Showing posts with label weight loss tips. Show all posts
Showing posts with label weight loss tips. Show all posts

Fitness Tips for Weight Loss

Though weight gain is something most people deal with at some point, obesity is an extreme example of uncontrolled weight gain can become. The Center for disease control estimates that over one third of the US adult population is considered obese. Defining obese as a person with over 30% body fat. This degree of obesity can cause life-threatening complications such as diabetes, heart disease, stroke, certain types of cancers and even death. Fortunately, most cases of obesity are completely preventable. Living a healthy lifestyle with the right diet and exercise routine ensures weight loss and prevents future weight gain and even diseases.
A regular fitness routine, in addition to a healthy diet is a crucial part of weight loss. Exercising regularly and eating healthy is the most beneficial way to lose pounds and keep them off. Exercise also reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes. Exercising regularly increases the body's muscle mass and stamina. Increasing muscle mass is a great way to fight off extra pounds lose weight. The average person should be including at least 150 minutes of physical activity into his or her week to maintain a stable weight and balance caloric intake.
Staying in shape doesn't require elaborate workout routines; running, walking and swimming are simple, great exercise methods that quickly mold fat pounds into muscle. For those desiring a more individualized experience, Personal trainers help by providing motivation and assistance to key areas that need work. They assist with diet and personalized exercise routines that are specific for the individual's needs.
Workout videos such as Zumba fitness and the Jullian Michaels videos provide fast and fun core workouts for those wishing to exercise in the comfort of his or her own home.
Even certain entertainment systems, such as Nintendo Wii and Xbox have paired with Nike and EA sports to provide interactive workout games that are extremely effective and provide a great workout alternative for those who are unable to exercise outside or in a gym.
Even when there is not time for an entire workout, there are always ways to fit fitness into an everyday schedule. Parking further from destinations adds further walking distance and gets in added walking time. Taking the stairs instead of the elevator whenever possible is a great way to burn calories and include exercise into everyday life. Taking walks around during lunch breaks burns calories at a time when most people are simply sitting and taking in more calories.
Neville Street is the Administrative Director for Rodriquez MD, a bilingual medical practice in Lawrenceville, GA that provides health care to infants, children, adolescents and adults. Gwinnett physicians Deborah and Veronica Rodriguez are sisters with a combined 27 years of experience. The doctors are Board Certified in Family Medicine and Internal Medicine and both Gwinnett physicians have extensive experience working in private practice.
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Seven Smart Tips To Complement Your Weight Loss Efforts

Losing weight requires discipline and thinking in a number of areas, from what you eat and how much of it to how you feel afterwards. Use the following seven tips to complement your efforts to lose weight and see if they don't give you a much needed boost in more ways than one.
1. Fit exercise into your schedule. Most people fail to devote enough time to working out in their day, due to being busy. Avoid this mistake by setting aside time specifically to walk, run, do cardio or aerobics and stick to the schedule. Weight loss without exercise just isn't effective.
2. Quit processed foods. They are loaded with fats, sodium and usually calories, not to mention being unhealthy with all those chemicals. As convenient or yummy as they may be for you, they will be very counterproductive to your weight loss goals.
3. Avoid calories from beverages. They add up much quicker than most people realize, and can actually increase hunger. Don't reach for a soda, even if it's "diet" when you are thirsty and trying to lose weight, grab a bottled water instead. Also, minimize the damage from frothy lattes and specialty iced-coffees by making that in your own kitchen. Stick to the basics and keep cup size moderate.
4. Add fruits and vegetables to every meal. Nobody gets the recommended amounts everyday, and for the person needing to lose weight, they are needed even more. The natural sugars and plentiful vitamins and minerals will work with your body when trying to shed pounds. Have apple slices with breakfast, carrot sticks with lunch and pile on the green vegetables (hold the butter!) for dinner.
5. Moderate your portion sizes. People tend to think that an extra spoonful is harmless, but it adds up quickly. Understand portion measurements according to the instructions of your weight loss agenda and stick to them. Any deviation will throw-off the entire program and leave you wondering why you can't make progress on the scales. Also, it can help to serve food on smaller plates.
6. Change the way you snack. Eating a handful of almonds can actually work with your metabolism and digestion, as can low-fat yogurt. The choices you make with between meal snacking make an enormous difference in your weight loss efforts; look at snacks like dietary aids, rather than small indulgences. Make calculated and informed decisions and speed-up the weight loss process.
7. Find alternatives to eating when you're stressed. Most of us lean on comfort foods when we are overwhelmed by stress and when you need to drop a few pounds, that's a bad habit. Try turning to your favorite exercise instead or music, meditation and reading.Not only will that nervous nibble add undue calories to your day, the guilt will just lead to more stress.
Dieting without losing weight is depressing and frustrating. Use the above tips to make the positive changes necessary to actually make more progress in your weight loss efforts. Once you see the scale move towards the left during weigh-ins, stick to your healthy habits and continue toward your goals.

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