Mental Health - Tips For A Better Life Style

Mental health is a state of emotional well being or an absence of any mental disorder. It is also the ability of a person to cope with normal stresses of life and make a contribution to the society. Recent studies also state that a mere absence of any mental disease doesn't describe a sound mental health. It is only the health of the person's mind. Hence, a person suffering from any one of these, social, physical or cultural impacts on oneself cannot be in a fit emotional state. Psychology is the study of mental health. The professional psychologists study the behaviour the human mind to establish the nature of the disease a person is suffering from.
Different people have disparate mental wellness. Researchers refer to the mental health as an attribute that enhances emotional well being and the ability to live a full and aesthetic life, combating changes and challenges effectively.
To maintain a sound mental health, one must follow many good, simple practices. Physical health is one important factor determining the quality of the mind. A robust healthy body will help in maintaining a sound mental state. Other little factors determining mental well being are good eating habits, enough sleeping hours, stress-free working and innovative recreation.
Simple meals through the day go a long way in ensuring that both the mind and the body stay fit. Skin must be kept clean by regular baths and a sound sleep must be enjoyed every single day, in an airy, comfortable room. Physical exercise is a fine way to maintain the balance of thoughts and actions. Exercising the muscles every day and making some time alone to even exercise the mind using meditation or relaxing to soothing music.
These practices help in controlling conflicting emotions like worry, anger and fear. Alcohol and drugs must be avoided at all cost to have a good emotional balance. Laughter is a significant part of one's life. A good humour brings alive a happy mood that keeps mental trouble at bay. On the contrary, criticism can be taking its toll on a person's mind. Courtesy and friendship show the good nature of a person and keep him stress free.
Moreover, one must find happiness in what one is supposed to do, as this keeps one in a fine feather. Satisfaction and pleasure in one's duties adds to the positive healthfulness of the psyche. Apart from the duties, a person should maintain an active social life that can help him de-stress from the hectic schedule of work. Helping others, finding time to meet friends and have a hearty laugh with them and visiting parents and other relatives are sure fire ways to calm oneself.
Confidence building is another way to maintain a clean bill of health. By knowing our strengths and weaknesses, we must learn to accept them. Financial problems are another stress causing factor. We must learn to spend for our needs alone and not for our wants. All these followed every day will keep our mind happy and hale.
1001 Health Tips For A Healthy Life Style

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Five Tips for Going Vegetarian

Increasingly, people have become interested in eating less meat or even going vegetarian. There are many great reasons to start to reduce and even remove meat from your diet entirely. Not only is reducing your meat consumption good for your health, but it's actually good for the planet as well. Producing livestock for the amount of meat that the planet currently consumes is one of the most destructive, non-eco friendly practices in existence today. However, reducing or giving up meat can be challenging. Here are five tips to make it easier!
Start Small
Don't try to give up all meat at once! Phase yourself into it. Start by just practicing Meatless Monday to get used to a day without meat as well as to start to learn to cook without meat. Like anything else, if you try to give up something entirely at first, you'll be challenged to be successful.
Select Easy Vegetarian Recipes
Don't begin by trying to cook the most complicated vegetarian recipes possible. Eating vegetarian can be challenging, so invest in a book of simple vegetarian recipes. There are a number of great cookbooks that featured fully, hot vegetarian meals that can be cooked in thirty minutes or less.
Don't Eat Only Salads
Much like eating meat doesn't mean that you should eat only hamburgers each day, eating vegetarian doesn't mean that you should eat only salad every day. You don't just want to be a vegetarian, you want to be a healthy vegetarian. That means a diversity of diet that extends beyond lettuce and tomatoes.
Research Protein Sources
Without a doubt, the biggest challenge when you give up meat is finding alternative sources of proteins. As we said above, you don't just want to be a vegetarian, you want to be a healthy vegetarian. If you're only giving up meat, consider eggs as a great source of protein. You may also want to consider continuing to eat fish. Alternatively, do the research about the best nuts, soy and other products to supplement your protein.
Find a Message Board and Ask Other Vegetarians
The best advice on going vegetarian can be gained from other vegetarians. Find a good message board or online community and talk to other vegetarians about the best way to go meat free, stay meat free and be healthier (and kinder to the planet).
Even if you don't want to go vegetarian, reducing how much meat you have in your diet will pay off for both your personal health and the health of the planet. Start today by having just one meat-free meal and go from there!
Jocelyn Saurini became a vegetarian because of her desire to go green [] with her life. Now she not only writes about green living tips [], she also writes about how to go vegetarian. She eats meat-free and lives waste-free as much as she can, and she hopes she'll be able to help you do the same.

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Bodybuilding Basics 101 - Tips for Skinny Guys!

Bodybuilding is the art of modifying the body to appear more muscular and fit. Bodybuilders have to go through a lot of successive training and particular body part oriented weight lifting to get the shape of modern bodybuilders.
Bodybuilding is an art. Anyone at any age can start body building but the quickest gains will come from 18-25 when testosterone levels in men are at their peak. Any beginner bodybuilder will be able to gain muscle quicker than professional body builders or weight lifters because beginners' bodies tend to adapt and respond efficiently to a brand-new stimulus, since they are starting further from their genetic ceiling. The muscles will grow as they will be forced to adapt.
Before starting bodybuilding one must first set his goal and target at sight and motivate himself for being consistent and efficient at every session of workout. Also endurance and patience is the key, the reason being: it takes time to see the muscle build up and grow (you'll notice a difference normally within 1-2 months). Negative thoughts about not be able to build up muscle should strictly be prohibited!
For bodybuilding planning and organizing is of utmost importance. It is not as easy as going to the gym and lifting weights and doing reps and sets. You have to make a routine for the days you will work out and what type of exercises will be performed. It is better to work the counter parts in the same day; if you do sets for chest do the same for back.
The addition of weights on the bar will help to ensure that muscle is properly broken down and can begin to repair and build (muscular hypertrophy), but pushing it too hard at novice level will backfire, so be cautious about it, consult with an expert. Don't work too hard at the beginning; just do one rep short of failure. Total exhaustion should be avoided for beginner bodybuilders.
If you don't have many spare hours in the day, make sure bodybuilding workouts are well planned, and target compound muscle sections.
Finally, rest is essential, not just for beginners, but for all bodybuilders. Without allowing enough recovery time for the muscle tissue to repair itself, you will find that repeating the exercise will cause injury and slow muscle growth. It is also extremely important that your body is provided with the correct nutrients during this time, vegetables are essential, so are BCAAs (Amino Acids) such as Glutamine and Taurine.
Looking for quick, long term bodybuilding results? join our free bodybuilding community at today!

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Ways to Increase Weight Loss When Diet and Exercise Aren't Enough

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to get rid of the thirty pounds gained after college or the five gained over the holidays. To combat this, we are introduced to the basic concepts of eating right and exercising. Many say this is exactly what should put us back on track. However, all of our bodies are different, and sometimes this simply isn't enough. There are numerous factors that go into this, ranging from hormones to metabolic rates. We don't always consider this, so when the basic routine doesn't appear to be working, many become discouraged and lose their motivation. Yet, there are several other options to add to diet and exercise that can help increase weight loss.
One option that many do not always consider is a cleanser. Let's say that you've been on track for months, but that last five or ten pounds just refuses to come off, no matter what you do. This is a reality for many. A cleanser can help boost weight loss by getting rid of the extra gunk that is stuck in our bodies. Everyone's intestines have little hairs called cilia that stick out in many different directions. As food travels through the intestines during the digestive process, these little hairs trap many food particles. Over the course of someone's lifetime, he or she can accumulate several pounds of leftover, trapped food. Yuck! Cleansers with natural ingredients help push this food out. The result of this is a decrease in belly mass and the disappearance of a few pounds. This may be exactly what some people need to finish off the dieting process and begin their new, healthy lifestyle.
The second option is drinking more water. It is commonly known that H2O is the most common compound found in the human body. It is at the root of every living being's existence. It has many benefits in our bodies like keeping everything moving smoothly inside of it and keeping everything moisturized outside of it. However, not everyone knows that drinking water naturally speeds up a person's metabolism. After drinking 16 ounces of water, it has been shown that a person's metabolism receives a kick-start and burns 24 extra calories over the next hour. Drinking the recommended amount of water a day is a natural way to help boost weight loss.
Embarking on a weight loss journey is an exciting time. It can be filled with ups and downs. Yet, just because we experience these down times, it does not mean that we should surrender our battle. There are several ways to help increase the number of pounds we lose. Trying a couple different options can be exactly what someone may need to find out what will work best for his or her body. If trial and error is not appealing, consulting a physician on this type of journey is also beneficial. A physician can read a body inside and out. He or she can work with you in helping to determine which option will work best for you.
Need more information about weight loss birmingham? Visit here for more information:

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Tips to Beat Depression - 5 Sure Fire Ways To Do It Naturally

Want tips to beat depression naturally? Depression can make you feel as though you are barely alive. By getting the right medical care and teaching yourself how to cope with your symptoms and what to do to help to alleviate them, you can win. You may not only be better able to deal with your depression, but also to improve your life completely.
Some of the best methods to get help when living with depression are to talk about it in an effort to learn to understand your symptoms and your illness and to get help from others who are dealing with the same situation.
1. Joining support groups - this is one of the best methods of learning more about your illness and in some cases about yourself. A support group is a group of like-minded individuals who are joined together for a common cause. You will find depression support groups both online as well as offline. Joining a group is one of the best things you can do to help yourself when living with depression.
2. Help someone else - Nothing will help to alleviate your symptoms and to lower your sense of depression or helplessness than giving some time or energy to another cause. While you may not be inclined to help another person, doing so will give you a wide range of benefits, not the least of which will be less time to feel your own sadness.
3. Learn to deal with stress - Develop and use better coping mechanisms for dealing with your own stress. Take some classes to learn how to cope with your stress. By dealing with stress in a better way, it will lower the resultant secretions that the body puts out when we are under stress. Long-term release of these cortico-steroids can have a detrimental effect on the body processes, that can impact depression.
4. Exercise - By exercising on a regular basis it can be very helpful. If you have the time, take an exercise class and if you don't, spend a minimum of twenty to thirty minutes a day exercising. The endorphins that are released as you exercise are natural mood elevators. By exercising on a regular basis, you will begin to have more energy, have less stress and be in a much better mood. In fact, exercise is addicting after you develop the habit. What a great addiction to have!
5. Think positive - Did you know that some studies say that perpetual negative thinking can actually be a cause of depression? Give yourself a chance to feel better and to relax more. Be forgiving with yourself and let go of the negative thoughts and emotions that are controlling your actions and your moods.
In making these simple changes in your life and taking action on these tips to beat depression, you will be well on your way to recovery. Using these techniques, along with other treatment methods such as therapy and possibly medications (consult a professional), you will begin to feel so much better in a very short period of time.
Dana Zarcone is a National Certified Counselor. She created to assist those suffering with depression. Get more information about natural remedies for depression by going to her site.

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Effective Fitness Training Programme for Different Body Types and Needs

Regular exercise and proper diet are the two essential things people needed to do and have in order to obtain good health and maintain a healthy, balanced life. Because of this, people are encouraged to do and follow professionally designed exercises and fitness trainings to improve body structures and maintain overall body health such as a fitness training programme.
A fitness training programme is very beneficial and ideal when aiming to improve body health and structure because a fitness training programme is a professional design of a fitness experts and doctors, and specifically aims to reach a certain fitness goal set by the person. An effective program improves muscle strength, flexibility and tones the muscles. It also helps in improving cardiovascular circulation of the body to prevent heart attacks and strokes. It also helps in preventing diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and other heart-related and bone-related diseases.
There are various types and kinds of programs available nowadays. They vary according to the goals, age groups and body types of the persons that will do the training exercises. There are different fitness training programme for every individual since everyone has different body structures and fitness needs.
Some of the popular types are aerobics and cardiovascular trainings; weight reduction trainings; muscle building and toning; strengthening trainings; flexibility and agility trainings.
  • Aerobics and cardiovascular trainings can improve the heart condition and blood circulation system. It is also a good fitness training programme for beginners since it prepares the body for heavier or more advanced types of trainings later on.
  • Weight reduction is one of the popular fitness training programmes since most people want to exercise in order to reduce weight.
  • Muscle building and toning fitness training programme is ideal for people who want to improve the overall muscle body structure. This kind of training can provide leaner and stronger muscles to gain well-trimmed muscles and better body figure.
  • Strengthening training programs are ideal for people who want to improve body strength as well as strengthening the bones for support.
  • Flexibility and agility trainings are also one of the popular types of program since it expands the muscle range capacity for movement and eases the joints therefore reducing the risk of injuries.
In order to have the perfect program, one should consult a doctor or a fitness trainer to make sure that the type of fitness training programme is appropriate for the specific person's type of body. It can also be customized or specifically modified to fit the individuals' body type and needs.
It should also be basic, simple and known effective because some may claim and introduce new and revolutionized types of training to achieve your goal faster and easier but will only prove not effective. And most of all, an effective regimen includes a balance diet and nutrition program to support and ensure greater effectiveness of it.
Get yourself a FREE Report on Mass Muscle Guide and learn more about fitness training programme [] tips, trainings and professional advises.
Please visit Get Muscle Building [] site for more information.

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Vegetarian Cooking Tips - Iron Rich Foods For Vegetarians

Vegetarians may find it a bit more difficult to get the iron they need, but some may not understand the reason why. There are two forms of iron: heme, which comes from animal sources, and non-heme, which comes from plant sources. Non-heme iron is more difficult for the body to absorb than heme iron in general. However, if you eat a food containing vitamin C in the same meal with your plant-sourced iron, it helps your body to absorb that non-heme iron more effectively.
This simple trick can alleviate any worries about developing anemia. Iron helps your blood cells carry oxygen around your body, it helps your immune system fight effectively, and it is necessary to get the energy from the food you eat. If you are low in iron, you may feel tired, due to your body not getting enough oxygen. Over consumption of iron can also be toxic, so finding a good balance is important. Too much iron can make you susceptible to bacterial infections. It is very difficult to get iron toxicity from foods alone; it usually results from too many iron supplements.
Adult women need 33 mg of iron per day. Adult men and menopausal women need 14 mg per day. Women in the childbearing years need more iron to compensate for the iron lost through monthly menstruation. Now... what foods are going to give you what you need?
Grain Sources
Bran is a great source of iron. Eat it as cereal, bake it into bread or muffins. Oatmeal is also a good source, but do not rely on instant varieties. Cook the old-fashioned oatmeal, or better yet, get the steel cut oats. They take a little longer to cook, but they have a great flavor and are full of iron and other nutrients. Oatmeal can also be added to muffins, cakes, cookies and other recipes.
Beans are full of iron as well as protein. Add navy beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, and tofu to your diet to up your iron percentages. Beans can be made into veggie burgers or cooked in stews and soups. Tofu can be a little challenging at first, but there are many recipes to try for this interesting ingredient.
Fruits and Vegetables
The more veggies you eat throughout the day, the more iron you get. Swiss chard, pumpkin, watermelon, raisins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, bok choy and dates all have pretty good levels of iron in them. Leafy greens like leaf lettuces, spinach and beet greens are a good source of iron. If you do not want salads all the time, try adding greens to soups, pasta sauces, and smoothies. Just add some fruit to the smoothies to sweeten them up. Add sweet potatoes and squash to stews and soups; you do not have to eat them just one-way. If you like Japanese cuisine, stock up on the edible seaweeds. It is a great excuse to enjoy vegetarian sushi. Parsley and watercress are also good sources of iron.
Mexican recipes are rich in many nutrients we need to stay healthy. Try a wide variety of recipes to truly get a feel for the cuisine. You can enjoy a flavorful Cinco de Mayo food knowing it is good for you, too! When it has to be Real Authentic Mexican Food

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Effects of Alcohol on Mental Health & Secret Tips to Reverse the Damage

Drinking alcohol can intensify emotions, both positive (happiness, joy) and negative (anger, depression).
The are strong links between drinking alcohol and anxiety, depression, and most worryingly suicide.
Mental health is our ability to enjoy life and also deal with challenges that come our way. If we have good mental health then we are able to get on and do the things we want to do in life.
Alcohol & Sleep
Sleep is how your body maintains itself. Getting the right amount, particularly deep sleep, is crucially for mental and physical well being.
When we're a bit stressed out most of us like to have a couple of drinking before bed to send us off to sleep. The thing is, although alcohol does get us to to sleep quickly, it actually reeks havoc on the overall quality of our sleep. Probably one of the biggest effects of alcohol, due to the many knock on effects.
We are much more likely to wake up in the night to go to the toilet but more importantly alcohol disturbs our brains natural brain rhythms and prevents us going into the deep sleep that we need in order to feel refreshed and fully rested in the morning. Most people agree that being tired makes life more difficult to cope with and contributes to overall stress levels.
Alcohol and Stress
Many people turn to alcohol to deal with stresses in their lives. This can often make the problems worse. Hangovers can make it difficult for us to function properly, leading to more stress which can compound over time and lead to serious mental and physical health problems.
3 Ways to Help Prevent Alcohol Damage.
Drink sensibly. Try to stick to 1 unit per hour as this is the rate at which the liver will process alcohol that you consume. A good trick for achieving this is to alternate every alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic drink. Another good idea would be to stick to under 5 units per session.
Eat a full diet. A diet rich in everything your body needs to maintain optimal physical and mental health is essential. Most of us know what a good diet is - the hard bit is sticking to it.
Take a supplement used by astronauts. Ever since the first mission to the moon NASA have been supplementing their astronauts diets with an edible plant known as AFA to help reverse damage done to their brains from the rigors of being subject to G forces. AFA has considerable health benefits, most remarkably the ability to support the bodies natural system of renewal -adult stem cells. AFA can help you to reverse damage done by alcohol.
To learn more about the effects of alcohol [] on your body and how our adult stem cell enhancer [] product can help you, please visit our site to claim your free report: The Algae, Adult Stem Cell and Omega 3 Connection.

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10 Hair Growth Tips You Can Use at Home

When you are trying to grow your tresses you will find many kinds of products on your store shelves. They work well but they can be very expensive especially if you use them on a regular basis. There are ways to get the same hair quality and hair growth by making products at home. They are less expensive and many items you may already have in your home. Here are ten hair growth tips to help you grow a long and healthy mane.
1. First of the 10 hair growth tips is to drink lots of water although it may be obvious, drinking plenty of water and eating lots of raw fruits and vegetables will promote hair growth. These natural foods have the essential vitamins and minerals you need. To grow longer and thicker locks.
2. You can however supplement your diet with vitamin supplements. Good hair vitamins such as Vitamin B, C, and F as well as zinc, iron and copper are all important for growing longer tresses.
3. You should also consume plenty of lean proteins to help grow longer and thicker locks
4. One of the best hair growth tips is a formulation of celery leaves and lemon. Boil 1 cup of celery leaves plus the stems, strain them and add the juice of 1 lemon. This is a great rinse to use after you have washed your hair, instead of buying those expensive conditioners. It leaves your hair silky and luxurious.
5. Using lavender oil on your hair has been shown to boost growth, plus it has a lovely scent. Just massage the oil into your scalp once a week, keep it on for 30 minutes then wash it off using shampoo.
6. Another one of the hair growth tips you can use is to have your hair trimmed at least once a month. Trimming the ends can prevent damage done to the tips and take away split ends.
7. When brushing your hair, use a wooden brush and never brush it when wet. You want to make sure you use a wide tooth comb as it does not tear at your locks.
8. One of the most effective hair growth tips is to use Aloe Vera. Massage Aloe Vera into your scalp especially where you find you have hair loss will give your hair a boost. Leave it on for an hour and then rinse with warm water; this is amazing for growing long tresses.
9. You can rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea to help grow longer tresses. You can also boil rosemary leaves in water and then use this infused water when you wash your hair every day.
10. One of the best hair growth tips is to purchase a natural home made product called Mira hair oil, which has a combination of oils and herbs that make growing longer tresses possible. Apply it at night and massage it gently into your scalp and then wash it off in the morning. You will find your hair will grow much faster.
These are the 10 best hair growth tips you can use to grow a long, healthy mane. Use them consistently and you will have longer and thicker tresses in no time.
Discover The Best Hair Growth Tips You Can Use At Home.Download the FREE book that shows you the ancient secrets to Enhance Hair Growth by clicking the link

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3 Best Diet Journal Tips to Lose Weight Super Fast

When it comes to journaling your diet, putting this into practice by creating a brilliant diet journal will inspire you even further, making losing weight that much easier.
Below are considered probably the top 3 motivational dieting tips to add to your diet journal:
1. Diarize your thoughts and feelings:
This is very important and while it may come across as slight self-absorbing, it's important to be critical of your thoughts as in these emotions lies the answer to resolving any issues you may have, plus it also helps you understand the way you were dieting and the way you can change your diet for the long-term.
Take for example when you're feeling sad or lonely and at what time in the day, do you consume more food when you have these feelings as your diet plan will reveal.
If so you need to address these states of emotion and how they can be turned into a positive.
Consider hanging out and catching up with your friends more, or doing something new.
One great place for meeting new folks who have similar interests in your location is
May be it's astrology or animals that you have a fond interest in. This is just one website that you can use to your advantage and develop new friendships and advance your interests.
If however you feel you may need some professional help, don't be afraid to approach your local medical practitioner for advice.
2. Takedown number of Kg's you've lifted each session:
You should take down the amount in weight you've lifted each session and the amounts of reps you've completed.
This is important because you may find that you are now lifting more weights than you previously were, which means your muscle glycogen levels have increased, but you may find that you haven't in fact lost any weight.
Do not worry - the reasons for this are 2 fold.
a. It means that you've gained more leaner muscle mass - you are toning up!
b. A lean muscle mass means you will stay leaner for much longer, making putting on weight that much harder.
3. Take lots of pictures and print them out:
There's nothing like looking at how you looked a week ago and how you look now.
It may sound like a week won't reflect that much, but only we ourselves can see the little positive changes our body is undergoing.
Make sure you do this from the very start and it will provide endless inspiration.
Additionally, consider using some of the latest weight loss supplements to really help you lose weight faster:
Visit: Best Weightloss Supplements to view the top 7 weightloss pills for 2013

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Tips and Advice on How to Reduce Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common and normal phenomenon which occurs to both men and women especially at an older age.
There are two basic types of hair loss; scarring (hair follicle is damaged and hair cannot regrow) and non-scarring (hair fall is attributed to a variety of factors such as genetics, illness, poor nutrition or medications). The major causes and risk factors to hair fall include aging, improper and poor diet, illnesses, or hormonal changes.
Natural remedies for reducing loss of hair
Hair fall can be unfortunate to your image especially if you are young. Hair fall can be irreversible and prevention of the hair loss is the best cure. Different natural home remedies can be used to curb hair fall. The common remedies for hair fall treatment include;
Coconut milk 
Coconut milk has been known to be the richest source of tissue-nourishing. Coconut milk is extracted by cutting the coconut into small pieces and ground to extract the milk. The coconut milk is used for a soothing massage on the scalp hence reducing hair fall.
Oil massage 
Oil massage is another common method of reducing hair loss. The massage oils used are natural oils made from olive, jojoba, almond or coconut oils. The oils are preheated to lukewarm and the patient should massage the scalp for about 20 minutes, leave it for an hour and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
Natural juices
Several natural juices are capable of reducing hair loss. Some of the natural juices used include onion juice, and aloe Vera juice. They are applied onto the body surface while massaging for about 30 minute and then wash off in warm water. The natural juices can also balance hair shareholders and pH level of the scalp.
Neem leaves
Neem tree is one of the most common plant with tremendous medicinal values. Neem leaves are boiled in water for 30 to 45 minutes. The extracts from the neem leaves are applied on the skin surface and left for some time. Neem leaves help prevent hair fall and also confers other additional health and beauty benefits.
Antioxidants are substances that fight and neutralize free radicals in the body. Antioxidants can be found in many plants. Green tea is the most common antioxidant and not only does it prevent from hair loss, it boosts the immune system hence improving the general body heath. Green tea can be made from boiling green tea bag in clean water. The tea is applied on the affected skin area and left for an hour before washing and shampooing the hair.
Amla treatment 
Amla is a herb that prevents hair loss on the scalp. Dried alma is soaked in coconut oil until it turns to black. The oils extracted contain natural nutritious products and are used to massage the scalp which is an effective way to reduce hair loss.
Change of lifestyle habits that may affect hair loss such as alcoholism or allergies and proper evaluation of your skin is important in order to get the suitable products for hair fall treatment.
If you want to know how to stop you hair loss visit my site to read about how to stop hair fall.

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Overcome Depression Mental Health Problems In The Workplace

The workplace can be a very tiring environment for anyone. The pressures from bosses, coworkers, and long hours can be very toxic to one's mental and physical health. Burnout usually occurs to those who can't keep up with the demands of the workplace for whatever reasons. Though stress is present in our every day lives, excessive amounts of it can cause negative effects. Too much stress in the workplace causes a whole lot of health problems such as anxiety disorders, depression, physical fatigue, and increased tension. It can also dramatically decrease a worker's productivity. Workplace stress can also increase one's risk of serious physical and psychological problems!
Symptoms to watch out for include anxiety, depression, stomach problems, decreased sex drive, fatigue, insomnia, and back pains. If one experiences these symptoms, they should take a breather and contact the management and tell them about the problem they have.
Research shows that approximately one third of today's workers experience high levels of workplace related stress. Absences often stem from stress-related illnesses and this costs employers a lot of money. To improve productivity and employee relationships, some major companies now offer programs to help reduce work stress. They offer counseling, and stress risk assessment for their employees.
Social events such as regular get-togethers, parties, and field trips also help in the treatment of some office tension. These can also be opportunities for having a stress awareness program among employees. Higher salaries and regular promotion also helps a lot in the motivation of employees and in boosting their confidence. Some companies have even taken the direct route by offering less-stress programs for their employees like flexible working hours, and career leaves. Motivation is very important, that's why employers should be sensitive to the mental health needs of their employees. If they want maximum benefit for their company, they should invest in the protection and well-being of their employees' mental health. Studies show that most companies with mental health well-being programs even save a lot of money because of dramatically reduced absences, and improved productivity.
Treatment for stress depression are varied and numerous. There a whole lot of ways for employees to cope with workplace stress. The company should be forced to have a mental health program, but a program is usually not enough. One has to harness positive thinking and be able to take responsibility for one's own health. Better communication with employers and an overall positive outlook on work can dramatically reduce stress at the workplace. If you are experiencing workplace stress and/or are suffering from depression it is very important to access the correct help immediately. The sooner you seek help for your depression related symptoms the sooner you can be on the road to recovery. The longer a mental health problem is left untreated the more intricate and complex the problem becomes. Early intervention is very important.
Remember, people can and do make recoveries from depression and go on to lead their best lives imaginable.
Are you unhappy with your life?
If so, take action now click the following link to receive your FREE e-book on how to overcome depression and anxiety and much more...
Rose White Young's recovery from years of depression, against all the odds, has inspired her to setup a blog to help people beat depression and anxiety.
Click this link []

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The Basic Guidelines For Success In Weight Loss

When one speaks of moderation the key lies focusing on the basics. When people pursue weight loss under extremity they forget that there are some basics which they have to follow and these basics are way effective than the extreme measures taken by them. The lines give the basic guidelines to follow for weight loss.
1. Fat Burning Foods:
Losing weight is not about depriving your body from food or the nutrients it requires. Therefore, in addition to providing healthy foods to the body, you must incorporate fat burning foods into your diet plan to assist weight loss. The foods you can consume in this regard include, honey, dark chocolate, eggs, and shrimp.
2. High Calorie Foods For Topping:
If you cant resist the high calorie foods, then the best way is to use them as topping over the nutritional foods. For instance, you can use a spoon full of ice-cream as a topping over a bowl full of fruits and vegetables. This way you will satiate your craving for high calorie food in addition to eating healthy.
3. Water Throughout The Day:
You can have some juice or shake in the morning, but make sure that you rely only on water as a source of quenching your thirst during the rest of the day. Despite the obvious drawback that the water alternates have extra calories, in addition they also don't quench thirst. Therefore, consume as much water throughout the day as possible, as it would purify the body and keep the metabolic rate high and burning calories.
4. Food Journal:
Counting of calories is integral to weight loss, therefore, it is imperative that you carry a food journal with you wherever you go and not down even the littlest of the food you eat. When you keep a journal, you will know your calorie limit and wont over consume, thus achieve weight loss eventually.
5. Six Small Meals:
New studies recommend that the best way to lose weight is to consume more frequently, but in smaller quantities and healthy foods. The reason why such an approach towards eating is recommended is because it keeps the metabolic rate high which ensures that the body does not store fat, rather keeps on burning them.
6. Physical Activity:
Every person knows that there is no weight loss without undertaking physical activity of any kind. Therefore, perform any physical activity that makes you sweat, so that the calories and fats are burnt resulting in greater weight loss. However, if you are one of those who never seems to gather sufficient energy to perform any activity, then you can use the best energy supplement and drinks to help you gain energy in a low calorie form to undertake the physical activity of your liking.
In short, in order to lose weight you need to focus on the basics. Chances are that basics will do the job for you, and then you can take other measures on the foundation laid by basics. This increases the chances and pace of weight loss.

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A List Of High Fat Foods That Are Bad For You

There are some foods that you must avoid to eat because they make you fat.
In this article I give you a list of high fat foods. Perhaps you don't know it but fat and fat is not the same.
Goods fats vs. bad fats.
You need to eat fats they are required for your health.
Dr Udo Erasmus has said it already there are fats that heal and fats that kill.
The problem is that most people are not aware of this and they choose for 100% fat free foods.
A word of caution here the food can be 100% free but at the same time it can contain a lot of sugar.
Bad fats are:
- Trans fats.
- Saturated fats
Good fats are:
- Monounsaturated fats.
- Polyunsaturated fats.
In this article we concentrate us on a list of foods that contain bad fats.
High fat foods that are bad for you. 
Saturated fats.

Studies have shown that diets high in saturated fats increase the risk of hart disease.
They also increase the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol in your blood.
Products that are high in saturated fats are.
- Butter
- Ice cream (contains milkfat)
- Cheese
- Chicken fat
- Meat fat
- Palm oil
- Coconut oil - Beef
- Lamb
- Pork
- Veal
A lot of animal products contain saturated fats and in some cases foods from plants.
Trans fats.
Just like saturated fats there is a relationship between trans fats and bad cholesterol level.
Products that contain trans fats are.
- Some margarines
- Cookies
- Crackers
- Snack foods
- Shortening
- Doughnuts
- Cake
- Frozen foods
- Potato chips
- Candy
I hope you understand now that according to this high fat food list that some products are bad for you.
You should read the food labels; manufacturers must include the fat percentage on it.
Warning! Want to lose fat. Drugs, diets, supplements don't work.
When it comes to fat burning burn the fat feed the muscle [] is the only source you need.
This book is written by a world wide fitness expert.
He tells you exactly why diet's don't work and how to lose body fat the correct way.
The ebook is jam packed with more than 350 pages of valuable information.
If you visit his site today he gives you a free valuable 40 pages mini ebook.
More interested in othertips to burn fat fast then visit my blog.

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Understanding the Mind-Body & Spirit Connection

I remember many years ago hearing Alan Alda speak at a medical school graduation. He told the young doctors that it was imperative for them to remember something that he was sure they hadn't learned in anatomy and physiology: "--- the head and the heart are connected and you must all do your best to never break that bond---". How many times in our lives do WE, ourselves, forget that our heads, hearts --- and spirits are connected? How many times do we ignore the messages that our bodies send to us letting us know that there is a problem, a difficulty, a stress, a dis-ease? Our bodies communicate with us regularly; they let us know when we're hungry, tired, confused, angry, upset (either over something that we ate, or something that has occurred, etc.) This COMMUNICATION is imperative! Do you stop and pay attention? Do you stop whatever it is you're doing and acknowledge and respect the message that your body is communicating? How often do you tell yourself when those hunger pangs hit that you can wait, or that you shouldn't eat anyway?
How often do you tell yourself that the stress at work that gives you a severe headache, doesn't matter; that you just have to "suffer" and "deal with it" just to get through the day? Do you ignore or minimize those back aches and sense of fatigue by saying that everyone is stressed and it will pass if you can just make it through till the weekend or until your next vacation? These are all ways in which you disrespect yourself by breaking the bond between your body and mind. These messages of denial are not enhancing to your overall self-esteem and are definitely dangerous to your well being. I am not saying that the minute a hunger pang hits, you should stop what you are doing; or the minute you feel stress at work you should quit your job. I am saying, however, that these messages have to be acknowledged, addressed and respected. They have to be dealt with, NOT ignored! STOP! BREATHE! FOCUS! How do you want to handle these messages. Remind yourself that you are receiving these messages for a reason. Make a conscious decision as to what you do, not an automatic one.
What do you do in order to relax and unwind so that you can reconnect to your inner worth---to the part of you that knows "who I am is enough, and I deserve to be treated as such"--- to the part of you that is connected to something more than your day-to-day existence. This is a connection to your spirituality. Spirituality is NOT about religion or any one god. Spirituality is defined as the way people find meaning, hope, comfort, connection, inner peace, strength, love and other positive intangibles in their lives. Some people find it in their religious beliefs, others through music, art, nature, values and principles, exercise, walking, meditation, etc. There are a multitude of choices when it comes to anyone's spiritual connection. No one can tell you what your spiritual connection "should" be. Only you can decide what works for you. Without an awareness of, or connection to what grounds you or centers you, you are at greater risk of imbalances in your mind and body.
Most people do not realize that many imbalances in their physical bodies start from outside their bodies. These imbalances may be from stressors in our environment, constant negative debilitating thoughts or anxiety As individuals we must learn how to treat ourselves with the love, respect and compassion that we deserve and need. Unfortunately, way too many people stop doing the very centering and loving things they need when these stresses hit. Too many people have been taught to "power on" through any obstacle and ignore their feelings and emotions. This is only one way people learn to live "unconsciously". They learn to block out any feelings they may have so that they don't have to stop and deal with them. There is an inherent fear that if they stop to ponder, deal with or explore their feelings then they'll become overwhelmed and fall behind, or be seen as weak, or perhaps come to a realization which they are not yet ready to handle. Learning to take care of yourself prior to any problem really erupting seems alien to many people. Have you been taught to put "band-aids" on problems rather than prevent them or seek out the root causes? Do you avoid taking care of yourself.
It takes time, energy, and patience to pay attention to ourselves: to our needs, our thoughts, and our feelings. Are you willing to take that time, energy and patience, and give yourself the love, respect and compassion that you deserve BEFORE you are physically ailing, or will you wait until you have no choice?
I offer you the following 5 reminders that you can choose to incorporate into your life, to enhance your awareness and increase your connectedness to your total being:
1. BREATHING: Once every hour, STOP! BREATHE! FOCUS! Breathe in for the count of 4, hold for the count of 4 and exhale slowly for the count of 4, wait to the count of 4 and start again. (do this for 60 seconds) This is called square breathing. Slow, deep breathing brings clarity, calmness, centering to our bodies and minds. Every hour, just 1 minute of breathing can make a huge difference in your attitude, your perspective and your day.
2. STRETCHING: enables you to: release physical tension, release toxins, correct your physical positioning, get your blood flowing, and oxygenate your muscles.
3. MINDFULNESS: Be aware of your feelings, your reactions, needs, etc....Always ask "What is My desired outcome?" Please remember that, in any situation, a desired outcome MUST be something over which you have control.
4. DIET/FOODS YOU EAT: Notice how you feel in response to foods; honestly and without judgments. What are your comfort foods, and what are you really looking for? Pay attention to your body's responses to your choices.
5. SUPPORT SYSTEM: Who or what is in your support system? Who do you talk to? Are you willing to reach out to them... friends, doctor, therapist, clergy, family member, etc. Ask for what you want and then take a deep breath and ACCEPT the help, guidance and assistance that is offered. This is a hard one for most people...because it means you're allowing yourself to be vulnerable. (this is yet another topic for another day)
Loren Gelberg-Goff journey to self-esteem and self-empowerment to live authentically self-esteem
For more information about our services and self-esteem products for your journey to self-esteem, visit Interested in hearing more about the Mind-Body & Spirit connection? Follow the link to the replay of the teleseminar on this topic:

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Bodybuilding Diet Plan - A Terse Guide to Diet Fitness

Modern times have changed the way men and women think about beauty, health and other related ideas. One prominent change that has occurred in the outlook of people is the way they should look - particularly their body shape. Today, people are more conscious about their health and fitness as compared to the people in the past. Apart from this, they desire to sculpt their bodies in order to achieve that magazine-cover look. Due to this, one ever growing industry is the health industry - this includes health spas, gyms, and fitness clubs. A perfect body can be achieved through a smart bodybuilding plan - a diet and exercise program.
Although exercise plans have immense importance when bodybuilding is the goal to achieve, but a healthy bodybuilding diet plan can never be ignored. You must choose to eat food that assures your fitness and health with all kinds of heavy and routine exercises that you carry out for shaping your body. To put it in a nutshell, a bodybuilding diet plan is as important as an exercise plan.
A well prepared and well executed bodybuilding diet plan provides your body all the essential nutrition that you need, when your muscles are worn-out. It also promises a healthy growth. Professionals and experts have established many different strategies; programs; and methods for bodybuilding. However, the problem is to choose one perfect plan that may suit your requirements and your bodily needs the best.
There are basically two types of most popular diet plans for body building - high carbohydrate diet and high fat diet. In order to choose one that may work wonders for you, you need to examine your health and fitness requirements. As the names indicate, high carbohydrate diet plan is the one which focuses on carbohydrate-rich food while high fat diet plan endorses food that is rich in fat.
High carbohydrate diet helps store glycogen in muscles and liver, which offers energy to the body. On the other hand, fat is the richest source of calories. Keeping these facts in mind, it is recommended that you either choose to follow high carbohydrate diet with low fat diet or low carbohydrate diet with high fat diet. High carbohydrate diet and high fat diet shall not be followed at the same time.
Your bodybuilding diet plan has to be well in accordance with your individual needs and requirements. Either you can search down a suitable plan for yourself on the internet or you can ideally contact a fitness expert to help you out with it. We wish you all the very best in your struggle to carve your body out in a perfect shape.
To learn more about bodybuilding diet plan [] and diet fitness, log on to our website.

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Is The Lemon Juice Diet Safe?

The Lemon Juice Diet is a cleansing and weight loss diet that was first developed back in the 1940s. Stanley Burroughs, an alternative medicine practitioner, invented it. Originally called The Master Cleanse, this diet had lost its pull over the past decades only to gain back its popularity in 2006 when Hollywood celebrity Beyoncé Knowles claimed to lose 20 lbs. because of it.
This fast can easily be considered a miracle diet, thanks to its ability to induce weight loss in as quickly as 10 days. Nevertheless, like any other diet, it is crucial that you consider its potential impact on your health.
What's In That Lemonade?
Basically, the Lemon Juice Diet consists of four ingredients. These are spring water, freshly squeezed lemon juice, maple syrup (Grade B), and cayenne pepper. Here's a breakdown of the roles each ingredient play:
Water: To keep you hydrated despite the fact that you are not consuming anything except the lemon juice mixture. Moreover, water will keep you satiated by filling you up until your next dose of the Cleanse.
Lemon juice: Lemon juice is said to promote the diet's "cleansing action", purifying the body by breaking up congestion and mucus, and at the same time lending a refreshing taste to the otherwise bland liquid diet. Lemon juice is packed with vitamins and minerals, too, which you may actually find handy if you are in this kind of diet.
Maple Syrup: For caloric and nutritional value, maple syrup is added to this miracle diet. However, take note that you cannot use just any maple syrup you find in the grocery aisle. For an effective Lemon Juice Diet, you have to get the Grade B type, which, according to Burroughs, is among the purest forms of maple syrup. Grade B maple syrup is less refined and more nutritious, as well. Nevertheless, Grade A and C syrups may also be used, but Burroughs stressed that Grade A is more refined, hence, less nutritious; not to mention it is much pricier than Grade B. Grade C maple syrup, on the other hand, undergoes the least amount of refining and is more nutritious compared to the Grade B variant. However, Grade C tastes less appealing, which can make the diet much harder to pursue.
Cayenne Pepper: As a Thermogenic Food, cayenne pepper raises the body's temperature, thereby hastening your metabolism. It is a proven appetite suppressant, as well, which can be very useful in curbing the appetite of any Master Cleanse participant.
The original recipe calls for 1 10-ounce glass of warm, filtered water; 2 tablespoons lemon juice, freshly-squeezed and not from the bottle; 2 tablespoons Grade B maple syrup, and about a tenth of a teaspoon of cayenne pepper. If you find the mixture too spicy and unbearable, you can cut down the cayenne pepper a bit and then slightly adjust the amount as you progress and get used to the taste.
Other Lemon Juice Diet Components
Apart from the lemonade itself, the Lemon Juice Diet also requires you to have a Salt Water Flush (which is known by diet enthusiasts as SWF) every morning and laxative tea before retiring at night.
The Salt Water Flush consists of a quart of warm water and 2 teaspoons of non-iodized sea salt. The thoroughly mixed concoction is taken before anything else in the morning. The SWF is said to clean the colon and flush out toxins, so expect more bathroom trips than ever. Nevertheless, you'll feel great after a few bowel movements. After all, who wouldn't feel great once the toxins in your body are flushed out, right?
Lemon Juice Diet: Its Pros and Cons
Unlike other diets, the Lemon Juice Diet doesn't just focus on losing weight. It is also very beneficial to one's health. It is a form of liquid fast that helps flush out the toxins accumulated in our bodies after years and years of unhealthy eating and lifestyle. Apart from these, this diet can also help restore the body's normal pH, as well as relax your mind, body, and emotions.
Though some people might experience side effects like dizziness and upset stomach, these symptoms usually go away after day two or three. Then again, these side effects are considered normal body reactions and the benefits of this diet override its few disadvantages.
Keep in mind that any diet needs physical, mental, and emotional preparedness. Never go into the Lemon Juice Diet, or any diet, if you know that your health is compromised. Moreover, emotional and mental readiness helps you finish the diet successfully.
If you are interested in trying the Lemon Diet you will want the safest, most effective guide out there. I looked far and wide for such a guide. Go here and find out more

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The Importance of Good Nutrition in a Vegetarian Diet Plan

Vegetarian diets are generally rich in antioxidants, healthy fats and certain vitamins/minerals. Meat based diets usually have higher levels of protein, iron, zinc, vitamin B12 and calcium.
Maintaining a healthy veggie diet means you need to understand the key principles of vegetarian nutrition. Healthy vegetarian or vegan diets are not complicated, however you need to be aware of the main principles of good nutrition.
Properly planned vegetarian nutrition can far exceed the healthiness of most meat based diets. Whilst a vegetarian diet plan may seem boring to many people, it definitely does not need to be dull! There are so many fabulous recipes that you can follow, especially some ethic dishes which are famous for their veggie and spicy ingredients.
One general misconception about vegetarianism is that their diet does not provide enough protein or iron. This absolutely need not be true. Legumes, beans, grains, soy, nuts and seeds are great proteins sources. They also provide various antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and fibres which are not present in a meat-based diet. So a vegetarian diet can actually be much healthier.
A veggie diet specifically designed for athletes or bodybuilders should contain the correct levels of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, proteins and good fats. However like all kinds of dietary plans, if you are struggling with which type of a vegetarian planner is good for you, you should seek help from a healthy vegetarian meal planner or dietician.
Vegetarian diet plans are a popular weight loss option, as many of the foods in the diet plan are low in cholesterol and fats. Anyone looking to lose weight needs to limit foods with high levels of bad fats and cholesterol, and therefore adopting a veggie diet planner will help to achieve this.
A good veggie meal planning system can benefit you in a variety of ways. Healthy vegetarian diet plans will be well balanced with a whole range of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. The plan should include a variety of foods in each food group, to be both balanced and to provide you with load of recipe options!
If you avoid poor quality food and stick to eating lots of fresh fruits, veggies, legumes and grains, especially whole-grains, this will provide you with almost everything you need to stay healthy. However, even veggie diets can have high levels of bad fats if they are excessive in whole daily products, fried or fatty snack foods.
As you can see a vegetarian or vegan diet should be well thought through and planned, to ensure disease prevention and a healthy immune system.
When following a vegetarian diet plan the key ingredient is in the planning. You should plan each of your meals to ensure that you are consuming the correct quantity of food, avoid meat based products (such as hidden ingredients) and that each meal has the right balance of nutrients and minerals.
For more information on vegetarian diet plans join us at []

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14 Ways To Get Better Sleep And Improve Your Mental Health

Do you feel depressed or anxious? Do you have difficulty concentrating? Are you often irritable? Forget pills and therapists - you may not be getting adequate sleep.
In "Are bad sleeping habits driving us mad?" (New Scientist, 2009), author Emma Young discusses how current research suggests poor sleep may cause psychiatric illnesses or lead to incorrect diagnoses.
Researchers were always aware of a correlation with poor sleep and mental health; however, "The assumption that poor sleep was a symptom rather than a cause of mental illness was so strong that nobody questioned it."
The article continues citing research indicating insomnia may be a cause of depression and put people at greater risk for future mental health problems. Poor sleep may induce abnormally elevated or irritable moods indicative of manic episodes present in Bipolar Disorder. Sleep disorders could also impair attention which may be misdiagnosed as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Sleep disruption may contribute to behavioral and psychological problems in several, yet undiscovered ways. Two of them are:
  • Stress hormone levels increase and contribute to feelings of anxiety.
  • The brain's ability to process emotion and react to emotional stimuli in an appropriate way is disrupted.
If you are having trouble sleeping consider these 14 ways to improve sleep quality:
  • Exercise - At the minimum, engage in moderate exercise 3 to 4 times per week for 30 minutes. Regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. However, avoid exercising 2 to 3 hours before going to bed, the increase in endorphins may interfere with your ability to fall and remain asleep.
  • Weight Loss - Losing weight can improve or reverse mild cases of sleep apnea.
  • Reduce Sugar Consumption Before Bed - sugar raises the body's insulin level to metabolize it which leads to increased energy.
  • Drink Water - dehydration will cause you to wake up thirsty.
  • Decrease Caffeine/Nicotine Use - both are stimulants and will keep you awake.
  • Decrease Alcohol Use - it may help you pass out, but you will remain in the first stages of sleep and never enter the more deep, restorative phases. Alcohol also causes dehydration.
  • Limit television and internet use - develop a bedtime ritual that allows you to wind down and relax, providing the body with cues for sleep preparation. Heavy computer and television use before bedtime may effect sleep demand and sleep quality.
  • Learn Relaxation Techniques
  • Develop A Natural Circadian Rhythm - go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. Go to bed and arise the same time everyday to establish a regular rhythm and sleeping pattern. Don't overcompensate by sleeping in on weekends to make up for missed sleep.
  • Avoid Naps - if you must take one make it early in the day and set an alarm clock for no later than 1 hour.
  • Create A Peaceful Environment - keep your bedroom clean, uncluttered, and stress free.
  • Only Use Your Bed For Sleeping - doing anything else can confuse your body's association with when it needs to be alert and when to prepare for rest.
  • Take A Warm Bath - after a warm bath the body's temperature drops. A decrease in body temperature is associated with sleep.
  • Use A Comfortable Bed And Pillow - this is the most obvious, but probably the most overlooked. Make certain your current bed and pillow are not the reason for difficulty sleeping.
Damon Clark is a Clinical Psychology doctoral student and co-founder of the Honolulu, Hawai'i based health and fitness business SOHI Fitness

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How Do I Make My Hair Grow Faster?

If you're having trouble growing your hair out, there are many things you can do strengthen your hair and scalp to make hair grow faster and longer. By applying the following growth tips, advice, and methods, men and women will learn how to make hair grow faster, longer, and thicker by stimulating healthy hair growth.
A Little Water and Washing Goes A Long Way
Shampooing too often can damage hair and cause breakage, which inhibits growth. Also, many shampoos and conditioners leave residue behind. This can build up on the scalp and eventually clog the hair follicles, preventing normal growth. Experts recommend washing your hair only 2-3 times a week unless it gets excessively dirty each day because of your job, exercise or other circumstance. Switching to a milder formula free from dyes and perfumes will cut down on product buildup, too.
Weekly rinse with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to remove scalp residue and dead skin, promoting healthy hair growth that will grow faster and longer.
Make Hair Grow Faster By Cutting It
Scissors might be the last thing you think of when trying to make hair grow longer and fast, but getting regular trims can actually help. When hair is not routinely trimmed, it becomes more prone to breakage and split ends. Broken and damaged hair will not grow very fast or may stop growing altogether, so to encourage growth, have at least 1/4 inch trimmed every 3 months. Your hair will not only grow faster and stronger, but it will look and feel much nicer and softer.
Try to steer clear of styles that require a lot of work to look good; over-styling is another cause of damage. Furthermore, tight hair styles that put pressure or strain on your hair or roots can also cause growth to slow or hair to fall out. Such hair styles that do not promote fast growth include ponytails, pigtails, braiding, and cornrows.
Supplements For Growth
Certain vitamin deficiencies can cause hair to become lackluster and susceptible to breakage. Extreme deficits can even cause hair loss. Dermatologists often tell patients to take B vitamins - specifically B12 - to help the skin and hair repair itself. Getting plenty of EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids), such as amino acids L-cysteine and L-methionine are also key if you hope to have healthy, long locks. You can add a fish oil or flax oil supplement to your regimen to get them.
Other essential vitamins for hair growth include protein, iron, Vitamin B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), vitamin A, E, and C.
Foods That Promote Growth - Your Diet
In order to get the nutrition and vitamins mentioned above, we recommend eating healthy foods like chicken, fish, cheese, milk, yogurt, nuts, flaxseeds, whole grains, legumes, spinach, beans, broccoli, strawberries, avocados, tomatoes, apricots, lentils, soy products, oregano, bananas, etc.
Be Kind
Don't take the hair you do have for granted. Use a good quality brush or wide-tooth comb, and invest in products that help hair growth rather than hinder it. Try not to comb or brush while it's wet, as this can stretch the hair shaft past the breaking point. Minimize the use of heat styling tools such as straighteners and prolonged use of a blow dryer, and try not to wear extremely tight ponytails or buns. Consider purchasing silk or satin pillowcases to cut down on nighttime friction that can frazzle your hair by morning.
Other important notes include:
  • Find and buy a mild, quality shampoo and conditioner
  • For oily hair, apply a hair care product designed for deep cleansing
  • Stay away from harsh or abrasive chemicals or treatments, including dying, perms, chemical washes, bleaching, highlights, curling irons, hot oil treatments, etc.
  • Stress increases the risk of hair loss - proper exercise and sleep can promote hair growth
Home Remedies For Hair Growth
Certain herbs are known for their ability to naturally help you make your hair grow faster and longer. Taking horsetail daily can stimulate hair growth dramatically, and will also improve its luster and shine. Licorice root can be a valuable tool in fighting hair loss, along with sage and parsley. Other culinary herbs that make hair grow faster include chamomile, rosemary, and raspberry leaves. Any of these can be purchased in bulk and made in to tea, and most are also available in capsules and tablets.
There isn't one single method for how to make hair grow faster and longer. By looking at the way you take care of your hair, you can figure out the particular changes you need to make in order to obtain your ideal head of hair.
Ashley is a writer and blogger specializing in beauty, health, fitness, and hair loss. Check out her Acid Reflux site at [].

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