Showing posts with label Diseases. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Diseases. Show all posts

What is Mesothelioma?

Pleural mesothelioma is one of the most common types of lung cancer and is usually brought on by exposure to asbestos. When asbestos is inhaled, the micro fibers pass down the airways and become embedded in the pleura ( the thin outer lining of the lungs). This induces serious scarring and chronic inflammatory lesions on this delicate tissue. Over a period of time these lesions and scars slowly develop into pleural mesothelioma, a deadly form of lung cancer for which there is no definative cure. These asbestos micro fibers sometimes also settle in the abdomen, leading to the development of peritoneal mesothelioma. This type of cancer, although less common, is just as deadly.
Just like asbestosis, pleural and peritoneal mesothelioma usually have a long period of dormancy after exposure before clinical signs start to show. In fact some patients do not show symptoms for 40 years after exposure.
The common symptoms of pleural mesothelioma are:
Coughing up small amounts of blood
Stomach / belly pain
Shortness of breath/ wheezing
Chronic cough
Chronic fatigue
Weight loss
Chest pain
Unfortunately mesothelioma (both pleural or peritoneal) is in most cases fatal. Sadly most patients die within two to three years of diagnosis. However, recently researchers have made great steps in finding useful treatments for the disease.
Available Mesothelioma Treatments are:
Palliative drainage of fluid from the chest (pleural cavity)
Gene therapy
Photodynamic therapy
If you have been diagnosed with asbestosis, mesothelioma, or asbestos exposure-related lung cancer, you could be entitled to compensation, depending on when you were exposed, where you were exposed, and where the companies you believe to be responsible currently reside.
David Barnet writes about personal law issues because he believes people have a right to know all the facts before making a claim. If you are unsure of how to find a lawyer to help you with your claim, then look no further. Use our free information today to help you get on the right road to making a successful claim. Visit our free mesothelioma news and information website today

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Rheumatic Heart Disease Treatment Gifts a Normal Life

With the wide spread use of effective antibiotics, the incidence of this disease has been greatly reduced in recent times. Sadly enough, rheumatic fever that causes the rheumatic heart disease can damage the heart valves wherein they fail to open and close properly.
Types of Rheumatic heart disease treatments
Treatmentdepends on the exact type of the rheumatic heart disease condition. Most commonly blood thinners (coumadin and aspirin) are prescribed to prevent the blood clots.
As the sufferer may be prone to further attacks that cause more heart damage, the doctor may prescribe monthly or daily antibiotic treatment, perhaps for life. The other kind of rheumatic heart disease treatment may involve heart surgery depending upon the extent of valve damage due to rheumatic fever. Implantation of artificial valve or even the opening of an excessively narrowed valve are the more common surgical options involved in the treatment.
Yet another non surgical option is available to those patients who are poor candidates to surgical options and it is called as balloon valvuloplasty. This type of non surgical procedure in rheumatic heart disease treatment will involve snaking a balloon-tipped catheter through the arteries and into the valve, while the balloon is inflated, to let open the leaves of the valve.
Risks posed by lack of Treatment
With the failure to get rheumatic heart disease treatment done, a sufferer may further face the risk of congestive heart failure, abnormal heart rhythm or stroke. The heart valves damaged due to rheumatic fever can pose the problem of backflow and regurgitation of blood- preventing the valves from opening fully. Due to this, pumping of blood becomes less efficient and your heart has to work harder and faster.
Rheumatic heart disease treatment can range from almost nothing to surgery. Dietary changes have a profound impact on many of the prevailing heart diseases.
Role of Omega 3 fatty acids in Heart disease
In addition to following a strict medication program, a rheumatic heart-disease sufferer has to eat a well balanced heart healthy diet that is low in fat, salt and cholesterol. Fish oil fats are good promoters of optimal wellness in us. As our body is incapable of making these fats, we need to get them through our diet. Research studies have shown that the omega 3 fatty acid in fish oil is significant in promoting our heart health.
In fact the fatty acid reduces the occurrence of heart-disease by arresting many risk factors like high blood pressure and high cholesterol. It helps to eliminate the plaque build up in the arteries that can cause heart attack and stroke. Consuming more of these oily fish or taking a refined fish oil supplement should do its bit for our heart fitness.
Dino Ascari is an health expert. He studied biology and is particularity fascinated by the benefits of omega 3 fish oil capsules.
Check out his guide about heart disease treatments.

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5 Diseases Related to Obesity

Everyone knows about several things that come along with being obese such as clothes not fitting right, not being able to ride most of the rides at an amusement park and not being able to be very active. But have you ever stopped to wonder why diseases are related to being obese? Let's take a look at some of them.
High Blood Pressure
It is believed that well over 65 million adults and around 10 million children are affected by obesity in the United States alone. Most suffer from high blood pressure that increases with weight gain and age. Unfortunately, the exact relation between high blood and obesity isn't yet known. What is known is that a weight loss of just eight pounds can reduce the risk of high blood pressure developing.
Obesity results in insulin resistance, which in turn causes type 2 diabetes. It is estimated that ninety percent of all obesity sufferers also contract diabetes. This is because the cells become resistant to insulin. Insulin turns the blood glucose into energy. When diabetes sets the body produces more insulin, but it can never make enough. Diabetes can lead to strokes, kidney disease, coronary heart disease and blindness. A fifteen to twenty pound weight reduction can significantly lower this risk.
Heart Disease
Obesity increases the risk of coronary heart disease, which can lead to a stroke or heart attack. Material called plague builds up and clogs the coronary arteries. Sometimes the heart can't pump sufficient blood and this ends with congenative heart failure. Those that have heart disease are much more likely to have a heart attack or stroke before they are have reached forty-five. Obese teenagers run the risk of an attack or stroke before they reach thirty-five. Apple-shaped figures, that is people who carry their extra weight around their stomachs as opposed to pear-shaped people, whose weight is around their hips and bottoms have an increased risk of heart disease.
High Cholesterol Levels
High cholesterol leads to risk of heart attacks. The cholesterol in one's body produces hormones and vitamin D. The body actually makes all the cholesterol that it needs, but some foods are saturated with it, which increases the level and harms the body. High cholesterol results from low-density lipprotein LDL, which is bad for a person's health. On the other hand, HDL, high-density lipprotein is good. HDL cholesterol takes the blood from the heart to the liver, where it is removed. Balanced levels of both are important for a healthy body. Gallstones are also made from cholesterol in an overweight person.
Obesity raises the risk of cancer. In women it is especially dangerous as it increases the risk factor by fifty percent. Obesity in women account for colon, breast and endometrial cancers. Here are also links to gallbladder, ovary and pancreas cancers too. Again, this can be reduced with a weight loss of a mere twelve pounds. Unfortunately, too rapid weight loss can increase the risk of cancer as well!
Would you like more information? Visit the professionals over at today!

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