Top 7 Health Food Lies You Must Know About

Are you confused about which foods are really healthy? Each day we are so inundated with health food lies that we have become immune to them. To make matters worse, the government makes it easier for food manufacturers to falsely label food products because there are many loop holes in labeling laws. At the end of this post, you will be able to spot and smell a health food lie when you see it.
While many people have the common knowledge that fast food, sweets, and other common junk foods are not good for our health, it is the so-called healthy foods that are tricky to identify. During the little time that I spend watching t.v., I see so many health claims from the food industry that I decided to create a list of the most common ones and show you how to detect a health food lie.
Now, for our list. Pay careful attention because I want you to be able to spot these health food lies the next time you visit the grocery store.
1. Cereals are Healthy
This is a common lie that a lot of people generally believe to be true. Cheerios is probably the most popular "healthy" cereal because of their heavy marketing slogan which claims that it "can lower your cholesterol." Notice how the word "can" conspicuously made its way to their slogan. That means that there's a possibility that it can lower your cholesterol but it's not for sure. When I researched the ingredients of Cheerios online, I found out that most ingredients contained "starch" in its name and the third ingredient is sugar. This means that Cheerios is basically made up of mostly carbohydrates with a little bit of fiber and protein. Don't get me wrong, if you used to eat bacon and bagels for breakfast or not used to eating breakfast at all, having Cheerios for breakfast is a relatively healthier option but it's not the cereal of choice for optimum health.
If there is one cereal that I would recommend to my clients, it would be Fiber One Cereal but I would only recommend the Original Bran flavor and not the other ones because it has the highest fiber content and has zero calories from sugar. The ingredients in this cereal are mostly made from bran which is the part of grains that contain the most fiber which in turn gives our bodies the most health benefits.
2. Sugar Free
Besides diet drinks and other zero calorie drinks our there, most products that are touted as "sugar free" are usually high in fat and carbohydrates. You can mostly see "sugar free" claims on candies, salad dressings, and baked goods. For example, Hershey's came out with a new line of sugar free chocolate. When you look at the nutrition information for their Sugar Free Special Dark Chocolate, you can see that 5 square pieces (one serving) of it contains, 15 g of fat with 9 g of it coming from saturated fat and 23 g of carbohydrates. That's a whopping 140 calories from fat alone. This signals a red flag in my head so I'd rather have 85% dark chocolate than eat this so called "special dark chocolate." It makes me wonder what makes it really special.
3. Fat Free
The fat free claim in health foods is the opposite of the claim sugar-free. Most fat free foods are heavily laden with sugar. This includes fat free ice cream, fat free cookies, fat free cakes, etc. A lot of people seem to think that eating fat free foods is the answer to losing weight but in fact, it is quite the opposite. Eating healthy fats such as omega-3 fatty acids can actually help you lose weight.
Another type of food where the fat free claim is used a lot is in meats like hotdogs, ground beef, deli lunch meats, etc. Let's take Oscar Mayer's fat free hot dogs for example. Here are the nutrition facts:
* Serving size: 1 link
* Calories per serving: 39
* Calories from Fat: 2
* Percentage of Calories from Fat: 4.6%
* Total Fat: 0.2 g
So, how can it contain 0.2 g of fat and still be labeled fat free? The FDA says that as long as a food product has less than .5 g of fat, it can be labeled fat free. While 0.2 g of fat may not look like a lot to you, I don't ever remember eating just one hot dog in one sitting. Most people would probably eat 3 hot dogs on average so the fat definitely adds up.
4. Portion Control Meals or Snacks
To a dieter's ear, 100 calorie packs or snacks are probably music to their ears. You mean, I can eat a chocolate chip cookie and only consume 100 calories? Yay!....Nay :( Again, the sugar in these so called portion control snacks can wreak havoc to your insulin levels which means that they trigger even more sweet cravings later on. You're better off spending those calories on a fruit which helps stabilize your blood sugar levels.
Another food in the portion control category are the frozen dinners or meals. This may sound like a good option for "busy" people because it requires less preparation time but what's hidden inside all these convenient little packages is a LOT of sodium. In order to preserve the food and add more flavor to frozen meals, the manufacturers add an insane amount of salt which can cause serious health problems such as high blood pressure, kidney disease, etc. when eaten regularly.
5. Healthy Fats
I'm all for eating healthy fats - no doubt about it. But, keep in mind that when you do eat healthy fats from Olive Oil, Coconut Oil, Almonds, Pecans, etc, that fats are still high in calories. Time and time again, I will watch a health food channel and see the host put lots and lots of olive oil in most of their meals. Yes, it's healthy but if you eat too much of it, you're still taking in a lot of calories. To give you an idea about the calorie content in healthy fats, here is a list of common sources:
* 1 tablespoon of Olive Oil: 119 calories
* 20 pieces Pecan Halves: 196 calories
* 24 Whole Almond Kernels: 163 calories
* 2 tablespoons Natural Peanut Butter: 190 calories
* 14 pieces Walnut Halves: 185 calories
One important lesson from this: healthy fats are good for you but enjoy them in moderation.
6. Organic
Ok, you have to read this one carefully. Personally, I love to get my organic fruits and vegetables from the farmer's market because they are oh so fresh and grown locally. However, the "organic" label has been misused so many times that it kinda loses its real meaning. For instance, on my trip to the grocery store the other day, I was so surprised to find organic potato chips and organic ice cream. I'm fine with foods being labeled organic but don't assume that it's automatically good for you just because it's labeled as such.
7. Fruit Juice and Diet Sodas
But it's fruit juice! Let's keep this in mind: we eat fruits for its fiber and natural sugar content. Fruit Juices are nothing but pasteurized/processed sugar and is probably not any better than diet sodas. If you want fruit, eat a whole one from the farmer's market - you can thank me later and so will your body.
Take Away
Normally, I wouldn't rant here in my blog. But, there are certain things such as these health food lies that have been bothering me for a long time. The lesson of the whole post is this: if you are buying anything that is packaged, boxed, or processed, check the ingredients first and really look into the nutrition facts. Usually, if a product has less than 3 recognizable ingredients (not some weird name you can't pronounce), you will be fine. Otherwise, we will all be better off with eating more whole foods and buying from local farmers. It's a rule that is simple enough and yet many people fail to follow because we're so caught up in believing that there are magical foods out there that will solve all our health and weight loss problems. Big news ==> there aren't.
While it's fine to have these types of food once in awhile, don't buy them in the false belief that they will help you reach your fat loss goals because you will face a huge disappointment.
Anna Dornier is a fitness blogger and personal trainer who discusses fat loss strategies that have worked for her in the past while also keeping up to date with current fitness trends that deliver results. You can find free workout and nutrition resources in her blog by visiting Path to Fat Loss by clicking here.

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Benefits of Using a Hair Loss Vitamin and Supplements

People now search for the perfect hair loss vitamin to combat the problem of losing hair. There are many causes of hair loss in both males and females, namely hormones, circulation, steroids, bacterial infections, hair treatments, and vitamin deficiencies. Baldness does not always mean you have a serious underlying health concern. As you finish reading this article, you will learn more about supplements and its benefits.
Causes of Hair Loss
Normally, an average adult could lose as much as 100 hairs per day. Hence, it is not unusual to see hair on your pillow case in the morning or your brush coming out of the scalp with hair strands. Baldness in women is rare but hair thinning can lead to bald patches and may even evolve into a male pattern baldness. The following are some of the common causes of hair loss and baldness:
· Stress. One of the most common causes of this is stress because the hair follicles easily react and stop entering the hair growth phase. With this happening, hair growth stops fast with the existing hair prone to breakage and damage.
· Drugs. Some medications can cause the loss of hair and can have a negative impact on its follicles. Some of these include hyperthyroidism, hypertensive drugs, and medications for Parkinson's disease.
· Genetics. Males having a genetic predisposition to loss of hair have testosterone converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), which has a direct effect on hair follicles.
Different Types of Hair Loss Vitamins
Most people do not know that certain vitamins and minerals can play a role in preventing hair fall and damage to lessen baldness. Some of the important vitamins to increase its growth:
· Vitamin A. This vitamin is important for sebum production, which is also essential in treating thick scalp, dry hair, and dandruff. All of these symptoms can lead to early loss of hair. Nonetheless, it is important to take note that consumption and storage of Vitamin A is readily depleted by smoking habits.
· Folic Acid. One of the vitamin B-complexes are folic acid or folate, which is important for red blood cell production. Usually, this nutrient is found in peas, papaya, lentils, and collard greens.
· Biotin. This is one of the common nutrients mixed in OTC hair loss products. Application of this nutrient is not effective but taking it orally can yield positive results.
Apart from proper nutrition, it is important know the effectiveness of the supplement and change your diet and lifestyle. Try a hair loss vitamin and see the difference.
Don't hesitate to add hair loss vitamins to your diet and lifestyle to grow hair back quickly. Searching for information online will help you decide easily.

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Fitness For Older People - Because Fitness Transcends Beyond Age

Age does not matter in fitness. Fitness is actually a matter of concern that people should pay attention to, even after reaching their mature age. These days, we can hear from the news or read from online articles that there are indeed old people whose ages are 70 and beyond, yet are still able to do well in their fitness-related activities. This simply shows us that fitness for old people may be pursued successfully and safely.
The usual concerns for old people are health problems associate with their ripe age. Their bodies are also not that robust as they used to be while they were still younger. However, just as a younger person needs to take caution in pursuing his/her fitness goals, aged people only need to be well-informed about how they can safely workout in order to remain fit.
Consultation With The Doctor First
Before performing any exercise, it will be best to consult first with the doctor if an elderly person can safely do it or not. Through a consultation with a health care provider, one may also know what physical activities are okay to be performed and how intense these activities can be.
Ideal Activities For Elders
Muscle-strengthening and aerobic exercises are the two ideal activities that people aged 65 and above must perform on a weekly basis in order to improve health or stay healthy.
Moderately Intense Exercises
If a person has no condition that limits his/her mobility, daily performance of moderately intense aerobic activities may be done like fast walking or cycling for two and a half hours weekly. Water aerobics, dancing (line and ballroom), pushing the lawn mower, volleyball and canoeing are also other activities of reasonable intensity.
These activities let you work hard enough so the heart rate may increase so you can produce sweat. One way to know if an activity is moderate is if you can still talk while performing it, yet, you cannot actually sing the exact lyrics of a song.
Vigorously Intense Exercises
Running or playing single tennis can be considered vigorously intense activities and should be performed for 75 minutes each week. Fast swimming, biking fast or on an elevated ground, football, uphill hiking, dancing and martial arts are also considered vigorous activities. They let you breathe fast and hard, making your heart rate considerably faster. While doing vigorous activities, you need first to pause and breathe before you can sing lyrics of a song.
Muscle-Strengthening Activities
These are exercises that must be performed with counting in repetitions and in sets. Repetition refers to a full movement of any activity like sit ups or weight lifting. Set is one group of many repetitions. An elderly individual needs 8-12 repetitions in a set of each activity. Up to three sets can be beneficial.
Other Beneficial Activities
Elders have high risks of falling due to weakened legs, medical conditions and poor balance. To compensate for these, exercises or activities that can help improve coordination and balance should be performed; such as tai chi, dancing and yoga.
Fit Over 40 offers true stories of people who successfully maintained their fitness and vitality, despite their old age. Turbulence Training is a related training system using the latest discoveries in science.

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Healthy Food Tips: Food Substitution for Weight Loss

Staying healthy and maintaining a normal weight is all about choosing the right foods. Some foods provide most of their calories from fat and sugar, while others are rich in complex carbohydrates and fiber. You can make simple ingredient substitutions to create healthy recipes that taste and look amazing. By replacing certain ingredients in your meals, you will be able to satisfy your cravings and lose weight at the same time.
Whole Wheat
Complex carbohydrates have many health benefits. You can include whole wheat, one of the best sources of complex carbohydrates, in your favorite desserts to replace the number of calories consumed. If you want to lose weight and improve your digestion, then you should always opt for whole wheat bread and pasta, brown rice, and whole grain crackers. Whole grains are more filling and contain essential nutrients.
High-Fat Dairy Substitutes
Replace whole milk, yogurt and cheese with lower fat versions. Most dairy products are healthy, but contain a large amount of fat. If you want to get rid of excess weight or reduce cholesterol levels, try blending the full-fat and low-fat versions. Ricotta cheese can be successfully replaced with fat free cottage cheese. You can eat low fat frozen yogurt or fat free ice cream instead of regular ice cream. Buy plain low-fat or fat-free yogurt instead of sour cream.
Meats, Fish, and Poultry
Replace ground beef with ground turkey or ground chicken. This way you can easily eliminate unhealthy fats from your diet. Canadian bacon or lean ham is an excellent alternative to bacon or sausages. Always remove skin from chicken. When you buy beef or pork, choose cold cuts over the fattier version.
Baked Goods
Baked goods should not be part of a weight loss diet. However, if you are craving for pastries, donuts, or sweet rolls, you can replace them with bagels, fat free muffins, and English muffins. Choose fat-free or reduced fat cookies instead of regular cookies. When you prepare baked goods at home, add butter or avocado puree instead of margarine. Avocado puree has a subtle taste and lends itself well to the texture of dark chocolate flavorings and fudge brownies.
Loaded with unhealthy refined sugar and simple carbohydrates, candies are one of the worst choices you can make when dieting. These sweets are loaded with calories, but contain no vitamins, minerals, or protein. If you still want to eat something sweet, replace candies with dried fruits like apricots, figs, or dates. These healthy foods are not recommended for a weight loss diet, but at least they contain essential nutrients that can improve your overall health.
Losing weight requires a lot of effort. If you need help choosing the right foods and preparing your meals, do some research and read the latest healthy foods tips available online. At DSM Food, you can learn more about healthy eating and get the best recipes for a balanced diet.

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How To Prepare Chicken For Weight Loss

Below are several tips to explain you how to prepare chicken for weight loss without losing the taste and texture of the meat. Chicken is full of protein and low in fat, which makes it the most effective choices for eating healthy and building lean muscle.
1) Remove the skin
Chicken skin is normally used in fatty dishes to improve the taste and texture. Many chefs around the world use the chicken skin in dishes to bring out the taste of their sauces and creams. In case you are trying to lose weight, now is not the time to leave the skin on the chicken. If you are cooking a complete chicken, make sure you have remove the skin. In doing so, you will save yourself from extra calories and lots of fat.
2) Remove the fat
Usually lean chicken breasts can contain fat along the sides. It is best to clean the fat by cutting it off and getting rid of it, especially if you are attempting to lose weight. You will not lose the taste of the meat, but will lose more calories that may convert to pounds if you decide to leave the fat on. The fat is easy to remove when the chicken is thaw. It could be placed flat on a cutting board and trimmed off very easily with a sharp knife.
3) Grill the meat
Whenever you prepare chicken, or any meat, on the grill, excessive fat actually drips off. Any fat that missed during the cutting and preparing process gets removed while the meat grills. Grilling is the perfect method to cook chicken because of the health aspect. A small fist-sized part of chicken breast is filling and full of protein, which makes it the perfect dish for losing weight. Grilled chicken could be sliced into pieces and added on salads or combined with black beans for a Mexican medley. Grilled chicken is extremely versatile and could be used in many dishes to help you lose weight.
4) Prepare in the oven
one of the most popular methods to prepare chicken for weight loss is to cook it in the oven. Chicken could be seasons with onion and garlic powders, dill or mustard and cooked in the oven for just 20 minutes. Baking chicken eliminates the extra fat that missed during the preparation time. The chicken breast or legs could be cooked with various vegetables, such as asparagus or broccoli, to make a complete meal. Include a piece of whole grain bread or a small part of steamed brown rice and you have yourself a proper and healthy meal suit for a weight loss king.
5) Prepare chicken with olive oil
if you want your chicken fried, but planning to lose weight in this process, it is best to use a little olive oil in the pan and avoid the Fry Daddy. Chicken pieces could be made very easily and healthily by cutting a chicken breast into small strips and placing them to a pan that has garlic, fresh onion and a tablespoon of extra pure olive oil. The chicken could be fried until crispy or left moist and flavorful. The chicken will soak up some of the oil so even if cooked to a crisper texture, it will stay moist and tasty.
The extra fat will cook away, leaving a healthy meal for weight loss.

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Massage Therapy - Great for Tension Headaches!

There are not many experiences that feel better than a massage with a professional massage therapist! And because of the growing awareness of massage as a registered health care profession, more than likely you probably are already aware of some of the amazing health benefits. Some of these exceptionally helpful benefits include relief from:
  • anxiety and depression
  • back, leg and neck pain
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • edema
  • insomnia
  • athletic injury
  • asthma
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • fibromyalgia
  • and of course, headaches!
And if you suffer from headaches, you might agree that a massage can do wonders for this type of pain, especially when it's caused by tension. A tension headache (aka tension-type headache) is the most common type of headache, and can start in your shoulders, the back of your neck, behind your eyes, or even in other muscle groups in your body. Tension headaches can appear occasionally, or frequently - even daily. The severity of these types of headaches will vary, and is usually throbbing and present in the front, top, or sides of your head. These types of headaches are usually on both sides of your head, and do not affect your vision, balance or strength. The causes of tension headaches can be any or a variety of the following:
  • stress, depression or anxiety
  • sleep issues
  • poor posture
  • poor diet
  • vision problems
  • teeth grinding
  • overexertion
Massage therapy is excellent for treating tension headaches when they are connected to muscular issues, which most tension headaches are. The muscles usually involved with tension headaches may include your trapezius, levator scapulae, sternocleidomastoid, and scalenes (i.e. neck and shoulder muscles), or possibly your temporalis muscle (used for chewing and covering most of your temporal bone on the side of your head), or even your orbicularis oculi muscle (whose action is to close your eye, and is very easy to massage).
Massage is excellent for pain and discomfort associated with tension-type headaches. By applying professional massage techniques such as pressure, movement, and stretching, your therapist helps to relax your muscles and make you more comfortable. For tension headaches, they may need to do more deep-tissue massage, which further helps improve circulation and reduces the pain and tension in your muscles. The improved circulation helps reduce inflammation, which often occurs in muscles that are irritated and causing you pain. Massage can also help to release endorphins, the 'feel good' chemicals in your brain that lower stress levels and help you relax.
If you are experiencing frequent headaches and are concerned, see your doctor to rule out a more serious condition. Once determined that your headaches are likely to be muscle-related, seeking out the help of a registered massage therapist is the next smart step to take.

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Gym Franchise Opportunities - A Good Time to Start

Gym Franchise Opportunities have grown over the past few years as people become more health conscious. Gym memberships seem to have increased and going to the gym is becoming a regular habit for most people. There are several gym franchises that you can get involved with and now may be a good time to start.
You can't escape an advertisement, article, or discussion that deals with people's health and wellness. The media covers a lot of stories on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and the benefits of exercising. The public has become increasingly health conscious as new government programs attempt to limit the consumption of unhealthy foods. With this in mind, gym franchise opportunities may be a good thing to look into if you are interested in starting a franchise.
There is a wide range of gym franchise opportunities offered that cater to certain people and exercise regiments. For example, some gym franchises cater to only women while some gym franchises have a variety of weight lifting machines for body builders. You will have to think about and decide what type of client you want to cater to as you research gyms. One thing to keep in mind is the demographics of the people who live and work in the vicinity of where you want to locate a gym. If your market area contains a high percentage of women then a gym franchise that caters to women might be of interest to you.
When considering operating a gym you have to think about the high cost of purchasing and maintaining equipment. Exercise machines are not cheap and require frequent maintenance of the padding and cables. Many gyms institute equipment maintenance and upgrade fees twice a year in addition to the monthly membership fees. The technologies of exercise equipment changes rapidly just like every other industry. For example, it is now common for treadmills and ellipticals to come with personal TVs built in to the machine. If your competition down the street has upgraded equipment then you may have to invest a little more money in order to stay competitive. In other words, research the operation, fees, and equipment at the gyms near where you want to locate. However, keep in mind, franchise terms and conditions may not allow for you to make certain decisions so make sure the gym franchise opportunities that you research will allow you to be competitive in your local market.
Gyms seem like they would be good investments due to today's health conscious society. Although the purchasing and maintaining of equipment may not be cheap, that cost can be made up in other ways. There are several types of gyms available that cater to certain segments of society so it may be beneficial to research the local demographics of your market to see what type of gym would be best to invest in.
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Healthy Body - Healthy Mind!

More than two thousand years ago, Hippocrates, the Greek physician and father of medicine, said, "A wise man ought to realize that health is the most valuable possession."
We are obliged to Hippocrates' and others from the past for
reminding us that fitness and health is not just a new and passing phenomenon and neither are the ways to achieve and maintain good health.
The fundamentals of good health, known and proven for so
long, are available to anyone who decides they want to fully enjoy the enormous benefits of healthy living.
The reality of this lesson is brought home in the compelling story from over a century ago of an American boy, sickly and weakened by childhood diseases, who sought a refuge from his physical handicaps in a love of books and reading. As time went on, just as his mind grew strong from his studies, his body continued to fail.
His concerned father at last told his 12-year old son, "You have the mind but not the body, and without the help of the body the mind cannot go as far as it should. You must make your body know you will do it!" And the wise father then gave the boy weights and other gymnastic equipment and worked with him to strengthen his frail young body.
Well, this story has a remarkably happy ending. The boy heeded his father's encouragement, and not only worked hard to rebuild his health, but became a superior athlete, graduated from Harvard University and went on to lead a vigorously active life of eminent achievement. This once-sickly boy eventually became the 26th president of the United States. He was Theodore Roosevelt, who at age 42, was and is the youngest man ever to become president.
Throughout his life, Roosevelt practiced what he called, "the
strenuous life." His energetic commitment to physical activities
included boxing, horseback riding, swimming and hiking among others.
Teddy Roosevelt discovered that an important foundation for good
health is movement and activity. He demonstrated that our bodies are
designed to get stronger as they are constantly used and challenged
with purposeful physical activities.
Teddy Roosevelt, incidentally, was a great outdoorsman and probably
knew more about natural science than any other President who has ever
been in office, and some of his most notable achievements were in the
area of conservation. He added about 150 million acres to the
national forests, set up five new national parks, created the first
51 federal bird reservations and established the first four national
game preserves. He loved nature and worked to preserve the
environment for future generations.
Roosevelt undoubtedly agreed with Hippocrates view that, "The first
wealth is health." And with the old proverb that takes Hippocrates
idea one step further by saying, "Health is better than wealth."
Because Teddy Roosevelt's life dramatically exemplifies the
life-changing power of achieving and maintaining good health. The
simple moral to his story is that nothing is more essential to
building a successful life than good health.
As Teddy Roosevelt showed us, the secrets to good health are not
complicated. They are known and waiting for you to discover them and,
most important, to put them into practice. The blessings and joys of
good health and fitness can be yours when you choose to make them
priorities in your life.
Good health, you know, means having the capacity to live life fully
and being able to experience the best that life has to offer. It
means having vigor and energy. It is having the ability to pursue
your dreams with the confidence that you will be able to accomplish
It's doubtful that Teddy Roosevelt would have accomplished much in
his life had it not been for the words of advice from his father
about developing his body in addition to his mind. It's worth
thinking about, especially these days when so many of us live
sedentary existences. We can only go where our bodies can take us,
and our bodies need exercise to stay healthy and strong. So remember:
build both your body and your mind. They're a powerful combination.
Teddy Roosevelt proved it.
Action to be taken: Commit to a firm set of health related goals and
get yourself in the best physical shape starting today.
Everything Counts!
Gary Ryan Blair
Gary Ryan Blair is President of The GoalsGuy. A visionary and gifted conceptual thinker, Gary is highly regarded as a speaker, consultant, strategic planner, and coach. Visit The GoalsGuy at as well as their new lifestyle brand at

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Apply Different Hair Colors and Revive Your Outlook

If you are the one who wants to experiment with your look, applying different types of hair colors will be the best way. Applying the same color for a long time does not work. When everyone is trying something new, why not you? Hair is recognized as major part of your look and that is why it is important for all of us to make it look something different or something special.
Different types of hair colors are accessible, but all are not that good also. Elect the color which suits with your face color and also that matches well with your personality. Before applying, try on different hair colors for your skin tone. Those who are in doubt of applying a color, should know that hair coloring can make a simple hair cut look perfect.
Check out some popular hair colors:- 
  • Black- this is the most common color and this one is mostly popular in some major areas of this world like Asia, Europe and Africa. Though it is a natural color but many women prefers for the darker shade of black while some prefers for the lighter shade.

  • Dark brown- the next most popular one is dark brown. Young girls prefer this color as it goes well with their personality. Those with fair complexion look really great with dark brown hair. This color is also used for highlights by women having light brown or blond hair. You can also make use of red and burgundy for highlights.

  • Red and burgundy- red color or shades of burgundy looks really gorgeous. Women with fair as well as dark complexion can apply burgundy. Red will go well with those having fair complexion. Red is rarely applied by women because it is a very strong color and it does not suit with everyone's personality. Mixing up the two also results in something very attractive. This combination gives a very casual and classy look.

  • Brunettes- this is considered as one of the best hair color. The best part of this color is that it can suit anyone of us. Maintaining this color is little bit hard. Opt for those particular shampoos and conditioners if you really want to apply brunettes.

  • Blond- this is the lightest shades of all the hair colors accessible in the market. Those with black complexion can apply this hair color. Women with dark skin find it the best of all hair colors because it suits really well with their personality and skin tone.
Apply any one of this color and explore your outlook!
Steve Takajo is a salon expert cum a writer. He conceives some great ideas on different hair colors [] and also his personal site deals with ideas on how to dye your hair [].

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Popular Online Mental Health Counseling Courses!

Are you aware of the popular online mental health counseling courses? Read on the following details to brush your knowledge about the same in a brief manner:
Legal Issues and Ethics in Counseling Course:
In this type of course study, the fundamentals of mental health and professional counseling are highlighted and explained. In this type of course, topics related to general trends in such problems and professional counseling, the role of counselor in social and cultural settings, client advocacy and counselor, the general professional standards of ethics, and philosophy and history of mental health counseling are briefly handled.
Counseling Introduction Course:
In this course, students learn the principles of the such issues' counseling profession that include theories, philosophy and history, with a backward of the professional issues, credentials and the actual practice.
Substance Abuse Counseling Course:
In this course, students need to focus on psychological aspects of addictions that mainly include greater dependence on prescription medications, alcohol and illegal substances, with discussion of current research. Here, students get to know about different methods of diagnosis and treatment plans such as behavioral change.
Counseling Skills Course:
In this type of courses, students are made to learn from different video and audiotape, role-playing and such other training methods. Here the goal is to help students develop skills that are useful in mental health counseling, including communication, sincerity and empathy.
Professional Counseling Internship Course:
In this type of online course, it is very much is required for completion of all other available counseling programs. Here students indulge themselves into finding appropriate settings, finding good treatment centers, community agencies, hospitals or educational institutions, and such others.
To learn more, please visit online mental health course and get the details about Online Parenting Classes Florida.

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Reduce Your Personal Stress

According to a report that I was reading recently, one in every three adults suffers from moderate to high levels of personal stress. With so much bad news in the papers and on television, uncertainty about the economy and the pressure of daily life, is it any wonder more of us are feeling stressed.
  • Every year nearly something close to 50,000 Australians are admitted to hospital due to stress-related disorders.
  • Stress requires more people to take time off work than any other health condition or disease.
  • The total cost of Australian workplace stress is more than $1.2 billion per year.
Most of us experience some level of stress in our lives, especially from our work. The stress of urgent deadlines, demanding clients, meetings, families and bills all add to stress levels There doesn't seem to be any end to the modern day disease of personal stress. So, what can you do to overcome stress?
Simple strategies for reducing your stress
1.0 Take a 3 minute holiday
Learn to 'chill' for a few minutes when you're feeling under pressure. Find somewhere quite to sit, close your eyes and just relax. It sounds like a simplistic idea, but it does work!
2. Drink plenty of water
Your body is 80% water - so keeping it hydrated is essential. You'll notice that when you haven't been drinking enough water your attention starts to wander. Keep a drink bottle on your desk and drink at least a litre of water every day, more if you are exercising.
3. Take a lunch break
Getting away from your desk for thirty minutes can reduce your levels of stress and change your outlook. Don't say that you don't have time for lunch; that is a cop-out!
4. Get up every 50 minutes and stretch
It can be so easy to get caught up in what you're doing that all of a sudden you've been at work for 3 hours and the only muscles you've moved are in your fingers. Stretching will get the blood flowing around your body again - you'll feel invigorated, awake and your quality of work will noticeably improve.
5. Relax your eyes (and wrists)
Constantly staring at a computer screen will give you eye strain. Every 15 minutes or so look away from the screen, or close your eyes briefly.
Allow your eyes to have a power nap. While you're doing this, face your palms away from you, grab your fingers and pull them back towards you very gently. This is a great stretch for your wrists and will help to battle carpel tunnel syndrome and other conditions caused by the overuse of your wrists.
6. Breath slowly and deeply
If you're feeling tired, grumpy or frustrated it could simply be that you're not getting enough oxygen to your brain. Most people don't breathe correctly. A few times a day (perhaps when you're having your 3 minute holiday or getting up to stretch), take the time to breath deeply and slowly in through your nose, into your diaphragm (the lower part of your abdomen) and then out through your mouth. Each breath should take you about 6 seconds. Breath in, hold for a second or two and then let it out.
Paul Puckridge awakens managers and employees to the need that they must develop their 'worksmarts' so they can get to the next level at work and future-proof their careers.
Paul is an author, teacher and speaker on leadership, innovation and worksmarts. He is the Training Director of The Success Institute - Australia and ovwe 15 years has written over 30 professional development programs, 10 books and a host of other professional development materials.
To receive regular articles, downloads and templates, or get a FREE copy of Paul's 'How to Develop Your Worksmarts' simply sign-up at

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Quick and Easy Food Recipes and How to Get Them!

How much money do you think you spend each week on eating out? If you are like me it is a ton! If not then congrats on a job well done! (Give yourself a nice pat on the back eh?!)
I used to spend way too much money on restaurants, and with the recent economy my whole family was really beginning to feel it. The thing is it is not like I did not enjoy cooking, in fact I love cooking!
I just am not that great of a chef.
So I began to look around and try to save money on restaurants, what I really needed though was some quick and easy food recipes to get me going.
I cut out a few from different magazines but it seemed to be really hit and miss, and honestly a bit more of the miss according to my family. I kept looking on wishing that I had got that cooking Gene that seemed to be in my family.
While talking to friends however I found that I am not the only one who has this problem. I learned a few good tips and here is my favorite.
Make sure to plan ahead. Every week make a meal plan, do this at the beginning of the week at the same time. This way you can get all of your shopping done and have everything outlined in nice and easy ways. This way also when you have those quick and easy food recipes they won't go to waste when you are looking for the eggs you forgot to buy.
In conclusion I believe the best place to get easy food recipes is not in magazines but in cook books or from parents. Magazines generally just use cheap recipes that take a lot of work and are not all that useful.
Instead invest in a good cookbook.
Now if you want quick and easy food recipes just check out the little lens I made here. It is all about a great cookbook.
Come Participate in the polls and check it all out I bet you will love it, leave me a comment too!
So Come Check out Quick And Easy Food Recipes!

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Top 40 Health Quotations

  1. "Health is the thing that makes you feel that now is the best time of the year." -- Franklin P. Adams
  2. "He who has health, has hope. And he who has hope, has everything." -- Arabian Proverb
  3. "To get rich never risk your health. For it is the truth that health is the wealth of wealth." -- Richard Baker
  4. "There's lots of people who spend so much time watching their health, they haven't got time to enjoy it." -- Josh Billings
  5. "Health has its science, as well as disease. " --Elizabeth Blackwell
  6. "Never go to a doctor whose office plants have died. " --Erma Bombeck
  7. "Isn't it a bit unnerving that doctors call what they do practice? " --George Carlin
  8. "The poorest man would not part with health for money, but the richest would gladly part with all their money for health. " --Charles Caleb Colton
  9. "As I see it every day you do one of two things: build health or produce disease in yourself." --Adelle Davis
  10. "Preserving health by too severe a rule is a worrisome malady." --Francois de La Rochefoucauld
  11. "You can set yourself up to be sick, or you can choose to stay well." -- Wayne Dyer
  12. "Give me health and a day and I will make the pomp of emperors ridiculous." --Ralph Waldo Emerson
  13. "The first wealth is health." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson
  14. "Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and wise." -- Benjamin Franklin
  15. "Health nuts are going to feel stupid someday, lying in hospitals dying of nothing." --Redd Foxx
  16. "Health is not valued till sickness comes." --Dr. Thomas Fuller
  17. "A Hospital is no place to be sick." --Samuel Goldwyn
  18. "Health is not simply the absence of sickness." --Hannah Green
  19. "Keeping your body healthy is an expression of gratitude to the whole cosmos - the trees, the clouds, everything." --Thich Nhat Hanh
  20. "A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses." --Hippocrates
  21. "The groundwork of all happiness is health." -- Leigh Hunt
  22. "The oneness of mind and body holds the secret of illness and health. " --Arnold Hutschnecker
  23. "Health is worth more than learning." --Thomas Jefferson
  24. "We cannot seek or attain health, wealth, learning, justice or kindness in general. Action is always specific, concrete, individualized, unique." -- Benjamin Jowett
  25. "One out of 4 people in this country is mentally imbalanced. Think of your 3 closest friends-if they seem okay, then you're the one." --Ann Landers
  26. "To insure good health: eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life." -- William Londen
  27. "It's no longer a question of staying healthy. It's a question of finding a sickness you like." --Jackie Mason
  28. "Quit worrying about your health. It'll go away." --Robert Orben
  29. "What some call health, if purchased by perpetual anxiety about diet, isn't much better than tedious disease." --George Dennison Prentice
  30. "The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results." -- Anthony Robbins
  31. "Take care of your body. It's the only place you have to live." -- Jim Rohn
  32. "Happiness is nothing more than good health and a bad memory." --Albert Schweitzer
  33. "A man too busy to take care of his health is like a mechanic too busy to take care of his tools." -- Spanish Proverb
  34. "People who overly take care of their health are like misers. They hoard up a treasure which they never enjoy." -- Laurence Sterne
  35. "Measure your health by your sympathy with morning and Spring. " --Henry David Thoreau
  36. "Be careful about reading health books. You may die of a misprint." --Mark Twain
  37. "The art of medicine consists of amusing the patient while nature cures the disease." --François Voltaire
  38. "Our health always seems much more valuable after we lose it." -- Unknown
  39. "Time And health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted." -- Denis Waitley
  40. "Look to your health; and if you have it, praise God and value it next to conscience; for health is the second blessing that we mortals are capable of, a blessing money can't buy." --Izaak Walton
Resource Box - © Danielle Hollister (2004) is the Publisher of BellaOnline Quotations Zine - A free newsletter for quote lovers featuring more than 10,000 quotations in dozens of categories like - love, friendship, children, inspiration, success, wisdom, family, life, and many more. Read it online at -

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The Best Weight Loss Programs For Women

Here are the best weight loss programs for women who are struggling to lose weight. If you're too busy to cook elaborate healthy meals... AND... you're too busy to get to the gym all the time, then read this now to pick up some tips on how to lose weight without having to spend much time on it.
Best Weight Loss Programs for Women
1. The quick diet way
I won't force you to abandon your favorite foods. Instead I need you to do a couple things to get your diet working for you.
First, I want you to use apples as your primary snacks. Eat 3 of them a day. If you make this compromise with me, then you can continue eating your favorite foods at lunch and/or dinner. If you can't even do this simple small thing, then you must think about whether you even deserve to lose weight!
Second, I want you to cook up a 1 pound bag of lentils as a soup. Then, each day for the next 7 days, eat a little of it. The amount of protein and fiber you get in this, especially for the price of about 77 cents for a pound, is nothing short of incredible.
Lastly, eat eggs as often as you can... hopefully daily at breakfast. Besides protein shakes, I consider eggs the best source of protein you can get. They're perfect to eat for breakfast because the protein in them will jumpstart your metabolism.
2. The quick exercise way
If I told you all you that you could lose a lot of weight fast if all you did was give me 5 minutes of your time each day, would you believe me? Probably not... and that's ok. But you can. Here's how... do hindu squats.
You need to know that these 5 minutes probably won't be easy for you. That's because for hindu squats to work great, you need to do them as fast as you can. You don't need weights or anything to do these, just you and your body squatting fast.
Got that... they're bodyweight squats. A general parameter for you to shoot for is to get in at least 100 squats in the 5 minutes. You can take short rest times while doing these, but I advise against it. Push past your tiredness and do these non-stop.
To be sure that you don't cheat this movement and your weight loss, I want you to touch your finger tips to the ground each time you squat down. This will keep you honest so that you squat down far enough. Make sure to keep your back straight and don't hunch over.
There you go... 2 of the best weight loss programs for women that you can mix and match as you see fit so that weight loss progress happens without you having to waste too much of your precious time.
If you're SICK and TIRED of getting the same old boring weight loss advice... you know, like "Eat more fruits and vegetables, drink 8 glasses of water, jog, and Blah Blah Blah", then...
Click to get your FREE EBOOK "How SPINNING Around Like a Child TRIPLES your Weight Loss". A strange, but true, way to LOSE 10 Pounds in 2 Weeks. I'm giving away this ebook today and tomorrow ONLY to anyone who visits my website! So get it before tomorrow night.
If you're truly serious about losing weight, then go to the link below to get your free ebook now. If you don't Lose 10 Pounds... I'd be QUITE surprised!
Jennifer Jolan

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The Benefits Of A Foot Massage

A foot massage is something that almost everyone craves, but very few can actually get. It can be both sensual as well as relaxing. This is a very simple idea that can help to keep even the most on edge person relaxed and at ease. A simple foot massage can relieve many of the tensions of the day and can make you feel revitalized. It can do this in many different ways. It will help to relax the tense muscles in your feet and it will also give you a feeling of relaxation.
In regards to the sensual aspect, there can be many benefits to this as well. A simple foot massage of your loved one will tell them that you care and will help in the creation of an atmosphere of peace. By simply touching and caressing your partner's feet you set the tone and the atmosphere for the time that lies ahead. This simple gesture will let your partner know what you are willing to do for them and how much you care by caressing their feet and letting them take some tension off which will lead to a night of potential romance.
A simple foot massage can be something that is very helpful to those who have high stress jobs or for someone who is on their feet for the better part of their day. This simple tension reliever will lead to not only your feet feeling better, but your mind and soul will be relaxed as well. This simple pleasure will make your whole day better. A simple foot massage helps to sweep the tension away from your body by making your feet feel comfortable and relaxed again which will rejuvenate your entire body. It is a great end to a long day and a wonderful way to start your night. It will send you on your way to a relaxing evening and a good night which will allow you to have a great start to your next day.
A foot massage has many benefits not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. It also helps to relieve the stress as well as provide physical relief. It can relax the muscles and tendons in your feet and help to soothe away those aches and pains that you get from standing on your feet all day. As far as mentally, the fact that someone is pampering you and showing you the affection and attention that you need and crave. It is also just a simple relaxation and stress relief technique that for all intents and purposes allows you just put your feet up. So go home and find someone to give you that foot massage that you so richly deserve or you can go to a massage parlor and let someone else do it for you while receiving some of the other perks of the massage service. It is something that everyone deserves every once in a while or even more so. So go and treat yourself, you deserve it.
Chris Powell has worked for many years as a massage therapist, and has written amazing articles on massages that will educate you about what you absolutely need to know about giving a perfect massage.
You can read more of Chris’s articles about massages at

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Tips For Health And Fitness!

Fitness encompasses your physical and emotional self. When people get physically fit, they are healthy and happy. Read on for some ways to help you end the struggle and start getting fit the right way.
When you have a specific set of objectives leading to a goal, you will have built in motivation for your fitness plans. This helps you see and overcome obstacles without shying away from them. Having goals give you something to work towards.
Maintain a good pace of approximately one-hundred rpm while bicycling. You'll ride faster, but with less strain on your joints. This can be determined by simply counting how many times your right leg goes up every ten seconds, and multiplying that number by six. The resulting number is the rpm you should aim for.
Running can help your overall fitness. It burns calories, creates lean muscle, and helps the heart and lungs, and it may benefit your brain as well. Performing aerobic exercise enriches your blood with oxygen, which is then delivered to your brain. Among those suffering from depression, running has been shown to be as effective a treatment as prescription medications.
When you perform exercises that include such things as pullups or lat pulldowns, your thumb should not be wrapped. Placing your thumb next to your index finger will make you use less arm and more back in the exercises. Doing so is awkward at first, but targets the correct muscles.
When you begin running, it's important to run in three separate segments. Start running at a slower pace and gradually work up to more speed. In the final third, push hard to reach the finish. This pattern improves endurance and total distance over time.
You should feel energized, not exhausted, when you finish your workout. Cardiovascular activities like jogging, swimming, running and cycling are essential to a good workout regimen. Consider including strength training and try to work on different muscle groups each day.
Before running a sprint race you should prepare by working on a faster stride. You may try to run faster by stretching out your front leg when you run. However, when your front foot lands it should be in line with your torso. In order to better propel yourself, push with the toes of your back leg. As you practice and become familiar with the proper form you will find your speed increasing.
Consider unique ways to get fit. You don't have to go to the gym to get a fair amount of exercise. By finding activities that you enjoy, you will not become bored but rather look forward to your exercise.
Improve your contact skills when training for volleyball. Foosball is a great way to improve these. Foosball is fast and competitive, involving quick hand-eye coordination with lighting fast reflexes. Lots of practice will do wonders to enhancing these skills for you, and then you can carry them back to your main sport.
As illustrated in this article, it is certainly within your reach to become more fit, and doing so will make you proud of your accomplishment. You do not have to be ashamed of how badly you are out of shape any longer. If you use these tips, you will find yourself obtaining your fitness goals in no time!
Are you interested in learning more about Professional Massage Tables? Having a massage is a great way to recover after exercise and massage tables are essential for a good massage! Great information and links are available from Jayne's Massage Table website.
Jayne enjoys surfing around the web and reading interesting and bizarre articles and likes to contribute value to the internet through her blogs, articles and posting comments on other people's sites.

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True Laser Teeth Whitening Cost - Hidden Extras

It is easy to get an estimate of a laser teeth whitening cost online or from your dentist, but its true cost may be considerably higher. These hidden factors can greatly increase your overall costs.
Your final cost may well consist of the combination of not so obvious factors involved in this teeth whitening process.
One treatment may not be enough
Although it is expected that you should get your desired white teeth after just one treatment, it has been noted in the medical literature that on average it takes three treatments to make patients happy. Sometimes people need from two to six whitening treatments to achieve their desired effect.
One of the reasons for this may be in the fact that during the laser teeth whitening your teeth are exposed for a prolonged time to a strong heat. This exposure dehydrates teeth. As teeth dehydrate, they get whiter. Thus, your whitening effect is greatest immediately after the laser whitening treatment. As teeth re-hydrate with time, and it can take up to seven days, they tend to revert to their normal darker color.
The dentists know this and therefore recommend further treatments to achieve maximum whiteness.
Add at-home whitening kit
After you have had your laser teeth whitening you will most likely be recommended to follow it with an at-home whitening procedures.
This at-home treatment will be able to compensate for the loss of white color due to teeth re-hydration. Hydrogen peroxide based at-home whitening kits provide further whitening effect.
The other reason for using at-home whitening kits after the laser teeth whitening lies in the fact that during the whitening procedure the dentist needs to isolate your teeth from soft tissues to prevent their damage and discoloration.
Such isolation is more difficult to achieve on the back teeth. That is why laser teeth whitening quite often performed just on the front teeth.
Once the whitening has been completed, your back teeth, especially upper molars, may be prominent when you smile and affect your overall look. To compensate for this, you will need to use an at-home bleaching kit.
You will need to enquire with your dentist if the cost of the kit is included in your laser teeth whitening cost.
Fix your old restorations
The third and not that obvious laser teeth whitening cost is associated with any previous tooth restorations that you may have had.
You have to remember that only natural tooth enamel will whiten and all your previous restorations such as veneers, crowns, bridges etc. will not. So, after you have had a laser teeth whitening procedure they will be considerably darker than your shiny white teeth.
Additional procedures and costs may be required to rectify this problem
These are the three most important factors that you have to keep in mind when calculating your true laser teeth whitening cost.
Discover the secret to whiten your teeth naturally [] and safely for a lot cheaper and conveniently from the comfort of your home: []

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Transform Your Mind, Body and Spirit in Just 30 Minutes a Day

Do you want to lose weight? Is there a particular reason why? Women have several reasons for wanting to lose weight and get into better shape. Sometimes it's because of health problems and the doctor has advised a change in diet and has strongly suggested beginning an exercise program. For other ladies it may be a way to get back into exercising after the birth of a baby or some other deterrence from physical activity. Whatever your reason, getting back into or starting a fitness program begins with inspiration.
Why put it off any longer? Toss aside any doubts you have about yourself and begin today. You can lose weight. You can have a beautifully shaped body.
Believe me when I tell you... all it takes to get in shape is 30 minutes a day. Just 30 minutes of exercise each day, followed by a diet of healthy and delicious foods will put you on the road to success.
When you transform your appearance, the way that you perceive yourself will change too. You will feel confident knowing that you have the power to revolutionize your body and take control of your mind.
Family, friends and foes will notice the new you. Many will give you words of praise, while others may choose to cut you down. You will need to surround yourself with positive attitudes and remember to say your daily affirmations to keep you focused on your goal.
Are you ready for a life-changing experience as you transform not only your body, but your mind and spirit too?
You can do it! Think it, believe it, achieve it!
Karen Ficarelli is the founder of, a diet, exercise program and women's fitness blog, developed especially for women. A mother of three, Karen knows how hard it is to fit exercise into a busy schedule.

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Hair Transplant: Top 10 Useful Tips

Today most of the people are facing acute hair loss problem. The most important cause related to hair loss is genetics and the only treatment is permanent transplant surgery. However, before going for a permanent transplant one should consider these tips.
Learn about today's best transplantation procedure: Before going for hair transplantation do a research by yourself.
You must know about modern hair transplantation procedures like ultra refined grafting, ultra refined follicular unit grafting, micrograft transplant and follicular unit transplantation.
2) Consult with patients: You should discuss with other patients about the procedure of transplantation, merits and demerits of any selected procedure and reputation of the clinic. For this propose you can even use Internet.
3) Choose a surgeon carefully: talent, skill and experience of hair transplant surgeons vary and these get reflected in their works. So choose a surgeon very carefully.
4) Cost of hair transplant procedure: Hair transplant cost depends upon the amount of micrograft transplantation and this differs from centers to centers. If you look for a sophisticated one with fewer invasions, better results and in less time, you might have to pay more. If you are on a tight budget you should opt for an affordable hair transplant.
5) Frontal hair transplants: Today most of the people face frontal hair loss problem. A surgical intervention known as frontal hair transplants can help you overcome this.
6) Be cautious of fake hair growth products: Be aware of hair growth product like "snake oils," as these are not certified by FDA and have no significant contribution to hair growth.
7) Post surgical care: Post surgical care includes vitamin supplements, minerals, balanced diet and volumizing shampoos.
8) Don't divert your mind on myths: Mal nutrition, allergy, or tensions are not among the cause of hair loss. These are just myths. Just go for a permanent hair transplant if you are facing hair loss problem.
9) Tulsa hair transplant center is among the best hair transplant centers. You should consult their surgeons for permanent hair transplant. You can even contact online.
10) Try to know about follicle isolation technique of permanent hair transplant. It leaves no scar on scalp. If it suits your pocket, it is among the best permanent hair transplant methods.
Before going for any decision keep eye on these guidelines for a smooth permanent hair transplant.
We have made the most comprehensive research on the subject of hair loss. Find the results only on the Permanent hair transplant guide []. All about Hair loss [] on []

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The Best Mental Health Counseling - Seven Steps to Stress-Less Success

1) Create a life vision and visit it daily

What I mean by a life vision is this: Where are you going? Where are you going in life? And what are you doing all this for? What's the target? Many people don't have this target or vision in their lives. They're just in motion. They don't really know where they're going.

That's not necessarily the worst thing in the world, but oftentimes what happens to people who don't have a destination or a target, is that they burn out. They don't have any purpose for doing what they're doing. Additionally, when I say visit your vision daily, it's to really think about it and visualize your vision.
It would be great if every morning you gave a couple minutes of thought, or meditation, and visualized your vision; meaning that you actually see yourself living in that fully fulfilled place, wherever it is and in all parts of your life, not only just your world of work but your health and relationships, all parts of your life.

2) Live from the goals that reinforce your vision

If you have goals but they're not in alignment with your vision, or they don't reinforce your vision, then somehow there are some wires crossed and you won't fulfill either your vision or your goals. When there are wires crossed, we oftentimes have what we call a values conflict. And a values conflict can be extremely draining and extremely stressful.

It's time for you to get clear, about your vision and to set the goals that are in alignment with your vision so they really help support and reinforce your vision and help you fulfill your vision. Write them out, and then check in with them occasionally to make sure that you're actually living in alignment with them.

3) Learn and implement your personal boundaries

When you really break it down, boundaries are really about knowing what to say "Yes" to and knowing what to say "No" to, and being very clear about where there needs to be a "Yes" and where there needs to be a "No." Of course, then you need to make sure you follow through with your boundaries.

Some boundaries may be boundaries you just have with yourself, and some boundaries might be boundaries you have with other people, events, situations or scenarios. Boundaries are designed to help keep you in balance and to help keep you healthy and energized. That's the whole purpose of boundaries. If you want more balance and less stress in your life, clearly defined boundaries and implementing those boundaries will help get you there.

4) Participate in supportive communities

I can't emphasize this part enough. We aren't designed to do life by ourselves. We're social beings, yet so many people get into a certain lifestyle pattern and they don't invite other people in to help them or to support them. I want to encourage you to look at your support system and to really evaluate it. This is a great time to take a good look and really inventory your life. If your support system that's lacking, then it's a great time to start beefing that up, because you're going to find that your support communities will really help you to not only achieve your goals, but they'll also help you with things like boundaries.
They'll help you with things like creating a powerful vision. They'll remind you and help hold you accountable, and they'll help you to see your blind spots, those areas that you might not otherwise be aware of.

5) Feed your mind, body, heart and soul

Feed your mind with good thoughts, positive thoughts and with images of success and happiness. Feed your body and take good care of it. Feed your body good food, regular exercise and rest. Make sure your body gets the maintenance that it needs. And your heart, how do you feed your heart? Let me ask you this: What is it that really gets you passionate? What is it that really lights you up more than anything else? Whatever that is, that's your heart energy.

Make sure you're feeding yourself with that heart energy, that passion that may be totally unique to you, but yet it's passion for you. And then your soul, what is your spiritual path? What feeds you spiritually? For some people it might be something as traditional as going to a church service. For other people it might be practicing yoga.
 For others it might be dancing or singing or writing. And for even others, it's going out in nature or watching a sunset. Whatever it is for you, make sure you feed that part of you. Make sure you feed all these parts of you.

6) Keep what is most important most important

There's an old saying that goes like this: The most important thing about the most important thing is to keep the most important thing the most important thing. I know that may sound like a bunch of doubletalk, but it isn't. What this is referring to is what it is that you truly value. This is what defines your boundaries and reinforces your vision and your goals. If there is something you truly value but you don't protect, it's then easy to lose track of your values and get led astray. Know what it is that's most important. Know what it is that you truly value, and then keep and maintain that. Make sure that most important thing is kept the most important thing for you.

7) Consciously breathe, smile and laugh

Breathing is something that we take for granted. We have become a culture of shallow breathers. I discovered this for myself as result of practicing yoga. One of the primary emphases of yoga is on breathing. I personally realized how unconscious I had become about my breathing. But by practicing yoga I began to really tune into my breathing and how big of a difference, a profound difference, it's made in my life to be a conscious breather.

 I encourage you to do the same, whether you take up yoga or not. And then there's smiling. When you smile, you automatically release endorphins, which are the "feel good" neuro-hormones. Smiling will always make you feel good. And laughter, I believe, probably speaks for itself. Laughter is such a wonderful medicine. Laughter is actually probably one of the best natural medicines we can ever engage in.

There you have it: The Seven Simple Steps to Stress-Less Success! NOW, go do it..and love it!
I provide mental health counseling, marriage counseling and relationship counseling to help professionals and their families eliminate stress, maximize success and create extraordinary relationships at home, at work and in the community. As a mental health counselor, marriage counselor and relationship counselor my number one goal is to help people as painlessly a possible complete the therapeutic process.

I've been offering counseling, coaching, and educational programs since 1987. My programs are focused on empowering people to have more successful lives, businesses and relationships.

You'll always find FREE Life and Relationship Success Special Reports at I'm also the author of Marry YourSelf First! Say "I DO" to a Life of Passion, Power, Purpose and Prosperity.

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Depression and Eating Disorders

Eating disorders are caused by abnormal eating patterns. These could be overeating or inadequate food intake. Many people tend to eat more food to suppress extreme emotions and depression. They use the snacks and food indulged in as escape routes to deal with emotional stress or bad relationships. Some common eating disorders are anorexia, compulsive eating, binge eating and bulimia.
These eating disorders are curable if they are detected in time and medical advice is followed. It is also possible to have multiple eating disorders. People who suffer from eating disorders become very weak emotionally. They use food as a medium to relieve themselves. Emotional support is the most essential requirement to treat these individuals.

Self-esteem problems are at the core of many eating disorders. They also play a role in other conditions, such as depression, alcoholism, drug abuse, self-injury and suicide. Depression may precede eating disorders and contribute to their onset. It has also been observed that living with the eating disorder leads to depression.

Depressive disorders are known to affect the way an individual eats, sleeps and feels about himself and others. Without treatment, the symptoms may last for weeks, months or even an entire lifetime. Proper and timely treatment can help to eradicate the cause for depression. Depressive illness often interferes with usual functioning and causes pain and distress.
Psychotherapy, medication or a combination of both is helpful. Psychotherapy involves talking about specific feelings with a qualified professional equipped to help individuals to alter relationships and thoughts.

Medication that treats severe and disabling depression is available. At times, several medicines are tried out before the doctor finds the one that works best. A regular and monitored well-balanced diet is the safest way to battle these disorders and in the bargain deal with depression effectively.
Eating Disorders [] provides detailed information on Eating Disorders, Eating Disorder Statistics, Information On Eating Disorders, Athletes and Eating Disorders and more. Eating Disorders is affiliated with Ordering Phentermine Diet Pills.

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Your Body and Fast Food

Everyone knows that fast food is quick, easy, and can be cheap. However have you ever sat down and read the facts about fast food? There are plenty of reasons why it can be very bad for you. Their products are high in sugar, fat and artificial ingredients. These are not meant to be taken in on a regular basis.
Eating all of these ingredients often cause some bad health issues like heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers. They can also be addicting to some people and if tried to stop can cause withdraw effects. If you are someone who already suffers from heart or digestive issues then you need to determine if fast food is safe for you.
Surveys have provided us with information that snacking causes people to consume at least an extra 300 calories more than they normally would. Extra sugar and food dye is put into some foods to make it look more appealing. Many people in the world believe that this is a big part of why people are becoming over weight. As of 2012 there were 520 million obese people worldwide.
Their food is filled with soy, salt, cheese, and mayonnaise, often deep fried which adds a lot of calories and no nutritional value. Given the high amount of calories in most of the meals provided there it would take a significant amount of exercise to burn off them calories. There are a ton of disadvantages to fast food.
The higher levels of fat and sugar can cause obesity. Studies have shown that people who live closer to a fast food restaurant have a higher tendency to be obese. With the cooking oils and preservatives used in the food to maintain the products make it difficult to shed the fat even if you were to up your activity level it would not help.
Liver damage is a big risk with consuming a lot of fast food. Junk food is filled with trans fat. Trans fat is an artificial ingredient that is put in the food so it can sit for periods of time before being ate. Because of that, as your body is trying to get rid of this fat, it can build up in the liver and cause damage. It is just like being an alcoholic if it is not monitored, it will cause liver failure.
Consuming fast food that is high in sodium and cholesterol regularly can cause cardiovascular diseases. Cholesterol clog's the arteries increasing risk of a stroke or heart attack. This can be caused from having to many fries, sodas, or enriched meats.
In conclusion, you should not eat a lot of fast food. It would be alright to treat yourself to it every once in a while, but it definitely is not a source of nutrition and not something that you would want to try to live on.
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