Showing posts with label Nutrition. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nutrition. Show all posts

Best Diet and Nutrition For Weight Loss Safely and Nice Skin

Currently, the usual way of diet that people do is have so many risk of their own health, let alone the type of diet that uses chemicals such as weight-lowering drugs and others who had promising results in quick time but on the other side can give a bad side effect to our bodies.
Dietary patterns that we should do are a healthy diet using natural ingredients such as vegetables and fruits. Because not only contain a high fiber that can remove fat and weight loss safely, vegetables and fruits also contain various kinds of vitamins that are good for our bodies. It is important to note that Diet is a dietary pattern into the body not only to obtain the ideal body weight, but also done to sustain the process of healing from diseases, even to care for beauty, one of which is health care for the skin. Believe it or not, the nutrients are contained in fruits and vegetables that we use as food diet has a relationships and a role to maintain a healthy skin.
To keep a healthy skin, nutrition experts recommend consuming a variety of natural products such as Dark Chocolate, Green Tea or Sunflower Seeds. Sunflower Seeds are known to contain vitamin E, which had been known as anti-free radicals and also can protect skin from external destructive molecules from air pollution. Dark Chocolate and Green Tea contain Polyphones, a natural compounds that capable of controlling a substances which can trigger inflammation and of course to facilitate the flow of blood in the skin.
Strawberries, various Citrus, and Broccoli, is a type of fruit and vegetables that have very high vitamin C content. In the body, vitamin C could active fibroblasts, collagen-maker cells. The better quality of collagen in the body means the skin gets tight and bright. The number of fruits and vegetables that contain vitamin C can be consumed in as many as you want every day.
Except that, you can also try to eat fruits and vegetables with orange, red or dark green colours. Such as pumpkin, carrots, sweet potatoes, tomatoes and spinach, everyday. This colored food, have known contain beta-carotene, a type of antioxidant that can counteract free radical cell activity causes wrinkled skin. Beta carotene can also "wake up" the DNA which has a duty to produce a new skin cells and stimulate the process of disposal of dead skin cells. This both process will make the skin look smoother and fresher.
Other foodstuffs that also helps you to keep your diet healthy and skin health, among others, Wheat, rich in vitamins B1, B3, iron, fiber and vitamin E. Red Beans containing high fiber and some vitamins and minerals, Almonds are rich in fiber, iron, magnesium and vitamin E. Apples, Spinach and Blueberries are also rich in fiber, antioxidants and vitamin C.
For animal food source, you can try to consume Salmon Fish. This fish was chosen as a health food because in addition contain protein, amino acids and high omega 3, was also has a lower cholesterol. For drinks nutrition, you can consume Milk. Choose low fat milk or nonfat which is rich in vitamin D and calcium. Soy Milk can also be an alternative choice. High vitamin E contented in soy milk could prevent skin cancer, preventing skin wrinkles and acts as an antioxidant. Besides that, soy milk also contains Isoflavones which is very useful for skin. And the last, the most simplest and cheapest is to consume Water. Water is able to provide natural freshness to your skin and remove all kinds of toxins in the body.
Want to Find Out More? Click Here for FREE Information on how to Weight Loss Safely

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Burn Fat With Optimum Nutrition Whey Protein

Ask any person about weight or weight loss and the answers will produce a variety of myths that will entertain most, but perplex people at the very least. Diet myths and fat busters are part of any culture. But the blinding truth seems to elude people of the proper science and logic behind a successful weight drop or even a bodybuilding program. Optimum Nutrition whey protein is one such product of science derived from nature that seems to defy logic about achieving weight drop and building muscle. But if a science and logic behind weight loss does exist, then why is weight loss difficult to achieve?
The answer would depend on a lot of factors, but be enlightened to know that any fitness and bodybuilding program must be designed specifically for an individual. This means that a general assessment of the person's overall health, past and present injuries, allergies, and present physical condition must be taken into consideration before specifying a fitness program suitable to reach the desired goal. This alone would be a perfect start for what would be a successful weight loss or bodybuilding program.
After the general assessment, a dietician should be consulted to give advice about the right kind of food intake. One is mistaken if he thinks that Optimum Nutrition whey protein is only reserved for bodybuilders; half true. Optimum Nutrition whey protein is recommended for both bodybuilding and weight loss functions.
Protein is a source of amino acids that make up the entirety of the human body. These amino acids are used to build muscle, organs, tissues etc. A body builder will need an increased protein intake daily to complement the need to build strong muscles. So how would a weight loss program benefit from whey protein?
The body burns calories from carbohydrates for fuel. People under a weight drop program will usually resort to cutting caloric intake to speed up the weight loss process. But as calories are decreased, the body will turn to other sources to extract much needed fuel to use as energy. Sadly, the body will burn calories from muscles first, carbohydrates second, and lastly, fat. This will give a lanky figure bereft of muscle mass with fat on all the wrong places. Taking Optimum Nutrition whey protein will give the body the right amount of substantial protein and, if combined with a proper diet and exercise, will enhance weight loss. The amino acids in whey protein will also help stabilize blood sugar levels that are the cause of unnecessary cravings that may be harmful for the cause.
Optimum Nutrition whey protein is derived from the byproduct of milk, making it safe and easily digestible. A diet program well suited for the individual that contains a regular dose of whey protein will not only benefit bodybuilding but is also advisable for weight loss programs. It's wonderful to know that such a product can do good things for the body and benefit both sides of the equation as well.
Tobias has been writing articles for nearly 3 years. Come visit his latest website over at [] which helps people find the best larson storm doors [] to protect their home.

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Food Nutrition - Maintain A Food Diary for Healthy Weight Loss

Are you finding it very difficult to lose weight no matter how much you think you are restricting your daily food intake? It is very likely that the problem lies in your diet because food and nutrition are absolutely essential to maintaining proper metabolism and staying healthy. Plenty of people cut back on their food intake but with very poor results. In fact, the biggest mistake that most people do is fail to keep track of exactly what they are consuming and when. If you do not have accurate information about the food you consume then you have no means of exercising any form of control on it.

If you are serious about getting the right food nutrition whilst losing weight then you have to start maintaining a food diary. You could use a regular diary and pen for the purpose or you could use your computer or smart phone. As a matter of fact, there are lots of smart phone apps that automatically calculate your daily calorie intake if you enter into it the correct information regarding the food you eat.

There is a dual advantage to using a food diary. One is that it gives you a fairly accurate idea of how many calories you have consumed in a day. This helps you to divide your recommended daily intake roughly equally amongst the 5 meals that you are required to eat each day. You will also get into the habit of planning your daily meals so that you get the necessary food nutrition without too many calories.

The other advantage of maintaining records is that you will automatically reduce your intake of food because of having to write it down. You will not reach for the extra cookie or another helping of food because you won't want to write it down. In fact, the mere fact of maintaining a food diary acts as a deterrent to overeating for most people.

You do have to be very honest in maintaining your diary very scrupulously else the whole exercise will be wasted. You will begin to lose weight gradually because of reducing the number of calories you consume on a daily basis. You do not have to take to a fad diet in order to lose weight as long as you keep your diet healthy and balanced. With the right food nutrition, you will also be able to maintain beautiful skin and hair whilst losing weight gradually.

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The Weight Loss and Nutrition Fad

Getting in shape and being thin is all people want these days but just being thin is not what is important. The weight loss and nutrition fad that is out there is not the healthiest one. We should not want to just "get thin." We should want to eat healthy, workout, and get the nutrition we need to then have weight loss.

Men and women have different body types. Men and women can not lose weight the same way, they have to take a different approach. Men naturally have faster metabolisms than women do. So, unfortunately, it is harder for women to lose weight. Due to this, many women feel that they need to starve themselves to get thin. This is not the right thing to do. This will actually only make your metabolism slower. When you have a slow metabolism, you won't lose weight. You'll just gain more back in the end.

So, how can you achieve proper weight loss & nutrition? There are many great diet plans out there to help you get started. In reality though, all you need to do is start eating the right foods and working out. Working out is not for everyone, so make it fun. Go for a bike ride with your family or just play catch in the backyard. Whatever you have to do to get up and get moving will work. Don't think that you have to go for long runs to get into shape. That is not what you have to do. Working out can be anything that involves physical activity. So, the slogan "eat less, move more" is so true.

As for the right foods to eat, we could go on forever. Fruits and vegetables at every meal along with protein and a little bit of carbs is great. Fruits are filled with antioxidants and other nutritional things to help you maintain a healthy body weight. We also recommend that you try to eat spicy foods. Spicy foods boost your metabolism and help you shed unwanted fat. This does not mean you have to eat jalapeños at every meal. Just add a little red pepper here and there and you should be set.

The addition of healthy supplements on a daily basis is also recommended in order to make certain you are receiving a balanced daily requirement of nutritional food. Get started today and you'll see that you too can obtain weight loss & nutrition benefits.

If you want to learn more about weight loss and nutrition please click here:

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Nutrition Weight Loss - The Link Between Insulin and Behavior

Many do not realize that food has something to do with things like criminal behavior, bad school performance and even Alzheimer's disease. It is mainly the additives in food and the eating of unhealthy processed foods that are to blame. Experts know that it leads to the failure of healthy nutrition weight loss and obesity but it is becoming increasingly clear that behavior is directly tied to diet.
One of the culprits is the sugar content in food. It raises the body's insulin level which often overshoots the system, resulting in hypoglycemia. When you get hypoglycemic, your brain secretes glutamate-a molecule that causes depression, anxiety, panic, suicidality and agitation. While glutamate is a normal neurological messenger, excesses of it can cause problems as listed above.
What many don't know is that glutamate is the same as monosodium glutamate or MSG-found in a great many foodstuffs we eat every day. Even those who are practicing nutrition weight loss will find that MSG lingers in even the most innocuous of foods. It is found in sugary foods to enhance the sugary flavor and is associated with the development of Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's and ALS or Lou Gehrig's disease.
It is believed that between 15 and 20% of Americans suffer from low blood sugar. In kids, it shows up as hyperactivity. In adults and children alike, one can see aggressive and/or violent behavior when a person is hypoglycemic. Mental confusion results from being hypoglycemic, contributing to the onset of Alzheimer's disease.
In people who are striving for nutrition weight loss, you need to know that MSG is found hidden in the labeling of many foods and falls under the pseudonyms of natural flavors, hydrolyzed corn, and textured protein. Alcohol acts exactly like sugar when consumed by the body. It causes a vast amount of hypoglycemia after a brief rise in blood sugar and many end up drinking more alcohol to make up for their hypoglycemia.
It was found in a single study that up to 97 percent of those who were alcoholics were also found to be hypoglycemic. When these people were treated with changing their nutrition, such as with nutrition weight loss, up to 70% became completely sober. This is in comparison to a 25% rate of success with most other alcohol programs.

Another food additive found in foods is aspartame. It also leads to hypoglycemia by acting like MSG in the body. Let's say you're trying nutrition weight loss and you eat diet foods containing aspartame in them. Imagine the amount of hypoglycemia that is caused by all of the sugar-free foods you are eating. The hypoglycemia triggers you to become hungry so that you nibble and snack all day long, eating even more than you anticipated.
Even real sugar has its problems. Just drinking a single soda caused children to reduce their test stores, one study said. The kids, in fact, made twice as many mistakes as they did before drinking the soda. Their behavior was poor as well with increased aggression and violent behavior.

So is there a diet that is safe for people to eat? Such a diet would contain a great deal of lean meats and fish, vegetables and fresh fruits. Fish oil is also helpful in this kind of diet. You need to avoid all processed foods so as to avoid the MSG that is found in many of them. This includes flavored potato chips, many kinds of canned tuna, anything that comes in a box and foods that come already frozen and prepared for you.
There are some scientists that are lobbying with national officials to have better labeling criteria for food so that the dangers of hypoglycemia in the diet is reduced but efforts are hampered by the fact that there is no federal incentive to prevent diseases from happening.

If you are looking for nutrition weight loss and want to start your own natural weight loss program, download your free version of "An Experts Guide to Weight Loss - 7 Red Hot Secrets to Turbo Charge Your Metabolism and Boost Your Weight Loss" by clicking the link below.

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Doctor's Diet Weight Loss Nutrition Secrets

No program is so good that it can ignore the 3 factors above. Today, we're going to get the doctor's secret advice on how to eat for fat loss.
First up, Dr. Dave...
For his diet secret, he recommends eating the 4 to 5 broccoli florets, 4 to 6 fish oil, a handful of berries and 10 to 16 ounces of water before each meal.
Yes, that sounds weird. But there are reasons to do this.
The fiber from the broccoli will help fill you up and control your blood sugar. And the water adds to stomach volume, helping to fill you up and control your appetite even more. The fish oils and berries are in there for health promoting reasons.

And not only will the fiber and water help you control your appetite at this meal, but at following meals as well. That's why I urge you to start the day off with a fiber-rich, protein-rich breakfast. It will set the dietary tone for the day and help you prevent constant hunger between mini-meals.
So fiber-rich vegetables and calorie free liquids are a great "pre-feast" strategy to use over the holidays to control your appetite.

(And if CB could make that pre-meal snack any better, what would I add? Green Tea, of course.)
Heck, that pre-meal snack would be healthier than most people's entire daily nutrition.
Next up, advice from Dr. Phil (yes, that Dr. Phil). His secret advice is that all of your food choices should contain a large nutrient-to-calorie ratio - something he calls, "High Response, High Yield Nutrition".
Examples of this include eating a whole piece of fruit instead of drinking juice, eating green leafy vegetables as a side dish rather than mounds of potatoes, and snacking on healthy-fat rich almonds rather than killer-fat containing potato chips.

Give your body fat the old heave-ho...

Craig Ballantyne is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and writes for Men's Health, Men's Fitness, Maximum Fitness, Muscle and Fitness Hers, and Oxygen magazines. His trademarked Turbulence Training fat loss workouts have been featured multiple times in Men’s Fitness and Maximum Fitness magazines, and have helped thousands of men and women around the world lose fat, gain muscle, and get lean in less than 45 minutes three times per week. 

For more information on the Turbulence Training workouts that will help you burn fat without long, slow cardio sessions or fancy equipment, visit

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Stay Healthy by Following Nutrition Weight Loss

With so many advancements in technology, even eating has become a habit rather than being a rule. People consume lots of junk foods which makes them put on unnecessary calories. Only when there is a need they realize that those extra calories have to be shed in order to make them look young at the same time to stay fit. Rather than spending money and burning up the extra calories why not we think about natural ways to lose weight? It is in fact a way of living with nature and this Nutrition weight loss can be practiced wherever you are. No doubt by following these simple tips you not only shed your extra calories but also look charming with balanced nutrients reaching your body.
Lose weight with fruit:
It is important that the diet food which we consume should be tasty so that our taste buds are made to stay hungry for many months all of a sudden. So consume the foods which are right in nutrition. Whenever fruits are consumed, it is advisable to have them raw and fresh. This in fact makes all the essential vitamins and minerals enter our body. Consume citrus fruits either as raw or as juices so that the water content in your body is retained. Take looks at the calorie charts and consume accordingly as too much of anything is good for nothing.
Veggie diet:
Though fruits have to be consumed raw and fresh, when it comes to vegetables, they have to be taken in cooked form since it provides us with more nutrients. Also while choosing the vegetables avoid those which are very rich in carbohydrates as it may tend to put on weight as the calorie they provide is very high. Do not overcook the food or fry it too much with oil as recent study suggests that deep frying can lead to several health related problems. By now you would have known the importance of fruits and vegetable sin your daily meal. Also you must know the quantity to consume each one of them.
Physicians generally suggests that the morning breakfast should definitely include milk and a fruit along with a little bit of carbohydrate giving food as the morning food will be the one which provides energy throughout the day. A moderate lunch would be fine and it must for sure include a fruit and vegetable. Avoid fatty items like ghee and it is also advisable to avoid items fried in oil since that fatty acid gets settled in our body making it very tough to burn them in future. Include a lot of negative calorie foods in your diet since they consume more energy from the other foods to digest thereby making your job simpler. Dinner should be very little or it is generally said to have a fruit for a dinner since the night food takes a longer time for digestion.
Primarily it is very important to set goals whenever any weight loss ideas are taken up and only through proper motivation and dedication weight loss can be achieved!
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How Can I Lose Weight Fast? Nutrition and Exercise Tips Are Revealed Here

The question "How can I lose weight fast?" is a very common one. Especially if you have an event like a wedding, vacation or a reunion to go to. Or maybe you just want to look amazing for the summer. Whatever your reason, this article will help you to get there quickly.
The first thing you need to do is to start eating smaller meals more often. This will speed up your metabolism almost instantly. If you are only eating 2-3 times a day your body will think it is starving and will be more likely to store the food as fat.
Next you need to eat healthy foods that are not processed. Almost all foods that come in heavy packaging are a no-no because they are man-made foods. They are not only calorie dense but contain tons of chemicals that will prevent you from losing weight fast.
Stick to natural foods like oatmeal, egg whites, chicken breasts, fish, brown rice, potatoes, whole wheat pasta and fruits and vegetables. You will be able to eat a lot more calories this way and still feel full. You can add things like onions, pepper or Mrs. Dash for flavorings.
You should also prepare your food by grilling, broiling or baking. You should never fry anything unless you use a non-stick cooking spray. You should also avoid drowning your foods with salad dressings, margarine, butter, mayo, and salt.
You also need balanced nutrition which means you should have protein and carbohydrates at each meal. Protein will slow down how fast the carbs are digested preventing huge insulin spikes. Protein is also more thermic meaning it requires more calories to digest it. So try increasing your lean protein intake.
Another thing to keep in mind is your caloric level. Since you will be eating a little less (never starve yourself!) your metabolism will have a natural tendency to adapt and slow down. The way to counter this is to raise your calories every 3 days to trick your body into raising your metabolism again.
You should be drinking plenty of water throughout the day. Believe it or not water helps you to lose weight and also helps to fight off hunger. You don't need to be obsessive but try and drink as much as you can. A good way to begin is to start drinking water instead of soda and fruit juices which are high in sugar.
If you want to lose weight fast you also need to start exercising. You need to do cardiovascular exercise such as brisk walking, jogging, or using an exercise bike or treadmill. For maximum results do 40-45 minutes a day 5-6 days a week. The idea is to burn more calories then you consume.
Once you have reached your goal you can then cut back again to a maintenance level. A maintenance level would be considered 20 minutes 3 times a week. This really depends on your body type and metabolism.
If you really want to spike your metabolism you should also start resistance training. You don't burn as many calories during the workout as cardio but it is the effect after the workout you are looking for. Studies show your metabolism stays high for up 48 hours after an intense resistance training workout.
If you do a full body workout every second day your metabolism will be higher virtually 24/7! If you don't have weights you can do body weight exercises like squats, push ups and pull ups. Walking is also great because you don't need any equipment.
All of these things combined together create a thing called synergy. This means that when all the elements are combined they create a huge effect that is much greater than each individual part. The real secret here is consistency. If you follow this day after day without fail you will see amazing results!
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A Successful Weight Loss Campaign Begins With Nutrition

If you want to lose weight fast, and if you are anything like the rest of the people in the world who are packing on a few extra pounds, you invariably do, nothing will melt away that fat faster than a healthy nutrition plan.
Many people think that exercising alone will help you lose weight. The fact remains that exercise, although very important to being healthy, is practically useless unless you give your body the nutrients it needs to function.
One way of doing this is to eat a proper diet of the right proteins, carbohydrates and vegetables. Yes I said carbohydrates in there. We all need them and they aren't bad, you just need to eat the right ones in the right amounts.
The first thing that you need to know when it comes to weight loss and eating healthy is knowing exactly how much to eat. The general rule of thumb is to eat six times everyday or one meal every two and half to three hours. This gives your body a constant supply of nutrients. This constant supply helps fuel your body and keeps your metabolism running at a high rate to help burn the fat.
Even if you eat six times a day not eating the right things won't do you any good either. Each meal should consist of a serving of protein, a serving of carbohydrates and a serving of green vegetables. These servings should be equal in size and should all be about the size of your clenched fist. Using this method removes the need for scales and measuring. The process of eating healthy can be challenging enough without adding the extra work of weighing and everything out.
Now that you know how often to eat and how much to eat, you need to know what it is you will be eating to help lose weight. This is actually simpler than you might think. Your proteins should be lean meats, fish, egg whites or egg substitutes, low or no fat cottage cheese to name a few. Always bake or grill your food whenever possible, and if you must fry something use a non stick cooking spray such Pam to reduce the amount of bad fats that you incorporate into your nutrition plan.
Your carbohydrates work the same. Instead of eating anything that is white enriched switch to the healthier alternative. For example, instead of white bread, eat multi-grain, instead of white potatoes eat a Yam, replace your white rice with brown rice, and replace those sugary "soft" drinks with water or Crystal Light.
Polish it off with a serving size of a green vegetable and you will be well on your way to a healthier meal and a successful weight loss campaign.
About the Author:
You can read more of Mr. Tucker's articles by visiting:

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Nutrition and Diet Importance During Cleansing

These toxins can affect our health and lead to water retention, premature aging, and increased risk for a comprised immune system. To avoid these health risks, you should rid your body of these toxins.
You can get rid of these toxins by cleansing your body. There are many benefits to cleansing, such as improvements in energy levels, vision, hair, skin, mental attitude, and the ability to handle stressful situations. Those people who have cleansed their bodies have also reported weight loss, increased healthy skin, improved concentration, more energy and an overall healthy body. The problem with a lot of cleansing methods is that although they rid your body of toxins, they also deprive your body of the nutrients that it needs. By performing a nutritional cleansing, you can get rid of the toxins in your body while simultaneously providing your body with the necessary nutrients.
It is very important that you maintain adequate nutrition and diet while you are cleansing your body. The ultimate goal of doing a body cleanse is to become healthier, but you can't achieve this if you aren't getting all of the nutrients your body needs.
There are many vitamin and nutritional supplements you can take while you are doing your cleansing to make sure you are getting the necessary nutrients. For example, Cleanse for Life, IsaGenix Greens, IsaFruits, IsaOmega Supreme, Natural Accelerator, FiberPro, Multi-Enzyme Complex, C-Lyte, and IsaCalcium.
You can purchase some of these supplements at a health or nutrition store near you or on the Internet. You should take caution when ordering anything on the Internet that you will be ingesting. Make sure the company you order from has a good reputation. Instead of simply ordering whatever has the lowest price, look for things like testimonials and customer reviews.
With all of the toxins that our bodies come in contact with on a daily basis, it would be a good idea to a body cleansing. There are many types of cleanses, but whichever type you choose you need to make sure that you are going about it in the healthiest way possible. Get the necessary supplements to stay healthy during your cleansing and get rid of the toxins in your body. You will be grateful you did when you have more energy, well balanced diet during your cleansing experience and wonderful feeling of being healthy without all the toxins dragging you down each day.
If you want to learn more about Nutrition Diet During Cleansing please click here:

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Getting Kids Involved in Nutrition Early

Last year when many schools around the country implemented new school lunch guidelines, the move sparked protest among students and the movement got off to a rocky start.
Children resoundingly rejected the new menus, forcing many school districts, Los Angeles Unified School District included, to re-evaluate their implementation plans.
The difficulties and issues school districts are facing with school lunches, however, run much deeper than just picky eaters. If a school district wants to instill a healthy lifestyle in students, they must implement nutrition plans that educate beyond the lunchroom.
Children must be taught health and nutrition at a young age, and then these plans must be executed throughout their educational career.
An example of one school doing this is Mark Twain Middle School in Los Angeles. They use a school garden as a catalyst for learning in various subjects like math and history, while using the food grown in the garden for school lunches.
This has led the Los Angeles school board to vote to expand nutrition education to be integrated into the curriculum.
"We have a sacred obligation to make sure we do everything in our power to raise the quality of our nutritional content," Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) board member Steve Zimmer said to The Los Angeles Times.
While they may not need to be as extensive as Mark Twain Middle School, other school districts must follow LAUSD's example if they want their new school lunch plans to have a lasting effect on children.
In addition to implementing nutrition programs into the curriculum, other measures can be taken.
Deborah Lewison-Grant and Carolyn Cohen, Co-Founders of FoodFight, an organization dedicated to raising health and nutrition awareness in schools, explained that teachers should set the example.
"We can't expect students to make healthy choices (either in or out of school) while the adults in their learning communities are plunking down sugary drinks, chips and candy bars on their desks and ignoring conventional wisdom about eating well balanced meals," Lewison-Grant and Cohen wrote in a blog post.
They continued, explaining that, however, teachers themselves must be educated in nutrition as well.
"At the same time, we can't expect teachers to act as role models for their students without giving them the knowledge they need to make healthier eating and buying decisions and supporting their own health and wellness needs," Lewison-Grant and Cohen wrote.
Ultimately, a combination of example and education is the only way to truly get children to adopt a healthier lifestyle. Just giving kids a new menu won't cut it, because they just won't eat.
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10 Basic Nutrition Rules for Workout Beginners

Nutrition makes up at least 60% of your training regimen. It's great to exercise but what you eat will play a larger role in how well you develop. This article covers 10 basic rules to follow when training and wanting to eat healthy to get results.
1. Carbohydrates (40-60% of calories per day)
Carbs are used to replenish glycogen stores in your body which is used for energy when you exercise. As a general rule, 2 - 3 grams of carbs per pound of body weight should be your goal each day. Slow digesting carbs will be used for your meals but will slow you down if eaten pre-workout. More on this later.
2. Protein (20-30% of calories per day)
Protein breaks down into amino acids that your body uses to build muscle fibers and in some cases, it provides an energy source as well. Depending on your fitness goals, the amount you eat will vary but as a general rule, if you are an average gym goer, 1 gram per pound of body weight will do the trick. Stick to chicken, turkey, lean beef, fish, eggs and dairy as sources.
3. Fats (20-30% of calories per day)
Yes, there are a number of bad fat sources you should avoid but there are also quite a few good ones too. Experts say that 20-30% of your calorie intake should be from fat each day. A higher fat level means a better supply of testosterone to your body. Without it, you will not grow muscle very well. Red meats will give you the saturated fats you need with mono unsaturated fats coming from nuts, avocados olive oil and peanut butter. Omega-3 oil are really good fats and come from fish and walnuts.
4. Calories
The more you exercise, the more calories you burn so you will need to eat more than an average person will eat. On the high side, 20 calories per pound per day is plenty. See how your body reacts and adjust accordingly.
5. Several Meals a Day
The standard 3 meals a day is not the norm any more. Most trainers now recommend 5-6 smaller meals each day which works out to eating every 2-3 hours all day. This will help to feed your body the nutrients and energy it needs consistently so it will grow.
6. Eat Before Bed
Contrary to what some will say, eating late at night is not a bad thing. You will be "starving" your body for the next 8 hours so a good supply of nutrients and slow digesting protein will help to keep the muscle build activities going. Casein is a good choice and is found in cottage cheese. Eat some healthy fats as well in the form of mixed nuts or peanut butter.
7. Shakes
Protein shakes are easily digested and will give your body a quick supply of protein and carbs pre and post workout. Aim for 20 grams of protein with 40 grams of carbs as a post workout supply within 30 minutes of finishing exercise and again an hour later.
8. Carb Types
Pre-workout (30 minutes before) eat a slower digesting carb to supply blood sugars for your training. Eat fruit or whole grains bread. Post workout will be different. Your body needs energy quick so stick to faster digesting carbs like white bread, potato or a sports drink like Gatorade. These drinks contain sugars and will spike your insulin that helps your body create glycogen and transport nutrients to your muscles.
9. Creatine
This is the most researched supplement on the planet. It is considered very safe to use and will help you to develop muscle mass quicker.
10. Hydrate
Loss of water will kill your chances of training well and getting results. Especially with creatine use, you need to drinks lots of water every day to build muscle mass and to flush out waste by products of metabolism.
My name is Jacques Delorme and I run a youth nutrition blog at where you can get all sorts of information on nutrition, exercise and motivation for youth athletes. Visit my site and feel free to leave comments and questions if you need more information.

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Nutritional Benefits of Couscous

Not so many people know what couscous is and fewer people have actually tasted delicacies and dishes made of this healthy food. Couscous is actually a grain food that is comparable to pasta or rice. It is actually made of semolina wheat that's moistened and then formed into tiny grain shapes. Couscous grains are smaller than rice grains and are dusted with flour so that they can retain structure. It can be interesting to know that couscous is staple food of some regions of the world and is considered like the pasta or rice in some countries. Just like pasta and rice, the couscous can be very versatile in terms of preparation and can be used in various dishes and salads; and they can also be used to prepare side dishes.
Since couscous is made from semolina grain, it is manufactured and sold in various ways. Some sell couscous without adding any kind of seasoning or without any extra ingredient. However, there are some stores that sell them in different varieties including couscous that are roasted in onion, garlic or olive oil. Amazingly, couscous can also be made with other kinds of wheat to give different flavors to it.
People from different parts of the world prepare the couscous differently. Some countries, like those from the African region, serve couscous in thin broth and in combination with cooked vegetables. In Morocco, however, couscous is served with lots of vegetables, sauces and beans. In Western countries, however, couscous is used more like an alternative to rice and pasta. If couscous is not local to your area then you can always buy them from health stores or from the ethnic food section of some supermarkets.
When it comes to nutrition, the couscous will never sell you short. It is, in fact, one of the healthiest grain-based products around. Its glycaemic load for every gram is 25% lower that of pasta. Not only that, couscous is also known to have superior vitamin content over pasta. To prove this, it should be said that couscous contains twice the content of niacin, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and folic acid compared to pasta. It also contains more thiamine and pantothenic acid.
Couscous is also a very good source of protein since it has 3.6 grams of protein in every 100 calories. Its protein content is the same as that of the pasta but a bit higher than white rice. Also, it would be interesting to note that couscous only has 1% ratio of fat to calorie making it one good alternative to rice and pasta if you want your food to be lower in fat content.
Couscous is, of course, a very good source for carbohydrates. If you are tired of cooking the usual grain staples like pasta and rice then the couscous can be good alternatives. With its carb content, it can be very satisfying hunger-wise despite its small grain size. The best thing about couscous is that it contains no cholesterol.
Remember that you can prepare by itself to take the place of rice or pasta or it can be cooked in combination with beef, pork, chicken and vegetables.
Sydnie has been an online writer for nearly 2 years now. Not only does this author specialize in gardening, travel, relationships, and product reviews, you can also check out her latest website on Omron HEM-780 Blood Pressure Monitor [] which reviews and lists the best Blood Pressure HEM-780 Omron Monitor [].

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5 Food Nutrition Tips to Help You Look Young Longer

Are you concerned that you are beginning to show the first signs of aging? The part of your body that gives away your real age is your skin. It gets easily damaged as you grow older since it becomes thin and fragile. You might be tempted to use lots of anti-aging products on your skin in order to stay young for long however they have limited effect. Your metabolism also slows as you become older. You'll find that you no longer have high levels of energy and that you also put on weight easily.
You'll find it a lot easier to look and feel young if you ensure you get the best possible food nutrition. In fact, it is imperative that you use the following tips:
- Eat lots of foods rich in anti-oxidants. Many fruits, especially berries, and vegetables are loaded with anti-oxidants which ensure that the damage caused by free radicals is reduced to the absolute minimum. Your daily diet needs to have plenty of brightly coloured foods which contain essential phytochemicals.
- Eat foods filled with vitamins. Certain vitamins help in the production of collagen and also in the replication of cells. This enables the cells of the skin to remain thick and strong, ensuring that it withstands the negative effects of UV rays and heat.
- Consume plenty of probiotic foods. These foods which contain live bacteria help improve your digestive processes. This in turn ensures that your metabolism is high and also that your body is able to absorb all the nutrients contained in your food.
- Include moisture-rich foods in your diet. Water is absolutely for healthy skin and excellent metabolism. Foods such as watermelons, cucumbers and apples ensure that you get the moisture you require.
- Add foods containing natural phytoestrogens to your diet. Phytoestrogens have the ability to put the brake on the aging process. Yams and chickpeas and also foods made out of soybeans (tofu, soymilk, edamame) are great sources.
You will definitely be able to stay young longer as long as you watch what you eat. Make sure that you pay a lot of attention to the subject of food nutrition because it is one of the keystones of good health and youth. You won't need to spend a lot of money on beauty treatments that don't even give you the desired results since your diet will take care of it for you.
Are you ready to feel healthier and have more energy?
Head over to the NLN home page and learn how to fix your diet and eating habits
Diet and health advice from a highly rated nutritionist.

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The Benefits of Sports Nutrition Drinks

We all know that workout routines and intense exercising can dehydrate the body thus increasing the chance of a circulatory condition or stroke. That's why sports nutrition drinks are almost mandatory in some cases and even enjoyable when they're all natural. If you want to know what type of nutrition drink is the most appropriate, make sure you consult a specialist first. During a workout routine people lose a lot of fluids and electrolytes, such as calcium, magnesium, phosphate, potassium, etc. The purpose of nutrition drinks is to replace these substances and restore the balance.
Nutrition drinks come in different shapes, colors and they all have similar ingredients; some of the best known brands are Ensure, Boost, Sustacal, Resource, Gatorade and more. Even though it is more comfortable to buy a drink that is already made and can provide you with all the minerals you need during exercise, it is best for you to buy some fruits and make your own healthy drink. Apples, oranges and grapes are thought to be some of the best, since they have glucose and fructose sugars, as well as potassium. Adding a tablespoon of salt replaces the sodium lost during the exercise and gives you energy..
Check out these tips and you'll know what to take if you want to be energetic an entire day. The best time to drink your homemade nutritious shake is during your training. If you use it before, the body will begin to produce insulin that could lead to hypoglycemia in the middle of your workout. Also, it is better if you drink a nutrition drink rather than eating a nutrition bar because food remains in the stomach for a longer period and the needed carbohydrates will not be absorbed at the right moment. Another useful rule is to sip a quarter of rehydration fluid per hour, when working out throughout the day.
You should always try to drink a lot of water, although it's not as nutritious as an energy drink. When you exercise and you solicit your muscles, you lose a lot of water, amongst other minerals. Sports nutrition drinks can help you regain that energy fast and effective.
Water is replaced only with water, so make sure you drink two glasses before training even if you're not thirsty. At least 2 more glasses will work miracles on your body. You will feel rejuvenated and you will have the power to exercise more which is also the purpose of your entire exercise. Sports nutrition drinks are a must while working out, especially when it's an intense routine. Even though you think that you are strong enough to keep up, your body will tell you otherwise at some point.
Doing exercise every day of the week, every week of the month, and so on, will make your body lose minerals and fluids that must be replaced. It is not healthy leave a gap and stay without vitamins because in time the body will get weaker and weaker. Making your own nutrition drinks from fruits and veggies is also a viable alternative to buying branded liquids at the store.
For reviews on Sports Nutrition Drinks such as the Redline Energy Drink visit Sport Nutrition Drink

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Important Facts About Food Nutrition Labels

Food nutrition labels are often seen at the back of food packages sold in the grocery stores. Most people do not know the fact that these tags are as important as the contents each package holds. 
In fact, only a small percentage of shoppers care about reading them before paying for the goods they have at hand. This small crowd of shoppers are usually health buffs who are dedicated to managing their weight.

If you are keen to observe, the nutrition facts printed on these labels come with other information like the ingredients, approvals from different health organizations, recommendations from respected sources and indications where certain products are made.

The common name of the item sold is the major information that makes up food nutrition labels. It is followed by the serving size. The serving size is provided so that consumers may be protected from the harms of taking much food in their systems. 
Those who are having a close watch of their weight must be able to track the amount of calories and fats per serving if they wish to eat more than the recommended serving. With this, they will be able to track how much hours they need to spend in the gym to burn the extra calories.

Apart from weight gain, more serious challenges to a person's health may be prevented through some helpful information in the package. These are the detailed nutritional facts that include the amount of carbohydrates, cholesterol, saturated fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. As we all know, people with heart disease must stay away from foods with high cholesterol. 
All these are listed in standard units so that a regular consumer will find it easy to track their amounts. Furthermore, people plagued by certain allergies can avoid eating allergy-causing substances if all the ingredients are listed on the box or packet of food they are purchasing.

On the side of the food companies, packaging and labelling also provide an effective means for them to entice consumers to purchase their products. A creative logo, neat design and vibrant colors can definitely attract shoppers who are browsing through the grocery shelves. Consumers are also attracted by health claims in phrases like 'decreased possibility of certain cancers', 'certified fat-free products' and 'energy-giving solution'.

There are special requirements by which these food tags must be produced. These requirements vary according to the kinds of containers in which foods are stored. Liquids and other solid foods kept in bottles and jars are often refrigerated. And so, the food nutrition labels to be attached to them must withstand very cold temperatures and moisture. Texts in substandard tags sometimes smudge when they come in contact with moisture. In cases like this, strong materials and glues must be used to suit such conditions whether they are applied manually or through a machine. There are also situations where non-toxic ink is required for the printing of these tags as they are to label edibles. Herewith, soy based inks are utilized during the printing.
Are You Looking For Local Experts In Sticker Printing For Your Food Business? Visit For More Information On Doing This Right For Your Business Today.

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Nutrition Weight Loss Tips - How Proper Workout Routines, Diet and Nutrition Can Help Weight Loss

Proper workout routines, diet and nutrition are the most important factors when it comes to weight loss. Paying attention to your food choices and eating patterns along with exercise should be your primary goal if you want to lose weight quickly. 
You gain weight when you normally eat more calories than your body burns. So, the key to long term weight loss is to change your diet (like eating low calorie diet) and perform workout routine in moderation.

When doing workout routines, do strength training and perform workouts that engage multimuscle groups which should help with your weight loss. 
Strength training is an effective exercise to build more muscle and burn calories. So, always incorporate strengthening exercises along with your aerobic conditioning exercises in your workout routines to accelerate your weight loss programs.

When it comes to nutrition, incorporating smart food choices is very important. Avoid sugar, cream, oil, margarine and fried foods, and, eat vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains. 
Eat colourful fruits and vegetables as they contain fiber and pack powerful anti-oxidants. Eating fibrous fruits and vegetables help you keep fuller longer as they get digested slowly and help you to cut down your total caloric intake.

Last but not the least; don't depend just on your normal foods for your body's optimal nutrition. Taking nutritional supplements along with your regular diet is very important these days. With commercialization of the food industry, the foods that we eat today are bleached, processed or treated with chemicals; therefore they get stripped of their vital nutrients in the process. 
Hence, adding dietary nutritional supplements (such as multivitamin supplements) is a must these days to meet your nutritional requirements and, curb food cravings to lose weight quickly.

For more info like these visit: workout routine tips

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Pre-Workout Weight Lifting Nutrition

There's a lot of hype surrounding post-workout nutrition, but pre-workout nutrition is frequently glanced over. Although eating the right things after working out is indeed important to your muscle building and weight loss routines, eating the right foods before working out is just as important and can help you achieve new heights.

What to Eat
The first thing to understand about pre-workout nutrition is that there isn't a large difference between a pre-workout meal and a regular meal. You should be aiming for a good balance of high quality protein, complex carbohydrates, and fats. The only real difference is that the last meal you eat before heading to the gym should be a little heavier on the carbs than usual because your body will need glycogen, which it can attain through the carbs you eat, to help power you through your workout. Fruit is always a good option.

The Importance of Protein
Yes, I did just say that your pre-workout meal should be heavier in carbs than protein, but you should still pay attention to the kind of protein you're consuming. As always, lean animal based protein is a good option. If you're going to opt for a protein supplement, make sure you're utilizing it in the best way possible.
A lot of people will chug a whey protein supplement right before working out because they think that this fast acting protein will help to fuel their muscles during the workout.

However, when taken alone, a lot of these whey protein supplements can cause a spike in blood sugar levels, risking a crash while you're still lifting.
A casein protein supplement, because this protein is digested slowly, may be a better option if you take it with food about an hour before you exercise because it will provide your body with a steady supply of protein for several hours. Note however that a supplement is not essential - you can always get slower acting protein from food, especially dairy.

I'm not going to provide you with a hard and fast rule as to when you should be eating your pre-workout meal because it's largely a personal preference and something you should experiment with. However, I can provide you with some suggestions that I hope you'll find useful.
If you prefer to lift weights at night, your pre-workout meal may be nothing more than a moderately carb heavy dinner. Wait for about 1-3 hours, then eat an apple or a different serving of fruit about 15 minutes before you plan to start working out.

Studies have shown that eating a piece of fruit close to your weight lifting routine may help to fuel your body throughout your workout.
If you generally exercise in the morning, eat a good breakfast as soon as you wake up.

Make sure to eat some fruit and high quality protein. Then get dressed and ready for the gym so you have as long as possible for your food to settle and fuel your muscles.
If you like to lift during the day, your pre-workout meal may be lunch or a mid-afternoon snack. Aim to eat 1-3 hours before lifting, and then eat a piece of fruit about 15 minutes before pumping iron.

Want to learn more about protein supplements for pre and post workout nutrition? This article tells you everything you need to know about whether or not a protein powder would benefit you and which type is best for your needs.
For more easy to understand information about nutrition, fitness, and simple every day substitutions, visit
Thanks for reading!

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Weight Loss: Simple Steps to Good Nutrition

Good nutrition and eating healthy, nutrient rich foods is going to be very important if you are going to succeed in reaching your weight loss goals.
The truth is it's no accident that people who practice good nutrition are able to do so regularly and on a consistent basis.

 Good nutrition takes a little planning and by following these simple steps, you will be on your way to eating better and achieving your weight loss goals in less time.
The truth is it takes more work to eat healthy nutritious meals than it does to eat junk and food that does nothing to move you towards your weight loss goals.

 "Junk" food (food that does not provide much nutritious value and does not help you achieve your weight loss goals) is far more convenient and accessible most of the time. This is why in order to eat health, you must plan.

The first step is to plan your meals as best you can. Take some time on the weekend (or whatever day is convenient for you) to plan your meals for the week or at least the next few days.
Factor in where you will be and weather you can run out and get something healthy or if you will need to prepare something and bring it with you. By planning and having a clear idea of what you want to eat, you will greatly increase the likelihood of eating nutritious foods.

Another simple step is to get into the habit of buying fresh fruit and/or vegetables and bring them with you when you go to work. One reason people often eat poorly is because they get hungry and the only thing available to them is a vending machine with chips and candy bars.

 By having nutritious food in the form of fruits and/or vegetables right there for you, you will be able to consume nutritious snacks instead of junk from a vending machine.

Another simple step is to give yourself a cheat meal once in a while. As odd as this may sound, by giving yourself a cheat meal every now and again, you satisfy the urge you may have for a particular food that you really enjoy which may not be all that healthy.

 I wouldn't advocate more than one or two cheat meals a week. However taking one or two meals per week in which you allow yourself to indulge in items you really enjoy will be very satisfying and allow you to keep on course the rest of the week.
Follow these simple steps and you will be on your way to eating healthier and achieving your weight loss and fat loss goals in less time.

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Five Secrets to Losing Weight With Cellular Nutrition

If you haven't yet heard about the role that cellular nutrition can play in weight loss, you are really missing out on something. Simply said, cellular nutrition refers to providing the right nutrition to the trillions of cells present in your body. If the cells of your body are under-nourished, you cannot expect to sustain your ideal weight or improve your well-being.
So, what should do you do? Simple. Take a look at these five secrets to losing weight with cellular nutrition and incorporate these in your daily life.

Vitamins are needed to provide energy and promote growth and repair of the body cells. There are four fat-soluble vitamins and nine water-soluble vitamins that you need to get from the food that you eat. However, the question that you need to ask yourself is "Do I get all the vitamins from my diet?"
Probably not.
Keep in mind that while the four fat-soluble vitamins can be stored in the body for a long period of time, the water-soluble vitamins deplete quickly. These water-soluble vitamins include the B-vitamins and Vitamin C. These vitamins play an essential role in the metabolism, growth, and repair of the cells in the body.

With the commonly prevalent fast-food culture and the excessive stress of daily life, these vitamins get depleted quickly. These also do not get absorbed as effectively as they should.

Minerals play an important role in cellular nutrition and weight loss. Your body cannot make 17 of the minerals that are required for healthy cellular functioning.
These include calcium, iron and magnesium. These minerals are necessary for the proper functioning of the normal metabolic process, something that is important for weight loss and well-being.

The cells of your body are constantly being bombarded by free radicals. These free radicals are caused by stress, medications and pollution and can cause major damage to the cells of your body.
Now, there are definitely some steps that you can take to reduce the production of free radicals. However, these are usually not enough.
This means that you will need to get enough antioxidants that help neutralize the effects of these free radicals. Try and get your daily dose of antioxidants by including a variety of colorful fruits and vegetables in your diet.

Water is essential to ensure that the nutrients are transported easily to the cells of the body. Water also regulates the body temperature. So, if you want to lose weight with cellular nutrition, you need to consume at least eight glasses of water daily.

You may be eating all your fruits and vegetables to make sure that you are getting enough of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. However, in most cases, it has been found that we don't get enough nutrients to sustain an ideal weight and maintain health and vitality. This is why experts suggest a daily nutritional supplement for a good weight management program.
Of course, you need proper guidance in using the right supplements for losing weight. But keep in mind that without proper cellular nutrition, you may find it difficult to lose weight and keep it off. You may also end up feeling exhausted and falling sick while on a weight loss program.

Of course, you need proper guidance in using the right supplements for losing weight. But keep in mind that without proper cellular nutrition, you may find it difficult to lose weight and keep it off. You may also end up feeling exhausted and falling sick while on a weight loss program.
If you want to get expert advice on how to lose weight with cellular nutrition, click here.

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