Mental Health 101 - How Stress Can Damage Your Brain More Than You Know

Stress is a feeling of imbalance due to events that have a negative effect on a person. It is however, a normal way that the body responds to such events. This happens because the body prepares its defense system to counter the feared danger; this is a process to ensure mental, physical and mental health.
It is important to note that the body doesn't differentiate between physical and psychological stress. When a person is under stress due to a traffic jam, or a lot of bills, a busy program or when arguing with a colleague, the body reacts in the same way it will react to a life or death situation.
Since stress can be said to be an alert mechanism to the body's defense system, it helps the body in different ways. First, it helps one to stay on the line of duty, alert and with energy. In addition, in emergency circumstances, it can save life by giving an individual additional power for defense and many other helpful ways.
However, when stress goes beyond a given limit, it turns to becoming a damaging factor on issues of life such as health, relationships and productivity. In this condition, a person is said to suffer from mental illness. Sometimes, this leads to a nervous breakdown. At this stage, forces in the mind push and pull against each other, thereby, thoughts and emotions are swayed. Hence, the person feels not in control his or her life.
When the person is a state of instability, they depend on their emotions to create sadness, which develops into negative thoughts. At this instance, the person should be able to come up with a solution, but if the solution is not found, and the negative emotions become overwhelming, then mental illness is said to occur.
Prolonged season under this kind of mental state coupled with a faulty area in the mind leads to additional thoughts. If the problem is unknown to the victim, it creates a raised level of stress and copping mechanism goes down. What happens is that stress changes the equilibrium in the brain and this applies pressure to the mind. Consequently, if the instability is not corrected, the mind faces chemical imbalances leading to tumors and diseases, thereafter.
A psychological response to a prolonged experience of high level stress that reoccurs is known as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). A person experiences anxiety, nightmares, sweats at night and avoid social gatherings. In addition, the victim will suffer from daily abnormal stress and they will be trying to avoid it at the same time.
Post traumatic Stress Disorder now becomes a very serious mental health problem since the victim has suffered extreme trauma, therefore, making it easy to be attacked by diseases such as high blood pressure, heart attacks and other medical complications.
Chronic stress interferes with every system as early, be it digestion, respiratory, reproduction and speeds aging. In addition the stress can re-write the victims brain and enhance vulnerability to more anxiety, panic and depression.
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Using Food the Right Way: Making It Healthy All The Way

The quality of food you take in your house all depends on how well you prepare it. Considering you are the chef in your house, it is good to make sure you do not feed yourself or your family to destruction. Below are three tips to guide you in making health a routine in your home:
  1. Minimize on fats, sugar and salt

    This does not mean your food should not have flavor at all. In case you are baking, use half the amount of butter you would have used. Applesauce (unsweetened) or mashed potatoes can replace the other half. Fat replacers that are prepared commercially could come in handy as well. To boost or upgrade sweetness, sugar is not necessary. Spices like cinnamon, vanilla extracts and other flavoring spices can replace the sugar. Foods like salads or main dishes can have the salt reduced or removed completely. Baked stuff that does not need the yeast can have the salt reduced. Reducing salt in foods that need yeast is not necessary to allow for leavening.

  2. Substituting healthily 

    These substitutions help in boosting the amount of nutrients and lower the fats, salt, and calories in your recipes. In case you want to prepare pasta, consider whole-wheat and not enriched. This will help in that the calories will go down and fibers up. When preparing desserts, consider using milk that does not have fats, which lower the calories and fats at a great degree. Intake of meat, poultry products and fish should be reduced and substitute with veggies in casseroles. Moreover, you will have added more of fiber and other nutritional values.

  3. Reduce ingredients used

    Cutting back on ingredients when it comes to some recipes can bring out a healthy meal. Ingredients that act as toppings for appearance purpose should be eliminated. Examples of these include cream and coconut toppings. Condiments contain a lot of salt, fats, and calories. They should therefore be eliminated from the recipe. Examples of these include butter, soy sauce, and syrup. If you are required to use a certain amount of cheese in a given recipe, make sure you use have the amount indicated.
Finally, recipes are at our display but how well you juggle with the ingredients depends entirely on how healthy you want your meal to turn out to be. When you hear that a small leak can sink a great ship, do not think of the titanic but rather of the minute calories, fats and salt that could destroy the big you!
We provide the best info about Paula Deen home on For further details please visit the provided links.

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Alcohol - The 5 Most Common Fitness and Fat Loss Questions Answered

One area of the alcohol debate I come across a lot is when people start a new fitness program, they always seem to ask how alcohol will affect their progress. To help you understand the affects alcohol has on your progress I've compiled a list of the most common questions I get asked about alcohol.
1. Are there calories in alcohol?
Yes, alcohol is labelled as having 7.1 calories per gram, although if you take into account thermogenesis and the thermic effect of food it comes down to about 5.7 calories.
2. What happens to me when I drink alcohol?
You get drunk, start sending drunken texts and everyone becomes your best friend. Oh wait, that's just me. When you drink alcohol (ethanol) your body and specifically your liver goes into high alert mode because one of the metabolic by products of alcohol is a toxin called acetate. Our liver starts working overtime to remove this toxin and metabolizing it takes precedence over everything else. This means any fat burning your body might have been doing or growth and repair it might have been doing comes to a standstill until the acetate is removed. This leads to the next question...
3. Will I get fat if I drink alcohol?
The easy answer here is yes and no. Let me start with the no part. At the end of the day to put on weight you have to be in a calorie surplus and to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. Bearing that fact in mind, when you drink alcohol, if you were to stay below or at your maintenance level of recommended calories then no you wouldn't gain weight. Therein lies the problem however... You see it's what alcohol actually does to us that cause the problems. Alcohol been alcohol gets you drunk, when you're drunk your inhibitions are lowered way down - I mean "oh my god I can't believe I [insert your own embarrassing story here] last night" down. These lowered inhibitions lead to all kinds of crazy stories but most importantly for you and your health they lead to you overeating i.e. cue the snack-boxes, chilli fries and all the other junk food that more often than not follows a night out. It's the alcohol and the excess calories from this junk food and late night gorging that lead you to eat over maintenance and thus get fat.
The second problem here is that as calories go - alcohol calories are empty - they have no nutritional value what so ever and they have a very short term effect on satiety (how full you feel). And because the majority of alcohol is consumed in liquid form it's very easy to over consume calories by drinking alone.
4. What if I don't eat and just drink instead?
Seriously are you that stupid? Re-read the previous two questions and pay specific attention to the fact that alcohol is a toxin, contains no nutritional value and leads to overeating by reduced inhibitions and not to mention that going down this route is just plain idiotic, especially when you get the 'weight-watchers' saving all their points for the weekend and wonder why they aren't getting any healthier. Apologies, rant over.
5. Is there a way I can minimise the negative effects of alcohol?
Actually there is. Now I can't take credit for this formula. It was devised by the excellent nutritional consultant Martin Berkhan. This works on a moderate basis only once every week or every 2 weeks and is NOT free reign to get bananas every night. On the day you will be drinking limit your intake of dietary fat to 0.3g per Kg of bodyweight. Limit carb intake to 1.5g per Kg of bodyweight. Get your carbs from veggies and any accessory carbs that are in protein sources. Eat as much lean protein as you want. Limit your alcohol choices to dry wines, spirits with calorie free mixers and avoid beers, sugary drinks and high calorie cocktails. This formula focuses on elements that are least like to cause fat storage when drinking. Remember though alcohol is a toxin at the end of the day, it causes a host of other problems and should only ever be consumed in moderation, if at all. A friend mentioned to me recently that if alcohol had only been discovered today it would most definitely be banned. Remember that very true observation.
Thanks for reading. Being alcohol aware is just the first step.. For a complete plan visit my website where I'll give you my Free 90 Recipe Cookbook system.
Thanks again,
John "Social Life Friendly" Mulry

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Diet and Exercise Tips for the Extremely Busy Person

I used to preach to people about no matter how busy you are, there is always time for exercise. While many people may still agree with that statement, I have to somewhat disagree. It was easy for me to say "no excuses" when it came to fitness - that is until I ended up working two jobs (one full-time, one part-time) as well as freelance work. When my time isn't taken up with work, I have to split my free time between family and friends. It seems that 24 hours a day is never enough!
However, I started putting on weight that I had dropped earlier in the year and I stopped exercising completely. My energy level had decreased and I feel like a big slouch. I finally put my foot down and made a plan to eat healthier and get fitness in any way I can. Below are some of the steps I am taking to reclaim a healthy lifestyle.
1. Eat 3 Meals and Still Lose Weight
I sit all day at work, yet I find myself starving at breakfast and lunch. Starvation isn't good when you're not prepared. I took the easy way out and grabbed meals at fast-food places nearby work. Believe me, after a few weeks, I was noticing the effects of constantly eating out. Now I prepare my breakfast and lunch in the evenings. I stick to protein and vegetables, cutting out the bad carbs. I pack my meals in food containers and warm them up at work. By cutting out the bad carbs (white flour, sugar, any processed food) I worry less about fat and calories.
2. Fitting in Exercise
When you're on a tight schedule, making it to the gym is near impossible. It's one of the last things you want to do after a long day. Getting up extra early to go takes a lot of motivation. I've decided to work out at home for 30 - 45 minutes on the evenings that I do not work. I perform interval training because the exercises are effective and combine resistance training with cardio.
On the evenings that I have free but still need to work from home, I set the timer on my phone for every 5 or 10 minutes. When the alarm goes off, I perform a set of exercises such as push-ups, squats, or walking lunges. I get in a workout while I am getting my work done.
As you can see, when you hear there are no excuses when it comes to health and fitness, it is true. It may seem difficult but it can be done. Make the commitment and you'll be amazed at the results you can achieve.
If you need a boost with your weight loss goals, consider supplementing with a full body cleanse. Detoxing your body with herbal supplements can help you release between 10 - 50 pounds of excess weight. Visit for more details.

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Lose Weight The Vegetarian Way in 2 Weeks

Let me show how you can lose weight the vegetarian way in 2 weeks or less. What you'll discover are practical, proven tactics that'll help you shed pounds on a natural pace healthily and safely without side effects.
1. Natural Helps Fat Loss
No doubt pre-packaged (processed) vegetarian meals make filling your stomach easy, their high-sugar, high-sodium and high-fat content can easily sabotage your fat loss plan. Cut back on those and include more raw vegetarian food in your 14-day meal plan. Not only you save time in cooking, but you'll lose weight the vegetarian way more easily.
2. More Meals Burn More Fat
You get optimal metabolism when you break up your 3 regular meals into 5 smaller meals. The logic behind eating smaller meals at 2 - 3 hours interval is that your metabolic rate will stay active over longer duration. You won't get too full on each meal, but yet you won't feel hungry so easily. When you starve, your metabolism will slow down, and you'll burn less fat. Hence, consume more meals to burn more fat.
3. Prepare Your Own Diet
Where possible, make your own meals so you know exactly what you're feeding your body with. To save time on making vegetarian meals at home, I suggest that you buy some recipes that show you how to easily whip up nutrient dense dishes in less than 20 minutes per meal (on average) so you won't feel daunted at the thought of creating your own fat loss vegetarian diet.
4. Change Your Recipes
Keep changing your recipes every 2 - 3 days. Sticking to the same old meals for 2 weeks will deprive your body of certain vitamins, minerals and various other nutrients it needs for optimal metabolism. When you rotate your meals with a broader spectrum of ingredients and nutrients, you won't likely experience weight loss plateau, which some vegetarians face.
5. Drink Water to Stimulate Metabolism
Soup, fruit juice or green tea already contribute some amount of water in your body, so you may not need to drink too much water. When weather turns cool, you may need only 5 glasses of water per day.
Observe your urine color. If it turns pale yellowish or clear, it means your body is properly hydrated for effective fat loss. When it goes yellow, you need to drink more water. But don't drink 2 glasses at one go even if the weather is extremely hot. Spread out your water consumption over time for better fluid absorption and boosting metabolism.
I've just shared with you on how to lose weight the vegetarian style by changing the way you eat. However, you should not ignore the facts that getting enough quality sleep, doing regular exercises and keeping yourself stress-free will make fat loss more effective. You should see apparent results in 14 days.
Laura Ng recommends coconut oil for weight loss because this healthy fat can boost your metabolism and burn fat for up to 24 hours a day. She suggests that you include coconut oil in your vegetarian eating plan to lose weight faster and expedite your fat loss success. Having this super food in your diet, you'll soon increase your energy levels and get in shape without getting loose skin and weight rebound. Visit for more vegetarian weight loss tips now.

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List of Healthy and Unhealthy Foods

Healthy food diets don't have to be all about vegetables and fruits. Meats and poultry can be part of a healthy food diet when used properly. It is also important to include enough proteins in any diet. Eating too little protein is a problem in many countries, which sometimes have high rates of (PEM) protein-energy malnutrition. Meats and poultry are the biggest contributors of protein to your diet. If meat and poultry items are not in your healthy food diet, replacing the proteins they provide are going to require you to learn more about complete, incomplete, and complementary proteins. Healthy foods will always add to your body and will never subtract anything away. Below is a list of healthy foods.
# Sauce Alternatives:
* Vegetable Purees
* Coulis
* Salsas
* Relishes
* Chutneys
* Compotes
* Mojos
Many of the classic sauces you may use are high in fat. Try to use alternative sauces like pureed vegetables. Sauces made with vegetables are light and low in fat and kcalories.
# Nuts and Seeds:
* Nuts:
o Almonds
o Macademian nuts
o Filberts
o Walnuts
o Pinenuts
o Brazil nuts
o Cashews
o Pistachios
o Pecans
* Seeds:
o Flax seeds
o Sunflower seeds
o Sesame seeds
o Pumpkin seeds
Nuts and seeds pack a good amount of vitamins and minerals, plus fiber and proteins. Particularly, nuts contain some fat. Luckily for people who love eating nuts, most of the fat is monounsaturated. Seeds contain less fat and more fiber. The fat and fiber seeds contain will make you feel full longer. Nuts have been linked to reduction in heart disease. The monounsaturated fat in nuts will help lower low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, the bad kind.
It was stated earlier that protein is required in any diet. However, too much protein has no benefits. Eating more protein than you need may add kcalories beyond what you require. Extra protein is not stored as protein but is stored as fat if too many kcalories are taken in. Diets high in protein can also be a concern if you are eating a lot of high-fat animal proteins such as hamburgers and cheese and few vegetable proteins. Eating too many high fat animal foods will raise your blood cholesterol levels. Higher blood cholesterol levels increase your risk of heart disease. High intakes of animal proteins are also associated with certain cancers, such as cancer of the colon and its no secret that too many high fat foods increases the chances of gaining weight. All the foods below when consumed too much become unhealthy foods.
# High Fat Cheese:
* Blue cheese
* Brie
* Feta
* Gouda
* Light cream cheese
* Limburger
* Mozzarella, whole milk
* Parmesan
* Provolone
* Ricotta, whole milk
* Romano
* Swiss
* Tilsit, whole milk
* Cheddar
* Colby
* Cream cheese
* Monterey Jack
* Muenster
* Roquefort
Cheese is an excellent source of nutrients like protein and calcium. Still, because most cheeses are prepared with whole milk or cream, they are also high in saturated fat and cholesterol. Ounce for ounce, meat, poultry, and most cheeses have about the same amount of cholesterol. Cheeses tend to have much more saturated fat. Trying to figure out which cheeses are high in fat can be confusing, because there are so many different kinds. You have whole, part skim, low fat, processed, and many more. Not all reduced fat or part skim cheeses are low in fat, they are just lower in fat than similar natural cheeses.
# Foods High In Cholesterol (120 milligrams or more per serving):
* Biscuit with egg and sausage
o 1 biscuit= 302 amounts of cholesterol
* Egg, cooked
o 1 large= 212 amounts of cholesterol
* Shrimp, breaded and fried
o 6 to 8 shrimp= 200 amounts of cholesterol
* Duck, roasted
o 1/2 duck= 197 amounts of cholesterol
Cholesterol in your blood builds up in the plaque that clogs arteries and is a risk factor for heart disease. Cholesterol is found only in foods of animal origin, like meat, poultry, milk, milk products, fish, egg yolk, and organ meats(liver, kidney, sweetbreads, brains). Egg yolks and organ meats contain the most cholesterol. One egg yolk contains 213 milligrams of cholesterol. About 4 ounces of meat, poultry, or fish (trimmed or untrimmed) contains 100 milligrams of cholesterol. Shrimp is an exception, which is higher in cholesterol. Eggs, meat, and whole milk provide most of the cholesterol we eat and are also sources rich in saturated fat.
See a more extensive list of healthy foods and unhealthy foods here.

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Stress 5 - Top Ten Tips on Relieving Stress

The best way to relieve stress is to prevent it before it develops. There are a few daily routines that you may implement to prevent stressful situations. You do not have any control over the circumstances causing the stress, but you do have control over the methods for relieving them. To relieve stress you can do the following:
1) Get a good night sleep. It is recommended that you get at least 8 hours of sleep.
2) Pace yourself. Do not try to do too much at one time.
3) Think realistically. Do not allow your emotions to get out of control.
4) Plan better. Set schedules and prioritize your tasks.
5) Take breaks. Get away from it for about 10-15 minutes.
6) Take walks. Walking is one of the best forms of exercise.
7) Call on your support. Ask others to do the work that you are weak in doing.
8) Confront problems by talking. Bring the problem out in the open.
9) Delegate. Do not try to do everything yourself, but rather, seek help from others.
10) Keep a positive attitude. Do not take life so seriously, laugh sometime.
Another way to relieve stress is to talk to someone about your problems. It could be a family member, friend or health care professional who will give you the emotional support you need to reduce stress.
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8 Natural Ways to Promote Hair Growth

Promote hair growth? Are there ways to do this? Many people suffering from hair loss and bad hair are desperate to find natural ways to grow their manes back.
Well if you wish to encourage the rapid growth of your mane then there are a few things you will need to do. Most of these can be done from items found in your own home and are relatively inexpensive.
Here are the eight ways to help grow a longer and thicker mane.
1. Begin by massaging your scalp every day for a few minutes. Simple use your fingers and not your nails massage in small circles. Start from the base of ten head to the front of your head.this simple massage will promote hair growth.
2. If you want to bring back life and shine to your hair you can rinse it with the juice of 1 lemon and a cup of water. This will bring vibrancy back to dull hair. Another trick along these lines is rubbing one egg yolk on your hair, leave it on for an hour and then wash it off.
3. To help encourage the growth of healthy tresses, rub your hair with olive oil and then brush your hair gently with a wooden brush. Do not brush your hair when wet as it can damage it. A wide toothed comb will go a long way to grow longer locks
4. If you trim your hair every month it will help promote hair growth. Even if you only cut the tips it will prevent damage and remove split ends. Some experts say if you sleep on one side more than the other that side will grow longer and faster. This is due to the nightly massaging of the scalp on the pillow which promotes blood flow to the scalp which helps promote hair growth.
5. If you have beer in your home, let it go flat and then apply it to your hair, wrap your hair in a towel for an hour and then wash it out with shampoo. This will prevent split ends from occurring.
6. Using Coconut milk is another great way to promote hair growth. Simply massage small amounts of either canned or fresh coconut milk to your hair and try to keep it on overnight; simply wash out in the morning. This will help your hair grow longer, thicker and make it soft and shiny.
7. Applying an egg to your hair is an excellent way to add nourishment and shine. Apply a whipped egg at least once a week and then wash with mild shampoo.
8. One product you can purchase in a store is Mira hair oil; this product has herbs and oils that promote hair growth. Use it overnight to get the best results.
These are the eight ways to grow longer and thicker locks. In a few short weeks you will see your mane taking on new life and vibrancy.
Discover The Best Way To Promote Hair Growth.Download the FREE book that shows you the ancient secrets to Promote Hair Growth by clicking the link

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Mental Health - Tips For A Better Life Style

Mental health is a state of emotional well being or an absence of any mental disorder. It is also the ability of a person to cope with normal stresses of life and make a contribution to the society. Recent studies also state that a mere absence of any mental disease doesn't describe a sound mental health. It is only the health of the person's mind. Hence, a person suffering from any one of these, social, physical or cultural impacts on oneself cannot be in a fit emotional state. Psychology is the study of mental health. The professional psychologists study the behaviour the human mind to establish the nature of the disease a person is suffering from.
Different people have disparate mental wellness. Researchers refer to the mental health as an attribute that enhances emotional well being and the ability to live a full and aesthetic life, combating changes and challenges effectively.
To maintain a sound mental health, one must follow many good, simple practices. Physical health is one important factor determining the quality of the mind. A robust healthy body will help in maintaining a sound mental state. Other little factors determining mental well being are good eating habits, enough sleeping hours, stress-free working and innovative recreation.
Simple meals through the day go a long way in ensuring that both the mind and the body stay fit. Skin must be kept clean by regular baths and a sound sleep must be enjoyed every single day, in an airy, comfortable room. Physical exercise is a fine way to maintain the balance of thoughts and actions. Exercising the muscles every day and making some time alone to even exercise the mind using meditation or relaxing to soothing music.
These practices help in controlling conflicting emotions like worry, anger and fear. Alcohol and drugs must be avoided at all cost to have a good emotional balance. Laughter is a significant part of one's life. A good humour brings alive a happy mood that keeps mental trouble at bay. On the contrary, criticism can be taking its toll on a person's mind. Courtesy and friendship show the good nature of a person and keep him stress free.
Moreover, one must find happiness in what one is supposed to do, as this keeps one in a fine feather. Satisfaction and pleasure in one's duties adds to the positive healthfulness of the psyche. Apart from the duties, a person should maintain an active social life that can help him de-stress from the hectic schedule of work. Helping others, finding time to meet friends and have a hearty laugh with them and visiting parents and other relatives are sure fire ways to calm oneself.
Confidence building is another way to maintain a clean bill of health. By knowing our strengths and weaknesses, we must learn to accept them. Financial problems are another stress causing factor. We must learn to spend for our needs alone and not for our wants. All these followed every day will keep our mind happy and hale.
1001 Health Tips For A Healthy Life Style

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Five Tips for Going Vegetarian

Increasingly, people have become interested in eating less meat or even going vegetarian. There are many great reasons to start to reduce and even remove meat from your diet entirely. Not only is reducing your meat consumption good for your health, but it's actually good for the planet as well. Producing livestock for the amount of meat that the planet currently consumes is one of the most destructive, non-eco friendly practices in existence today. However, reducing or giving up meat can be challenging. Here are five tips to make it easier!
Start Small
Don't try to give up all meat at once! Phase yourself into it. Start by just practicing Meatless Monday to get used to a day without meat as well as to start to learn to cook without meat. Like anything else, if you try to give up something entirely at first, you'll be challenged to be successful.
Select Easy Vegetarian Recipes
Don't begin by trying to cook the most complicated vegetarian recipes possible. Eating vegetarian can be challenging, so invest in a book of simple vegetarian recipes. There are a number of great cookbooks that featured fully, hot vegetarian meals that can be cooked in thirty minutes or less.
Don't Eat Only Salads
Much like eating meat doesn't mean that you should eat only hamburgers each day, eating vegetarian doesn't mean that you should eat only salad every day. You don't just want to be a vegetarian, you want to be a healthy vegetarian. That means a diversity of diet that extends beyond lettuce and tomatoes.
Research Protein Sources
Without a doubt, the biggest challenge when you give up meat is finding alternative sources of proteins. As we said above, you don't just want to be a vegetarian, you want to be a healthy vegetarian. If you're only giving up meat, consider eggs as a great source of protein. You may also want to consider continuing to eat fish. Alternatively, do the research about the best nuts, soy and other products to supplement your protein.
Find a Message Board and Ask Other Vegetarians
The best advice on going vegetarian can be gained from other vegetarians. Find a good message board or online community and talk to other vegetarians about the best way to go meat free, stay meat free and be healthier (and kinder to the planet).
Even if you don't want to go vegetarian, reducing how much meat you have in your diet will pay off for both your personal health and the health of the planet. Start today by having just one meat-free meal and go from there!
Jocelyn Saurini became a vegetarian because of her desire to go green [] with her life. Now she not only writes about green living tips [], she also writes about how to go vegetarian. She eats meat-free and lives waste-free as much as she can, and she hopes she'll be able to help you do the same.

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Bodybuilding Basics 101 - Tips for Skinny Guys!

Bodybuilding is the art of modifying the body to appear more muscular and fit. Bodybuilders have to go through a lot of successive training and particular body part oriented weight lifting to get the shape of modern bodybuilders.
Bodybuilding is an art. Anyone at any age can start body building but the quickest gains will come from 18-25 when testosterone levels in men are at their peak. Any beginner bodybuilder will be able to gain muscle quicker than professional body builders or weight lifters because beginners' bodies tend to adapt and respond efficiently to a brand-new stimulus, since they are starting further from their genetic ceiling. The muscles will grow as they will be forced to adapt.
Before starting bodybuilding one must first set his goal and target at sight and motivate himself for being consistent and efficient at every session of workout. Also endurance and patience is the key, the reason being: it takes time to see the muscle build up and grow (you'll notice a difference normally within 1-2 months). Negative thoughts about not be able to build up muscle should strictly be prohibited!
For bodybuilding planning and organizing is of utmost importance. It is not as easy as going to the gym and lifting weights and doing reps and sets. You have to make a routine for the days you will work out and what type of exercises will be performed. It is better to work the counter parts in the same day; if you do sets for chest do the same for back.
The addition of weights on the bar will help to ensure that muscle is properly broken down and can begin to repair and build (muscular hypertrophy), but pushing it too hard at novice level will backfire, so be cautious about it, consult with an expert. Don't work too hard at the beginning; just do one rep short of failure. Total exhaustion should be avoided for beginner bodybuilders.
If you don't have many spare hours in the day, make sure bodybuilding workouts are well planned, and target compound muscle sections.
Finally, rest is essential, not just for beginners, but for all bodybuilders. Without allowing enough recovery time for the muscle tissue to repair itself, you will find that repeating the exercise will cause injury and slow muscle growth. It is also extremely important that your body is provided with the correct nutrients during this time, vegetables are essential, so are BCAAs (Amino Acids) such as Glutamine and Taurine.
Looking for quick, long term bodybuilding results? join our free bodybuilding community at today!

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Ways to Increase Weight Loss When Diet and Exercise Aren't Enough

Everyone knows how difficult it can be to get rid of the thirty pounds gained after college or the five gained over the holidays. To combat this, we are introduced to the basic concepts of eating right and exercising. Many say this is exactly what should put us back on track. However, all of our bodies are different, and sometimes this simply isn't enough. There are numerous factors that go into this, ranging from hormones to metabolic rates. We don't always consider this, so when the basic routine doesn't appear to be working, many become discouraged and lose their motivation. Yet, there are several other options to add to diet and exercise that can help increase weight loss.
One option that many do not always consider is a cleanser. Let's say that you've been on track for months, but that last five or ten pounds just refuses to come off, no matter what you do. This is a reality for many. A cleanser can help boost weight loss by getting rid of the extra gunk that is stuck in our bodies. Everyone's intestines have little hairs called cilia that stick out in many different directions. As food travels through the intestines during the digestive process, these little hairs trap many food particles. Over the course of someone's lifetime, he or she can accumulate several pounds of leftover, trapped food. Yuck! Cleansers with natural ingredients help push this food out. The result of this is a decrease in belly mass and the disappearance of a few pounds. This may be exactly what some people need to finish off the dieting process and begin their new, healthy lifestyle.
The second option is drinking more water. It is commonly known that H2O is the most common compound found in the human body. It is at the root of every living being's existence. It has many benefits in our bodies like keeping everything moving smoothly inside of it and keeping everything moisturized outside of it. However, not everyone knows that drinking water naturally speeds up a person's metabolism. After drinking 16 ounces of water, it has been shown that a person's metabolism receives a kick-start and burns 24 extra calories over the next hour. Drinking the recommended amount of water a day is a natural way to help boost weight loss.
Embarking on a weight loss journey is an exciting time. It can be filled with ups and downs. Yet, just because we experience these down times, it does not mean that we should surrender our battle. There are several ways to help increase the number of pounds we lose. Trying a couple different options can be exactly what someone may need to find out what will work best for his or her body. If trial and error is not appealing, consulting a physician on this type of journey is also beneficial. A physician can read a body inside and out. He or she can work with you in helping to determine which option will work best for you.
Need more information about weight loss birmingham? Visit here for more information:

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Tips to Beat Depression - 5 Sure Fire Ways To Do It Naturally

Want tips to beat depression naturally? Depression can make you feel as though you are barely alive. By getting the right medical care and teaching yourself how to cope with your symptoms and what to do to help to alleviate them, you can win. You may not only be better able to deal with your depression, but also to improve your life completely.
Some of the best methods to get help when living with depression are to talk about it in an effort to learn to understand your symptoms and your illness and to get help from others who are dealing with the same situation.
1. Joining support groups - this is one of the best methods of learning more about your illness and in some cases about yourself. A support group is a group of like-minded individuals who are joined together for a common cause. You will find depression support groups both online as well as offline. Joining a group is one of the best things you can do to help yourself when living with depression.
2. Help someone else - Nothing will help to alleviate your symptoms and to lower your sense of depression or helplessness than giving some time or energy to another cause. While you may not be inclined to help another person, doing so will give you a wide range of benefits, not the least of which will be less time to feel your own sadness.
3. Learn to deal with stress - Develop and use better coping mechanisms for dealing with your own stress. Take some classes to learn how to cope with your stress. By dealing with stress in a better way, it will lower the resultant secretions that the body puts out when we are under stress. Long-term release of these cortico-steroids can have a detrimental effect on the body processes, that can impact depression.
4. Exercise - By exercising on a regular basis it can be very helpful. If you have the time, take an exercise class and if you don't, spend a minimum of twenty to thirty minutes a day exercising. The endorphins that are released as you exercise are natural mood elevators. By exercising on a regular basis, you will begin to have more energy, have less stress and be in a much better mood. In fact, exercise is addicting after you develop the habit. What a great addiction to have!
5. Think positive - Did you know that some studies say that perpetual negative thinking can actually be a cause of depression? Give yourself a chance to feel better and to relax more. Be forgiving with yourself and let go of the negative thoughts and emotions that are controlling your actions and your moods.
In making these simple changes in your life and taking action on these tips to beat depression, you will be well on your way to recovery. Using these techniques, along with other treatment methods such as therapy and possibly medications (consult a professional), you will begin to feel so much better in a very short period of time.
Dana Zarcone is a National Certified Counselor. She created to assist those suffering with depression. Get more information about natural remedies for depression by going to her site.

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Effective Fitness Training Programme for Different Body Types and Needs

Regular exercise and proper diet are the two essential things people needed to do and have in order to obtain good health and maintain a healthy, balanced life. Because of this, people are encouraged to do and follow professionally designed exercises and fitness trainings to improve body structures and maintain overall body health such as a fitness training programme.
A fitness training programme is very beneficial and ideal when aiming to improve body health and structure because a fitness training programme is a professional design of a fitness experts and doctors, and specifically aims to reach a certain fitness goal set by the person. An effective program improves muscle strength, flexibility and tones the muscles. It also helps in improving cardiovascular circulation of the body to prevent heart attacks and strokes. It also helps in preventing diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and other heart-related and bone-related diseases.
There are various types and kinds of programs available nowadays. They vary according to the goals, age groups and body types of the persons that will do the training exercises. There are different fitness training programme for every individual since everyone has different body structures and fitness needs.
Some of the popular types are aerobics and cardiovascular trainings; weight reduction trainings; muscle building and toning; strengthening trainings; flexibility and agility trainings.
  • Aerobics and cardiovascular trainings can improve the heart condition and blood circulation system. It is also a good fitness training programme for beginners since it prepares the body for heavier or more advanced types of trainings later on.
  • Weight reduction is one of the popular fitness training programmes since most people want to exercise in order to reduce weight.
  • Muscle building and toning fitness training programme is ideal for people who want to improve the overall muscle body structure. This kind of training can provide leaner and stronger muscles to gain well-trimmed muscles and better body figure.
  • Strengthening training programs are ideal for people who want to improve body strength as well as strengthening the bones for support.
  • Flexibility and agility trainings are also one of the popular types of program since it expands the muscle range capacity for movement and eases the joints therefore reducing the risk of injuries.
In order to have the perfect program, one should consult a doctor or a fitness trainer to make sure that the type of fitness training programme is appropriate for the specific person's type of body. It can also be customized or specifically modified to fit the individuals' body type and needs.
It should also be basic, simple and known effective because some may claim and introduce new and revolutionized types of training to achieve your goal faster and easier but will only prove not effective. And most of all, an effective regimen includes a balance diet and nutrition program to support and ensure greater effectiveness of it.
Get yourself a FREE Report on Mass Muscle Guide and learn more about fitness training programme [] tips, trainings and professional advises.
Please visit Get Muscle Building [] site for more information.

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Vegetarian Cooking Tips - Iron Rich Foods For Vegetarians

Vegetarians may find it a bit more difficult to get the iron they need, but some may not understand the reason why. There are two forms of iron: heme, which comes from animal sources, and non-heme, which comes from plant sources. Non-heme iron is more difficult for the body to absorb than heme iron in general. However, if you eat a food containing vitamin C in the same meal with your plant-sourced iron, it helps your body to absorb that non-heme iron more effectively.
This simple trick can alleviate any worries about developing anemia. Iron helps your blood cells carry oxygen around your body, it helps your immune system fight effectively, and it is necessary to get the energy from the food you eat. If you are low in iron, you may feel tired, due to your body not getting enough oxygen. Over consumption of iron can also be toxic, so finding a good balance is important. Too much iron can make you susceptible to bacterial infections. It is very difficult to get iron toxicity from foods alone; it usually results from too many iron supplements.
Adult women need 33 mg of iron per day. Adult men and menopausal women need 14 mg per day. Women in the childbearing years need more iron to compensate for the iron lost through monthly menstruation. Now... what foods are going to give you what you need?
Grain Sources
Bran is a great source of iron. Eat it as cereal, bake it into bread or muffins. Oatmeal is also a good source, but do not rely on instant varieties. Cook the old-fashioned oatmeal, or better yet, get the steel cut oats. They take a little longer to cook, but they have a great flavor and are full of iron and other nutrients. Oatmeal can also be added to muffins, cakes, cookies and other recipes.
Beans are full of iron as well as protein. Add navy beans, black-eyed peas, lentils, chickpeas, soybeans, and tofu to your diet to up your iron percentages. Beans can be made into veggie burgers or cooked in stews and soups. Tofu can be a little challenging at first, but there are many recipes to try for this interesting ingredient.
Fruits and Vegetables
The more veggies you eat throughout the day, the more iron you get. Swiss chard, pumpkin, watermelon, raisins, potatoes, sweet potatoes, broccoli, bok choy and dates all have pretty good levels of iron in them. Leafy greens like leaf lettuces, spinach and beet greens are a good source of iron. If you do not want salads all the time, try adding greens to soups, pasta sauces, and smoothies. Just add some fruit to the smoothies to sweeten them up. Add sweet potatoes and squash to stews and soups; you do not have to eat them just one-way. If you like Japanese cuisine, stock up on the edible seaweeds. It is a great excuse to enjoy vegetarian sushi. Parsley and watercress are also good sources of iron.
Mexican recipes are rich in many nutrients we need to stay healthy. Try a wide variety of recipes to truly get a feel for the cuisine. You can enjoy a flavorful Cinco de Mayo food knowing it is good for you, too! When it has to be Real Authentic Mexican Food

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Effects of Alcohol on Mental Health & Secret Tips to Reverse the Damage

Drinking alcohol can intensify emotions, both positive (happiness, joy) and negative (anger, depression).
The are strong links between drinking alcohol and anxiety, depression, and most worryingly suicide.
Mental health is our ability to enjoy life and also deal with challenges that come our way. If we have good mental health then we are able to get on and do the things we want to do in life.
Alcohol & Sleep
Sleep is how your body maintains itself. Getting the right amount, particularly deep sleep, is crucially for mental and physical well being.
When we're a bit stressed out most of us like to have a couple of drinking before bed to send us off to sleep. The thing is, although alcohol does get us to to sleep quickly, it actually reeks havoc on the overall quality of our sleep. Probably one of the biggest effects of alcohol, due to the many knock on effects.
We are much more likely to wake up in the night to go to the toilet but more importantly alcohol disturbs our brains natural brain rhythms and prevents us going into the deep sleep that we need in order to feel refreshed and fully rested in the morning. Most people agree that being tired makes life more difficult to cope with and contributes to overall stress levels.
Alcohol and Stress
Many people turn to alcohol to deal with stresses in their lives. This can often make the problems worse. Hangovers can make it difficult for us to function properly, leading to more stress which can compound over time and lead to serious mental and physical health problems.
3 Ways to Help Prevent Alcohol Damage.
Drink sensibly. Try to stick to 1 unit per hour as this is the rate at which the liver will process alcohol that you consume. A good trick for achieving this is to alternate every alcoholic drink with a non-alcoholic drink. Another good idea would be to stick to under 5 units per session.
Eat a full diet. A diet rich in everything your body needs to maintain optimal physical and mental health is essential. Most of us know what a good diet is - the hard bit is sticking to it.
Take a supplement used by astronauts. Ever since the first mission to the moon NASA have been supplementing their astronauts diets with an edible plant known as AFA to help reverse damage done to their brains from the rigors of being subject to G forces. AFA has considerable health benefits, most remarkably the ability to support the bodies natural system of renewal -adult stem cells. AFA can help you to reverse damage done by alcohol.
To learn more about the effects of alcohol [] on your body and how our adult stem cell enhancer [] product can help you, please visit our site to claim your free report: The Algae, Adult Stem Cell and Omega 3 Connection.

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10 Hair Growth Tips You Can Use at Home

When you are trying to grow your tresses you will find many kinds of products on your store shelves. They work well but they can be very expensive especially if you use them on a regular basis. There are ways to get the same hair quality and hair growth by making products at home. They are less expensive and many items you may already have in your home. Here are ten hair growth tips to help you grow a long and healthy mane.
1. First of the 10 hair growth tips is to drink lots of water although it may be obvious, drinking plenty of water and eating lots of raw fruits and vegetables will promote hair growth. These natural foods have the essential vitamins and minerals you need. To grow longer and thicker locks.
2. You can however supplement your diet with vitamin supplements. Good hair vitamins such as Vitamin B, C, and F as well as zinc, iron and copper are all important for growing longer tresses.
3. You should also consume plenty of lean proteins to help grow longer and thicker locks
4. One of the best hair growth tips is a formulation of celery leaves and lemon. Boil 1 cup of celery leaves plus the stems, strain them and add the juice of 1 lemon. This is a great rinse to use after you have washed your hair, instead of buying those expensive conditioners. It leaves your hair silky and luxurious.
5. Using lavender oil on your hair has been shown to boost growth, plus it has a lovely scent. Just massage the oil into your scalp once a week, keep it on for 30 minutes then wash it off using shampoo.
6. Another one of the hair growth tips you can use is to have your hair trimmed at least once a month. Trimming the ends can prevent damage done to the tips and take away split ends.
7. When brushing your hair, use a wooden brush and never brush it when wet. You want to make sure you use a wide tooth comb as it does not tear at your locks.
8. One of the most effective hair growth tips is to use Aloe Vera. Massage Aloe Vera into your scalp especially where you find you have hair loss will give your hair a boost. Leave it on for an hour and then rinse with warm water; this is amazing for growing long tresses.
9. You can rinse your hair with apple cider vinegar and sage tea to help grow longer tresses. You can also boil rosemary leaves in water and then use this infused water when you wash your hair every day.
10. One of the best hair growth tips is to purchase a natural home made product called Mira hair oil, which has a combination of oils and herbs that make growing longer tresses possible. Apply it at night and massage it gently into your scalp and then wash it off in the morning. You will find your hair will grow much faster.
These are the 10 best hair growth tips you can use to grow a long, healthy mane. Use them consistently and you will have longer and thicker tresses in no time.
Discover The Best Hair Growth Tips You Can Use At Home.Download the FREE book that shows you the ancient secrets to Enhance Hair Growth by clicking the link

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3 Best Diet Journal Tips to Lose Weight Super Fast

When it comes to journaling your diet, putting this into practice by creating a brilliant diet journal will inspire you even further, making losing weight that much easier.
Below are considered probably the top 3 motivational dieting tips to add to your diet journal:
1. Diarize your thoughts and feelings:
This is very important and while it may come across as slight self-absorbing, it's important to be critical of your thoughts as in these emotions lies the answer to resolving any issues you may have, plus it also helps you understand the way you were dieting and the way you can change your diet for the long-term.
Take for example when you're feeling sad or lonely and at what time in the day, do you consume more food when you have these feelings as your diet plan will reveal.
If so you need to address these states of emotion and how they can be turned into a positive.
Consider hanging out and catching up with your friends more, or doing something new.
One great place for meeting new folks who have similar interests in your location is
May be it's astrology or animals that you have a fond interest in. This is just one website that you can use to your advantage and develop new friendships and advance your interests.
If however you feel you may need some professional help, don't be afraid to approach your local medical practitioner for advice.
2. Takedown number of Kg's you've lifted each session:
You should take down the amount in weight you've lifted each session and the amounts of reps you've completed.
This is important because you may find that you are now lifting more weights than you previously were, which means your muscle glycogen levels have increased, but you may find that you haven't in fact lost any weight.
Do not worry - the reasons for this are 2 fold.
a. It means that you've gained more leaner muscle mass - you are toning up!
b. A lean muscle mass means you will stay leaner for much longer, making putting on weight that much harder.
3. Take lots of pictures and print them out:
There's nothing like looking at how you looked a week ago and how you look now.
It may sound like a week won't reflect that much, but only we ourselves can see the little positive changes our body is undergoing.
Make sure you do this from the very start and it will provide endless inspiration.
Additionally, consider using some of the latest weight loss supplements to really help you lose weight faster:
Visit: Best Weightloss Supplements to view the top 7 weightloss pills for 2013

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Tips and Advice on How to Reduce Hair Loss

Hair loss is a common and normal phenomenon which occurs to both men and women especially at an older age.
There are two basic types of hair loss; scarring (hair follicle is damaged and hair cannot regrow) and non-scarring (hair fall is attributed to a variety of factors such as genetics, illness, poor nutrition or medications). The major causes and risk factors to hair fall include aging, improper and poor diet, illnesses, or hormonal changes.
Natural remedies for reducing loss of hair
Hair fall can be unfortunate to your image especially if you are young. Hair fall can be irreversible and prevention of the hair loss is the best cure. Different natural home remedies can be used to curb hair fall. The common remedies for hair fall treatment include;
Coconut milk 
Coconut milk has been known to be the richest source of tissue-nourishing. Coconut milk is extracted by cutting the coconut into small pieces and ground to extract the milk. The coconut milk is used for a soothing massage on the scalp hence reducing hair fall.
Oil massage 
Oil massage is another common method of reducing hair loss. The massage oils used are natural oils made from olive, jojoba, almond or coconut oils. The oils are preheated to lukewarm and the patient should massage the scalp for about 20 minutes, leave it for an hour and then wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
Natural juices
Several natural juices are capable of reducing hair loss. Some of the natural juices used include onion juice, and aloe Vera juice. They are applied onto the body surface while massaging for about 30 minute and then wash off in warm water. The natural juices can also balance hair shareholders and pH level of the scalp.
Neem leaves
Neem tree is one of the most common plant with tremendous medicinal values. Neem leaves are boiled in water for 30 to 45 minutes. The extracts from the neem leaves are applied on the skin surface and left for some time. Neem leaves help prevent hair fall and also confers other additional health and beauty benefits.
Antioxidants are substances that fight and neutralize free radicals in the body. Antioxidants can be found in many plants. Green tea is the most common antioxidant and not only does it prevent from hair loss, it boosts the immune system hence improving the general body heath. Green tea can be made from boiling green tea bag in clean water. The tea is applied on the affected skin area and left for an hour before washing and shampooing the hair.
Amla treatment 
Amla is a herb that prevents hair loss on the scalp. Dried alma is soaked in coconut oil until it turns to black. The oils extracted contain natural nutritious products and are used to massage the scalp which is an effective way to reduce hair loss.
Change of lifestyle habits that may affect hair loss such as alcoholism or allergies and proper evaluation of your skin is important in order to get the suitable products for hair fall treatment.
If you want to know how to stop you hair loss visit my site to read about how to stop hair fall.

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Overcome Depression Mental Health Problems In The Workplace

The workplace can be a very tiring environment for anyone. The pressures from bosses, coworkers, and long hours can be very toxic to one's mental and physical health. Burnout usually occurs to those who can't keep up with the demands of the workplace for whatever reasons. Though stress is present in our every day lives, excessive amounts of it can cause negative effects. Too much stress in the workplace causes a whole lot of health problems such as anxiety disorders, depression, physical fatigue, and increased tension. It can also dramatically decrease a worker's productivity. Workplace stress can also increase one's risk of serious physical and psychological problems!
Symptoms to watch out for include anxiety, depression, stomach problems, decreased sex drive, fatigue, insomnia, and back pains. If one experiences these symptoms, they should take a breather and contact the management and tell them about the problem they have.
Research shows that approximately one third of today's workers experience high levels of workplace related stress. Absences often stem from stress-related illnesses and this costs employers a lot of money. To improve productivity and employee relationships, some major companies now offer programs to help reduce work stress. They offer counseling, and stress risk assessment for their employees.
Social events such as regular get-togethers, parties, and field trips also help in the treatment of some office tension. These can also be opportunities for having a stress awareness program among employees. Higher salaries and regular promotion also helps a lot in the motivation of employees and in boosting their confidence. Some companies have even taken the direct route by offering less-stress programs for their employees like flexible working hours, and career leaves. Motivation is very important, that's why employers should be sensitive to the mental health needs of their employees. If they want maximum benefit for their company, they should invest in the protection and well-being of their employees' mental health. Studies show that most companies with mental health well-being programs even save a lot of money because of dramatically reduced absences, and improved productivity.
Treatment for stress depression are varied and numerous. There a whole lot of ways for employees to cope with workplace stress. The company should be forced to have a mental health program, but a program is usually not enough. One has to harness positive thinking and be able to take responsibility for one's own health. Better communication with employers and an overall positive outlook on work can dramatically reduce stress at the workplace. If you are experiencing workplace stress and/or are suffering from depression it is very important to access the correct help immediately. The sooner you seek help for your depression related symptoms the sooner you can be on the road to recovery. The longer a mental health problem is left untreated the more intricate and complex the problem becomes. Early intervention is very important.
Remember, people can and do make recoveries from depression and go on to lead their best lives imaginable.
Are you unhappy with your life?
If so, take action now click the following link to receive your FREE e-book on how to overcome depression and anxiety and much more...
Rose White Young's recovery from years of depression, against all the odds, has inspired her to setup a blog to help people beat depression and anxiety.
Click this link []

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The Basic Guidelines For Success In Weight Loss

When one speaks of moderation the key lies focusing on the basics. When people pursue weight loss under extremity they forget that there are some basics which they have to follow and these basics are way effective than the extreme measures taken by them. The lines give the basic guidelines to follow for weight loss.
1. Fat Burning Foods:
Losing weight is not about depriving your body from food or the nutrients it requires. Therefore, in addition to providing healthy foods to the body, you must incorporate fat burning foods into your diet plan to assist weight loss. The foods you can consume in this regard include, honey, dark chocolate, eggs, and shrimp.
2. High Calorie Foods For Topping:
If you cant resist the high calorie foods, then the best way is to use them as topping over the nutritional foods. For instance, you can use a spoon full of ice-cream as a topping over a bowl full of fruits and vegetables. This way you will satiate your craving for high calorie food in addition to eating healthy.
3. Water Throughout The Day:
You can have some juice or shake in the morning, but make sure that you rely only on water as a source of quenching your thirst during the rest of the day. Despite the obvious drawback that the water alternates have extra calories, in addition they also don't quench thirst. Therefore, consume as much water throughout the day as possible, as it would purify the body and keep the metabolic rate high and burning calories.
4. Food Journal:
Counting of calories is integral to weight loss, therefore, it is imperative that you carry a food journal with you wherever you go and not down even the littlest of the food you eat. When you keep a journal, you will know your calorie limit and wont over consume, thus achieve weight loss eventually.
5. Six Small Meals:
New studies recommend that the best way to lose weight is to consume more frequently, but in smaller quantities and healthy foods. The reason why such an approach towards eating is recommended is because it keeps the metabolic rate high which ensures that the body does not store fat, rather keeps on burning them.
6. Physical Activity:
Every person knows that there is no weight loss without undertaking physical activity of any kind. Therefore, perform any physical activity that makes you sweat, so that the calories and fats are burnt resulting in greater weight loss. However, if you are one of those who never seems to gather sufficient energy to perform any activity, then you can use the best energy supplement and drinks to help you gain energy in a low calorie form to undertake the physical activity of your liking.
In short, in order to lose weight you need to focus on the basics. Chances are that basics will do the job for you, and then you can take other measures on the foundation laid by basics. This increases the chances and pace of weight loss.

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A List Of High Fat Foods That Are Bad For You

There are some foods that you must avoid to eat because they make you fat.
In this article I give you a list of high fat foods. Perhaps you don't know it but fat and fat is not the same.
Goods fats vs. bad fats.
You need to eat fats they are required for your health.
Dr Udo Erasmus has said it already there are fats that heal and fats that kill.
The problem is that most people are not aware of this and they choose for 100% fat free foods.
A word of caution here the food can be 100% free but at the same time it can contain a lot of sugar.
Bad fats are:
- Trans fats.
- Saturated fats
Good fats are:
- Monounsaturated fats.
- Polyunsaturated fats.
In this article we concentrate us on a list of foods that contain bad fats.
High fat foods that are bad for you. 
Saturated fats.

Studies have shown that diets high in saturated fats increase the risk of hart disease.
They also increase the level of LDL (bad) cholesterol in your blood.
Products that are high in saturated fats are.
- Butter
- Ice cream (contains milkfat)
- Cheese
- Chicken fat
- Meat fat
- Palm oil
- Coconut oil - Beef
- Lamb
- Pork
- Veal
A lot of animal products contain saturated fats and in some cases foods from plants.
Trans fats.
Just like saturated fats there is a relationship between trans fats and bad cholesterol level.
Products that contain trans fats are.
- Some margarines
- Cookies
- Crackers
- Snack foods
- Shortening
- Doughnuts
- Cake
- Frozen foods
- Potato chips
- Candy
I hope you understand now that according to this high fat food list that some products are bad for you.
You should read the food labels; manufacturers must include the fat percentage on it.
Warning! Want to lose fat. Drugs, diets, supplements don't work.
When it comes to fat burning burn the fat feed the muscle [] is the only source you need.
This book is written by a world wide fitness expert.
He tells you exactly why diet's don't work and how to lose body fat the correct way.
The ebook is jam packed with more than 350 pages of valuable information.
If you visit his site today he gives you a free valuable 40 pages mini ebook.
More interested in othertips to burn fat fast then visit my blog.

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