Top 40 Health Quotations

  1. "Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year." -- Franklin P. Adams
  2. "He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything." -- Arabian Proverb
  3. "To get rich never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth." -- Richard Baker
  4. "There's lots of people who spend so much time watching their health, they haven't got time to enjoy it." -- Josh Billings
  5. "Health has its science, as well as disease. " --Elizabeth Blackwell
  6. "Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. " --Erma Bombeck
  7. "Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do practice? " --George Carlin
  8. "The poorest man would not part with health for money, but the richest would gladly part with all their money for health. " --Charles Caleb Colton
  9. "As I see it every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself." --Adelle Davis
  10. "Preserving health by too severe a rule is a worrisome malady." --Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  11. "You can set yourself up to be sick, or you can choose to stay well." -- Wayne Dyer
  12. "Give me health and a day and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
  13. "The first wealth is health." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  14. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." -- Benjamin Franklin
  15. "Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing." --Redd Foxx
  16. "Health is not valued till sickness comes." --Dr. Thomas Fuller
  17. "A Hospital is no place to be sick." --Samuel Goldwyn
  18. "Health is not simply the absence of sickness." --Hannah Green
  19. "Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos - the trees, the clouds, everything." --Thich Nhat Hanh
  20. "A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses." --Hippocrates
  21. "The groundwork of all happiness is health." -- Leigh Hunt
  22. "The oneness of mind and body holds the secret of illness and health. " --Arnold Hutschnecker
  23. "Health is worth more than learning." --Thomas Jefferson
  24. "We cannot seek or attain health, wealth, learning, justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific, concrete, individualized, unique." -- Benjamin Jowett
  25. "One out of 4 people in this country is mentally imbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends-if they seem okay, then you're the one." --Ann Landers
  26. "To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life." -- William Londen
  27. "It's no longer a question of staying healthy. It's a question of finding a sickness you like." --Jackie Mason
  28. "Quit worrying about your health. It'll go away." --Robert Orben
  29. "What some call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't much better than tedious disease." --George Dennison Prentice
  30. "The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results." -- Anthony Robbins
  31. "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." -- Jim Rohn
  32. "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." --Albert Schweitzer
  33. "A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools." -- Spanish Proverb
  34. "People who overly take care of their health are like misers. They hoard up a treasure which they never enjoy." -- Laurence Sterne
  35. "Measure your health by your sympathy with morning and Spring. " --Henry David Thoreau
  36. "Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint." --Mark Twain
  37. "The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." --François Voltaire
  38. "Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it." -- Unknown
  39. "Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted." -- Denis Waitley
  40. "Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, a blessing money can't buy." --Izaak Walton
Resource Box - © Danielle Hollister (2004) is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at -

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The Best Weight Loss Programs For Women

Here are the best weight loss programs for women who are struggling to lose weight. If you're too busy to cook elaborate healthy meals... AND... you're too busy to get to the gym all the time, then read this now to pick up some tips on how to lose weight without having to spend much time on it.
Best Weight Loss Programs for Women
1. The quick diet way
I won't force you to abandon your favorite foods. Instead I need you to do a couple things to get your diet working for you.
First, I want you to use apples as your primary snacks. Eat 3 of them a day. If you make this compromise with me, then you can continue eating your favorite foods at lunch and/or dinner. If you can't even do this simple small thing, then you must think about whether you even deserve to lose weight!
Second, I want you to cook up a 1 pound bag of lentils as a soup. Then, each day for the next 7 days, eat a little of it. The amount of protein and fiber you get in this, especially for the price of about 77 cents for a pound, is nothing short of incredible.
Lastly, eat eggs as often as you can... hopefully daily at breakfast. Besides protein shakes, I consider eggs the best source of protein you can get. They're perfect to eat for breakfast because the protein in them will jumpstart your metabolism.
2. The quick exercise way
If I told you all you that you could lose a lot of weight fast if all you did was give me 5 minutes of your time each day, would you believe me? Probably not... and that's ok. But you can. Here's how... do hindu squats.
You need to know that these 5 minutes probably won't be easy for you. That's because for hindu squats to work great, you need to do them as fast as you can. You don't need weights or anything to do these, just you and your body squatting fast.
Got that... they're bodyweight squats. A general parameter for you to shoot for is to get in at least 100 squats in the 5 minutes. You can take short rest times while doing these, but I advise against it. Push past your tiredness and do these non-stop.
To be sure that you don't cheat this movement and your weight loss, I want you to touch your finger tips to the ground each time you squat down. This will keep you honest so that you squat down far enough. Make sure to keep your back straight and don't hunch over.
There you go... 2 of the best weight loss programs for women that you can mix and match as you see fit so that weight loss progress happens without you having to waste too much of your precious time.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan

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The Benefits Of A Foot Massage

A foot massage is something that almost everyone craves, but very few can actually get. It can be both sensual as well as relaxing. This is a very simple idea that can help to keep even the most on edge person relaxed and at ease. A simple foot massage can relieve many of the tensions of the day and can make you feel revitalized. It can do this in many different ways. It will help to relax the tense muscles in your feet and it will also give you a feeling of relaxation.
In regards to the sensual aspect, there can be many benefits to this as well. A simple foot massage of your loved one will tell them that you care and will help in the creation of an atmosphere of peace. By simply touching and caressing your partner's feet you set the tone and the atmosphere for the time that lies ahead. This simple gesture will let your partner know what you are willing to do for them and how much you care by caressing their feet and letting them take some tension off which will lead to a night of potential romance.
A simple foot massage can be something that is very helpful to those who have high stress jobs or for someone who is on their feet for the better part of their day. This simple tension reliever will lead to not only your feet feeling better, but your mind and soul will be relaxed as well. This simple pleasure will make your whole day better. A simple foot massage helps to sweep the tension away from your body by making your feet feel comfortable and relaxed again which will rejuvenate your entire body. It is a great end to a long day and a wonderful way to start your night. It will send you on your way to a relaxing evening and a good night which will allow you to have a great start to your next day.
A foot massage has many benefits not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. It also helps to relieve the stress as well as provide physical relief. It can relax the muscles and tendons in your feet and help to soothe away those aches and pains that you get from standing on your feet all day. As far as mentally, the fact that someone is pampering you and showing you the affection and attention that you need and crave. It is also just a simple relaxation and stress relief technique that for all intents and purposes allows you just put your feet up. So go home and find someone to give you that foot massage that you so richly deserve or you can go to a massage parlor and let someone else do it for you while receiving some of the other perks of the massage service. It is something that everyone deserves every once in a while or even more so. So go and treat yourself, you deserve it.
Chris Powell has worked for many years as a massage therapist, and has written amazing articles on massages that will educate you about what you absolutely need to know about giving a perfect massage.
You can read more of Chris’s articles about massages at

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Tips For Health And Fitness!

Fitness encompasses your physical and emotional self. When people get physically fit, they are healthy and happy. Read on for some ways to help you end the struggle and start getting fit the right way.
When you have a specific set of objectives leading to a goal, you will have built in motivation for your fitness plans. This helps you see and overcome obstacles without shying away from them. Having goals give you something to work towards.
Maintain a good pace of approximately one-hundred rpm while bicycling. You'll ride faster, but with less strain on your joints. This can be determined by simply counting how many times your right leg goes up every ten seconds, and multiplying that number by six. The resulting number is the rpm you should aim for.
Running can help your overall fitness. It burns calories, creates lean muscle, and helps the heart and lungs, and it may benefit your brain as well. Performing aerobic exercise enriches your blood with oxygen, which is then delivered to your brain. Among those suffering from depression, running has been shown to be as effective a treatment as prescription medications.
When you perform exercises that include such things as pullups or lat pulldowns, your thumb should not be wrapped. Placing your thumb next to your index finger will make you use less arm and more back in the exercises. Doing so is awkward at first, but targets the correct muscles.
When you begin running, it's important to run in three separate segments. Start running at a slower pace and gradually work up to more speed. In the final third, push hard to reach the finish. This pattern improves endurance and total distance over time.
You should feel energized, not exhausted, when you finish your workout. Cardiovascular activities like jogging, swimming, running and cycling are essential to a good workout regimen. Consider including strength training and try to work on different muscle groups each day.
Before running a sprint race you should prepare by working on a faster stride. You may try to run faster by stretching out your front leg when you run. However, when your front foot lands it should be in line with your torso. In order to better propel yourself, push with the toes of your back leg. As you practice and become familiar with the proper form you will find your speed increasing.
Consider unique ways to get fit. You don't have to go to the gym to get a fair amount of exercise. By finding activities that you enjoy, you will not become bored but rather look forward to your exercise.
Improve your contact skills when training for volleyball. Foosball is a great way to improve these. Foosball is fast and competitive, involving quick hand-eye coordination with lighting fast reflexes. Lots of practice will do wonders to enhancing these skills for you, and then you can carry them back to your main sport.
As illustrated in this article, it is certainly within your reach to become more fit, and doing so will make you proud of your accomplishment. You do not have to be ashamed of how badly you are out of shape any longer. If you use these tips, you will find yourself obtaining your fitness goals in no time!
Are you interested in learning more about Professional Massage Tables? Having a massage is a great way to recover after exercise and massage tables are essential for a good massage! Great information and links are available from Jayne's Massage Table website.
Jayne enjoys surfing around the web and reading interesting and bizarre articles and likes to contribute value to the internet through her blogs, articles and posting comments on other people's sites.

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True Laser Teeth Whitening Cost - Hidden Extras

It is easy to get an estimate of a laser teeth whitening cost online or from your dentist, but its true cost may be considerably higher. These hidden factors can greatly increase your overall costs.
Your final cost may well consist of the combination of not so obvious factors involved in this teeth whitening process.
One treatment may not be enough
Although it is expected that you should get your desired white teeth after just one treatment, it has been noted in the medical literature that on average it takes three treatments to make patients happy. Sometimes people need from two to six whitening treatments to achieve their desired effect.
One of the reasons for this may be in the fact that during the laser teeth whitening your teeth are exposed for a prolonged time to a strong heat. This exposure dehydrates teeth. As teeth dehydrate, they get whiter. Thus, your whitening effect is greatest immediately after the laser whitening treatment. As teeth re-hydrate with time, and it can take up to seven days, they tend to revert to their normal darker color.
The dentists know this and therefore recommend further treatments to achieve maximum whiteness.
Add at-home whitening kit
After you have had your laser teeth whitening you will most likely be recommended to follow it with an at-home whitening procedures.
This at-home treatment will be able to compensate for the loss of white color due to teeth re-hydration. Hydrogen peroxide based at-home whitening kits provide further whitening effect.
The other reason for using at-home whitening kits after the laser teeth whitening lies in the fact that during the whitening procedure the dentist needs to isolate your teeth from soft tissues to prevent their damage and discoloration.
Such isolation is more difficult to achieve on the back teeth. That is why laser teeth whitening quite often performed just on the front teeth.
Once the whitening has been completed, your back teeth, especially upper molars, may be prominent when you smile and affect your overall look. To compensate for this, you will need to use an at-home bleaching kit.
You will need to enquire with your dentist if the cost of the kit is included in your laser teeth whitening cost.
Fix your old restorations
The third and not that obvious laser teeth whitening cost is associated with any previous tooth restorations that you may have had.
You have to remember that only natural tooth enamel will whiten and all your previous restorations such as veneers, crowns, bridges etc. will not. So, after you have had a laser teeth whitening procedure they will be considerably darker than your shiny white teeth.
Additional procedures and costs may be required to rectify this problem
These are the three most important factors that you have to keep in mind when calculating your true laser teeth whitening cost.
Discover the secret to whiten your teeth naturally [] and safely for a lot cheaper and conveniently from the comfort of your home: []

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Transform Your Mind, Body and Spirit in Just 30 Minutes a Day

Do you want to lose weight? Is there a particular reason why? Women have several reasons for wanting to lose weight and get into better shape. Sometimes it's because of health problems and the doctor has advised a change in diet and has strongly suggested beginning an exercise program. For other ladies it may be a way to get back into exercising after the birth of a baby or some other deterrence from physical activity. Whatever your reason, getting back into or starting a fitness program begins with inspiration.
Why put it off any longer? Toss aside any doubts you have about yourself and begin today. You can lose weight. You can have a beautifully shaped body.
Believe me when I tell you... all it takes to get in shape is 30 minutes a day. Just 30 minutes of exercise each day, followed by a diet of healthy and delicious foods will put you on the road to success.
When you transform your appearance, the way that you perceive yourself will change too. You will feel confident knowing that you have the power to revolutionize your body and take control of your mind.
Family, friends and foes will notice the new you. Many will give you words of praise, while others may choose to cut you down. You will need to surround yourself with positive attitudes and remember to say your daily affirmations to keep you focused on your goal.
Are you ready for a life-changing experience as you transform not only your body, but your mind and spirit too?
You can do it! Think it, believe it, achieve it!
Karen Ficarelli is the founder of, a diet, exercise program and women's fitness blog, developed especially for women. A mother of three, Karen knows how hard it is to fit exercise into a busy schedule.

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Hair Transplant: Top 10 Useful Tips

Today most of the people are facing acute hair loss problem. The most important cause related to hair loss is genetics and the only treatment is permanent transplant surgery. However, before going for a permanent transplant one should consider these tips.
Learn about today's best transplantation procedure: Before going for hair transplantation do a research by yourself.
You must know about modern hair transplantation procedures like ultra refined grafting, ultra refined follicular unit grafting, micrograft transplant and follicular unit transplantation.
2) Consult with patients: You should discuss with other patients about the procedure of transplantation, merits and demerits of any selected procedure and reputation of the clinic. For this propose you can even use Internet.
3) Choose a surgeon carefully: talent, skill and experience of hair transplant surgeons vary and these get reflected in their works. So choose a surgeon very carefully.
4) Cost of hair transplant procedure: Hair transplant cost depends upon the amount of micrograft transplantation and this differs from centers to centers. If you look for a sophisticated one with fewer invasions, better results and in less time, you might have to pay more. If you are on a tight budget you should opt for an affordable hair transplant.
5) Frontal hair transplants: Today most of the people face frontal hair loss problem. A surgical intervention known as frontal hair transplants can help you overcome this.
6) Be cautious of fake hair growth products: Be aware of hair growth product like "snake oils," as these are not certified by FDA and have no significant contribution to hair growth.
7) Post surgical care: Post surgical care includes vitamin supplements, minerals, balanced diet and volumizing shampoos.
8) Don't divert your mind on myths: Mal nutrition, allergy, or tensions are not among the cause of hair loss. These are just myths. Just go for a permanent hair transplant if you are facing hair loss problem.
9) Tulsa hair transplant center is among the best hair transplant centers. You should consult their surgeons for permanent hair transplant. You can even contact online.
10) Try to know about follicle isolation technique of permanent hair transplant. It leaves no scar on scalp. If it suits your pocket, it is among the best permanent hair transplant methods.
Before going for any decision keep eye on these guidelines for a smooth permanent hair transplant.
We have made the most comprehensive research on the subject of hair loss. Find the results only on the Permanent hair transplant guide []. All about Hair loss [] on []

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The Best Mental Health Counseling - Seven Steps to Stress-Less Success

1) Create a life vision and visit it daily

What I mean by a life vision is this: Where are you going? Where are you going in life? And what are you doing all this for? What's the target? Many people don't have this target or vision in their lives. They're just in motion. They don't really know where they're going.

That's not necessarily the worst thing in the world, but oftentimes what happens to people who don't have a destination or a target, is that they burn out. They don't have any purpose for doing what they're doing. Additionally, when I say visit your vision daily, it's to really think about it and visualize your vision.
It would be great if every morning you gave a couple minutes of thought, or meditation, and visualized your vision; meaning that you actually see yourself living in that fully fulfilled place, wherever it is and in all parts of your life, not only just your world of work but your health and relationships, all parts of your life.

2) Live from the goals that reinforce your vision

If you have goals but they're not in alignment with your vision, or they don't reinforce your vision, then somehow there are some wires crossed and you won't fulfill either your vision or your goals. When there are wires crossed, we oftentimes have what we call a values conflict. And a values conflict can be extremely draining and extremely stressful.

It's time for you to get clear, about your vision and to set the goals that are in alignment with your vision so they really help support and reinforce your vision and help you fulfill your vision. Write them out, and then check in with them occasionally to make sure that you're actually living in alignment with them.

3) Learn and implement your personal boundaries

When you really break it down, boundaries are really about knowing what to say "Yes" to and knowing what to say "No" to, and being very clear about where there needs to be a "Yes" and where there needs to be a "No." Of course, then you need to make sure you follow through with your boundaries.

Some boundaries may be boundaries you just have with yourself, and some boundaries might be boundaries you have with other people, events, situations or scenarios. Boundaries are designed to help keep you in balance and to help keep you healthy and energized. That's the whole purpose of boundaries. If you want more balance and less stress in your life, clearly defined boundaries and implementing those boundaries will help get you there.

4) Participate in supportive communities

I can't emphasize this part enough. We aren't designed to do life by ourselves. We're social beings, yet so many people get into a certain lifestyle pattern and they don't invite other people in to help them or to support them. I want to encourage you to look at your support system and to really evaluate it. This is a great time to take a good look and really inventory your life. If your support system that's lacking, then it's a great time to start beefing that up, because you're going to find that your support communities will really help you to not only achieve your goals, but they'll also help you with things like boundaries.
They'll help you with things like creating a powerful vision. They'll remind you and help hold you accountable, and they'll help you to see your blind spots, those areas that you might not otherwise be aware of.

5) Feed your mind, body, heart and soul

Feed your mind with good thoughts, positive thoughts and with images of success and happiness. Feed your body and take good care of it. Feed your body good food, regular exercise and rest. Make sure your body gets the maintenance that it needs. And your heart, how do you feed your heart? Let me ask you this: What is it that really gets you passionate? What is it that really lights you up more than anything else? Whatever that is, that's your heart energy.

Make sure you're feeding yourself with that heart energy, that passion that may be totally unique to you, but yet it's passion for you. And then your soul, what is your spiritual path? What feeds you spiritually? For some people it might be something as traditional as going to a church service. For other people it might be practicing yoga.
 For others it might be dancing or singing or writing. And for even others, it's going out in nature or watching a sunset. Whatever it is for you, make sure you feed that part of you. Make sure you feed all these parts of you.

6) Keep what is most important most important

There's an old saying that goes like this: The most important thing about the most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing. I know that may sound like a bunch of doubletalk, but it isn't. What this is referring to is what it is that you truly value. This is what defines your boundaries and reinforces your vision and your goals. If there is something you truly value but you don't protect, it's then easy to lose track of your values and get led astray. Know what it is that's most important. Know what it is that you truly value, and then keep and maintain that. Make sure that most important thing is kept the most important thing for you.

7) Consciously breathe, smile and laugh

Breathing is something that we take for granted. We have become a culture of shallow breathers. I discovered this for myself as result of practicing yoga. One of the primary emphases of yoga is on breathing. I personally realized how unconscious I had become about my breathing. But by practicing yoga I began to really tune into my breathing and how big of a difference, a profound difference, it's made in my life to be a conscious breather.

 I encourage you to do the same, whether you take up yoga or not. And then there's smiling. When you smile, you automatically release endorphins, which are the "feel good" neuro-hormones. Smiling will always make you feel good. And laughter, I believe, probably speaks for itself. Laughter is such a wonderful medicine. Laughter is actually probably one of the best natural medicines we can ever engage in.

There you have it: The Seven Simple Steps to Stress-Less Success! NOW, go do it..and love it!
I provide mental health counseling, marriage counseling and relationship counseling to help professionals and their families eliminate stress, maximize success and create extraordinary relationships at home, at work and in the community. As a mental health counselor, marriage counselor and relationship counselor my number one goal is to help people as painlessly a possible complete the therapeutic process.

I've been offering counseling, coaching, and educational programs since 1987. My programs are focused on empowering people to have more successful lives, businesses and relationships.

You'll always find FREE Life and Relationship Success Special Reports at I'm also the author of Marry YourSelf First! Say "I DO" to a Life of Passion, Power, Purpose and Prosperity.

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Depression and Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are caused by abnormal eating patterns. These could be overeating or inadequate food intake. Many people tend to eat more food to suppress extreme emotions and depression. They use the snacks and food indulged in as escape routes to deal with emotional stress or bad relationships. Some common eating disorders are anorexia, compulsive eating, binge eating and bulimia.
These eating disorders are curable if they are detected in time and medical advice is followed. It is also possible to have multiple eating disorders. People who suffer from eating disorders become very weak emotionally. They use food as a medium to relieve themselves. Emotional support is the most essential requirement to treat these individuals.

Self-esteem problems are at the core of many eating disorders. They also play a role in other conditions, such as depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, self-injury and suicide. Depression may precede eating disorders and contribute to their onset. It has also been observed that living with the eating disorder leads to depression.

Depressive disorders are known to affect the way an individual eats, sleeps and feels about himself and others. Without treatment, the symptoms may last for weeks, months or even an entire lifetime. Proper and timely treatment can help to eradicate the cause for depression. Depressive illness often interferes with usual functioning and causes pain and distress.
Psychotherapy, medication or a combination of both is helpful. Psychotherapy involves talking about specific feelings with a qualified professional equipped to help individuals to alter relationships and thoughts.

Medication that treats severe and disabling depression is available. At times, several medicines are tried out before the doctor finds the one that works best. A regular and monitored well-balanced diet is the safest way to battle these disorders and in the bargain deal with depression effectively.
Eating Disorders [] provides detailed information on Eating Disorders, Eating Disorder Statistics, Information On Eating Disorders, Athletes and Eating Disorders and more. Eating Disorders is affiliated with Ordering Phentermine Diet Pills.

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Your Body and Fast Food

Everyone knows that fast food is quick, easy, and can be cheap. However have you ever sat down and read the facts about fast food? There are plenty of reasons why it can be very bad for you. Their products are high in sugar, fat and artificial ingredients. These are not meant to be taken in on a regular basis.
Eating all of these ingredients often cause some bad health issues like heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers. They can also be addicting to some people and if tried to stop can cause withdraw effects. If you are someone who already suffers from heart or digestive issues then you need to determine if fast food is safe for you.
Surveys have provided us with information that snacking causes people to consume at least an extra 300 calories more than they normally would. Extra sugar and food dye is put into some foods to make it look more appealing. Many people in the world believe that this is a big part of why people are becoming over weight. As of 2012 there were 520 million obese people worldwide.
Their food is filled with soy, salt, cheese, and mayonnaise, often deep fried which adds a lot of calories and no nutritional value. Given the high amount of calories in most of the meals provided there it would take a significant amount of exercise to burn off them calories. There are a ton of disadvantages to fast food.
The higher levels of fat and sugar can cause obesity. Studies have shown that people who live closer to a fast food restaurant have a higher tendency to be obese. With the cooking oils and preservatives used in the food to maintain the products make it difficult to shed the fat even if you were to up your activity level it would not help.
Liver damage is a big risk with consuming a lot of fast food. Junk food is filled with trans fat. Trans fat is an artificial ingredient that is put in the food so it can sit for periods of time before being ate. Because of that, as your body is trying to get rid of this fat, it can build up in the liver and cause damage. It is just like being an alcoholic if it is not monitored, it will cause liver failure.
Consuming fast food that is high in sodium and cholesterol regularly can cause cardiovascular diseases. Cholesterol clog's the arteries increasing risk of a stroke or heart attack. This can be caused from having to many fries, sodas, or enriched meats.
In conclusion, you should not eat a lot of fast food. It would be alright to treat yourself to it every once in a while, but it definitely is not a source of nutrition and not something that you would want to try to live on.
We have over 200 bodybuilding recipes and unique meal plans to keep your diet interesting and your taste buds happy in this awesome bodybuilding cookbook.

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How to Design a Successful Weight Loss Strategy

No matter how many pounds you wish to lose, weight loss can be stressful and disheartening if you don't understand the basics. Many people make the goal to slim down without knowing exactly how to proceed or the best strategies to utilize, and then they are disappointed when the weight loss doesn't happen as quickly as they'd hoped. However, by understanding a few simple concepts and implementing them into your daily life, you will be able to lose fat and add muscle tone in no time.
First, understand that slimming down doesn't happen overnight. It requires a great deal of hard work, effort, and dedication. Additionally, you will not always lose the pounds at a steady, consistent rate. You may backslide a bit at times because a busy and stressful week causes you to have to skip the gym, for example. Additionally, the more weight you lose, the more difficult it becomes to lose additional pounds. Finally, you will not always be able to consistently maintain healthy eating habits. Everyone gets occasional cravings and bends the rules of their diet, no matter how disciplined they are. The important thing is to understand this fact, accept it, and not get discouraged.
The second basic rule of weight loss is that you cannot simply change just one area of your life. The best strategy for slimming down is to do two things simultaneously: make healthy changes to your diet and begin an exercise regimen. Doing these two things simultaneously is the best way to get healthy and fit. Although appetite suppressants and vitamin supplements can play a role, there is simply no substitute for a healthy diet and workout regimen.
When it comes to dieting, an important thing to keep in mind is portion control. Some dieticians believe that you can eat anything you want, as long as you remember how much of it you should be eating. Obviously, you will be able to eat much more lettuce than chocolate when you are dieting. However, there is no reason to cut chocolate out completely. Having an occasional piece now and then will not cause you to gain back all the fat you've lost, and might be a good way to give yourself a reward for sticking to your diet.
Regarding exercise, there are three main things to remember. The first is to do as much as you are able. If you have never kept up a regular workout routine before, you will not be able to get on the treadmill and run five miles on your first day. You should do as much as you are able and slowly build up to longer, more intense workouts.
Second, adding variation into your workouts is important too. Running every day can get boring, and there are plenty of other ways to exercise. You should try new activities and add in other types of cardio as well. Finally, you should always stretch after a workout, otherwise your muscles will become tight and you may sustain an injury. If you can remember all these things, you will be on your way reaching your weight loss goals in no time.
If you are considering weight loss Birmingham has many professionals who can help. Visit for more information.

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How A Healthy Fitness Regime Can Help Your Mind, Body And Soul

Fitness to your mind, body, and soul is like the rain is to grass, flowers, and gardens. It refreshes and feeds necessary nourishments to assist with growth and flourishing. Fitness and health experts have been telling the public for many years how incredibly important committing to a lifestyle of health and fitness is for the mind, body, and soul.
How fitness helps the body
Physical fitness has many benefits for the body. It helps maintain muscle tissue, keeps the heart strong, strengthens the bones, boosts the immune system, strengthens muscles, aids in digestion, and helps keep excess weight off. Exercise has been proven to help with physical endurance so that you will not tire so quickly from day to day doing tasks such as climbing stairs, cleaning the house, or lifting your children.
Working out will get your heart pumping extra blood to your vital organs, including your brain. As the blood carries oxygen, your brain will benefit from this and experts assert that your cells can actually regenerate as a result, which is very beneficial for optimal brain function.
Let's face it: obesity is common in the United States and much of this is contributed to lack of healthy eating and exercise. The older you get, the slower your metabolism is; thus, the need for exercise becomes even more prevalent. Obesity leads to all sorts of physical problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. These are sure fire reasons why committing to a lifestyle of exercise is so important.
How fitness helps the mind
Fitness can significantly benefit the mind, as it increases blood flow and releases "happy" chemicals that help you to feel better emotionally. When you exercise, neurotransmitters called endorphins are released in the brain and provide a sense of well-being and happiness that can last for hours.
Another way that fitness helps the mind is that it relieves built up stress. As you go through your day to day activities, anxiety and stress can affect you mentally and physically. Chronic stress can cause physical and mental problems such as high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, and depression.
When you exercise, stress tension decreases and you get a sense of relief. Haven't you ever just felt overwhelmed with busyness and stress and went for a brisk walk only to feel much better by the end? Getting those muscles moving and heart pumping will decrease your stress level so that your mind can relax and be at peace.
How fitness helps the spirit
The spirit is the absolute essence of who you are. Underneath the physical body and separate from the mind lies a river of flowing life and love that oftentimes gets overlooked and forgotten about. Following the belief of the ancient physical and spiritual discipline of Yoga, committing to a lifestyle of fitness can certainly help the mind, body, and spirit.
As you embark on a journey to take care of yourself by exercising and eating healthy, you are less likely to be plagued with stress, anxiety, depression, and physical illnesses, which makes it much easier to tune into your spiritual life.
A healthy fitness regime is well worth the commitment in your life. Go ahead and make a plan to exercise at least 3 times a week. If you doubt your ability to commit to such a task, consider hiring a personal trainer, as he or she will be there to motivate you, instruct you, and encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle so you can be at your best physically, mentally, and spiritually.
You can stay fit doing all sorts of exercise. Choose from brisk walking, jogging, weight training, playing tennis, basketball, golf, or softball. Join a gym and sign up for a fitness class, yoga, or Pilates. There are plenty of opportunities for you to get into shape and stay in shape. All you need is to make a firm commitment and dedicate yourself to such a healthy task.
Written for Healthy Life Essex by Authors at Start Right PT.
Personal Training in Southend is a service Start Right PT provide, they aim to help women across the county achieve their goals while helping others online with their online content.

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Ten Ways to Make Your Hair Grow Faster

When you decide you want to grow your hair out, it seems like the process takes forever. Short of slapping on a wig, there seems little that can be done to make your hair grow faster. However, there are ways that can make a difference in the speed at which it grows that can guarantee you that it will grow at the fastest pace naturally possible. Here are ten tips on ways you can do this:
1. Maybe it's not what you wanted to hear, but your overall diet and health is going to make a difference in how quickly your hair grows. The same vitamins and minerals that keep your body systems running smoothly are the ones that make hair growth possible, so eat plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, dairy, and lean meats.
2. Adequate amounts of sleep and exercise are also going to help your locks get longer faster. Cardio exercise gets your blood pumping, and the more blood that is pumped to your hair follicles, the more oxygen they receive and the faster they grow.
3. Another suggestion which seems strange is that if you want your hair to grow longer, you need to have it trimmed regularly. However, by removing all the split dry ends, it means that you hair can expend its energy growing instead of doing repair work.
4. Take a daily vitamin tablet containing biotin. Biotin enhances cell growth. You can also get the protein you need for maximum hair growth by eating eggs, meat, and poultry.
5. Cut nicotine and caffeine out of your diet altogether. Neither is good for your health or your hair.
6. Heat can damage healthy hair. This includes a lot of exposure to extremely hot water, hair dryers, curling irons, and even the hot rays of the sun.
7. Coloring your hair too often can also stunt its growth. Avoid cheap dyes which can damage hair, and use newer products that also moisturize it.
8. It's okay to wear a ponytail once in awhile, but using a rubber band on your hair can damage it, and pulling it tight against your head can keep it from being healthy and growing more quickly.
9. Strike a happy medium between shampooing too often and allowing your hair to get oily. Too much washing can destroy the oil balance and damage hair, and letting your hair get too oily will stymie healthy growth.
10. People used to believe that brushing their hair 100 strokes a day was good for it. We now know better. Never overbrush, and always avoid brushes with bristles.
Most of the ways you can make your hair grow faster are common sense and doing the same things you'd normally do to ensure a healthy body. Remind yourself that while you'll need to be a little patient, eventually your hair will be as long as you want it to be.
For more tips and information on vitamins for hair growth? Get tips, articles and advice on female hair loss here: Causes of Hair Loss.

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10 Motivational Health Tips to Help You Maintain Your Weight During the Holiday Season

1. Eat in Moderation.
Don't overdo eating during the holiday season. Eat only what you need to eat, and don't simply eat because the food is there. Eating a small meal at home before you go to a holiday party can help too. Eating in moderation can take extra discipline during the holiday season, because there is just so much food available, but it can be mastered.
2. Parking farther away when going shopping.
When you are out holiday shopping make it a habit to park farther away from the door. I know that you may live in an area where it is cold outside, but this is an almost effortlessly way to assist you in maintaining your weight during the holiday season. If you are one that shops a lot all of those longer walks to the front door of the department store can pay off. I myself enjoy getting a great parking space as well during the holiday season. But I enjoy maintaining my weight more!
3. Think About It.
Practice thinking about how good you are going to feel after the holiday season is over, and you have maintained your weight. Think about how you will feel after the holiday season is over if you have picked up those extra unwanted pounds. This in itself can be a great motivator!
4. Write yourself a note.
Write a note to yourself before that big holiday meal or big family gathering. Tell yourself what your plans are to maintain your weight, then read it again during the meal and then after. Put the note somewhere where you can read it quickly and privately (a sticky note on a dollar bill in your wallet will work).
5. Buy yourself a new outfit at the beginning of the holiday season.
Purchase yourself a new dress or new outfit your current size, and tear off the tags and throw the receipt away. If you can afford it buy an expensive dress or outfit. This should help you work extra hard to maintain your weight, especially when you have tossed the receipt and torn off the tags! After all who likes to waste money? An extra motivator to fit into your new dress or pair of pants is to plan to wear your new threads somewhere special on New Years Eve.
6. Reward Yourself.
Write down a list of things that you will reward yourself with for maintaining your weight. Make your reward date the day after the holiday season has officially ended for you. Your rewards can be small for example a magazine, manicure, trip to the beauty salon, etc.
7. Keep Track of Your Eating and Exercise.
Keep a holiday journal and keep track of your healthy and unhealthy holiday habits. Set healthy habit goals, and stick to them! Try your hardest not to get off track, but if you do remember that everyday is a fresh start!
8. Positive Talk and a Positive Walk.
Tell yourself every day, several times a day "I maintain my current weight with minimal effort." I look good at ______ pounds." "I am amazed at how I maintained my current weight during the holiday season." And walk with confidence in knowing that you are fabulous at your current weight (no matter what that is)!
9. Be accountable to someone.
Share with a friend or family member how important it is to you to maintain your weight during the holiday season. Initiate a H.A.T. (Holiday Accountability Team), this can be your spouse, children, or any other individual who will help you stay on track. Maintain frequent contact with them during the holiday season and develop a tool or list of questions that you will discuss related to maintaining your weight (doesn't have to be in-depth), during the holiday season.
If you think you can do it, then you can! The holiday season is a difficult time for those of us who are seriously working on maintaining our weight. It is important for us to be empowered from within to maintain our weight during this holiday season, and believing that WE CAN DO IT is vital!
Shauntel Peak-Jimenez is a Certified Life Coach for women, and a Certified Life Coach Trainer. She went back to college as an adult and as a single mother of 5 chidren, and she knows how it feels to have to change your life for the better. She is the founder of The Character and Self-Esteem Institute a provider of life coaching, life coach certification training, and professional development training. If you are ready to be transformed visit the website and obtain free resources or contact Coach Shauntel by e-mail: to schedule a free 30 minute "life makeover" planning session or to become a Certified Life Coach!

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Avocado - A True Health Food, Especially for the Liver

We love to find foods that are inherently healthy, especially when they are also a delicious addition to your meals. Also, we are always on the lookout for liver-healthy foods, because as we know so much of our health, and our ability to keep our weight in check depends on a well-functioning liver. Foods such as turmeric and other herbs and spices, as we have pointed out on our website, provide liver health, and in this article we would like to point out the benefits of another: avocado.
So for those who have yet started to use the avocado in their diet plan, let's introduce this wonderful food. Most people think of it as a vegetable, but it grows on trees and reproduces by its seeds, which makes it technically a fruit. It has been grown and cultivated for centuries in Mexico, Central and South America, but in the last two hundred years fifty years it has been introduced to other parts of the world. The product is now grown in the Mediterranean area, Africa and the Far East, as well as Southern California.
Here's how the avocado can help the liver:
• Vitamins C. Avocados are abundant in this vitamin, which function as antioxidants that neutralize free radicals. These are required for the growth and repair of cells, and are vital repairing liver cells so this necessary organ can continue doing its job.
• Production of glutathione. People who have chronic liver disease usually are found to have low levels of glutathione. Named the mother of all antioxidants, the good news is that our body can produce this necessary master detoxifier, the bad news it can be depleted by bad diet, among other things. Avocados help the body produce glutathione.
• Healthy fats. There are good fats and bad fats, and avocados are definitely in the "good fat" category. People who are afflicted with fatty liver disease have a cholesterol profile of LDLs, or bad cholesterol. Raising your HDLs or good cholesterol can improve this cholesterol profile, and your liver health.
The delicious avocado provides more health benefits than just what it does for our liver. It helps our immune system, helps the cardiovascular system (due to its healthy cholesterol), and is great for eye health. Avocado has both lutein and zeaxanthin, which are carotenoids that protect the eyes from age-related issues.
An average-sized avocado has about 250-300 calories, so as healthy as they are you don't want to overdo them. Many people eat them in guacamole, which is great, but I top off every salad with avocado slices. Another idea is to cut them in half, scoop out the center and fill them with some shrimp or crabmeat, topped off with a little cocktail sauce. There are many ideas on the internet to use avocado. They can be cubed, sliced, whipped or smashed, are great alone or offer a perfect complement to many foods.
Avocado is a food that is being used in many regional diets, including the Mediterranean. We now know it to be a real liver-friendly food. Rich Carroll is a writer and health enthusiast living in Chicago.

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Self Massage Tips

Trigger points or also known as muscle knots are small spots of hyper tension muscle fibers that that make you feel stiff. This kind tension in that small area of the muscle can affect the entire muscle and even cause trigger points in muscles close to it. Although using a professional masseuse is a great way to get rid of the knots in your muscle trigger points can be self massaged as well. Let's look at some self massage techniques on how to get rid of muscle knots in your muscles.
Simple self-massage instructions
If you're not that tensed up there are simple techniques you can follow. By rubbing your muscles gently together for a couple of minutes can already help release tension tremendously. By rubbing your muscles softly for 2 or 3 days regularly you will be able to sooth more severe cases of muscle ache and pains. If you want to reduce the pains in a vast majority of muscle knots you need to gently massage each trigger point 15 - 20 times four to six times a down.
What to use to massage yourself
You can use your elbows, thumbs or fingertips to rub your muscle knots. You can also use objects that are readily available at home like a tennis ball or a table spoon. If you're going to use a table spoon use the rounded side of the spoon and gently rub it in a circular motion on the muscle knots.
How to massage
There are different techniques you can use to massage. One way is to simply press down on the trigger point for 15 - 60 seconds at a time and then releasing the object slowly. You can also apply small but gentle kneading stokes forward and backward or in a circular motion to the tensed up muscle to relax it. If you know which direction the muscle fibers run massage it in that direction to get the knots out of it. If you don't know it's also fine as anything will do.
When applying pressure to the muscle don't press down to hard. You want t relax your muscle not tense up in pain. On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being painless and 10 be intolerable, aim for the 4 - 6 range. If the pressure feels satisfying and relieving you're on the right track. If massage can be described as having a conversation with your nervous system, you want to have a friendly tone. Screaming at your muscles or being rude would leave you gnashing on our teeth and this means you're pressing too hard on your trigger points and need to be gentler.
Hi my name in Julian Venter. I am a massage specialist based in Cape Town. If you would like to find out about massage Cape Town or full body massage Cape Town please visit my website.

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Top Ten Attitudes of Health and Fitness

I have a unique opportunity to work with many types of people. This allows me the chance to observe different fitness attitudes. It is this attitude toward nutrition, health and exercise that shows as people engage in physical activity. I will share the top ten attitudes list with you.
Attitude number one is Good Intentions. This person is always "meaning to" get some exercise. They talk about it, they put it on their schedules, but for some reason they never get around to it. This person could use an accountability group or partner. All they need is someone to hold them to their commitments and keep them on the right path.
Attitude number two is the Guilt Builder. This person knows they should be exercising and eating better but they just can't seem to make themselves do it. Whether it is low energy or low motivation, they have trouble with actually getting started and this causes them to feel very guilty each time they don't do what they think they "should" be doing. Instead, they often end up doing only what they feel like.
Attitude number three is the Socializer. This person shows up where healthy activity is going on, but only joins in when they have a buddy to talk to. They enjoy being around others and watching others engage in activity. They are interested in healthy living, but they don't always make time to participate unless it becomes a social opportunity.
Attitude number four is Apathetic. These folks understand what it takes to be healthy and fit but they just don't care about it. They are comfortable where they are and don't see the need to change. This is a difficult mindset to change. Apathy takes a major life event to alter.
Attitude number five is Under Duress. You have seen these folks. They are doing the health thing, but they are not happy about it. Most likely a doctor or spouse has told them that they must do this. They put their time in, but often get lack luster results. Because their heart is not in it, they get less endorphin release and tend to not push their intensity.
Attitude number six is the Hedonist. You will not see them working out, playing sports or making healthy food choices. They live for the pleasure of the moment, never thinking about the consequences down the road. No momentary pain for long-term gain here. If it feels good, do it! That is their motto. They do not feel guilt for their poor choices. They embrace the short-term pleasures lifestyle and it is reflected in the way they look and feel.
Attitude number seven is the Enthusiast. This is the person who loves to exercise and makes it a regular part of their lifestyle. They feel better after a workout and feel strongly about making healthy choices. When exercising they seem at ease and in the zone. Healthy choices are not a tough for enthusiasts, they enjoy them.
Attitude number eight is the Uninformed. This person would make healthier choices if they only knew how to do it. There is great potential for this attitude. With the right instruction they can become an enthusiast.
Attitude number nine is the Addict. This person goes beyond enthusiasm for fitness and has crossed the line into addiction. They actually have a compulsion to work-out and often follow a very complex diet. It goes beyond a normal enjoyment of healthy living when the person feels distress if unable to follow their routines.
Attitude number ten is the Hopeful but Harried. These people enjoy fitness and healthy living but are not always able to follow through due to multiple responsibilities and tight schedules. For this person, it is not impossible to exercise and eat healthy, but it is a major stretch. They must make a commitment to it and then plan ahead to make sure they can do what they need to do.
All of these attitudes have described me at different times. However, number ten is most often the case. I would love to be the enthusiast but at this time I am not quite there. You can probably see yourself in one or more of these attitudes as well.
Whatever your attitude, remember that you have a choice. Choose to do the right things even when your feelings and circumstances don't line up. After all, attitude is a choice.
"Wellness Matters" Article Series by Lisa Schilling RN, CPT
Speaker, Writer, Wellness Coach & Consultant
Lisa is the author of "The Get R.E.A.L. Guide to Health and Fitness." She is a wife and mother of three boys. Lisa Schilling is a Registered Nurse, author and recovering pageant queen, who spreads hope with her Get REAL approach to wellness. She empowers women, caregivers and groups to unleash their fullest potential by helping them to see their true beauty and discover their REAL value.
She feels passionate about sharing her knowledge and time to help others improve their personal health and wellness. Lisa uses her enthusiasm to teach people to value and appreciate who they are. She helps people build a bridge from where they are, to where they want to be.
As an outspoken advocate for wellness and prevention, her motto is: "See one, do one, teach one!" For more holistic wellness information, visit Lisa's website & sign up to claim your FREE gifts!

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Learn The Benefits Of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu massage was first developed in Japan and is the counterpart of acupressure in China. "Shi" stands for finger, and "atsu" stands for pressure. Thus, instead of using needles it uses finger pressure to restore vitality and improve functionality throughout the body.
Shiatsu massage follows the belief that each of our bodily organs is connected to different energy channels called meridians. These meridians are like turn-on and turn-off switches, where most concentrations of nerves are. When pressure is applied to these points, "chi" or energy is stimulated to its corresponding organ. For instance, the pressure points in our w nerves are highly concentrated. Applying regular pressure in this area relaxes and stimulates the associated organs, reducing the risks of heart attack and hypertension.
Most of the time, Shiatsu massage is applied to the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. The therapist can use a combination of his fingers, thumbs, palms, or wooden massage tools to apply pressure. It may also include gentle stretching and manipulation techniques.
Though Shiatsu massage is an ancient technique, it is now widely used and respected all over the world. In fact, most hospitals use Shiatsu massage as post-complementary therapy for patients who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, and chronic disorders like arthritis.
How is Shiatsu Massage Done?
Like any other massage technique, the therapist must first asses your conditions. For example, if you have a lung disorder like asthma, the therapist will check for imbalances at any of your meridian points, especially in your arm where a high concentration of nerves is connected to your lungs. This is a simple process. The therapist applies light pressure to the corresponding nerve meridians. If you feel pain at a particular area, then an energy imbalance exists. Sometimes the therapist has to check more than one meridian point, searching for other existing conditions.
The essence of Shiatsu massage is touch. Your therapist can use the power of her hands to deliver different approaches such as pressing, shaking, hooking, rocking, joint rotations, vibrating, grasping, patting, and other hand massage techniques. Each is applied more than 3 to 5 minutes on certain areas where pressure is needed the most.
The patient is normally advised to wear loose clothing. However, there are times that the patient will be asked to remove garments for areas that require deep pressure manipulation, such as the back, the thighs, and the knees.
Depending on which area needs to be treated, the patient will be asked to lie face-down, or to sit on a futon or chair. The session typically lasts from 45 minutes to an hour. The therapist can also follow through with a Swedish massage or Thai massage. This further relaxes the patient and restores balance of "qi" flows.
During the session, patients may feel "good pain." However, over time, these pains become more tolerable. This means that circulation is beginning to improve, which will soon relieve pain and boost energy levels.
The number of Shiatsu massages one may need will vary. Normally, it takes more than 6 or 8 sessions before achieving the full benefits of the technique, which can mean 2 to 3 months of therapy. Once the patient has received full relief, they may undergo Shiatsu massage once a month for follow-up.
Benefits of Shiatsu Massage
The benefits of Shiatsu therapeutic massage depend on how well your therapist has mastered the technique, which focuses on finding the root cause of a problem and healing it. Shiatsu is a non-invasive and holistic approach to heal the body and boost the mind. It can be used to treat all chronic disorders such as stress, muscular pains, fatigue, migraines, anxiety, and much more.
When the right amount of pressure is applied to meridian points, endorphins are released. Endorphins are responsible for our "happy hormones" and serve as a natural painkiller for those who suffer muscle pains and chronic disorders such as arthritis. Once endorphins are released, the patient usually feels immediate relief of pain.
Shiatsu massage also improves blood flow. Better circulation can promote faster healing, due to the increased supply of oxygen. Your skin will benefit - looking young and smooth with a healthy glow. Why? When pressure is applied to the skin, it improves the sebaceous gland, which is responsible for keeping skin smooth and moisturized. Shiatsu massage can also enhance flexibility, treat injuries, lower blood pressure, help with insomnia, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve our immune system.
Eugene Wood is a NYC Licensed Massage Therapist, who also has an office in Wantagh Long Island. Learn more about the healing powers of massage by visiting his website.

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10 Ways to Grow Long Hair Fast

Are you looking at your hair in the mirror and just wishing you could grow long hair fast? Are you tired of the trim, cut, grow, cut cycle?
It takes a huge commitment to grow your mane amazing lengths. But it can be done! Below, are the top 10 tips to achieving length in the least amount of time.
  1. You need to start off with the health of your hair. So, go to a place like Super Cuts and get a good trim of about ½ inch at least. Now you're ready for maximum growth.
  2. Wear protective styles every single day. No exception. This means French rolls, buns or other types of updos where your hair ends are not exposed to the air.
  3. Eliminate any and all types of heat. Put away the curling iron. Hide the flat iron. Put the blow dryer in the back of the closet. They will not help you reach your goal.
  4. Keep your ends moisturized. On a daily basis, add moisture to your ends in terms of a lotion moisturizer, oil like jojoba or a leave-in conditioner.
  5. Keep your tresses super conditioned by using a moisturizing conditioner bi-weekly and a protein conditioner once a month to keep your hair nice and strong.
  6. Treat your hair like super fine lace! Be gentle and take your time when combing, detangling, and styling.
  7. Do not play in your hair. Style it for the day and leave it alone. Constantly fussing with it will only make it dry which leads to split ends.
  8. Wear a protective satin or silk scarf when you go to bed at night. If you don't do either of those, then sleep on a satin pillowcase. These will keep you from getting tangles and dryness.
  9. Make sure you're getting all of the proper nutrition by eating lots of vegetables and getting protein. Take a multi-vitamin to make sure you're getting all of the vitamins you need.
  10. Use moisturizing products only. Learn about the ingredients in shampoos and stay away from harsh shampoos. Try brands by Neutrogena, Nexxus, Keracare.
If you're serious about growing long hair fast, I hope these tips will be a reference guide for how you can do it. Remember, it takes a commitment and is not something that can happen overnight. You must commit to taking better care of your hair for a long time and not give up because you don't see results as quickly as you'd like. Stick with it and I can guarantee you'll see results!
Nina Dyoran is the owner of where she gives advice, tips, and step by step instructions on how to grow long, healthy hair. Check out her website to find out more information on How to Grow Long Hair Fast

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How to Find Sound Mental Health and Evolve in a Crazy World

The information you have in dreams helps you in so many ways that you will surely realize that your dreams are sent by God. When you translate the meaning of dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation you verify that all dreams contain meaningful messages.
These messages give you detailed information about what is happening in your psychological system and in the world around you. They also talk about your past, your traumas, and the problems you are facing now. Thus, you understand from the beginning that the unconscious words reflect the truth.
God knows everything about you, your life, and everyone around you. You find solutions for all problems in dreams.
You may have the tendency to dislike believing in God's existence because you follow the atheistic and materialistic mindset of the modern civilization. You probably consider science more important than religion. Perhaps you believe that it is strange to read a document about a scientific method of dream interpretation, which declares that our dreams are produced by God. God is not a scientifically proven truth.
However, the accurate translation of the meaning of dreams based on the scientific method translates God's words because it is based on real research, and not on the dream interpreter's imagination. Carl Jung looked for the meaning of dreams like an archeologist who was trying to understand the meaning that the dream images had for the human race. I precisely followed his steps, proving that his method is efficient and real.
I was cured from my severe neurosis, which already had characteristics of schizophrenia, and I became a psychiatrist and psychologist. I started curing others through dream translation without payment, since September of 1990. I completed Carl Jung's research and I simplified the dream language before publishing my work online, in 2007 and 2008, after nineteen years of studies and real cures through dream therapy.
I looked for the meaning of many dream symbols that Jung didn't explain. I also discovered the wild side of the human conscience, which generates mental illnesses within our human conscience.
I could better understand the dream language because I was a literature writer since my childhood and I had an extraordinary literary talent. All my writings were inspired by the unconscious mind, which sends us therapeutical dreams and gives us artistic talents with the intention to help us escape craziness, and have the chance to evolve.
I also was a designer since my childhood. Many of my drawings helped me better understand my psychological reality. I found important dream symbols in my drawings and in all the personages of a literary book I started writing after suffering from a tragic car accident, when I was 15-years-old. This book helped me completely understand the meaning of the symbolic dream language and relate the information I had in dreams to our mental health, based on Carl Jung's lessons.
My work proves to the world that Jung was a special scientist. The real importance of his work was not properly evaluated by the ignorant, superficial, and hypocritical world. My work proves to the world that Jung discovered the right code for the comprehension of the real meaning of the dream language according to the meaning given by the dream producer; the unconscious mind.
Only Jung didn't distort the meaning of dreams with his suppositions, like all the other dream interpreters and scientists of the world. Everyone must learn his method of dream interpretation based on my simplifications, after continuing his mission.
The real translation of the dream language accurately transcribes God's words. This is an important scientific proof of God's existence, which can be verified into practice when you learn the dream language and you start understanding the meaning of your own dreams.
You verify that your dreams talk about your past and about all the details that were important for you. You understand from the beginning that your doctor already knows everything about your psychological system and how you can be cured. God is an excellent psychiatrist and psychologist; the only one who can cure invincible mental illnesses.
My work also proves to the world that human beings are unable to cure mental illnesses without divine guidance because there is craziness into the biggest part of the human brain.
This means that we are absurd from birth. Absurd creatures cannot understand how to find sound mental health without being guided by a mentally healthy and wise mind; the divine unconscious mind. We indispensably need superior guidance.
Alone we will never find peace. We are unable to put an end to terror, violence, immorality, poverty, hypocrisy, indifference, and greed because we are absurd and evil. Craziness and evilness are synonyms.
We are wild and under-developed primates who have inherited a satanic anti-conscience. Our anti-conscience keeps trying to destroy the human conscience we received from God. We received this conscience from God in order to transform our wild side into human content by obeying God's guidance in our religion and in our dreams.
However, we refuse to respect our religion. On the other hand, only now I am scientifically proving God's existence thanks to the fast dream translations based on my dynamic method, derived from Carl Jung's complicated method of dream interpretation.
His method is so complicated and obscure that it doesn't have a practical value for average people. Only now that I simplified the dream language can you easily understand the dream language and have a direct communication with God without complications.
My work solves a basic problem because it is the result of my obedience to God's guidance. I would never be able to simplify Jung's method without divine guidance. My work is God's gift to the world. I was an obedient servant.
God is the best psychiatrist you can find, but God also is your spiritual guide. You have to transform your personality and become a better person. You have to understand the meaning of goodness, so that you may defend its importance into practice.
Your goodness is more important than anything else for your evolution as a human being, but you tend to believe that goodness is something you should give to those you like. You disregard those you dislike, and you never show compassion before their pain.
God will show you that you have to behave like an angel in all occasions, with everyone, even with your worst enemies. And not only that; you have to love your enemies the same way you love your children even when they do something you dislike.
You have to show compassion to everyone, without exceptions.
Your goodness helps you keep your mental stability because it doesn't let you agree with the satanic ideas sent by your anti-conscience whenever you face challenging situations. When you try to become a perfect human being you don't make costly mistakes that can put your mental stability in danger.
However, trying to become a better person in a crazy world is a dangerous adventure you cannot face alone. It's very hard to be good in a selfish world, especially because you have inherited absurdity into your own brain. You have to obey the wise unconscious mind that produces your dreams, even if you will disagree with God's wisdom.
God will save your sanity and help you use all of your brain power. Even if in the beginning you won't understand God's plan for your psychotherapy, you should always believe that God knows what is better for you because God is wise and saintly, while you are an imperfect creature. Many times you won't be able to evaluate God's wisdom from the beginning because you ignore how your future will be unfolded, and many other things that God cannot explain in a few words.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
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