Showing posts with label Cream Diet. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cream Diet. Show all posts

Is The Ice Cream Diet For Real Or Too Good To Be True?

By Ron Stucky

This new diet promises that you will lose weight while eating Ice Cream. Is this diet worth trying? Read this review and see if this diet is worth trying out.

We were a bit taken back when we read that the approach with the Ice Cream Diet is one of low caloric intake each day. Aside from your daily allotment of ice cream, you have to stick to mainly fruits, vegetables, lean meats and other high quality protein. What the ice cream represents is a built-in reward system for being disciplined about your diet. There are components of ice cream that contain something of value to the human body. Milk products are a good source of protein, as well as calcium. Therefore, that added dairy component adds more nutrition than you will have if you adhered to other more strict low calorie diets. This can help you to stick with it long enough to get results.

You can find low calorie ice cream, too, and this will add just one more little source of calcium for women which is very important. Some research has shown that adequate levels of calcium are important for losing weight.

People can work against their own efforts simply by consuming too few calories plus eliminating dairy products. What is also covered in the Ice Cream Diet book is why it's important to obtain calcium more from foods than from external supplements. So what you can accomplish with this diet is meaningful weight loss while ensuring your body receives enough calcium each day.

As you may already have figured out, it doesn't matter if you include ice cream in this diet or not. With this diet, men are not allowed to eat more than 2,000 calories per day, and women 1,500. Plus, it's important that you engage frequent and meaningful exercise. The small portion of ice cream you are permitted must fit into this regime. So when you think about it; when you do the exercise and restrict your calories like that; then it really doesn't matter about the ice cream, or chocolate, etc. So you can see that the ice cream in the Ice Cream Diet is purely for marketing reasons.

You can lose weight with the Ice Cream Diet, and you'll have to do your part just like with any other diet. Also, should you decide to "cheat" on the amount of daily ice cream, then don't be surprised if you gain weight or don't lose it. This diet allows you to lose weight, get healthier, and give yourself a daily treat along the way. Cool, we think.

About the Author:

Ron Stucky is a well-known author, he has been writing different blogs on different topics like health,nutrition,supplements etc. Checkout his article on MLM Success and on Nuskin

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