Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss. Show all posts

Quick Vegetarian Weight Loss

A vegan diet can help you with your weight loss plan but first we must establish what a vegan diet is and the different types of vegans.
1.    Some vegans only eat a strict diet of vegetables and stay strictly away from dairy products, eggs, meat, honey, processed foods, stimulants such as coffee, etc.
2.    Some vegans eat a non-meat diet strictly because they believe the killing of animals is inhumane and their diet is consistent with their beliefs.
3.    Some vegans have been put on a vegetarian diet due to certain health risks.
These are all good and acceptable reasons to be vegan. So whatever type of Vegan you subscribe to you can lose weight with a well-BALANCED vegetarian diet with healthy exercise.
When losing weight, however, the key is to make it attainable, and make it easy. With attainable weight loss and easy weight loss you will find yourself much more successful in the long run.  So, here are ways to make a simple vegan diet attainable and easy.
o    Pick a plan that you can live with. Don't restrict yourself too much at first. For example, if you are used to coffee in the morning, tackle that issue later. Go simple at first and once you are succeeding, move on to conquer other things.
o    Don't allow yourself to get discouraged. If you cheat, or what? Go back on it next meal! There is never a reason to get mad at yourself or beat yourself up. THAT is the reason people fail. They get discouraged and quit. Even if you decide to eat only raw vegetable, yet one day you are out of food, open up a can of green beans for goodness sakes, and forget about it!  
o    Control your thoughts!  The bible says the battlefield is in the mind. If you can conquer this, you have won your battle. If you keep your mind NOT on how and what and when you eat and what you did not eat and when can you eat next and are allowing yourself to focus on the wrong things which is probably what got you over weight or unhealthy in the first place.  Eat your food, stick with your plan, and go do something else. Make your thoughts go on a diet too. Do not think about food or eating.
o    Buy a variety of food to have on hand. When shopping at the grocery store, ONLY buy the types of foods on your diet. Buy fresh, maybe have some canned or frozen on hand if you run into a bind, but don't buy chips, or other temptations making it hard on you. Get that stuff out of your pantry so you won't have to look at it. Only have on hand the type of food you should eat even when you are cheating. Cheat with special things that you will only eat when you feel you have to cheat. For example, cheat with fresh fruit or a smoothie if you must. It will conquer the sweet tooth and help keep you on target.
o    Pre-Plan what to order when at a restaurant. Know what you are choosing before you show up at the fast food place or a restaurant. Of course and most of the fast food restaurants offer many salads to choose from. Don't even try to be tempted. Remember...the battlefield is in the mind.
Again, keep special foods onhard when you want to cheat such as special nuts, almonds, macadamia nuts, blueberries, etc. Have a special "treat" just for you keeping it within your dieting plan.
The key to a nutritionally sound vegan diet is variety so you can include fruits, vegetables, lots of different kinds of leafy greens, whole grain products, nuts, legumes and seeds. Be creative here!
A healthy vegetarian diet is not just cutting out certain foods such as meat. It's about making sure you are getting ample amount of nutrients and all of your daily nutritional needs.  Do not skimp on nutrients. Learn your diet and find out what your body will need to continue and be successful!
You do not need to count calories or mess with carb counting, or weighing your food, but it would be wise to eat organically grown fruits, plants, whole grains, and natural foods.  Foods without these chemicals are better for everyone, vegan or not.
Judy Stevens writes on weight loss and weight gain with a specialty in hormonal imbalances. To read more go to [] or for free charts on food cravings and ideal weight go to []

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Is A Sauna Good For Weight Loss?

Although the word sauna originates from Finland, the very first sauna were used by the Yolngu tribe in Australia. The first saunas in Europe however did originate in Finland, where people used them once a week to clean themselves (bathing was quite rare in those days). They went on to become permanent fixtures in many Scandinavian homes.
How Does A Sauna Work?
A sauna is a room which is designed to reach high temperatures and is used for therapeutic reasons or simply for relaxation. A sauna is essentially a steam room which has a pile of rocks sat on a fire. water is poured on to the rocks to create the steam. The temperatures in a sauna can reach as high as 150 degrees (f). There are also other types of saunas which use electric heat or fires, but what are the benefits of using them?
The Health Benefits Of Using A Sauna
A sauna exposes your body to extreme heat, this makes you sweat a lot which helps to flush toxins from your body. A sauna also lowers your blood pressure and makes your heart beat a little quicker, giving it a gentle cardiovascular workout. The heat of the sauna stimulates increased blood flow in the body, this aids muscle relaxation and increases the flow of oxygen to them. You have to keep yourself hydrated in a sauna (so avoid alcohol) and be careful about how quickly you move and get up in the sauna, as the lowered blood pressure can make you light headed. But amongst all those benefits, can I sauna aid weight loss?
Is A Sauna Good For Weight Loss?
There is good news and bad news when it comes to using a sauna for weight loss. The good news is that you will lose weight when you are in the sauna, but the bad news is that the majority of this weight loss is temporary and will soon return. The reason is that most of the weight is lost through sweating, and therefore lost fluids. This weight will come back when you start drinking to re-hydrate your body. However due to heart beating faster while in the sauna (due to the increased blood flow), you will burn calories in a sauna. This amount will be similar to what you would burn while walking. Using a sauna can also help to reduce stress levels which is good news for your weight, as a lot of people tend to over eat when stressed and turn to unhealthy foods (emotional eating).
So a sauna is good for weight loss, it may not burn as many calories as a cardio exercise workout, but it is an enjoyable and relaxing experience.
Would you like help to lose weight and keep it off for good? Maybe you are looking to lose the beer belly or lose weight after pregnancy and want to discover the top ways to lose weight fast [] then I can help. My online weight loss resource offers you the opportunity to sign up for free weight loss tips []. Lose weight and feel great today.

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Can Lemon Juice Substitute Lime Juice For Weight Loss?

Some people are wondering if lime juice can be substituted for lemon juice for weight loss and vice versa. The answer would be yes. Any fruit which consist of citrus acid in it can be substituted with each other such as lemon, grapefruit, lime and others. Both lemon and lime juice can provide acidic elements and some zest to your recipes when baking and cooking. If you don't have one of them then it is alright to substitute with the other.
Why Use Lemon Juice for Weight Loss
There are already several claims about the success of this diet. In order to effectively lose weight, you can squeeze a lemon in the warm water every morning. Some people are wondering whether these claims are actually real. Well, it seems that it is a fact due to the evidence gathered on the effectiveness of lemons in regulating the absorption of sugar in the body as well as in improving your digestion. Aside from this, it has also vitamin C which is a very important element for those who are serious about their weight loss. This is because the body will absorb more calcium into the fat cells which can help in losing weight.
How Does Lemon Juice for Weight Loss Works
Actually, it is quite surprising how juice of the lemon can be very effective in sugar absorption as well as in regulating metabolism and as a result helps you in losing your extra weight. The secret is hidden behind the acidity content of the lemon. Lemon juice is full of citric acid. That is why, if you take a glass of lemon juice with warm water at the start of the morning, you can achieve a healthy natural digestion in your stomach. The citric acid in the lemon will interact with enzymes and the other acids in your digestive system so that you can have a worry free and healthy digestion.
Lemon juice for weight loss can lower your absorption of sugar. According to studies, it just takes a little lemon and you can already lower your absorption of sugar. This is due to the high content to acid in lemon. Aside from the lemon juice, you can also eat the lemon peels. The peels contain pectin which can help in losing weight because it will form a gel substance in your stomach and helps in the sugar absorption of the food that you eat.
According to the research done at Arizona State University, those people who are eating foods which are full of vitamins such as lemon, lime, oranges, kiwi fruit and grapes are less likely to gain more weight compared to those who have low intake of vitamin C. Aside from having a healthy digestive system, it can also help in absorbing more calcium from the foods that you eat and the calcium will be stored in the fat cells. The more calcium you have in your fat cells, the more you will burn fat. So, this is another benefit from lemon juice for weight loss.
For info on juicing for weight loss [] ideas, visit []

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Extra Shake Weight Exercises

Fitness IQ, LLC, the makers of the Shake Weight® dumbbell, released a 6-minute workout DVD to accompany their product. However, for extreme fitness enthusiasts and individuals already in good physical condition, the 6-minute workout may not be enough. In this article, you will find a simple description of the original exercises, modifications to add to their intensity, as well as six extra exercises to maximize the use of the dynamic inertia dumbell.
The Original Exercise, Intensified
First, let's begin by adding intensity to the original manufacturer-suggested exercise. The original exercises devised as part of the 6-minute workout are still valuable, and make up a crucial part of an overall extreme workout. The three exercises are:
  1. Standing Chest Exercise
  2. Standing Bicep Exercise
  3. Standing Tricep Exercise
If these 3 basic exercises become too easy, try this modification. For the first 30-second set on each exercise, stand on the balls of your feet with your calves flexed (i.e. on your "tippy toes") and focus on stabilizing your balance while shaking the weight. For the second 30-second set, perform the motion while in a squat position. By changing your stance during the exercise you force your leg muscles to join in the benefit of the dumbbell's dynamic inertia.
The Extreme Exercise
In addition to the original exercises, we recommend extending the 6-minute workout with six new exercises that are far more intense and target a wider range of muscle groups-including legs and core. Here are six different exercises you can do with your Shake Weight:
  1. Lunge Exercise

    While in a lunge position, hold the shake weight between your legs and shake side-to-side (parallel to the floor) while stabilizing your body with core muscles.

  2. Standing Shoulder & Back Exercise

    Standing upright, hold the Shake Weight in an extended arm out to one's side and shake up-and-down (perpendicular to the floor).

  3. Standing Isolated Bicep Exercise

    Standing upright, hold the Shake Weight in your bent arm. Holding your elbow fixed at your rib cage, shake the weight up-and-down.

  4. Ab & Chest Exercise

    Lying on your back, raise your legs and shoulder blades off the floor in a static "crunch" position. Then, hold the Shake Weight in front of your chest and move in an oscillating motion (similar to the standard chest exercise).

  5. Ab & Oblique Exercise

    In the same static crunch position, hold the Shake Weight with an overhand grip just above your waist line and shake side-to-side, stabilizing your body with core muscles.

  6. Plank Bicep Core Exercise

    In a plank (push-up) position, hold the shake weight in one bent arm while supporting your body weight with the other extended arm. Shake the weight in similar style to a bicep exercise.
Randall Cook
Fitness Fanatic
Shake Weight Extreme "Shake Weight" is a registered trademark of Fitness IQ, LLC

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Fast Weight Loss Exercises to Lose Weight Within 2-5 Days!

Here are 2 really fast weight loss exercises to lose weight in just a few days. You can forget about jogging and all that other typical cardio nonsense, these exercise are WAY BETTER.
Fast Weight Loss Exercises to Lose Weight
1. Quickest way to lose weight with exercise is to do hindu squats
Sounds like something hard? Nope, it's not hard at all. It's really simple. Do you know how to squat? If yeah, then all you do is squat... but do it as fast as you can and do it over a period of 5 minutes. No weights are needed. Just you and your body.
To get the most out of this exercise, try to do it non-stop. People who average 20+ squats a minute and over 100 squats in 5 minutes are the ones who get unbelievably fast fat loss results.
One tip... if you can't quite do 100 squats in 5 minutes, then build up to doing the whole 5 minutes by starting with doing fewer minutes but averaging at least 20 squats per minute. Slowly build up from there.
2. Jumping on a mini-trampoline 2 minutes at a time
This is a quick way to lose weight without even sweating. And the best part is you can do these during tv commercials since they last about 2 minutes. In fact, if you have a favorite 1 hour tv show, just watch that show and do this during all the commercials. You'll get in an easy 20 minutes of exercise that way.
These are 2 fast weight loss exercises to lose weight at a rate that is beyond anything you can do at a gym even though you never have to leave your home to do them.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan

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Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Cobalamin or as it is better known, is one of the vital nutrients our bodies need in order to work properly. It is necessary to perform many of the body's more important tasks, including the making of DNA during cell division and the healthy formation of red blood cells.
B12 is known as the "energy vitamin" because it gives a real energy boost. It is used to remedy fatigue and it speeds up the metabolism. Red blood cells are also responsible for producing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all the different parts of the body.
It has many functions and uses but does it help people lose weight?
What is the link between Vitamin B12 and weight loss?
Vitamin B12 Injections and Weight Loss
Some people might go to a clinic to get shots. These shots are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for better absorption. People who get these shots mainly suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or a deficiency. They might also claim that taking these shots help them to lose weight.
However, injections by themselves do not directly induce weight loss, nor are they intended to. So why do people who get them lose weight?
There are many factors to take into consideration.
B12 causes the metabolism to speed up, which in turn increases weight loss. People who go to get injections tend to be more conscious of their health and are already on a vegetarian, or other weight loss diet.
Shots give a tremendous boost of energy. This generally helps people to maintain their diets, and motivates them to exercise and increase physical activity. Vitamin B12 also helps to fight stress and depression, symptoms which are sometimes associated with weight gain.
While the shots can be a great benefit to some, particularly those with a B12 deficiency, there can be some negative side effects when taken excessively or along with certain other substances. There is also a risk for those who have certain pre-existing conditions. It's important to consult a physician before undergoing injections.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Deficiencies can become a serious health threat. The body can normally stock up many years supply of vitamin B12, so it more often materializes when the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 because of illness or old age. Incidentally, deficiencies can cause weight loss, among other symptoms. Extreme cases can even result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.
A person diagnosed with a B12 deficiency will need to take supplements. These are most often taken as capsules or via intramuscular injections. Although vitamin B12 does not directly cause weight loss, it is still an essential nutrient that is needed by the body. It is important to get a sufficient amount of it and doing so will ensure better health, all around.
Vitamin B12 and Dieting
When undergoing any new weight loss program it is important to make sure that the diet is well balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients. This of course includes vitamin B12 and other essential nutrients.
Food sources rich in B12
Meat, Poultry, Milk and other dairy products, Eggs, and Fish
Since the only reliable source of vitamin B12 are from animals those practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet will have to get theirs from supplements. If a person doesn't get enough they may develop a deficiency.
I tried everything to lose weight including vitamin b12 [] and never had much luck until I discovered this simple weight loss system and I was able to lose over 42 pounds you can learn more by visiting Healthy Weight Loss Project

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Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Tips

Exercise is an important part of any weight loss regimen. But with busy schedules, we all want to know which exercises will help us lose the most weight quickly.
Broadly, there are two types of exercises: aerobic and strength training (or anaerobic), and each one contributes differently to weight loss. Aerobic exercise burns fat calories while you are engaged in the exercise itself. On the other hand, strength training primarily contributes to weight loss by helping to increase the speed of your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the number of calories your body burns while you are at rest. Your RMR actually increases (i.e., burns more calories) the more muscular your body is because it takes much more energy to maintain muscles than it does to maintain fat.
Important note: remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so some strength training exercises will make you healthier and more attractive while not necessarily contributing to weight loss. But, muscles are a "good" kind of weight and you should aim to build more muscle in order to help keep body fat at bay.
Here are 5 tips for exercises - both aerobic and strength training - you can do at home to lose weight quickly.
Tip #1: Squats: Your buttocks and leg muscles are the largest muscles in your body. Every day in front of the mirror, put your feet at shoulder width while facing forward and squat down-and-up 10-20 times for 2 or 3 sets. This will build your leg and buttock muscles. As you build up strength, try holding 2 or 5 pound dumbbells in your hands while you work out. Be sure to warm up first, and stop if you notice any sharp pain in your knees.
Tip #2: Pushups: Pushups are a form of strength training: during a pushup your arms have to support up to 70% of your body weight. Do 2 or 3 sets of 20 pushups to build arm strength and increase your RMR.
Tip #3: Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks are an excellent whole-body aerobic workout you can do right at home. Do 4 or 5 sets of 20 jumping jacks, or as needed. Hint: if you live in an apartment or stay in a second-story bedroom, be considerate of your neighbors by going outside or doing these in a first story room.
Tip #4: Fast walking: While walking is in itself a great aerobic exercise, fast walking is even better for burning fat. Make sure you really stretch first and warm up with regular walking. Once you start your faster walking pace, try to maintain as much speed as possible for as long as you can. If you get tired, try doing intervals of fast walking followed by short periods of slower walking.
Tip #5: Stepping: Stepping is a great way to get your heart beating and to burn calories. You can use your stairs at home, but for best results I suggest buying specialized stackable step mats and stack them up to at least 15 inches (38 cm). Do 2 to 3 sets of 20 steps each to begin. Even though you may not feel like the stepping is helping, it is! This exercise will not only help you lose weight but will also help shape up your buttocks and legs.
An important element in a strategy to lose weight quickly at home is to do a combination of exercises that build muscles (strength training) while burning fat (aerobic exercises). Start a regimen of most or all of these exercises 2-3 days/week and watch the unhealthy fat melt away.
Looking to burn more fat, faster? Try a proven new formula for success: The Diet Solution Program.

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Feeling Great And Shedding Weight

Losing weight is a challenging battle for most people, taking up time and money. If you are ready to make a change and lose weight, take a look at the following tips and tricks to simplify getting fit and slimming down.

One of the main focuses of your weight loss plan should be counting calories. Be sure to write down the calories you are consuming by taking a look at the nutrition facts on the side or back of the food you are purchasing. If your food is a fruit or vegetable that doesn't list nutrition facts, look online for an average amount of calories the food contains. Once you have an idea of your daily caloric intake, you should consider lowering it, either by a little or by a lot, depending on your specific number. 
One pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories, so by reducing the number of calories you eat by 500 per day should result in weight loss of one pound per week. It is important not to reduce your caloric intake by 1,000 calories or more, as this will cause your body to feel like it is being starved, and will result in the "yo-yo" effect. As a baseline, women need 1,200 calories per day and men need 1,800, so do your best not to drop below those numbers. Even though they are an average for most men and women, you should find a calorie calculator online where you can input your weight, height, gender, etc. to find out your minimum daily calorie numbers.

One of the best ways to lower your daily calorie consumption is by using vegetables and fruits as a replacement for high calorie foods. If the fat content on a food you are considering is high, switch to a vegetable alternative. With today's advancements in food technology, soy products are much tastier than they used to be. You should also replace sugary foods in your diet with something low in sugar and high in fiber. Instead of snacking on chips, try a healthy, crunchy alternative, such as carrots or low-salt pretzels. For bigger meals, eat lean protein and fiber rich foods, such as chicken, fish, and legumes.

One way that you can make dieting easier on yourself is to remove all of the unhealthy foods from your home. Often times a dieter will get a craving for a sweet or savory food that is high in fat or sugar, but if you don't have the foods available, you will force yourself to look for a healthy alternative.
Aerobic exercise can be the most beneficial type of exercise for losing weight, so if you find yourself with even just a few extra minutes during the day, try to do jumping jacks or take a quick jog. This way when your calorie intake starts to plateau, you will be able to still burn more calories than you are taking in. If you have an appointment somewhere relatively close to your home, try to walk, jog, or bike there. If you don't have a lot of spare time for exercise, it is important that you slip it in wherever you can.

Using the tips in this article, you will be able to simplify your weight loss plan and start shedding weight. Weight loss is tough for many people, but it doesn't have to be for you. With simple diet and exercise, you'll be feeling great in no time!

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Good Nutrition is Required Prior to Weight Loss Surgery

Most people do not understand why we need water with lemon for weight loss. Most people work out trying to lose weight but do not drink the desired amount therefore do not lose much weight in the process.
So how much lemon should we take each day to see weight loss?
Experts say you need 8 ounces of water with lemon per day - that's just for the average person. If you're overweight you will need more. As a rule of thumb you should be having 8-10 half pint glasses a day or 4 pint glasses for good weight loss.
So why do experts say water with lemon for weigh loss is so important?
Well for a start, your bodily organs need water. If they do not get enough they will not function properly at there optimal point. For instance you kidney stores fat if it does not get enough fluid so it is very important you drink lots of water with lemon for weight loss.
Your body and brain tells your kidney that you don't have enough fluid so your kidney will store all the water it can because it does not know when it will next get some. The water will get stored all over your body and mainly places you don't want it like your belly.
You also need fluid in your body to flush out toxins buy sweating through the skin and through urine. This allows that stored fat to be turned into fuel. You will then be able to easily burn that fat off with exercise.
Here is the good news when you start to drink water with lemon for weight loss on a regular basis. Your body will realize this and will not store as much fluid giving you every chance to lose weight fat. This might take a few weeks to happen but just keep drinking lots of water and you will see a massive improvement.
What to drink, cold water or hot water?
I get asked this question a lot and to be honest with you it really does not matter. Some experts say you can drink more water if it's hot but others say it's healthier if you drink cold. Both hot and cold are good for you but the choice is yours.
The main thing is drinking the water weather it is hot or cold. Don't get too concerned about the temperature. Go with what you feel is best for you if you like drinking water cold then do that and like wise with hot water. But what I will say is don't drink to much at once experts say drinking a lot at one go can be bad for you. Just stick to a pint at a time drinking 4 pints a day and spread then out and you will be fine.
Drinking water with lemon for weight loss is grate because it adds a nice taste to your water. It's much better than drinking plain water and it adds other benefits too. Lemon is a good source of vitamin C which is good for the body and skin. Lemon also helps you lose weight but there is a secret to it. The water must be warm!
We all know water with lemon for weight loss is good for us but you need to be careful when drinking pints of water before you go to bed it can interrupt your sleep by going to the bathroom all night.
Lee McKenna is a weight loss expert and focuses on helping people lose massive amounts of weight. Lee McKenna has helped 1000's of people lose over 18 pound in just 4 days for a free course on weight loss click the link: []

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Facts on Lemons and Weight Loss

Many people ask questions like, "How do lemons and weight loss go together?" and "Can lemons make me lose weight?" Let's examine what that sour little citrus friend of ours can and cannot do in our battle of the bulge.
Lemons are well-known for containing a lot of Vitamin C. In addition to that, lemons also contain citric acid, which is what gives them the sour taste.
Apart from the lemon juice, there are also the pulp and rind that make up the rest of the lemon.
Not much there that could help one lose weight, one would think? Well, think again.
To lose weight effectively you have to keep your body well hydrated, meaning it is important to drink a few liters of water per day. The water itself does not make you lose weight, but it helps the body perform well and clean itself of waste and toxin.
Drinking lot of water can be rather monotonous. Some people also just do not like the taste of water.
Instead of substituting water with some other liquid, add some lemon juice to the water. That will change the taste and help you drink a little more water.
Lemons are also used in food preparations.
Lemon juice is typically squeezed onto fish dishes to neutralize the taste of amines in the fish.
Fish makes an excellent meal in anyone's weight loss diet. It's generally low in fat and very nutritious.
Hence, lemons help us make a very healthy food even better and more tasty, helping us to eat it more regularly.
Now, for weight loss we're not talking battered fish! We're talking about "the fish" cooked and served with minimal dressing.
Lemon juice also adds that little extra taste and zest to the best of salads. Once again, it helps us wanting to eat more healthy and low-fat food.
Even though our lemon friend does not contain magical powers to help us lose weight, it plays a very important role in enhancing the taste of many of the foods that help us shed those pounds.
Tisha Diaz recommends this fat loss and weight control program that will help you get rid of those excess pounds and make you slim and trim [].

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Weight Training for Muscle Vs Weight Training for Fat Loss

Every fitness program should include weight training, or some other form of resistance training, as it will be imperative for improving the composition of the body.
Weight training aids in muscle growth, contributes to fat loss, increases the metabolism, builds athleticism and enhances strength. Regardless of your personal goals you can use weight training to achieve them.
That being said, you'll want to structure your weight training plan in such a way that it specifically caters to your goals.
For instance, if you are an endurance athlete, like a boxer, you don't want to spend the majority of your time training for strength.
On the other hand, if you're training for a power lifting competition, it isn't going to do you much good to train like an endurance athlete.
For some, the goal is simply physical. Maybe you want to build muscle as fast as possible. Or perhaps losing fat is your primary concern.
The way you structure your weight training plan can have a significant impact on your results and needs to be given the attention it deserves.
I'm going to tell you exactly how you should be weight training for achieving the most common fitness goals. First, though, I want to clarify a common misconception...
The Light Weights for Toning Myth
A popular idea that floats around the bodybuilding and fitness world is that the way to tone your muscles and build definition is by lifting lighter weights for a high number of reps.
As I will address a little later, training with lighter weights can aid in the process of toning, but the main factor that determines your level of muscle definition is body fat.
Extreme muscle definition comes from having low levels of body fat. Period.
If you want to be ripped and defined, you'll certainly want to implement a weight training plan that's consistent with that goal. However, your primary focus should be on maintaining a caloric deficit so you can continually shed body fat until you've achieved a level of muscle definition that you're satisfied with.
I will cover lifting with lighter weights in just a moment, but toning is not one if the primary benefits of lifting lighter weights for a high number of reps.
Now that you know the truth about building muscle definition, let's look at how your weight training should be structured for optimal fat loss.
Weight Training for Fat Loss and Endurance
Weight training for fat loss isn't too complicated.
Since fat loss is ultimately achieved through maintaining an elevated heart rate, when training for fat loss you need to structure your weight training in such a way that your heart rate being elevated is factored into the equation.
This can be achieved utilizing several different methods:
  • Circuit training
  • Supersets
  • High rep training
  • Minimizing rest between sets
Let's look at this list in greater detail.
Circuit training is nothing more than cycling through a list of exercises. A sample circuit training exercise list would be something like this:
  1. 20 Jump squats
  2. 25 Crunches
  3. 10 Lateral raises
  4. 40 Jumping jacks
  5. 15 Burpees
  6. 10 Tricep push downs
  7. 15 Lunges (on each leg)
Running through this list would complete one circuit and you'd simply complete as many circuits as you desire (or as you have time for).
Supersets entail performing two different lifts, that each target a different muscle group, with alternating sets until all sets of each lift is complete. Ideally you wouldn't rest at all in between sets, but you may have to work up to this if you're endurance isn't ready for it yet.
An example of supersets would be alternating between bicep curls and barbell rows with little or no rest between each set until all sets of each lift has been completed.
Circuit training and supersets utilize the concept of resting for little or no time between sets, which is a great way to elevate your heart rate and keep it there.
This doesn't have to be done with circuit training or supersets. Regardless of the specific weight training plan you're following, if you're resting for a minute or less between sets you will be able to maintain an elevated heart rate and burn fat while weight training.
Of course, when training for fat loss, performing some kind of conditioning exercise (cardio) is important as well. I'm not going to cover cardio workouts in this article, but for the best cardio fat burning results you should try to get in your cardio workouts first thing in the morning, before eating anything, or immediately following your weight lifting.
These are the times when your blood sugar levels are at their lowest and will lead to fat oxidation occurring at a faster rate than at any other time throughout the day.
Before I move on I also want to remind you that fat loss is only going to be possible through maintaining a caloric deficit.
It doesn't matter how you structure your training plan, if you aren't eating for fat loss by maintaining a caloric deficit, losing fat won't be possible.
Weight Training for Maximal Muscle Gains
Understanding how to train for maximum muscle gains requires a basic knowledge of muscle growth - also known as hypertrophy.
There are two different types of muscle hypertrophy:
  1. Myofibrillar hypertrophy
  2. Sarcoplasmic hypertrophy
Myofibrillar hypertrophy describes the addition of muscle tissue to the body, while sarcoplasmic hypertrophy involves increasing the volume of sarcoplasmic fluid the muscle cells can hold.
Most bodybuilders tend to focus on one or the other type of hypertrophy - not both.
By doing this they are actually cheating themselves out of getting the maximum muscle building benefit from their weight training. If you're concerned with packing on muscle mass and size as fast as possible you absolutely must train for both types of hypertrophy.
But how do you do that?
You can actually achieve maximal hypertrophy in a variety of ways, but the bottom line is that you need to be training with light weights for a high number of reps (8-11) and also training with heavier weights using sets consisting of a low number of reps (3-5).
This is because myofibrillar hypertrophy is best accomplished training with heavy weights and low reps and sarcoplasmic hypertrophy is best accomplished with lighter weights and high reps.
As I said above, this hypertrophy combination can be achieved using a few different methods. Here are a couple of my favorites:
  • Starting with a weight that leads to failure in 9-11 reps for the first set of a lift and adding weight for each subsequent set until I reach a weight that leads to failure in 3-5 reps for my final set
  • Lifting heavy for sets of 3-5 reps for a full week and then lifting light for sets of 9-11 reps for a full week
The first option above is the best option because it effectively incorporates the full spectrum of rep ranges as you move from 9-11 reps down to 3-5. But it's worth noting that it can be a pain to have to switch weights in between each set.
Most individuals wanting to build muscle also want to focus on quickly building strength as well.
If this describes you, a good plan of attack would be to lift heavy for 2 weeks for every 1 week of lifting lighter.
Train for the Results You Desire
Depending on whether you want to build muscle mass, lose body fat, gain strength, or increase endurance, you now have the information you need to get the results you desire.
For those who are serious about their training, just going to the gym and lifting weights simply isn't going to cut it. You need to understand how to structure your training plan in order to induce the change on your body that you desire.
It doesn't matter what results you're after, there's a weight training plan that will get you where you want to go and hopefully I've given you the guidance you need for constructing a weight training plan that's perfect for you. = Home of the Home Gym! Visit to see the finest range of Home Gyms at the Best Prices available.

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Reading Nutrition Labels to Assist Weight Loss

The information you need to avoid foods which will encourage weight gain or promote poor health is required reading on every nutrition label. The problem is many people are unable to decode the gibberish and misleading terms used to disguise the worst food ingredients. It seems as though there should be a special encyclopedia to help the consumer avoid the most dangerous health degrading components of their favorite processed food staples.
Finding the Proper Tools to Assist Weight Loss
Of course, the best rule of thumb would be to eat food in their natural form, easily avoiding all the deadly sugar and processed carbs and chemicals hiding in most foods. Foods which will help you drop weight and promote health don't have an ingredient list or use names which are difficult to pronounce. The reality is that foods manufactured in a food laboratory are a part of our diet, and we need to become savvy about what is in the foods we eat to preserve health and lose weight.
The results of a study published in the Journal of Consumer Affairs, found that people who want to lose weight are much more likely to read nutrition labels, and note that this may have an even larger impact on weight loss than regular exercise. There is still much confusion about serving size, sugar and carbohydrate content and ingredient listing for many who try to decipher the typical nutrition label. Understanding the buzz words to watch for will help you to drop weight and naturally promote health.
Tip 1: Watch Calories per Serving
Food manufacturers use very subtle deception to make you think their food is lower in calories at a quick glance. They post unrealistic serving sizes to make the calories appear less, with the knowledge that most people will eat much more than the paltry serving size listed.
Look carefully when purchasing at the store and be certain you understand that often the calories listed in bold are most likely half of what you will end up eating. Once you realize how quickly most processed foods add on the calories, you'll want to substitute fruit, vegetables, or a reduced calorie option to hit your daily target.
Tip 2: Trans Fat, Saturated Fat and Cholesterol
The fat category creates much confusion for many consumers. We have been so conditioned by pharmaceutical ads to avoid cholesterol that we end up choosing high carb, low fat foods which ruin health. Saturated fats and cholesterol from foods are not the problem, and do not contribute to poor health or excess weight as long as they are eaten uncooked and accounted for as part of your daily caloric goal. Trans fats should be avoided entirely, and be sure to watch for hydrogenated fats on the label. There is no safe level of these deadly fats which increase your risk of heart disease by 25%.
Tip 3: Sugar, High Fructose Corn Syrup and Corn Sugar
Many people with an interest in their health are avoiding added sugar and high fructose corn syrup when they read nutritional labels, understanding that these additives cause metabolic imbalance and lead to weight gain. Manufacturers know this and now want to be able to call high fructose corn syrup simply corn sugar on nutritional labels. This is yet another example of the deceitful marketing tactics which are permitted to continue, making it difficult to avoid dangerous chemicals in our food supply.
Reading nutritional labels is becoming an important tool used my many weight and health conscious consumers. Look at every label before you purchase, with a watchful eye for serving size, trans fats and high fructose corn syrup and learn the variety of names these ingredients lurk behind. By eliminating poor food choices, you'll be able to reach your weight loss target quicker and avoid the health pitfalls of eating a diet high in artificial chemicals.
Read More Expert Advice on Diet, Health and Nutrition, and Download your Free Weight Loss EBook!

John Phillip is a Health Researcher and Author of 'Your Healthy Weight Loss Plan', a comprehensive EBook explaining how to use Diet, Exercise and Targeted Supplementation to naturally achieve your healthy Weight Loss goal. Visit My Optimal Health Resource to download your Free 48 page copy.

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Vegan - Vegetarian Diet Helps You Lose Weight

Can vegetarian diet help you lose weight?
Like many other diets out there, there's no promise that a certain diet will help get your weight down 100%, vegetarian diet is no exception. Why did I say that? Isn't plant-based diet a commonly last resort for people to lose fat after they've failed in other dieting attempts?
I lost weight successfully with eating a vegetarian diet. But I'm telling you that it all depends on what sort of plant foods you're dwelling in. Done right, you get the shape you want. Done wrong, you grow bigger in size.
A meat-free diet melts fat only provided you cut down on your processed vegetarian food intake, or cut back on your toxin-laden meat consumption if you're still not 100% meat-free yet.
Usually those prepackaged foods are infused with sodium, sugar and bad saturated fat, and processed with lots of artificial chemical additives (can you remember those funny names on the label?), so eating too much of them impedes your blood circulation and causes sluggish metabolism, which then results in weight gain.
That's why a "processed vegetarian" can't lose weight easily and gain weight instead. Have you seen an overweight vegetarian yet? When you do see any, check with them what they eat, I'm willing to bet more of their food consumption comes from processed food.
If you're not fully meat-free yet, you're going to become even worse due to the toxins generated by terrified animals at the time they got slaughtered. Do you realize how bad you look on the face when you feel frightened or traumatized? That's the effect of toxins. Animals behave likewise.
Ingesting those toxins will have some trapped in your fat tissues if your body can't fully purge them out. That explains why a Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) loaded with meat has created so many obese.
So, a plant-based diet does help you lose weight when you eat right. Fruits, vegetables, wholegrains, nuts and seeds, legumes, seaweed etc - these are what you should eat more, if not in all.
I understand that it's difficult to stick to a vegetarian diet with all the whole natural foods as the staple ingredients unless you're working in the comfort of your own home. So, do your best to reduce your unhealthy food consumption to as minimal as possible. Don't try to do it over few days. Make the changes gradually and progress step by step until you totally grow sick of processed food. The key is, make the changes naturally.
Laura Ng shows you how to lose weight with vegetarian diet so that you can effectively get in shape without getting loose skin and weight rebound after successful weight loss. She invites you to follow her foolproof weight loss plan for vegetarians that reveals the 5 steps to a safe and healthy fat loss regimen. Get more vegetarian weight loss tips and strategies at now.

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honey with water weight loss

When I was little, my grandmother would make me Honey Water . I’m not sure where she got the idea,  but I like to share some information with you

Honey and water each have health advantages for your body. When you incorporate them into a weight-loss plan that features healthy foods and augmented physical activity, they could assist you melt off the pounds. you'll be able to consume honey and water singly or mix them for a sweet liquid.

The vitamins and minerals in honey--including vitamin B, niacin, vitamin B6, folate, zinc and magnesium--can facilitate your body dissolve  fat and cholesterol, Honey contains  antioxidants that may neutralize free radicals that destroy cells.  one tablespoon of honey has sixty four calories and no fat. it is also 5 times sweeter than sugar, therefore you would like less of it to sweeten beverages and food items.

try this very simple drink:


Difficulty Level: 1 – Heat, stir
Prep Time: 1 minutes
Cooking Time: 1 minutes
Total Time: 2 minutes


1.5 tablespoons honey (use darker better grade honey if possible)
1 glass 16oz hot water


1. Heat water and stir in honey.
2. Chill in refrigerator until cold.
3. Add a squeeze of lime or lemon. (optional)


fill up a water bottle and leave it in the fridge as a soft drink, similar to sweet tea. And of course if you want it sweeter than add more honey and if you want to drink it instantly then use less water at the beginning and add ice cubes at the end to chill the drink.

Keep in mind that there is no simple or guaranteed way to lose weight. You need to focus on a healthy diet and regular physical activity. To learn the best way to lose weight in your situation, confer with your doctor.

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