Showing posts with label benefits. Show all posts
Showing posts with label benefits. Show all posts

Benefits of Massage Shoes

Reasons Why You Should Use a Mini Massager and Massage Shoes at Home
Alternative medicine has become more and more popular due to its remarkable health benefits, traceable results and lack of dangerous side-effects. As a result, giant suppliers have started commercializing different categories of wellness products and accessories, designed to help people alleviate and control chronic pain, reduce stress and enjoy an overall delightful sensorial experience. Massage shoes, massage oils and mini massagers are now two of the most requested items, which have the potential to turn any home into a personal wellness center.
You and millions of other potential buyers might have a lot of questions regarding this exciting topic, like, for instance:
1) Why should I purchase massage shoes?
Massage shoes are considered a great investment by millions of buyers worldwide, because they are accessible, 100% wearable and provide real, traceable health benefits. Check out the impressive selection of high-quality massage shoes currently available on the market, pick a pair and soon you will notice that:
• You no longer have to waste any time trying to massage your aching, sore feet.
• Massage shoes make you feel much more relaxed, active and contribute a great deal to your wellbeing.
• They come in various sizes, styles and colors, so you could definitely find the right pair of massage shoes for all your outfits. You can wear them at home or at the office because they are extremely comfortable and fashionable at the same time.
• Massage shoes are a key element in reflexology (also known as zone therapy) stimulating small surfaces on our feet, which influence the functionality of some of your most important organs. Reflexology represents one of the most promising therapies brought to us by the alternative medicine, which provides long-lasting pain relief, reduces stress, improves our mood and even manages to decrease our appetite.
Reflexology is widely used to treat numerous diseases and conditions without pain and without exposing the patient to a long list of unwanted side-effects. Massage shoes ensure an adequate stimulation, applying just the right amount of pressure on our feet to correct organ imbalances.
2) Why would I invest in a mini massager?
Because mini massagers:
- Are tiny and lightweight and can be easily carried around
- Guarantee an optimal level of tissue stimulation
- Should be used on a daily basis
- Can be used to alleviate chronic pain located in different areas (back, neck, limbs)
If you are frequently bothered by body aches and pains, a mini massager should be considered a top priority on your shopping list. These tiny, lightweight gadgets guarantee deep tissue stimulation, annihilating minor pain and helping you de-stress and relax virtually anywhere. You could use it at home, in your office or during your regular trips. Battery-operated mini massagers always come in handy, and they could easily replace those luxurious spa treatments which cost you a fortune and make you waste a lot of time. In order to experience noticeable health improvements, it is recommended to use the mini massager at least to 2 or 3 times a day, for up to 60 minutes. These devices are FDA-approved and have passed all safety and medical tests; therefore they are considered excellent for personal use and should become your #1 ally in fighting some of your most upsetting pain episodes.

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Top 5 Raw Food Health Benefits

The raw food diet is exploding in popularity. It's estimated that the phenomenon is growing at the rate of approximately 100% per year! And when you examine the health benefits of the lifestyle, it's not hard to see why. Living foods are the healthiest option for humans, and it's the diet our bodies were designed to eat.
Let's look at the top 5 reasons raw is best:
1. Enzymes - Enzymes are necessary for many bodily functions. Enzymes are necessary for digesting food. Raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, and grains contain all of the enzymes needed for digesting them. When those foods are cooked, they lose many of those enzymes, and your body has to provide them. There is evidence that the body only produces a finite amount of enzymes in its lifetime, and aging may accelerate rapidly once the supply begins to dry up. By consuming foods in their living state, you can protect your body's natural supply and potentially live a longer, healthier life.
2. Vitamins - You probably only know that the vitamin content is significantly reduce when food is cooked. By eating foods raw, you will preserve the vitamin content and get far more bang for your buck from the foods you consume. Because the cooking process destroys much of a food's vitamin content, those 5 servings of vegetables the food pyramid recommends may not be enough.
3. Calories - Raw fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, and grains are generally lower in calories than meats and other foods people usually consume. Although there are a few higher-calorie raw foods, most of them can be enjoyed in mostly unlimited quantities without the fear of gaining weight.
4. Antioxidants - Although some antioxidants, like lycopene, may be more effective in foods that are cooked, others may be destroyed during the cooking process. Antioxidants are believed to play a role in fighting cancer and slowing the aging process, and may have may other health benefits that haven't yet been discovered.
5. Additives - Processed foods often have dangerous chemicals and additives that can cause all kinds of health problems. Many processed foods contain chemicals and additives like saccharine, BHA and BHT, MSG, Potassium Bromate, Aspartame, and nitrates and nitrites among others. Hydrogenated vegetable oil is another very dangerous additive. These things should be avoided, and you can easily avoid all of them by simply sticking to a natural diet like the raw food diet.
Many other health benefits can be received from this lifestyle. Some people have reported having minor changes in their appearance, like seeing gray hair turn dark again or seeing their skin clear up dramatically. Others have seen effects such as weight loss, normalized blood sugar levels, lower cholesterol, improvements in arthritis and bursitis, and many others. For many, the diet seems like a miracle. In reality, it's just the type of food humans were meant to eat. We are the only species who cooks their food, and we also have more natural health issues than any other species. It may be a coincidence, but it's one humans probably shouldn't leave up to chance.
Find tons of FREE raw food recipes with photos, raw food weight loss menus, and plenty of information about the raw food diet at Alicia's Raw Food Blog []. If you're interested in losing weight or you just want to improve your health, the raw food diet [] is just what you've been looking for!

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How to Benefit From the Mind-Body Connection

Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of "Love, Medicine and Miracles" was once a distraught surgeon who fretted over his inability to effectively serve his cancer patients. Dr. Siegel's recognition and growing understanding of the mind-body connection eventually allowed him to serve his patients and himself in a greater capacity.
Bernie writes in his book, "When a doctor reports amazing improvements in a patient's condition, he or she almost never mentions that person's beliefs and lifestyle, but when I inquire, I find the patient always has made some drastic change toward a more loving and accepting outlook. The patient seldom tells an unreceptive doctor about this, however."
When the person's mind changed, the state of their health changed. Hence, the importance of the mind- body connection.
However, just covering up the surface with positive thinking isn't necessarily going to help. It's like cleaning out a house. The dirt and filth has to be removed and the stale air replaced with fresh air. There has to be a fundamental change for real healing to take place. Surface level, 'positive thinking' isn't going to effect this kind of change, just like lightly dusting our homes won't get the real dirt out.
So what are the dirty and stale things in our minds? Well, they could be things like grudges, prejudices, anger, resentment and hate. One spiritual principle from religion talks about "loving your enemy". That can't be done without giving up hate. By giving up something bad, we can make room for something good to come in and may, as a result, see a corresponding change in our bodies.
The problem here is that many of these bad things are buried and hidden and we won't necessarily see them or recognize them in ourselves. We can be certain that they are there though, it is a virtually inevitable consequence of living in a world that is so focused on selfishness and less concerned with "loving" others.
So in order to find these bad things and eliminate them requires introspection, it requires looking at oneself hard and long. However, there is still a problem. When we are searching within our minds, we have to have a standard to do the comparison with. Otherwise, how will we find anything? How will it stand out?
Let's look to one of the greatest thinkers of the Western world, Socrates. What did Socrates do with is life? Didn't he teach others about virtue? Interesting, isn't it? One of the most influential people in western thinking emphasized virtue to his students. Socrates talked about things like absolute goodness, beauty and truth.
If someone as great, as well loved and respected as Socrates thought these things were important, perhaps therein lies the key to the mind-body connection. To live a truly healthy and worthwhile life, maybe virtuous thoughts like truth and goodness are what our minds should embrace rather than the negative things modern life finds us clinging too.
Remember what Bernie said, "I find the patient always has made some drastic change toward a more loving and accepting outlook." When we embrace truth and goodness, the beauty of life and this vast universe that we live in becomes evident. That is when we can heal our bodies. Real healing happens in the mind.
This article is for information purposes only, it is not meant to diagnose, prevent or treat any illness or health issue. If you have or think you have a health condition, please visit your primary-care physician immediately.
David Snape is the author of: What You Should Know about Gum Disease ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-9814855-0-8.
You can ask Dave questions at

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