyond a given limit, it turns to becoming a damaging factor on issues of life such as health, relationships and productivity. In this condition, a person is said to suffer from mental illness. Sometimes, this leads to a nervous breakdown. At this stage, forces in the mind push and pull against each other, thereby, thoughts and emotions are swayed. Hence, the person feels not in control his or her life.
When the person is a state of instability, they depend on their emotions to create sadness, which develops into negative thoughts. At this instance, the person should be able to come up with a solution, but if the solution is not found, and the negative emotions become overwhelming, then mental illness is said to occur.
Prolonged season under this kind of mental state coupled with a faulty area in the mind leads to additional thoughts. If the problem is unknown to the victim, it creates a raised level of stress and copping mechanism goes down. What happens is that stress changes the equilibrium in the brain and this applies pressure to the mind. Consequently, if the instability is not corrected, the mind faces chemical imbalances leading to tumors and diseases, thereafter.
A psychological response to a prolonged experience of high level stress that reoccurs is known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A person experiences anxiety, nightmares, sweats at night and avoid social gatherings. In addition, the victim will suffer from daily abnormal stress and they will be trying to avoid it at the same time.
Post traumatic Stress Disorder now becomes a very serious mental health problem since the victim has suffered extreme trauma, therefore, making it easy to be attacked by diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attacks and other medical complications.
Chronic stress interferes with every system as early, be it digestion, respiratory, reproduction and speeds aging. In addition the stress can re-write the victims brain and enhance vulnerability to more anxiety, panic and depression.
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Using Food the Right Way: Making It Healthy All The Way

The quality of food you take in your house all depends on how well you prepare it. Considering you are the chef in your house, it is good to make sure you do not feed yourself or your family to destruction. Below are three tips to guide you in making health a routine in your home:
  1. Minimize on fats, sugar and salt

    This does not mean your food should not have flavor at all. In case you are baking, use half the amount of butter you would have used. Applesauce (unsweetened) or mashed potatoes can replace the other half. Fat replacers that are prepared commercially could come in handy as well. To boost or upgrade sweetness, sugar is not necessary. Spices like cinnamon, vanilla extracts and other flavoring spices can replace the sugar. Foods like salads or main dishes can have the salt reduced or removed completely. Baked stuff that does not need the yeast can have the salt reduced. Reducing salt in foods that need yeast is not necessary to allow for leavening.

  2. Substituting healthily 

    These substitutions help in boosting the amount of nutrients and lower the fats, salt, and calories in your recipes. In case you want to prepare pasta, consider whole-wheat and not enriched. This will help in that the calories will go down and fibers up. When preparing desserts, consider using milk that does not have fats, which lower the calories and fats at a great degree. Intake of meat, poultry products and fish should be reduced and substitute with veggies in casseroles. Moreover, you will have added more of fiber and other nutritional values.

  3. Reduce ingredients used

    Cutting back on ingredients when it comes to some recipes can bring out a healthy meal. Ingredients that act as toppings for appearance purpose should be eliminated. Examples of these include cream and coconut toppings. Condiments contain a lot of salt, fats, and calories. They should therefore be eliminated from the recipe. Examples of these include butter, soy sauce, and syrup. If you are required to use a certain amount of cheese in a given recipe, make sure you use have the amount indicated.
Finally, recipes are at our display but how well you juggle with the ingredients depends entirely on how healthy you want your meal to turn out to be. When you hear that a small leak can sink a great ship, do not think of the titanic but rather of the minute calories, fats and salt that could destroy the big you!
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Alcohol - The 5 Most Common Fitness and Fat Loss Questions Answered

One area of the alcohol debate I come across a lot is when people start a new fitness program, they always seem to ask how alcohol will affect their progress. To help you understand the affects alcohol has on your progress I've compiled a list of the most common questions I get asked about alcohol.
1. Are there calories in alcohol?
Yes, alcohol is labelled as having 7.1 calories per gram, although if you take into account thermogenesis and the thermic effect of food it comes down to about 5.7 calories.
2. What happens to me when I drink alcohol?
You get drunk, start sending drunken texts and everyone becomes your best friend. Oh wait, that's just me. When you drink alcohol (ethanol) your body and specifically your liver goes into high alert mode because one of the metabolic by products of alcohol is a toxin called acetate. Our liver starts working overtime to remove this toxin and metabolizing it takes precedence over everything else. This means any fat burning your body might have been doing or growth and repair it might have been doing comes to a standstill until the acetate is removed. This leads to the next question...
3. Will I get fat if I drink alcohol?
The easy answer here is yes and no. Let me start with the no part. At the end of the day to put on weight you have to be in a calorie surplus and to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. Bearing that fact in mind, when you drink alcohol, if you were to stay below or at your maintenance level of recommended calories then no you wouldn't gain weight. Therein lies the problem however... You see it's what alcohol actually does to us that cause the problems. Alcohol been alcohol gets you drunk, when you're drunk your inhibitions are lowered way down - I mean "oh my god I can't believe I [insert your own embarrassing story here] last night" down. These lowered inhibitions lead to all kinds of crazy stories but most importantly for you and your health they lead to you overeating i.e. cue the snack-boxes, chilli fries and all the other junk food that more often than not follows a night out. It's the alcohol and the excess calories from this junk food and late night gorging that lead you to eat over maintenance and thus get fat.
The second problem here is that as calories go - alcohol calories are empty - they have no nutritional value what so ever and they have a very short term effect on satiety (how full you feel). And because the majority of alcohol is consumed in liquid form it's very easy to over consume calories by drinking alone.
4. What if I don't eat and just drink instead?
Seriously are you that stupid? Re-read the previous two questions and pay specific attention to the fact that alcohol is a toxin, contains no nutritional value and leads to overeating by reduced inhibitions and not to mention that going down this route is just plain idiotic, especially when you get the 'weight-watchers' saving all their points for the weekend and wonder why they aren't getting any healthier. Apologies, rant over.
5. Is there a way I can minimise the negative effects of alcohol?
Actually there is. Now I can't take credit for this formula. It was devised by the excellent nutritional consultant Martin Berkhan. This works on a moderate basis only once every week or every 2 weeks and is NOT free reign to get bananas every night. On the day you will be drinking limit your intake of dietary fat to 0.3g per Kg of bodyweight. Limit carb intake to 1.5g per Kg of bodyweight. Get your carbs from veggies and any accessory carbs that are in protein sources. Eat as much lean protein as you want. Limit your alcohol choices to dry wines, spirits with calorie free mixers and avoid beers, sugary drinks and high calorie cocktails. This formula focuses on elements that are least like to cause fat storage when drinking. Remember though alcohol is a toxin at the end of the day, it causes a host of other problems and should only ever be consumed in moderation, if at all. A friend mentioned to me recently that if alcohol had only been discovered today it would most definitely be banned. Remember that very true observation.
Thanks for reading. Being alcohol aware is just the first step.. For a complete plan visit my website where I'll give you my Free 90 Recipe Cookbook system.
Thanks again,
John "Social Life Friendly" Mulry

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Diet and Exercise Tips for the Extremely Busy Person

I used to preach to people about no matter how busy you are, there is always time for exercise. While many people may still agree with that statement, I have to somewhat disagree. It was easy for me to say "no excuses" when it came to fitness - that is until I ended up working two jobs (one full-time, one part-time) as well as freelance work. When my time isn't taken up with work, I have to split my free time between family and friends. It seems that 24 hours a day is never enough!
However, I started putting on weight that I had dropped earlier in the year and I stopped exercising completely. My energy level had decreased and I feel like a big slouch. I finally put my foot down and made a plan to eat healthier and get fitness in any way I can. Below are some of the steps I am taking to reclaim a healthy lifestyle.
1. Eat 3 Meals and Still Lose Weight
I sit all day at work, yet I find myself starving at breakfast and lunch. Starvation isn't good when you're not prepared. I took the easy way out and grabbed meals at fast-food places nearby work. Believe me, after a few weeks, I was noticing the effects of constantly eating out. Now I prepare my breakfast and lunch in the evenings. I stick to protein and vegetables, cutting out the bad carbs. I pack my meals in food containers and warm them up at work. By cutting out the bad carbs (white flour, sugar, any processed food) I worry less about fat and calories.
2. Fitting in Exercise
When you're on a tight schedule, making it to the gym is near impossible. It's one of the last things you want to do after a long day. Getting up extra early to go takes a lot of motivation. I've decided to work out at home for 30 - 45 minutes on the evenings that I do not work. I perform interval training because the exercises are effective and combine resistance training with cardio.
On the evenings that I have free but still need to work from home, I set the timer on my phone for every 5 or 10 minutes. When the alarm goes off, I perform a set of exercises such as push-ups, squats, or walking lunges. I get in a workout while I am getting my work done.
As you can see, when you hear there are no excuses when it comes to health and fitness, it is true. It may seem difficult but it can be done. Make the commitment and you'll be amazed at the results you can achieve.
If you need a boost with your weight loss goals, consider supplementing with a full body cleanse. Detoxing your body with herbal supplements can help you release between 10 - 50 pounds of excess weight. Visit for more details.

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Lose Weight The Vegetarian Way in 2 Weeks

Let me show how you can lose weight the vegetarian way in 2 weeks or less. What you'll discover are practical, proven tactics that'll help you shed pounds on a natural pace healthily and safely without side effects.
1. Natural Helps Fat Loss
No doubt pre-packaged (processed) vegetarian meals make filling your stomach easy, their high-sugar, high-sodium and high-fat content can easily sabotage your fat loss plan. Cut back on those and include more raw vegetarian food in your 14-day meal plan. Not only you save time in cooking, but you'll lose weight the vegetarian way more easily.
2. More Meals Burn More Fat
You get optimal metabolism when you break up your 3 regular meals into 5 smaller meals. The logic behind eating smaller meals at 2 - 3 hours interval is that your metabolic rate will stay active over longer duration. You won't get too full on each meal, but yet you won't feel hungry so easily. When you starve, your metabolism will slow down, and you'll burn less fat. Hence, consume more meals to burn more fat.
3. Prepare Your Own Diet
Where possible, make your own meals so you know exactly what you're feeding your body with. To save time on making vegetarian meals at home, I suggest that you buy some recipes that show you how to easily whip up nutrient dense dishes in less than 20 minutes per meal (on average) so you won't feel daunted at the thought of creating your own fat loss vegetarian diet.
4. Change Your Recipes
Keep changing your recipes every 2 - 3 days. Sticking to the same old meals for 2 weeks will deprive your body of certain vitamins, minerals and various other nutrients it needs for optimal metabolism. When you rotate your meals with a broader spectrum of ingredients and nutrients, you won't likely experience weight loss plateau, which some vegetarians face.
5. Drink Water to Stimulate Metabolism
Soup, fruit juice or green tea already contribute some amount of water in your body, so you may not need to drink too much water. When weather turns cool, you may need only 5 glasses of water per day.
Observe your urine color. If it turns pale yellowish or clear, it means your body is properly hydrated for effective fat loss. When it goes yellow, you need to drink more water. But don't drink 2 glasses at one go even if the weather is extremely hot. Spread out your water consumption over time for better fluid absorption and boosting metabolism.
I've just shared with you on how to lose weight the vegetarian style by changing the way you eat. However, you should not ignore the facts that getting enough quality sleep, doing regular exercises and keeping yourself stress-free will make fat loss more effective. You should see apparent results in 14 days.
Laura Ng recommends coconut oil for weight loss because this healthy fat can boost your metabolism and burn fat for up to 24 hours a day. She suggests that you include coconut oil in your vegetarian eating plan to lose weight faster and expedite your fat loss success. Having this super food in your diet, you'll soon increase your energy levels and get in shape without getting loose skin and weight rebound. Visit for more vegetarian weight loss tips now.

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