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Showing posts with label How to Practice Good Sports. Show all posts

Seven Simple Exercises To Build Your Muscles Fast

Many people want to build muscle but don't know what to do. In this guide you will get seven exercises that when you do them together in one work out it is the fastest way to build muscle.
For this exercise to successfully build your muscle fast you need to do the exercise as followed:
-For the first 2 weeks only do the cycle twice. Do each exercise with no more than 30 seconds of rest in between. Once you have completed one cycle rest for 1 to 2 minutes and then finish the second cycle.
-After the first 2 weeks you should become comfortable with the workout and should increase to three cycles rather than two.
-It is important that you do each exercise with appropriate weight and when you are to move onto more weight you should only increase the weight by 10% or less.
Below are the 7 exercises that are going to be the fastest way to build muscles.
1. The first exercise you should do is bent-leg knee raises. You do these by lying on your back, relax your head and neck, and place your hands on the floor near your butt. You will need to place your feet flat on the floor. To do this exercise you need to lower your abdominal muscles so you can raise your knees towards your rib cage, and then you will slowly lower your feet back to their original position. You will need to do this 12 times per set.
2. This exercise is called the V-Up. To do this you lie on your side with your body in a straight line and your arms folded across your chest. You will need to keep your legs together as you lift them off the floor towards your top elbow that your are also raising toward your hip. You should do 10 reps of these on each side and should feel a contraction in your obliques.
4. This next one, the Bridge, is part of the palates program. You will need to get in the push-up position but with your elbows bent. It is important that your body is in a straight line and pull your abdominal in. You should start with doing 20 seconds while breathing steadily and move to doing about 60 second sets later. You should do 1 or 2 reps.
5. This next exercise, tricep pull downs, are an easy exercise. You will need to get to a tricep pushdown machine. To do this exercise you bring the bar to directly at your waste with your elbows against your side. Push the bar down until your arm is extended but not to the point that you lock your elbows out, and then go to the return position. You should do 10 reps of these.
6. Leg extensions are done by sitting on a leg extension machine with your feet in the bads, lean back slightly, and lift the pads to where your leg is extended. Do 10 reps of these as well.
7. You can do bicep curls with either a dumbbell or a barbell. Hold the barbell in front of you, curl the weight toward your shoulders, wait for a second, and then return to the starting position. Do 10 reps of these as well.
If you do these seven exercises together you should see that this is the fastest way to build your muscles.
Michael Parker invites to visit his how to build up muscle website for ways to build muscle and attract women. Get your free copy of "How Your Physique Affects the Female Mind" right here now.

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Is Exercise Good For Weight Loss?

There are different weight loss methods. Each one of them has its own benefits and drawbacks. Some people prefer using weight loss drugs/supplements, others use diet to lose a few pounds, yet others rely on exercise to lose weight. Herbal medicines and advanced equipments are a few other extensively used methods. Today, I will be focusing on exercise and how good it is.

According to a study, around 72 percent of the people do exercise for the purpose of reducing weight. But the number of people who actually succeed in losing weight is very low as compared to the overall population. There are several reasons as to why people do not reach their goal (of weight reduction) when they follow workout route.
Generally, there are two types of people who do exercise:
a. Type A: People who solely rely on workouts for weight reduction and do not focus on any other method.
b. Type B: People who use multiple methods along with exercise to aid the fat burning process.

It has been noted that Type A people do not lose weight as significantly as Type B.
So it simply means that if you solely use exercise for weight loss, it will not going to work. In order to lose weight quickly and effectively, one must not focus upon a single weight loss method rather one has to use multiple methods.

Exercise itself is not bad at all, rather it is very effective for weight loss. You have to use proteins as much as you can so that your muscles build and reshape. If you will not going to increase the intake of proteins along with the workouts, it will adversely affect your body. 

Not only that proteins are needed, but you must take care of your diet as well. Water and juices are very important. You must drink water to avoid dehydration as it has been seen that mostly people get dehydrated during or after exercise.

All in all, exercise is very good for weight loss but you must give a lot of importance to your diet as well. You can use different supplements to get all the necessary proteins and elements that your body and muscles need. Raspberry ketone is an effective compound that, if used with exercise, will increase the fat burning process, and thus your muscles will grow significantly.
No weight reduction method or technique is good or bad, it is all about how you use it.
Find out more about the benefits and effects of raspberry ketone ingredients.

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Weight Loss Exercise Routine

Weight loss is a topic that needs no introduction. Every morning when you get dressed and have to hold your breath to fit into a pair of slacks or when you look into the mirror and notice the extra chin that should be, you are reminded. Such events can be emotionally devastating and cripple your self-confidence. Why go through that hassle if you don't have to?
As with most traditional weight loss plans, exercise should be a main focal point. Exercising, as does dieting, will help your body to run smoother and burn more calories at a faster and healthier way. In saying that, here are the three primary types of exercise that will help you to lose weight.

Stretching helps maintain sound posture. With good posture, you ensure a better flow of blood throughout your body and healthier organs.
From a standing position bend down and touch your toes. Hold for 10-15 seconds. Raise your upper body upward until you reach a standing position then stretch your arms towards the ceiling. Hold that position for 10-15 seconds. Next, rotate your hips left to right for about 10 repetitions apiece on each side. 
Raise your left arm and fold it into a right angle. Grip your elbow with your right arm and pull right. Repeat to the other side. While standing, roll your neck in a circular motion to one side for 15-20 seconds then repeat to the other side.
The above are just a few of the many different options available to you. With every workout be sure to focus on the two major areas of your body-upper body and lower body. Whichever muscle group that you work out, please remember to stay consistent with the amount of time that you stretch. Inadequate stretching can lead to a pulled or torn muscle, leave you inactive and delay your weight loss plan.

Aerobic training
Cardiovascular training is a key aspect of your exercise routine and weight loss plan. Why? Because it improves the condition of your heart and lungs. Low or poor cardiovascular health will leave you tired and with low energy. High cardiovascular health, you will improve your stamina and boost your energy.
Being in great shape cardiovascular wise will also make working out easier and more efficient. Walking, jogging, running, and swimming are all examples of activities that you can engage in to improve your cardiovascular health. Part of the battle with weight loss is doing things that you're comfortable with. Find one or two activities that you like and run with it.

Strength training
Strength training can offer tremendous value to your weight loss plan. Sedentary muscles burn more energy than idle fat. When you lift weights your body responds to the stress and pressure by slightly tearing. As a mechanism to respond, your body repairs your muscles and subsequently they become stronger.

Here are a few options to consider incorporating and making a staple in your strength training regimen. After stretching and getting the blood flowing actively through your body and select a muscle group that you desire to target.
The bench press is one of the first exercises that come to mind. If you are unaware, this type of exercise will work out you chest and arms. 
If you are just starting, take it easy with the weight. You should be able to steadily control the barbell and push up and down with just enough resistance so that you can successfully complete 10 reps. Follow this exact process for two more sets and add weight and decrease the reps for optimal resistance training and strength training.
This is just one of many examples of many strength training options. Again, as with stretching, identify which muscle group you want to target. Lower body, midsection, and the upper body are all areas to focus on. Generally heavy weights and low reps will build more muscle mass while higher reps and lower weights will help with toning. Figure out which concept fits your needs and get started!

The author has a keen interest in all things weight loss and runs an online weight loss guide featuring top dieting and exercising tips []. To receive a free 16 pg pdf and free 12 month newsletter click here []. This article may be freely distributed it this resource box remains attached.

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