Extra Shake Weight Exercises

Fitness IQ, LLC, the makers of the Shake Weight® dumbbell, released a 6-minute workout DVD to accompany their product. However, for extreme fitness enthusiasts and individuals already in good physical condition, the 6-minute workout may not be enough. In this article, you will find a simple description of the original exercises, modifications to add to their intensity, as well as six extra exercises to maximize the use of the dynamic inertia dumbell.
The Original Exercise, Intensified
First, let's begin by adding intensity to the original manufacturer-suggested exercise. The original exercises devised as part of the 6-minute workout are still valuable, and make up a crucial part of an overall extreme workout. The three exercises are:
  1. Standing Chest Exercise
  2. Standing Bicep Exercise
  3. Standing Tricep Exercise
If these 3 basic exercises become too easy, try this modification. For the first 30-second set on each exercise, stand on the balls of your feet with your calves flexed (i.e. on your "tippy toes") and focus on stabilizing your balance while shaking the weight. For the second 30-second set, perform the motion while in a squat position. By changing your stance during the exercise you force your leg muscles to join in the benefit of the dumbbell's dynamic inertia.
The Extreme Exercise
In addition to the original exercises, we recommend extending the 6-minute workout with six new exercises that are far more intense and target a wider range of muscle groups-including legs and core. Here are six different exercises you can do with your Shake Weight:
  1. Lunge Exercise

    While in a lunge position, hold the shake weight between your legs and shake side-to-side (parallel to the floor) while stabilizing your body with core muscles.

  2. Standing Shoulder & Back Exercise

    Standing upright, hold the Shake Weight in an extended arm out to one's side and shake up-and-down (perpendicular to the floor).

  3. Standing Isolated Bicep Exercise

    Standing upright, hold the Shake Weight in your bent arm. Holding your elbow fixed at your rib cage, shake the weight up-and-down.

  4. Ab & Chest Exercise

    Lying on your back, raise your legs and shoulder blades off the floor in a static "crunch" position. Then, hold the Shake Weight in front of your chest and move in an oscillating motion (similar to the standard chest exercise).

  5. Ab & Oblique Exercise

    In the same static crunch position, hold the Shake Weight with an overhand grip just above your waist line and shake side-to-side, stabilizing your body with core muscles.

  6. Plank Bicep Core Exercise

    In a plank (push-up) position, hold the shake weight in one bent arm while supporting your body weight with the other extended arm. Shake the weight in similar style to a bicep exercise.
Randall Cook
Fitness Fanatic
Shake Weight Extreme
http://www.shakeweightextreme.com/shake-weight-exercises/ "Shake Weight" is a registered trademark of Fitness IQ, LLC

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6363302

How To Lose Weight While Pregnant - 3 Tips To Help You Lose Weight While Pregnant

Putting on extra weight while pregnant is, as we all know, part and parcel of the whole process. And it has it's plus points too - those bigger boobs make your hubby feel like a kid at Christmas! :)
But what is a normal and appropriate amount of weight to gain while pregnant? Are there any ways that we can safely lose weight while pregnant? What can you do now that will make your labour easier and help you get back to your pre-pregnant weight super fast when your little bundle of joy finally arrives?
Are you really overweight?
These days it's easy to get sucked into the media's image of what a mum-to-be should look like, what with all these celebrity toothpicks, as I like to call them, having no more than a small bump, whilst being on some faddy diet. I must stress that pregnancy is definitely not the time to be going on a strict weight loss diet. What you need is to ascertain what a suitable pregnancy weight is for you, and then take steps to try to maintain it and increase your health and the health of your baby.
Everybody is different, and every woman's body will react differently while pregnant. An average weight gain for a full term pregnancy is anywhere between 25-45 pounds, which includes the increase in the mother's blood volume, the size of the uterus, the placenta, various fluids and the baby. This is an average figure so there will be much variation either side. Check with your doctor for more advice on your optimum weight.
How to lose weight while pregnant Tip no.1 - Control Your Cravings
Cravings are one of the hardest things to deal with during pregnancy, and annoyingly, one of the biggest contributors to excessive weight gain. Waking up in the middle of the night yearning for chocolate, or ice cream with gherkins, is a well-known part of pregnancy. However, these cravings, while healthy and perfectly normal, can be controlled and there are even certain foods that can reduce your cravings. Eating foods with a low Glycemic Index (GI) can help balance your blood sugar levels and reduce the highs and lows that many women suffer throughout the day, due to their slow release of energy. This can help you in reducing the onset of any excess pounds and begin to help you lose weight while pregnant.
By craving foods with high sugar and glucose levels a vicious circle can be created because they will often make the cravings worse, affect your mood and contribute to excess weight gain.
How to lose weight while pregnant Tip no.2 - Eat More Often
"Hang on, didn't you just tell me to control my cravings Now you're telling me that eating more often will help me lose weight while pregnant? Are you out of your mind?"
This kind of sounds counter-intuitive doesn't it? The idea though is that you'll be eating smaller portions more regularly instead of 2-3 large meals a day. By doing this you're not consuming any extra unnecessary calories, but are feeding your body and the baby more regularly. This will help keep your metabolism and blood sugar at consistent levels and keep you energised throughout the day.
And yes, I am out of my mind but not because of this! ;)
How to lose weight while pregnant Tip no.3 - Exercise
Exercising regularly during pregnancy was once frowned upon, but now has seen to be a great way to stay in shape and lose weight while pregnant, avoid the aches and pains common with weight gain, and can increase energy, flexibility and make your labour significantly easier (thank goodness!).
Walking and swimming are excellent low-impact ways to keep you fit and healthy and maintaining a balanced weight while pregnant. The buoyancy you'll find in the pool will often come as a relief and an aid to your daily routine and let's you get some fantastic exercise without putting stress on your body or the baby's.
Stationary cycling is also a great way to get some low-impact exercise and build stamina.
Yoga and Pilates can be beneficial and effective ways to lose weight while pregnant but make sure you find a suitably experienced instructor who has specialised in dealing with pregnant women.
Again it's always best to check with your doctor on the intensity of your workouts, for instance, if you exercised regularly before you were pregnant then your workouts will be notably different to someone who didn't.
There's no need to go through your pregnancy feeling overweight, unattractive and lacking energy. There are many more simple steps you can take to help you lose weight safely while pregnant, and have an easier labour.
Discover more secrets and tips on How To Lose Weight While Pregnant at my website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1196670

Fast Weight Loss Exercises to Lose Weight Within 2-5 Days!

Here are 2 really fast weight loss exercises to lose weight in just a few days. You can forget about jogging and all that other typical cardio nonsense, these exercise are WAY BETTER.
Fast Weight Loss Exercises to Lose Weight
1. Quickest way to lose weight with exercise is to do hindu squats
Sounds like something hard? Nope, it's not hard at all. It's really simple. Do you know how to squat? If yeah, then all you do is squat... but do it as fast as you can and do it over a period of 5 minutes. No weights are needed. Just you and your body.
To get the most out of this exercise, try to do it non-stop. People who average 20+ squats a minute and over 100 squats in 5 minutes are the ones who get unbelievably fast fat loss results.
One tip... if you can't quite do 100 squats in 5 minutes, then build up to doing the whole 5 minutes by starting with doing fewer minutes but averaging at least 20 squats per minute. Slowly build up from there.
2. Jumping on a mini-trampoline 2 minutes at a time
This is a quick way to lose weight without even sweating. And the best part is you can do these during tv commercials since they last about 2 minutes. In fact, if you have a favorite 1 hour tv show, just watch that show and do this during all the commercials. You'll get in an easy 20 minutes of exercise that way.
These are 2 fast weight loss exercises to lose weight at a rate that is beyond anything you can do at a gym even though you never have to leave your home to do them.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and blah blah blah", then...
Click http://www.weightlossguide4women.com to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 pounds in 2 weeks. I'm giving away this report today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free report now. If you don't lose 10 pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised! http://www.weightlossguide4women.com
Jennifer Jolan

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1415420

Vitamin B12 and Weight Loss

Cobalamin or as it is better known, is one of the vital nutrients our bodies need in order to work properly. It is necessary to perform many of the body's more important tasks, including the making of DNA during cell division and the healthy formation of red blood cells.
B12 is known as the "energy vitamin" because it gives a real energy boost. It is used to remedy fatigue and it speeds up the metabolism. Red blood cells are also responsible for producing hemoglobin, the part of the blood that takes oxygen from the lungs and transports it to all the different parts of the body.
It has many functions and uses but does it help people lose weight?
What is the link between Vitamin B12 and weight loss?
Vitamin B12 Injections and Weight Loss
Some people might go to a clinic to get shots. These shots are administered directly into the muscle, allowing for better absorption. People who get these shots mainly suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome or a deficiency. They might also claim that taking these shots help them to lose weight.
However, injections by themselves do not directly induce weight loss, nor are they intended to. So why do people who get them lose weight?
There are many factors to take into consideration.
B12 causes the metabolism to speed up, which in turn increases weight loss. People who go to get injections tend to be more conscious of their health and are already on a vegetarian, or other weight loss diet.
Shots give a tremendous boost of energy. This generally helps people to maintain their diets, and motivates them to exercise and increase physical activity. Vitamin B12 also helps to fight stress and depression, symptoms which are sometimes associated with weight gain.
While the shots can be a great benefit to some, particularly those with a B12 deficiency, there can be some negative side effects when taken excessively or along with certain other substances. There is also a risk for those who have certain pre-existing conditions. It's important to consult a physician before undergoing injections.
Vitamin B12 Deficiency
Deficiencies can become a serious health threat. The body can normally stock up many years supply of vitamin B12, so it more often materializes when the body is unable to properly absorb vitamin B12 because of illness or old age. Incidentally, deficiencies can cause weight loss, among other symptoms. Extreme cases can even result in permanent nerve damage if left untreated.
A person diagnosed with a B12 deficiency will need to take supplements. These are most often taken as capsules or via intramuscular injections. Although vitamin B12 does not directly cause weight loss, it is still an essential nutrient that is needed by the body. It is important to get a sufficient amount of it and doing so will ensure better health, all around.
Vitamin B12 and Dieting
When undergoing any new weight loss program it is important to make sure that the diet is well balanced and contains all of the essential nutrients. This of course includes vitamin B12 and other essential nutrients.
Food sources rich in B12
Meat, Poultry, Milk and other dairy products, Eggs, and Fish
Since the only reliable source of vitamin B12 are from animals those practicing a vegetarian or vegan diet will have to get theirs from supplements. If a person doesn't get enough they may develop a deficiency.
I tried everything to lose weight including vitamin b12 [http://www.b12sublingual.com/] and never had much luck until I discovered this simple weight loss system and I was able to lose over 42 pounds you can learn more by visiting Healthy Weight Loss Project

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/333129

Home Exercises to Lose Weight Quickly - 5 Tips

Exercise is an important part of any weight loss regimen. But with busy schedules, we all want to know which exercises will help us lose the most weight quickly.
Broadly, there are two types of exercises: aerobic and strength training (or anaerobic), and each one contributes differently to weight loss. Aerobic exercise burns fat calories while you are engaged in the exercise itself. On the other hand, strength training primarily contributes to weight loss by helping to increase the speed of your resting metabolic rate (RMR), which is the number of calories your body burns while you are at rest. Your RMR actually increases (i.e., burns more calories) the more muscular your body is because it takes much more energy to maintain muscles than it does to maintain fat.
Important note: remember that muscle weighs more than fat, so some strength training exercises will make you healthier and more attractive while not necessarily contributing to weight loss. But, muscles are a "good" kind of weight and you should aim to build more muscle in order to help keep body fat at bay.
Here are 5 tips for exercises - both aerobic and strength training - you can do at home to lose weight quickly.
Tip #1: Squats: Your buttocks and leg muscles are the largest muscles in your body. Every day in front of the mirror, put your feet at shoulder width while facing forward and squat down-and-up 10-20 times for 2 or 3 sets. This will build your leg and buttock muscles. As you build up strength, try holding 2 or 5 pound dumbbells in your hands while you work out. Be sure to warm up first, and stop if you notice any sharp pain in your knees.
Tip #2: Pushups: Pushups are a form of strength training: during a pushup your arms have to support up to 70% of your body weight. Do 2 or 3 sets of 20 pushups to build arm strength and increase your RMR.
Tip #3: Jumping jacks: Jumping jacks are an excellent whole-body aerobic workout you can do right at home. Do 4 or 5 sets of 20 jumping jacks, or as needed. Hint: if you live in an apartment or stay in a second-story bedroom, be considerate of your neighbors by going outside or doing these in a first story room.
Tip #4: Fast walking: While walking is in itself a great aerobic exercise, fast walking is even better for burning fat. Make sure you really stretch first and warm up with regular walking. Once you start your faster walking pace, try to maintain as much speed as possible for as long as you can. If you get tired, try doing intervals of fast walking followed by short periods of slower walking.
Tip #5: Stepping: Stepping is a great way to get your heart beating and to burn calories. You can use your stairs at home, but for best results I suggest buying specialized stackable step mats and stack them up to at least 15 inches (38 cm). Do 2 to 3 sets of 20 steps each to begin. Even though you may not feel like the stepping is helping, it is! This exercise will not only help you lose weight but will also help shape up your buttocks and legs.
An important element in a strategy to lose weight quickly at home is to do a combination of exercises that build muscles (strength training) while burning fat (aerobic exercises). Start a regimen of most or all of these exercises 2-3 days/week and watch the unhealthy fat melt away.
Looking to burn more fat, faster? Try a proven new formula for success: The Diet Solution Program.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/748075

Feeling Great And Shedding Weight

Losing weight is a challenging battle for most people, taking up time and money. If you are ready to make a change and lose weight, take a look at the following tips and tricks to simplify getting fit and slimming down.

One of the main focuses of your weight loss plan should be counting calories. Be sure to write down the calories you are consuming by taking a look at the nutrition facts on the side or back of the food you are purchasing. If your food is a fruit or vegetable that doesn't list nutrition facts, look online for an average amount of calories the food contains. Once you have an idea of your daily caloric intake, you should consider lowering it, either by a little or by a lot, depending on your specific number. 
One pound of fat equals about 3,500 calories, so by reducing the number of calories you eat by 500 per day should result in weight loss of one pound per week. It is important not to reduce your caloric intake by 1,000 calories or more, as this will cause your body to feel like it is being starved, and will result in the "yo-yo" effect. As a baseline, women need 1,200 calories per day and men need 1,800, so do your best not to drop below those numbers. Even though they are an average for most men and women, you should find a calorie calculator online where you can input your weight, height, gender, etc. to find out your minimum daily calorie numbers.

One of the best ways to lower your daily calorie consumption is by using vegetables and fruits as a replacement for high calorie foods. If the fat content on a food you are considering is high, switch to a vegetable alternative. With today's advancements in food technology, soy products are much tastier than they used to be. You should also replace sugary foods in your diet with something low in sugar and high in fiber. Instead of snacking on chips, try a healthy, crunchy alternative, such as carrots or low-salt pretzels. For bigger meals, eat lean protein and fiber rich foods, such as chicken, fish, and legumes.

One way that you can make dieting easier on yourself is to remove all of the unhealthy foods from your home. Often times a dieter will get a craving for a sweet or savory food that is high in fat or sugar, but if you don't have the foods available, you will force yourself to look for a healthy alternative.
Aerobic exercise can be the most beneficial type of exercise for losing weight, so if you find yourself with even just a few extra minutes during the day, try to do jumping jacks or take a quick jog. This way when your calorie intake starts to plateau, you will be able to still burn more calories than you are taking in. If you have an appointment somewhere relatively close to your home, try to walk, jog, or bike there. If you don't have a lot of spare time for exercise, it is important that you slip it in wherever you can.

Using the tips in this article, you will be able to simplify your weight loss plan and start shedding weight. Weight loss is tough for many people, but it doesn't have to be for you. With simple diet and exercise, you'll be feeling great in no time!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7563955

Smart Nutrition Strategy For Extreme Weight Loss

It appears the bodybuilders have discovered the most effective solution for creating extreme weight reduction. Within bodybuilding media we sometimes view images of big guys that seem like they have really been sculpted out of granite. These folks seem very extraordinary, that forces you to question just what magic formula in order to remain in excellent shape.
The main recipe would be to really do something with the things most people may have learned. Most of us continually notice just what we all ought to do to manage weight, however a lot of us do not bring that awareness towards action correctly. Dropping unwanted weight is actually reached by using a harmony of the proper workout, for the unique physical stature, in accordance with appropriate, constant nutrition. As you may perhaps have found that sensible nutrition requires choosing meals which are healthful, natural as well as nutritious. Choosing things to eat which are in general less calories and processed sugar, as well as less sodium.
Piece of the solution to weight loss, would be to bring in this kind of smart nutrition in a slow process, instead of change to it immediately. There has to be a management of energy consumption, therefore the body system carries on to get sufficient nutritional necessities whilst to not get rid of the metabolic process but additionally, calories continue to be decreased lightly allowing your body to lose body fat efficiently. Keep in mind fat stores can't be shed in just days, however lots of people search for a system that creates intense, quick fat loss. In case you slim down the right way most likely you will constantly manage weight easily later on.
In reality I'd approximate that extreme fat loss will be accomplished using a 75% eating plan and 25% workout split. Do not misunderstand me, workout is essential to reducing your weight nevertheless, in burning body fat number all the way down the dietary plan carries this kind of an effect, and therefore demands professional nutritional concepts, frequently utilized by present day organic bodybuilders. Plenty work with a peaking method mixing each and every exercising as well as nutritional strategy they have mastered. Each small diet technique is employed to assist change the entire body into fat burning setting.
Since timing is as well essential, such concepts should also be presented at the perfect time. The truth is in order to highlight exactly how essential diet plan is keep in mind that bodybuilders can't remain in the state of severe weight loss for too long, Generally just a few weeks at most. Indeed, they're able to and frequently do remain fit throughout the year nevertheless, human beings aren't made to possess this type of low body fat portion therefore, intense weight loss must actually not be the purpose of the dieter. The actual objective must be to utilize identical methods before you have a decent and also balanced weight reduction after that merely preserve that stage.
Check out this interesting diet program - extreme fat loss [http://www.topfatlosstrainer.com/2010/08/01/extreme-fat-loss-workout-belly-busting-circuit/]
Read more on how to extremely shed your fats: xtreme fat loss [http://www.topfatlosstrainer.com/2010/03/10/xtreme-fat-l

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4837185

Five Reasons You Should Drink More (Fresh, Raw) Juice

Most people begin juicing for the health benefits juicing can bring into our lives. But do you really know exactly what benefits you are getting from juicing raw fruits and vegetables? Let's explore the top five health benefits of juicing:
1. Juicing concentrates the nutrients that exist in fruits and vegetables.
Have you ever noticed that it takes a whole lot of carrots to make one small glass of carrot juice? The juicer discards the fibrous pulp and extracts the juice, which contains almost all of the nutritious vitamins and minerals found in vegetables or fruits. The only thing that is not extracted is dietary fiber, of which only a small amount makes its way into the juice unless you mix some of the pulp back into the juice.
Because of this process, you may only be drinking a small glass of juice but what's in that glass is the beta carotene (and other nutrients) of a whole lot of carrots. Most people find it a lot easier to drink a glass of carrot juice than to eat six whole raw carrots!
One of the top health benefits juicing can offer is that the higher levels of nutrients can have dramatically positive effects on health. Some people are even able to stop vitamin supplements.
2. Juices can promote weight loss.
Fresh juices (as opposed to store-bought juices) can be a healthy choice for weight loss. Some fruits and vegetables are known for helping with weight loss, especially when consumed in their concentrated, juiced form. However, that's not the only way that juice can help you.
Juice is filling and is full of the nutrients you need to support your body's functions, without as many calories or as much fat as the starchy foods we tend to normally consume at each meal. Therefore, it is a great way to replace snacks, supplement meals, or even replace some meals entirely. Juicing can be a healthy part of any weight loss regimen.
3. Fresh juices contain important enzymes and nutrients that are destroyed in the pasteurization process.
Studies have shown that several nutrients, including Vitamin C, are destroyed when exposed to heat. Pasteurization involves heat, which is why store-bought juice is not as healthful as raw juices.
One of the health benefits juicing provides is the variety of enzymes that only exist in raw fruits and vegetables. Some of these enzymes promote digestion, help repair tissues, encourage energy production, and reduce inflammation.
4. Juicing is the definition of "whole foods".
Few food preparation techniques can claim that they use all of the fruit or vegetable being prepared. Juicing, however, generally involves feeding an entire fruit or vegetable into the juicer. This means that the juice extracted contains all of the nutrients and enzymes found in every part of the plant - including the seeds (in some cases), the skin, etc.
The main exception is that juicing removes much of the dietary fiber. If you feel that you are not consuming enough fiber, one easy solution is to mix some of the pulp back into the juice.
Did you know that the skin of the fruit or vegetable is often the most nutritious part? This is the part we are most likely to discard while cooking, yet the part we most need to consume.
5. Your digestive system has less work to do when you drink your fruits and vegetables as juice, allowing for quick nutrient absorption.
Of all the health benefits juicing can bring into your life, the benefit to your digestive tract and to your ability to absorb nutrients is a major one. The digestive tract is so hard working, and is often susceptible to stress or food related illnesses.
By drinking your food in liquid form, you are essentially consuming pre-digested food, thereby giving your gastrointestinal tract a break from the work of digestion. In addition, this allows for very quick absorption of nutrients. Some nutrients may even absorb more easily than when consumed with solid foods.
Want to find out more about the benefits of juicing?
William Paice is Editor and Founder of juicing site MEGAjuicing.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6674954

4 Tasty Fat Burning Foods for Nutrition and Overall Weight Loss

Finding the right fat burning food is one of the most important keys of proper nutrition and overall weight loss. In spite of what many of those fad diets would have you believe, eating healthy whole foods are the best way to not only lose those inches around the abs, but keep them off for good without getting depressed or missing foods. Learning to eat healthy whole foods is not a diet or new fad but rather a get back to basics way of living without all those nasty preservatives. Once you start understanding healthy foods vs unhealthy foods it will suddenly becomes a lot easier to maintain proper nutrition and eating habits without feeling deprived! Here are just four fast fat burning foods you may never have thought of before.
An apple a day keeps the doctor away-and the fat too as it turns out! Apples are great fat busters for a few reasons. First, they elevate blood sugar naturally and keep it higher for a longer period of time, making you feel more energetic and satisfied. Second, they contain plenty of soluble fiber which also keeps you feeling fuller longer. There are a dozen or more varieties of apples available year round and can be eaten on the go.
Hot Peppers
And hot mustard too! Both of these spicy foods can help to literally burn fat away, according to studies done by Dr. Jay Henry in Oxford. They work through a thermic effect, which is mostly just a fancy way of saying that they raise the metabolism of the body through heat. But this wouldn't be enough; hot pepper also have minerals and vitamins in them which makes them a healthy food to add to your diet.
Walnuts, Pecans, Almonds
Delicious and great sources of healthy fats. Try to get raw nuts if possible as the roasting process can oxidize some of the polyunsaturated fats in some types of nuts making those damaged fats slightly more inflammatory. Overall, nuts are still healthy even if they are roasted, but raw nuts are optimal.
You may not have ever thought of it, but melons are also a good fat buster. They are chock full of water, vitamins and fiber and contain very few calories. All melons can keep you hydrated and fuller longer with almost no fat and few calories for it. They are amazing diet buddies and with a naturally sweet flavor, you won't be craving the junk food anymore!
You can't possibly lose weight if the foods you use to prepare your meals are unhealthy and loaded with calories. You can't go wrong if you avoid processed foods and stick with whole foods and fresh ingredients. Anything boxed, frozen, jugged or canned is considered processed and has no place in a healthy diet. There's no need to starve yourself or eat bland diet food once you know about the huge range of fat burning foods out there. Their are plenty of whole foods which not only taste good but also promote proper nutrition and healthy eating habits.
Learn about some of the best foods you can eat for your health...Packed full of antioxidants, vitamins, minerals and good fats; these foods will help to repair the daily damage done through today's fad diets, environmental stressors and preservatives. Including just a few servings of these whole foods in your weekly diet will make a difference to your overall health, which in turn will naturally regulate your overall body weight. Here are 10 Powerful Fat Burning Foods to get you started.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6905390

Tilapia Recipes to Insure Health and Taste

If you love eating fish cuisines, Tilapia Recipes would definitely appeal to your taste. These dishes are prepared from the fish named Tilapia. It is a light and affordably priced species among fishes. The tastes of food delights prepared from this fish are too yummy. The best part of making Tilapia Recipes is that they have a high nutritious composition. The presence of low fat and omega 3 makes them a nice food supplement to enhance health. After adoring these dishes with nice-looking toppings their display appears great.

Tilapia is a white colored fish, it is cheaper to buy and tastier to eat. It is very easy to cook by different methods like frying, baking and broiling. Now this species is being raised in farms as a part of pisiculture. Its demand is high in countries of Asia and Africa as cheap and nutritious food options are always being sought there.
Tilapia Recipes are delicious to eat and have a unique taste. They have low fat and are really good for the heart. If you want to keep your weight in check without any compromise with taste, cook and eat Tilapia Recipes. 
You won't believe even in ancient times people preferred eating Tilapia fish. Today advanced cookery is reintroducing them for preparing mouth watering dishes. You may prepare Tilapia Recipes from various methods like baking, frying, broiling, grilling and processing with corn flakes.

They can be well decorated with attractive toppings of ingredients like Cajuns etc. They can be given a spicy taste by adding salt, pepper and lime juice. You may also add olives, dates, cheese, garlic and red onion to them. 
Dishes from Tilapia fish can be prepared by frying in peanut oil or mustard oil. Tilapia fish is also cheaper in cost; you can expect to control your budget without any compromise in taste.

Find more details on tasty famous recipes i.e Tilapia Recipes.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5856737

Weight Loss Shake Recipes - 3 Deliciously Healthy Smoothies

There are a number of different weight loss shake recipes available. In fact they have become all the rage in the fat loss industry. Clinical studies have shown that weight loss shakes taken in accordance with a disciplined diet has been proven to effectively reduce weight.
However, some people have the misconception that if something is "healthy" it either takes too long to prepare or the taste is less than desirable. Well here are 3 Weight loss shake recipes that not only great for your weight loss efforts but they are easy to make & taste absolutely delicious.
The Cinnamon Girl
Serves 2
3⁄4 cup instant oatmeal microwaved in water
2 tablespoons low-fat vanilla yogurt
1 teaspoon honey
1 teaspoon ground flaxseed
1⁄8 teaspoon cinnamon
6 ice cubes
Nutritional Information:
Calories - 142
Carbs - 25g
Protein - 5g
Fat - 1g
Saturated Fat - 0g
Sodium - 11mg
Fiber - 3g
Peaches have considerable amounts of Iron & Potassium which is vital to the body's metabolic process. Oatmeal will provide you with complex-carbohydrates which are an excellent source of energy & fiber. And flax-seeds help the digestive system & they are filled with Omega-3 essential fatty acids.
Mood Maker
Serves 1
1/2 cup fresh or frozen blueberries
1/2 cup fresh or frozen mango
1 cup pineapple OJ
1 cup ice
Nutritional Information:
Calories - 216
Carbs - 52g
Protein - 3g
Fat - 1g
Saturated Fat - 0g
Sodium - 5mg
Fiber - 4g
This is probably among the best weight loss shake recipes! Blueberries have the greatest antioxidant capacity of all fresh fruit. It neutralizes free radicals that may have an impact on disease along with aging & it facilitates in minimizing stomach fat! While mangoes help digestion, good for the skin & they regulate sex hormones boost sex drive.
Abs Diet Ultimate Power Smoothie
Serves 2
1 cup 1% milk
2 tablespoons low-fat vanilla yogurt
3/4cup instant oatmeal, nuked in water
2 teaspoons peanut butter
2 teaspoons chocolate whey powder
6 ice cubes, crushed
Nutritional Information:
Calories - 220
Carbs - 29g
Protein - 12g
Fat - 4g
Saturated Fat - 1.5g
Sodium - 118mg
Fiber - 3g
This smoothie would be best taken as a breakfast replacement.The oatmeal will provide you with long lasting complex-carbs along with the peanut butter which has proteins & healthy fats will keep you full well into the day & help you avoid mid day snacking. But the best part about this smoothie is that it is naturally sweet and delightfully delicious, so if you're the type that has a sweet tooth craving every now and then, you'll love this recipe. Filled with protein & healthy complex-carbs it is indeed powerhouse of the weight loss shake recipes.
The ingredients in these weight loss smoothies are some of the most powerful fat fighting agents that you can consume. And when they are combined together in the right mixture they can accelerate the weight loss process immensely! They are very filling which will make you feel satiated & prevent you from snacking between meals. In fact, they are so nutrient-dense and full filling that they can easily replace whole meals entirely! So pull out your blender from the back of pantry, dust it off and place it right on your counter top. Because with these weight loss shake recipes you will getting a lot of use out of it.
Get ready to really treat yourself & satisfy your craving with these yummy weight loss shake recipes. To learn more visit http://www.singledigitbodyfat.net

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5949772

The Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet - How To Do It Right

Vegetarianism has long been considered an effective way to lose weight, and for good reason. In a nutshell, vegetables have fewer calories, less fat, and more nutrients compared to processed meats. Celebrities who went vegetarian showed dramatic weight loss, and those who tried it for even a few days felt generally healthier.
But as with any weight loss plan, a vegetarian weight loss diet has its risks and benefits. Before trading that steak for a salad, it's important to know the pros and cons. Here's a quick guide to help you out.
Weight loss benefits
Several studies have shown that vegetarians are far less likely to become obese than meat eaters. In Western countries, vegetarians have lower blood cholesterol and body mass index (BMI). But people on a vegetarian weight loss diet enjoy several other health benefits. They have a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other conditions linked to excess weight. A study of Seventh Day Adventists, a religious group that practices vegetarianism, shows that members had half as much risk of high blood pressure, rheumatoid arthritis, and various cancers.
How it works
So why are vegetables so effective for weight loss? It's mostly because meat and animal products contain fewer preservatives, calories and saturated fats--the primary causes of unhealthy weight gain. On the other hand, fruits and vegetables contain antioxidants, which eliminate the free radicals that cause cell death and lead to disease. They are also rich in fiber and juice, which makes them more filling. A vegetarian weight loss diet doesn't require you to starve yourself--you can eat normal servings and still get fewer calories than you would from a meat-based meal.
Some risks
Of course, vegetables can't provide you with everything you need. One of the main concerns about the vegetarian weight loss diet is that there aren't enough sources of protein. Most vegetarians get their protein from beans, tofu and legumes. But while these are excellent food sources, their protein content is not as easily absorbed by the body as those that come from meat. If you're combining your vegetarian weight loss diet with an exercise regimen (which you should), consider taking protein supplements or consuming more vegetable proteins.
Types of vegetarianism
You don't have to give up all animal foods to enjoy the benefits of a vegetarian weight loss diet. In fact, if you have certain health problems, your doctor may recommend some modifications. Vegetarianism is divided into several subtypes depending on which foods are restricted. Some of the most common are the following:
Semi-vegetarian: A semi-vegetarian weight loss diet rules out all red meat such as beef, pork, and lamb, but allows fish and poultry. Dairy products are also included.
Pesco-vegetarian: This diet prohibits all animal products, except fish and seafood. Some also allow eggs and dairy, although it's more often a personal choice.
Lacto-vegetarian: Meat, poultry and eggs are prohibited; the only animal products allowed are milk and dairy.
Lacto-ovo vegetarian: This is the most common type of vegetarian weight loss diet. It only prohibits animal meats, but allows by-products such as animal oils, milk, eggs, and dairy.
Vegan: Described as "pure" vegetarianism, vegan diets prohibit all animal products. Vegans are not so much health buffs as they are animal rights advocates. As such, they also stay away from non-food products such as leather and fur.
Read labels
Just because you're a vegetarian doesn't mean you're consuming less fat. The way you prepare your vegetables greatly affects their nutritional value. What good is a low-fat vegetable salad if you slather it with a creamy dressing? To get the most out of your vegetarian diet, you still need to read the labels and watch your fat intake.
Watch your iron
Plant-based iron is different from animal iron. The former is less easily absorbed by the body, so vegetarians are usually prone to anemia. To increase iron absorption, combine iron-rich foods such as nuts, beans and legumes with vitamin C-rich ones like oranges, strawberries and tomatoes. The recommended dietary allowance (RDA) for iron is 12 to 15 mg daily. The same goes for calcium: you can compensate for the lack of dairy-based calcium by eating fortified cereals, eggs, milk, and cheese.
Phillip England is a weight loss [http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com] expert and Author of the popular report "The Ultimate Weight Loss Secret". To receive your free information on the secret that doctors, and health companies either don't know, or don't want you to know, please see [http://www.theultimateweightlosssecret.com/secret]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/700005

Healthy Diet Recipes Are the Way to Overall Health

The number of people who are currently overweight or clinically obese continues to grow every day, and if you find that you have joined the ranks of the millions of Americans who are trying to control their ever-growing girth, then it may be time to try healthy diet recipes in your own kitchen.
One of the worst things that has happened over the past two generations it that fast food is now an accepted dining choice for most families. What used to be a treat that a family would have once a month is now a normal meal, and often times it is a daily meal. What makes matters worse is that the average portion size served at the major fast food restaurants has literally doubled over the past ten years.

If you find that you don't have time to cook, you might want to re-think this. There is always time to make healthy diet recipes, many of which you can make at the beginning of the week and refrigerate or freeze for a later date. This is actually a less time-consuming and certainly a lot more affordable option to sitting in a fast food drive-through line.
Of course, eating healthy diet recipes is not just about losing weight. Yes, you will find that when you start eating natural foods at home that everyone in your house begins to lose weight, but you will also notice an increase in energy and overall fitness. The advantages of eating foods that aren't highly processed, deep fried, or saturated with artificial colorings and flavorings go well beyond your waistline.
Cooking natural, healthy, and fresh food is much easier than you think and with the help of a good recipe book, you will find that it is some of the tastiest food you or your family has ever eaten.

Jana Moore is a writer and researcher on products for households such as healthy diet recipes [http://healthydietrecipesinfo.com/why-healthy-diet-recipes-are-so-important]. Save time and money by getting a FREE in-depth review of this product and many others including discounts and best prices at this blog: healthydietrecipesinfo.com [http://healthydietrecipesinfo.com/]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5539404

Healthy Detox Recipes

One great way to achieve ultimate health and wellness is to consider healthy detox. There are many available programs when it comes to detoxification; most of these programs would require you to fast, while others would make you consume pills, herbs or tea. Whichever program you choose, you should always keep in mind that it has to be safe and it can accomplish your goals of removing the toxins in your system.
Detox process is experienced differently by each individual. The results may also vary. But one thing is guaranteed with each and every healthy detox, your body will be completely rejuvenated. Sure, there could be mild emotional or physical discomfort especially during the start of any detox program, but almost everyone who tries it have overcome it so you will certainly be able to accomplish it, too.
Body detox is crucial to living longer and healthier. This is because your body's vital organs are cleansed and kept healthy during a detox process. You can easily begin a detox diet by incorporating vitamin-rich foods into your menu. You should stock on fruits and vegetables such as apples; citrus fruits; blueberries; cranberries; broccoli; green cabbage; and other green, leafy vegetables.
You can choose a different yet equally healthy detox path by consuming protein-rich consumables such as protein shakes that are mixed with rice, almond, soy, soy milk, or plain water. You can add some flavor to your shake by throwing in some bananas, almond, cinnamon, or vanilla. You can also check other holistic diets online which also provide the same healthy detox program.
Here are some recipes that you might want to try at home:
o Mocha Shake-this shake has the following ingredients:
1 cup of vanilla soy milk;
1 tsp instant coffee;
1 tsp honey;
1/4 tsp vanilla extract; and
preferably 1 scoop of Chocolate Whey Science
Blend for 15-20 seconds.
o Lemon drink is the easiest detox recipe to prepare as you just replace all solid food intakes with your lemon drink. You can do this for 1-2 weeks. Just use:
2 tbsp of brown rice syrup;
2 tbsp of lemon juice;
a glassful of water
You can add a dash of ginger to taste.
o Make delightful instant detox dessert such as fresh strawberries, lemon zest, soft tofu and honey.
o Classic smoothie is often made of fresh spinach leaves, celery stalks, sliced cucumbers, one banana, and purified water. Just blend all the ingredients and you're in for a healthy and delicious smoothie. This concoction will not only detoxify your body but it would also help you lose up to 20 pounds!
Try these healthy detox recipes at home and enjoy the benefits they offer.
Get healthy today with a detox program [http://rapiddetoxtreatment.com/healing-with-the-masters]. Learn more about rapid detox [http://rapiddetoxtreatment.com/] by visiting our website today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4040920

Nutritional Guidelines For Epileptics

Many people suffer from seizures, and often, these seizures are caused by a condition known as epilepsy. Seizures caused by epilepsy can be repeated and/or prolonged and can cause a number of different sensations, depending on the type and severity of the seizure. The four most common types of epileptic seizures are partial, generalized, complex partial and grand mal.
Partial Seizures: Only a small part of the brain is affected by partial seizures.
Generalized Seizures: A larger part of the brain is affected by generalized seizures, which may also cause a change (but not a loss) in consciousness.
Complex Partial Seizures: Unconsciousness can occur with complex partial seizures.
Grand Mal Seizures: These are generalized seizures that involve motor systems in the brain, often leading to unconsciousness. The grand mal seizure is recognized by a clonic phase (slow, jerky movements) and a tonic phase (forceful contractions of the muscles.)
Other milder types of seizures include the petit mal seizure, which is also known as the absence seizure because it is often dismissed as daydreaming unless an accurate diagnosis is made.
Epilepsy Symptoms
There are many symptoms that epileptics can recognize as oncoming seizures. There are a number of medications to treat epilepsy, but these can cause harmful side effects. Other treatments include a change in diet and, as a last resort, surgery to remove the damaged brain tissue and implantation of a vagus nerve stimulator, a device that sends signals to help control seizures.
Symptoms of epilepsy include:
- Double vision
- Noticing strange smells and/or sounds
- Falling, twitching or jerky movements
- Fainting
- Staring off into space without being aware of it
- Loss of muscle control
Treating Epilepsy
It is possible that many patients with epilepsy have other related health problems, such as brain tumors, stroke or brain infections. But many epilepsy patients never know why they have epilepsy or other disorders involving seizures. In fact, many physicians test for other disorders to rule them out first, because epilepsy can mimic other disorders in its early stages. In order to treat epilepsy properly, it needs to be properly diagnosed, and with treatment, seizures may become less frequent and less severe.
The Ketogenic Diet
The ketogenic diet is one that many physicians recommend for epilepsy patients. This is a diet that is high in fat and low in carbohydrates, because this type of diet burns fat rather than carbohydrates. The reason for this is because when the body burns fats, it creates ketones, which help to suppress seizures.
This diet is usually prescribed by physicians for a period of two years, at which time other nutrients, including carbohydrates, are re-introduced. Because many of the nutrients that we need come from carbohydrates, protein supplements can be substituted to get the important nutrients that are necessary for survival. Because it is a high-fat diet, the ketogenic diet is one that needs to be seriously thought through before using it, and it should only be used under the care of a physician.
Other Diet No-No's for Epileptics
Epileptics should be careful to avoid products with aspartame in them because it increases the risk of seizures. It also causes seizures in those with the metabolic disorder known as phenylketonuria, which does not allow phenalylanine, an essential amino acid, to be digested and work properly.
People with epilepsy should also be tested for food allergies, which can trigger seizures. Some foods that are known to cause seizures include dairy foods, citrus fruits, wheat and certain food additives, such as benzoic acid and tartrazine. Knowing about these allergies makes it easier to treat them and reduce the risk of increased epileptic seizures.
Protein Supplements for Epilepsy Patients
Protein is a necessary macronutrient, one that the body relies on for survival. On restrictive diets, patients may not be getting the amount of protein that they need. To combat this, some physicians suggest that protein supplements be used in conjunction with the ketogenic diet, and a physician will know which supplements are best for each patient based on their medical history and possible food allergies and sensitivities. Some proteins, such as whey, a byproduct from the cheese-making process, are easier to digest than others. Soy and rice proteins are often recommended for those with many food allergies or lactose intolerances, and eggs have long been used as a source of protein. Many protein supplements, including powders and liquids, are made from these proteins.
A Case Study Involving an Epilepsy Patient And Protein Supplements
When Cheryl began having mild seizures, she didn't think much of it. Then as the seizures became more frequent and more severe, she began to worry and made an appointment to see her doctor. After a number of tests, it was confirmed that Cheryl had epilepsy, and her entire life would change forever.
Cheryl's physician recommended a number of lifestyle changes as well as many changes to her diet. He advised that she use the ketogenic diet along with protein supplements. Cheryl purchased some protein powders that she could add to her favorite recipes and began using them regularly, both in between meals as snacks and even as meal replacements.
Soon, with the combination of medication and a proper diet, Cheryl noticed that her seizures were decreasing in frequency and severity and that her life was beginning to return to normal. She no longer had to worry about seizures interrupting her daily routine and found herself becoming not only healthier, but happier as well. She continues to use supplements and is looking forward to the day when she can begin adding other foods with carbohydrates to her diet.
About Protica Research
Founded in 2001, Protica, Inc. is a nutritional research firm specializing in the development of protein-rich, capsulized foods (dense nutrition in compact liquid and food forms). Protica manufactures Profect protein beverage, IsoMetric, Fruitasia and more than 100 other brands in its GMP-certified, 250,000 square foot facility.
You can learn more about Protica at http://www.protica.com.
Copyright - Protica Research - http://www.protica.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4443629

Drink Water to Lose Weight - The Easiest Way to Become Skinny

If getting skinny is your goal then you should drink water and lots of it.
Drinking water everyday does a body good. There is no questioning that fact.
Your body is made of about 60% water. When you sweat you lose water and it needs to be replaced.
Drink water to lose weight not sodas. I know I just stepped on a few toes with that one but be honest with yourself. Drinking sodas on a daily basis is not good at all for your long-term health. They contain way too much sugar for kids and adults. Soda consumption is a big part of the obesity epidemic facing the world today.
It is okay to cheat on your diet from time to time but you need to have healthy daily habits. Drinking a bunch of sodas everyday will not help you at all attempting to become skinny.
So how much water should I drink?
The recommended daily amount of water for years has been 6-8, 8 ounce glasses of water. This number has been popular for years. A better way to put it would be to say, "drink at least 8, 8 ounce glasses of water."
Men should consume 3 liters of water a day which is about 13 glasses. Women should drink 2.2 liters of water a day, about 9 glasses a day. 8, 8 ounce glasses of water equals 1.9 liters. So if you are already drinking 8, 8 ounce glasses of water a day you are doing good, give yourself a pat on the back and continue to be a good example to your friends and family.
Most Important Times to Drink Water
After waking up - Drinking a tall glass of water right after you wake up is a great way to start your day. If you sleep 8 hours, your body has not had any water for at least 8 hours, maybe more.
After working out - Your body loses plenty of fluids during exercise. One great way to combat the loss of fluids is to replenish with a large glass of water. You don't want to go hours without drinking any water after working out. Not good!
The great bonus about drinking water is that it contains no calories. Can you say the same about sodas? Absolutely not!
Liquid calories are not taken into consideration by many which can lead to consuming too many calories.
Remember to drink water to lose weight. You can't go wrong drinking your fair share of water. Next time you get a craving for a soda say no, instead pour yourself some high quality H20 like the water boy would say. Drink your daily amount of water and you will be well on your way to become skinny.
Bottom Line? You need to drink water to achieve your weight loss goals.
And now I'd like to invite you to claim your Free Instant Access to the 7 day eCourse Love Your Body Love Your Life when you visit http://fitnessandnutritionsolutions.com/loveyourbody
Brought to you by Matthew Beavers - The Fitness and Nutrition Guy

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7445029

Good Nutrition is Required Prior to Weight Loss Surgery

Most people do not understand why we need water with lemon for weight loss. Most people work out trying to lose weight but do not drink the desired amount therefore do not lose much weight in the process.
So how much lemon should we take each day to see weight loss?
Experts say you need 8 ounces of water with lemon per day - that's just for the average person. If you're overweight you will need more. As a rule of thumb you should be having 8-10 half pint glasses a day or 4 pint glasses for good weight loss.
So why do experts say water with lemon for weigh loss is so important?
Well for a start, your bodily organs need water. If they do not get enough they will not function properly at there optimal point. For instance you kidney stores fat if it does not get enough fluid so it is very important you drink lots of water with lemon for weight loss.
Your body and brain tells your kidney that you don't have enough fluid so your kidney will store all the water it can because it does not know when it will next get some. The water will get stored all over your body and mainly places you don't want it like your belly.
You also need fluid in your body to flush out toxins buy sweating through the skin and through urine. This allows that stored fat to be turned into fuel. You will then be able to easily burn that fat off with exercise.
Here is the good news when you start to drink water with lemon for weight loss on a regular basis. Your body will realize this and will not store as much fluid giving you every chance to lose weight fat. This might take a few weeks to happen but just keep drinking lots of water and you will see a massive improvement.
What to drink, cold water or hot water?
I get asked this question a lot and to be honest with you it really does not matter. Some experts say you can drink more water if it's hot but others say it's healthier if you drink cold. Both hot and cold are good for you but the choice is yours.
The main thing is drinking the water weather it is hot or cold. Don't get too concerned about the temperature. Go with what you feel is best for you if you like drinking water cold then do that and like wise with hot water. But what I will say is don't drink to much at once experts say drinking a lot at one go can be bad for you. Just stick to a pint at a time drinking 4 pints a day and spread then out and you will be fine.
Drinking water with lemon for weight loss is grate because it adds a nice taste to your water. It's much better than drinking plain water and it adds other benefits too. Lemon is a good source of vitamin C which is good for the body and skin. Lemon also helps you lose weight but there is a secret to it. The water must be warm!
We all know water with lemon for weight loss is good for us but you need to be careful when drinking pints of water before you go to bed it can interrupt your sleep by going to the bathroom all night.
Lee McKenna is a weight loss expert and focuses on helping people lose massive amounts of weight. Lee McKenna has helped 1000's of people lose over 18 pound in just 4 days for a free course on weight loss click the link: [http://www.18in4.co.uk]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1222865

Simple Nutrition For Health & Weight Management

Weight Management - Simple but Complicated!
Let's face it - most people are confused as to how to eat for health, fitness and weight management. If I had a pound or a dollar for every person who asked me what diet they should follow, what foods they should or shouldn't eat, what foods will help them lose weight, I'd be a very wealthy man indeed.
So many people worry about choosing the right diet, planning their meals, organizing their gym workout etc that they don't actually get around to doing what they need to do, I.E. getting in the gym, working hard and eating a little less! This phenomenon is often referred to as "Paralysis by Analysis". Weight management is EASY. Okay, you need a healthy dose if will power, some common sense, a bit of application and a fair bit self discipline but the science of weight loss is simple.
Weight management is like running your bank account...if I spend less than I earn, I increase my bank balance - or in nutrition speak, I'll gain weight (specifically adipose tissue or fat). If I spend more than I earn, my bank balance will decrease - this is the equivalent of losing weight. Spend too much and the bank manager will be on my case. Lose weight too fast, and my body will rebel and stop me wasting away to nothing.
To keep this analogy going, there are hundreds of credit cards, loans, types of overdraft, HP plans etc that allow us to go overdrawn, likewise there are hundreds of diets, exercise plans, and food supplements that will help me to lose weight. You just need to stick with one plan and give it time to work. Use the one that slots as seamlessly as possible into your life style and is sustainable, manageable, practical and healthy. It doesn't matter how good the diet is, if you can't stick with it, IT WILL FAIL! Just like at the bank, if the repayment plan is prohibitive, restrictive or just unmanageable you won't be able to make the payments, no matter how attractive the interest rate was! Remember, the people who are promoting diets like South Beach, Cabbage Soup, Weight Watchers, Atkins etc are trying to SELL you something so obviously they are going to tell you that their plan is the best and that it is easy to stick to, will give you the results you want painlessly and quickly etc etc. However, the reality seldom matches the promise. Be honest - although the cabbage soup diet is virtually guaranteed to help you lose pounds, who in their right mind would want to swap great tasting food for some green, tasteless and flatulence causing mush!?!
Decisions, decisions...
Ironically, the diet business is the most successful unsuccessful business ever! In recent surveys it was found that 95% of dieters FAIL to stick with their chosen weight loss plan because of its unpleasant or restrictive eating regime. And when our dieter "falls of the wagon", they just jump straight back on another one and try the next popular diet to come on the market! There is so much nutrition information and mis-information around most people flit from one nutritional approach to another, seeking out the magic diet that will give them the results they seek. Let's face it - most of us want to be slimmer YESTERDAY! No body wants to lose a measly pound a week. Sadly though, successful weight loss is not sexy, fast, or dramatic. It is a slow, gentle process which takes time. Very few dieters ever come to grips with this fact and are frequently disappointed when they fail to lose 20 pounds in a month as they were promised by some diet plan or celebrity endorsed dietician.
Many diets are impractical, unpleasant, and restrictive in the extreme and can only be maintained for short periods of time. To make matters worse, when our dieting client returns to their previous eating régime, they often put the weight they lost back on - plus some extra weight for good measure and end up not only failing to reach the goals they set for themselves but actually getting further away from their ideal weight.
There are numerous physiological reasons for this happening - far too complicated to explore here, but basically can be summarized by examining the "Starvation Response" which is triggered when energy (calorific) intake is reduced by too much.
The Starvation Response
Our bodies know that fat is essential for keeping us alive during periods of starvation, so when calorie intake are reduced too low, the body will try and keep hold of this valuable resource for as long as possible. Your body has no idea you are voluntarily eating too little. It makes the assumption that there is not enough food around for your survival and makes certain physiological changes accordingly. Think about it - who will live the longest when stranded on a desert island with no food...the person with next to no body fat or the person with lots? Mr. "Lean and Got a Six Pack" won't be looking so good after a couple of weeks of little or no food, whereas our overweight friend will be okay for a much longer period of time. Nature is so cruel!
Basically, the starvation response results in muscle loss, increased fat storage capabilities, lowered metabolic rate (daily energy requirement), increased hunger and ultimately diet failure...all of which will prolong your life when food is in short supply but in terms of weight management not really what we're after, I think you'll agree.
So, how can we avoid triggering the starvation response? Quite simply, we need to make haste slowly. Aim for a slight reduction in calories, a slight increase in activity levels. The body needs to almost be tricked into giving up it's fat stores - do it too fast and we will trigger the starvation response which will, without a doubt, halt any progress and cause a rebound in fat mass gains...the so-called Yo Yo diet. Additionally, to avoid any loss of muscle, we need to engage in strength training. If your muscles are being challenged regularly, you body will keep hold of those muscles more readily, even if there is a calorie deficiency - it's a case of "use it or lose it." CV exercise actually promotes muscle breakdown (catabolism) where as strength training promotes the building up of muscle (anabolism).
So, we are going to try and keep nutrition simple. This plan (note - not a diet as this approach could be used very long term) is as easy as it gets...no complicated recipes to follow, no supplements to buy, no weird foods to consume - just simple nutrition which will help you reach and maintain your goal weight.
The Alternative - Common Sense Nutrition
I can sum this approach up in one sentence - 95% of all meal must consist of a lean protein plus fruit and or vegetables, drink only water, green tea or juices you have freshly pressed your self. That's it. Hardly earth shattering or complicated, but very effective. No calorie counting or weighing or measuring your food...just make sure every meal contains protein and fruit or veg.
What's Hot!
Protein foods...
Eggs, any "real" meat (non-processed), fish, some dairy is okay but preferably natural products like plain yogurt and cottage cheese, also nuts, beans, pulses, whey protein powder and Soya (minimal amounts for males, moderate amounts for females).
Any and all except for white potatoes, and even they are okay occasionally especially post exercise.
Any fruit in its natural state is fine, but citrus fruits are preferred so careful with bananas which can be a bit calorie dense. Homemade fruit juices are also okay but avoid most shop bought "made from concentrate" juices as these are generally so processed they are missing many of their vital vitamins and minerals and are really only sugary soft drinks and not healthy at all. Dried fruit has some benefits but beware of overeating dried fruits as they take up very little room in your stomach and it is easy to consume them in large quantities.
Make sure all meals contain a sensible amount of healthy fats. Often this will come from the protein portion of the meal but may also include olive oil, sunflower oil, fish oils, nut butters and oils, dairy butter (NOT margarine) etc. Do your very best to avoid trans fats like the plague that they are!
What's Not!
Foods that contain wheat and other grains should be limited so avoid bread and pasta. Noodles and rice are also a no-go. For a great many people, grains can cause intestinal discomfort and abdominal bloating so minimizing their consumption may be beneficial. Breakfast cereals are generally wheat based sugar and salt laden junk so likewise they are off the menu. This will be a departure for many of you, but once you get used to it, this is a very healthy way to eat and will help you reach your body composition goals relatively easily and without triggering the starvation response. If you must consume grains, choose whole grains, preferably organic and look into how they should best be prepared for optimum digestion and absorption. This may well involve overnight soaking and repeated rinsing for example.
Basically, if it didn't roam the earth, swim in the sea, or grow on the land, you shouldn't eat it! Avoid all processed foods and try where possible to only consume food in its most natural state. If the food is "man made" it's probably not very good for you. If it's in a packet, there are probably better choices you can make and if anything on the ingredient list is unpronounceable then you really shouldn't be putting it in your body!
You are what you eat...Eat Junk = Feel Junk!
Ingredients that should set alarm bells ringing and should be avoided where possible include anything hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated, artificial sweeteners, emulsifiers, acidity regulators, nitrates, gelling agents, colorings, preservatives, or anything else that sounds like it belongs in a chemistry set rather than in your stomach!
Ideally, more than one fruit/vegetable should be consumed in each meal...we need a wide variety of foods to make sure we get the full spectrum of vitamins and minerals necessary to support health. One very good approach is to adopt a traffic light system when selecting vegetables or fruits. Simply select foods of different colors in each meal, e.g. red tomatoes, yellow peppers, and green lettuce. By mixing the colors of foods consumed, we are more likely to be getting a good variety of nutrients. If possible, try to purchase the organic versions of all foods mentioned. Organic food is produced without the use of pesticides, insecticides, fertilizers, hormones, antibiotics and other possibly harmful chemicals. Generally they cost a little more but often taste much more "real". If it impossible to buy organic, make sure all food (including meats) are washed thoroughly to remove any surface traces of chemicals.
As far as food portion sizes go - don't be too anal about weighing and measuring with the exception of nuts and fats which are quite calorie dense and should be avoided in very large amounts and consumed in relative moderation. When planning a meal start off with your protein portion - a medium sized chicken breast or steak for example, then pile on the veggies and add some healthy fats to round the meal off. Adjust portion sizes as hunger, energy and bathroom scales dictate.
Food preparation is something else we need to consider. The way we cook our food can be either beneficial or possibly detrimental to our health. Preferred cooking methods include the following...
o Steaming - especially vegetables and fish
o Grilling - for meat and fish (Non-stick grills like the George Foreman are excellent tools for the health and waist conscious!)
o Stir frying - for most foods. Cut food up into small pieces to ensure quick frying and minimal loss of nutrients
o Boiling - for vegetables but careful not to over cook
o Roasting - for vegetables and meats
o Slow cooking (crock pots)
Microwaving is very convenient but the effects of microwaves on food and health are still relatively unknown. Some evidence suggests that microwaves may actually alter the chemical structure of our foods in such a way as to render them unhealthy. In one recent study, plants were watered using cooled microwaved water. The plants failed to sprout and soon died. Whilst not conclusive, this does seem to suggest that microwaving may be harmful so where practical use more traditional cooking methods.
If possible and palatable, try to eat fruit and vegetables in their raw state, thus preserving the vitamin and mineral content that can be lost in the cooking process. Over cooking of fruit and vegetables should be avoided at all costs as excessive or prolonged exposure to heat can damage the fragile micro nutrients and reduce their healthful qualities...
Spice it up!
Despite appearances, meals that meet the above criteria needn't be terribly dull. It's all about using your imagination and coming up with interesting combinations of the permitted foods. Don't forget the condiments either - healthy sauces and salad dressings can be made in very little time and add a whole new dimension of taste to an otherwise uninspiring meal. Why not consider adding the following to your grocery list... It is possible to make your own sauces, salsas and dressings to spice up any meal using the permitted foods.
o Balsamic vinegar
o Olive oil (extra virgin, cold pressed only!)
o Unsalted butter (ok in small amounts)
o Sea salt
o Black pepper
o Paprika
o Chili or curry powder
o Various herbs and spices
So, there we go. I don't promise you will lose a dress size by the end of the week, nor do I swear you will be a stone lighter by this time next month. What I do assure you is this - eating the types of foods listed above and avoiding the man made "Frankenfoods" will give you the shape you want and the health you want without making your life so complicated you don't know whether you are coming or going. And the best thing? This super diet won't cost you a penny! No books to buy, no supplements to purchase, no charts to fill in. It's a simple matter of eating the foods nature intended us to eat before processed foods became the norm.
The exception to the rule - post exercise meals
Anyone involved in serious exercise on a regular basis may find that adhering to the guidelines above may leave them feeling a bit weak or fatigued - especially post exercise. After exercise, the body's own stored carbohydrate (called glycogen) levels are depleted to a greater or lesser degree. For a similar bout of exercise to be performed, our glycogen stores must be replenished. It is important to try and do this as fast as possible to promote anabolism (tissue growth and repair) and minimize catabolism (tissue breakdown). To achieve this, during the post exercise period we can veer away from the guidelines above and include foods that are normally not normally acceptable.
Our post exercise meal can include more refined, lower fiber carbohydrates such as rice, pasta, bread, cereals, grains, potatoes etc. as these will now be used in the restocking of our glycogen stores and are highly unlikely to end up being stored as fat. Post exercise, the body's main job is replenishment of glycogen stores so as a result it will use the majority of carbohydrates consumed in this window of opportunity for restocking of these vital supplies of stored carbohydrates. Make sure that post exercise meals also contain protein to kick start muscle anabolism and we have a great jump start to our after training recovery, which should lead to being better recovered for our next work out.
Good examples of post training meals include:
o Peanut butter sandwich
o Baked potato and tuna with olive oil and side salad
o Pasta with chicken in a tomato sauce
o Rice with pork and vegetable stir fry
o Cottage cheese with wholegrain bread
o 2 bananas and a handful of unsalted nuts
o Soft fruits and plain yogurt blended into a "smoothie"
o Whey protein powder blended with plain yogurt and fruit.
There are many options to select from so just choose a few different ones and rotate them from day to day to ensure a wide variety of nutrients are being consumed.
Think of this meal as being a reward for training hard, safe in the knowledge it will do little to unhinge your weight management efforts - then return to your simple but effective eating plan for the rest of your meals.
Patrick Dale

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2885448

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