10 Top Body Fitness Tips - Reach For Success Quickly!

Becoming fit is a top priority on most peoples' wish list. The problem is that many do not follow through with their fitness plans and thus fail within the first 3 months of starting a new fitness plan or routine. However when they manage to turn into a regular routine and they stick with it, eventually exercising turns into a habit.
Then something marvellous happens after a number of months - People will start noticing definite improvements in the way they exercise and most importantly they actually see the results in the mirror, seeing the results gives you the will to continue on with the tough exercise regime.
Here are ten straightforward ideas to help you with your health and fitness plan, these body fitness tips will help you succeed quicker.
1. Be Active... Get Yourself Moving!
Decide to be really energetic take up a wide range of physical activities that will actually create muscle, improve cardio efficiency and physical strength.
2. Dig Deep... Find Your Energy Levels.
Look to work on physical exercises that involve using the bigger muscle groups of your entire body, thus obtaining better fitness overall.
3. Let Your Muscles... Walk The Talk.
Use your body exercise routine to work those muscles, keep lifting those kilos and employ resistance workout routines to put your muscles through their paces.
4. Take It Easy... Chill Man!
Warm up properly, you will need to stretch those muscles regularly and efficiently - especially before and after your fitness training, stretching is also very beneficial during regular exercise. Make sure to work on moving your muscle mass over it's full-range consistently.
5. Succeed In Losing Weight... 
Decide on the weight levels you are looking to achieve it is a good idea to have a target to aim for. In cases where you want to shed considerable weight, a broad rule to follow would be to eat less and workout a lot more (all in controlled situations and in moderation of course).
6. Watch Your Eating Habits!
Consume your daily food intake for fitness sensibly. First-rate nutrition is equal to a sound body. An excellent eating routine includes giving your entire body all the required vitamins and minerals in appropriate volumes. Do this correctly it will save you an awful lot of sweat and tears!
7. Relaxation Point.
Determine to maintain certain situations of your life in proper perspective look at things from varying standpoints. Understand that you will not be able to completely control certain aspects of life. Do not feel "overwhelmed" about things that you are unable to change. Look to benefit from these unexpected events and learn from them positively this will help you relax more.
8. Sleep Benefits... Sweet Dreams!
Yes this may be very basic, but you'll be surprised how many people ignore this advice - get enough sleep. Often this fundamental guideline regarding the amount of uninterrupted sleep you may need is vital to enable you to feel super-recharged, attentive and in relative good state of mind for the next day. Uninterrupted sleep really helps you recuperate as well as restore your entire body both physically and mentally.
9. Maintain Focus On The Target At Hand.
Make sure to create time for you to follow your workout activity on a consistent basis. Being consistent will earn it's rewards as mentioned earlier seeing the results quickly will definitely help with motivation. Try to focus on the lean muscle you're exercising. Please don't just go through the motions without putting the sweat and effort in. You will be glad that you paid special attention to this when you see the spectacular results after a few short months.
10. Remember... It May Not Always Be Plain Sailing!
Remember that nothing is given to you on a plate! A little work is needed to successfully execute a plan, choose your daily diet and lifestyle options carefully. For example, quit smoking. Keep tabs on your weight levels. Steer clear of the latest and most up-to-date gizmo's in addition give the miraculous creams and exercise equipment a miss, they appear to be far too beneficial to be true (many always are!).
Looking for more improvements and body fitness tips visit our site where you can see how TV and movie personalities like Alex O'Loughlin's Workout from Hawaii Five-O use their workout routines to keep in shape. Click on following link to visit our site at http://squidoo.com/alex-o-loughlin-workout/

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7271209

How to Benefit From the Mind-Body Connection

Dr. Bernie Siegel, author of "Love, Medicine and Miracles" was once a distraught surgeon who fretted over his inability to effectively serve his cancer patients. Dr. Siegel's recognition and growing understanding of the mind-body connection eventually allowed him to serve his patients and himself in a greater capacity.
Bernie writes in his book, "When a doctor reports amazing improvements in a patient's condition, he or she almost never mentions that person's beliefs and lifestyle, but when I inquire, I find the patient always has made some drastic change toward a more loving and accepting outlook. The patient seldom tells an unreceptive doctor about this, however."
When the person's mind changed, the state of their health changed. Hence, the importance of the mind- body connection.
However, just covering up the surface with positive thinking isn't necessarily going to help. It's like cleaning out a house. The dirt and filth has to be removed and the stale air replaced with fresh air. There has to be a fundamental change for real healing to take place. Surface level, 'positive thinking' isn't going to effect this kind of change, just like lightly dusting our homes won't get the real dirt out.
So what are the dirty and stale things in our minds? Well, they could be things like grudges, prejudices, anger, resentment and hate. One spiritual principle from religion talks about "loving your enemy". That can't be done without giving up hate. By giving up something bad, we can make room for something good to come in and may, as a result, see a corresponding change in our bodies.
The problem here is that many of these bad things are buried and hidden and we won't necessarily see them or recognize them in ourselves. We can be certain that they are there though, it is a virtually inevitable consequence of living in a world that is so focused on selfishness and less concerned with "loving" others.
So in order to find these bad things and eliminate them requires introspection, it requires looking at oneself hard and long. However, there is still a problem. When we are searching within our minds, we have to have a standard to do the comparison with. Otherwise, how will we find anything? How will it stand out?
Let's look to one of the greatest thinkers of the Western world, Socrates. What did Socrates do with is life? Didn't he teach others about virtue? Interesting, isn't it? One of the most influential people in western thinking emphasized virtue to his students. Socrates talked about things like absolute goodness, beauty and truth.
If someone as great, as well loved and respected as Socrates thought these things were important, perhaps therein lies the key to the mind-body connection. To live a truly healthy and worthwhile life, maybe virtuous thoughts like truth and goodness are what our minds should embrace rather than the negative things modern life finds us clinging too.
Remember what Bernie said, "I find the patient always has made some drastic change toward a more loving and accepting outlook." When we embrace truth and goodness, the beauty of life and this vast universe that we live in becomes evident. That is when we can heal our bodies. Real healing happens in the mind.
This article is for information purposes only, it is not meant to diagnose, prevent or treat any illness or health issue. If you have or think you have a health condition, please visit your primary-care physician immediately.
David Snape is the author of: What You Should Know about Gum Disease ISBN: ISBN: 978-0-9814855-0-8.
You can ask Dave questions at http://tobeinformed.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/18814

Hair Loss Basics For Black Hair

Hair loss poses a problem for all nationalities, but if you are of African descent there are special issues you need to be concerned with to prevent hair loss. Even though this subject is not written about often, here we will expose the issues anyone with black type hair should be aware of.
Hair types People of African descent have a different type of hair from other nationalities. The hair or hair follicle is tightly curled so it produces a hair that spirals. It is a larger diameter hair than Caucasian hair and has a tendency to retain less water, causing it to be "kinky." Because of this fact, many hair styling procedures can be of great concern for anyone facing hair loss.
Black hairstyles cause extreme stress on the hair and scalp, but fortunately Black hair in general is very strong. Using a pick to create a bushy or Afro style is very damaging to the hair follicle because of the constant pulling and tugging on the hair shaft. Creating such stress adds to the dryness of the hair.
Pulling the hair in too tight to the head by cornrowing or braiding can add extreme stress on the hair and scalp. This stress can cause traumatic alopecia resulting in hair loss. Traumatic alopecia is usually temporary and can be reversed by taking proper care of the hair.
Treatments Straightening the hair by using hot combs or relaxers can cause chemical and heat damage to the hair and scalp. This again could cause temporary traumatic alopecia and eventually permanent loss of hair. This can be especially true when pulling the hair tight by using a hot curling iron or curlers.
One treatment that is excellent for Black hair is hot oil conditioners. This treatment uses polymers and proteins to help repair the hair follicles. The process consists of heating the oil and applying it to the scalp and hair, then covering the head with a plastic cap to allow the oil to soak in. Hot oil treatments can help to heal breakage and will cause the hair to be stronger and shinier.
One very damaging product that is commonly used is relaxers. Most relaxers contain lye, which is also used in products like Drano to break down hair in hair clogged pipes. If this type of product was left on the hair too long, it would eat right through the hair and it would fall out in clumps. Even no-lye relaxers can contain calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate to produce guanidine hydroxide, which is caustic enough to clean sinks with like lye.
These caustic products can cause the loss of hair and if continued long enough could cause permanent hair loss. There are all natural relaxers on the market now that do not pose such harmful chemical reactions to the hair and scalp.
This is just a few tips to stop hair loss and help to re-grow your hair. You can learn how to use less than $15 of grocery store items to stop hair loss and re-grow hair at Hair Loss Prevention and Re-growth [http://hairloss.kteweb.com] Information found at [http://hairloss.kteweb.com]

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2532494

Don't Give Up on Your Health Care Opportunity

Ever considered a career in nursing? Feeling your opportunity to be in the health care industry has passed? Well, don't count yourself out just yet. You could be just a few steps away from earning an online nursing degree.
The great news about online nursing degrees is that you might be able to graduate in the equivalent of a year and a half of traditional college. How exciting it would be to have a bachelor of science degree in just three semesters! And just think of the possibilities!
Once you have finished your degree, you can go anywhere. Nurses are in high demand. You can choose from many different types of work, including nursing homes, home health agencies, hospitals, and doctors offices, as well as many other places. It is really a wide open field, and no matter what the economy does, nurses are always needed.
In order to break into this wide open field, you should look for certain important aspects of a nursing program. First and foremost, you need to make sure that the online college you choose to take your nursing program from is accredited. An accredited school is very important for your future employment. Employers want to see that you have gone to a school with the correct credentials.
You will also want to find out exactly what is required from the college you enroll in. You may want to find several that you are interested in so that you can compare all their requirements as well as the price involved.
If you will be working while earning your degree, you will also want to take notice of how flexible the classes are. If you can only get online in the evening, you will want to make sure that your classes can be taken when you are available. Maybe you have different times a day when you can work on your lessons. If this is the case, you need to make sure that your classes can be taken whenever you have the opportunity.
No matter what your specific situation, there is almost certainly a college that you can work with. If you start now, you will be amazed at how quickly you can earn your nursing degree online. As a nurse you will have opportunities that you may have never before dreamed. So, get to your search engine and start looking. You're only a few semesters away from a rewarding career!
For more great information about an online college degree [http://www.youronlinedegreecenter.com/], and business degrees online [http://www.youronlinedegreecenter.com/12/business-degrees-online/] visit our site today.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4793609

The Relationship of Stress and Illness and Diseases Caused by Stress

After a lot of research it has been established that there is a clear relationship between stress and diseases. In this article, you'll learn about the illnesses and diseases which can be caused by continuous stress. These illnesses include cardiovascular, immune system, diabetes, ulcers and digestive disorders.
Most of these diseases and disorders are caused by the disturbances or imbalances of the hormones in your body. For example, adrenaline hormones help your body in various ways, however when more of this hormone is produced and supplied to the body, it increases your blood pressure. If the blood pressure remains high on continuous basis, it can cause various heart complications. It can harden the arteries which can cause problems with blood supply. It can also build up plaque in the arteries which can block blood supply. The blood pathways can also be narrowed to complicate blood flow. All these issues can later cause heart diseases and heart attack.
You immune system is also an important part of your body to protect you from various diseases and infections. The stress can also affect the immune system which can compromise the defense system built up by this system. In your body, thymus gland produces white blood cells known as T-cells which regular your immune system. When your body goes through continuous stress, the immune system is deprived of many essential resources including nutrients and many others. Thus your immune system is unable to provide strong enough defense against viruses and bacteria to protect you from different diseases.
Stress also plays its role in diabetes. Diabetes is caused by the insulin resistance of the body. With diabetes, body is unable to metabolize sugar properly which causes high sugar levels in the blood. You body uses a hormone called insulin which helps process the sugar from the body and regulates the blood sugar level. Under chronic stress, more adrenal hormone is released which pushes more sugar in the blood, which in turn requires more insulin to regulate it. However, there comes a time when the insulin is unable to regulate these high levels of sugar which causes diabetes.
Ulcers are also commonly caused by continuous stress. This is the breakage of the stomach lining. When you eat something, different digestive acids are produced to digest the food. Your stomach has a lining of the mucus to protect the walls from these acids. However, stress causes overproduction of the stomach acids up to a level which is not bearable by the mucus of the stomach lining. At this excessive acid production stage, the stomach walls are quite vulnerable to damage which causes ulcers.
Another disease which is related to stomach and is caused by stress is the digestive disorders including constipation and diarrhea etc. When you eat food, the brain sends messages to the stomach, in the form of hormones, to digest the food properly. When you're under continuous stress, the brain is unable to send proper messages due to hormonal imbalances in the body. That's why the food is not properly digested and it causes many different problems.
All of these chronic diseases caused by stress can be avoided or controlled effectively, if you know how to manage stress and keep it at a healthy level. You can manage stress at your own by learning about it from different resources and then applying those techniques on continuous basis.
Ahmad Shahzad writes on self help topics including stress, anxiety, anger and nutrition etc. He manages ThinkGalore.com which is a complete self help guide. He also runs a free stress support newsletter.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7811226

Ladies Shoes - Beauty is Pain?

Ladies shoes are so beautiful, it is painful, literally. Ladies will wear uncomfortable ones even though they are killing their feet. Beauty is pain, right? And sometimes the perfect pair is worth the pain for that special occasion. However, do not give up on finding a beautiful pair that are comfortable as well. You can find ladies shoes that are comfortable.
Ladies love shoes so much that they will wear them even if they hurt their feet. Ladies will go through immense pain for beauty. Most ladies love to look beautiful and most men love to look at beautiful ladies. The right shoe can make a lady even more beautiful too. A ladies shoe can make or break an outfit. So ladies will go through the blisters for the right ladies pair. A women's collection will last her for years as well. Shoes are a great investment, which will make the love even stronger.
Ladies love all styles of shoes. A lady does need many different types of shoes. You need shoes for work, exercise, and play. Plus, you need a few more just in case. Then the other shoes in your collection are not there because of necessity they are there because of desire. It is amazing how strong some ladies love for shoes can be. It can turn into an obsession for some. Try not to let it turn into an obsession. Buy the lady shoes, but make sure you are not neglecting any other areas in your life.
Know that you can find comfortable shoes that are stylish though. You do not have to give up style for comfort. Just keep shopping until you find a pair that are both comfortable and cute. Try on plenty of shoes. The more you try on, the more likely you will find the perfect pair. Walk all around the shoe store in the cute ladies shoes. Do not buy them unless they feel good. Remember, you do not have to buy shoes that are painful, unless you want to. Some shoes are just too beautiful to pass up, but then you should only wear them to the movies or someplace where you are sitting a lot. Think about your feet.
Ladies shoes have caused many ladies pain over the years. Pain is the price paid for such beauty. A beautiful shoe that matches your outfit perfectly is too hard to pass up. However, know that you do not have to be in pain, if you do not want to. Keep shopping for the perfect ladies walking shoe that is comfortable. Think about your feet a little more when you buy ladies shoes.
Comfortable ladies shoes [http://www.ladiesshoe.net/2010/04/where-to-buy-ladies-shoes.html] with style can be yours. You just have to have patience. Keep looking for the right shoe. Does designer or inexpensive shoes matter when it comes to comfort? Not necessarily. So you might as well buy both designer ones and cheap ones. You can find a great deal on a pair of designer shoes. You just have to buy your designer ladies shoes [http://www.ladiesshoe.net/] in the right shoe stores.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/4162970

Simple Tips To Treat Your Acne Problem

Acne is a sign of unhealthy skin. There are many factors that can lead to the growth of acne on your face. Fortunately, there are many remedies that you can use right from your own house. There are many acne products that you can find easily in the market. However, some of them may contain dangerous chemical compounds. You need to choose your acne treatment very carefully. In this article, I will show you some ideas that you can use to remove your pimples fast.
1. Avoid direct sunlight
You should know that the direct sunlight may cause your acne problem to get worse. The UV rays from the sunlight will accelerate the growth of your acne. When you go outside, you need to apply sun cream that can protect your skin from sunlight.
2. Take zinc supplement
If you have pimples on your face, you should consume the right medication or supplement to get rid of them easily. Zinc is a great vitamin that is very useful to treat your acne. It decreases free radicals under your skin. Take a zinc supplement daily, and this supplement will help you to destroy your acne.
3. Control your stress level
Try to control your stress levels. Many experts believe that stress can cause acne. You can control your stress levels by avoiding things that cause you stress. This will help you with your acne problems. This action can help you to clear up your skin without using medications. Reducing your stress level has many benefits for you and your health. You can reduce your stress level through meditation, relaxation, exercise, yoga, and many more.
4. Try to avoid living in too hot or too cold environment
Living in a city with extreme climate, either too hot or too cold, can stimulate the acne breakouts. If you're living in a city with hot climate, you will sweat more, and it can lead to skin irritation by clogging the pores of your skin. When it happens, your acne will grow rapidly. You should not live in a city with very cold climate because cold weather will dry your skin and create skin irritation. It will also stimulate your acne to grow more rapidly.
5. Avoid unnecessary cosmetic
Using cosmetic that contains synthetic chemical compounds may stimulate the acne growth. You should only use cosmetic when you really need to use it. Don't use cosmetic everyday since it tends to clog your pores when you use it. Avoid this cosmetic to keep your pores clear and clean.
There are many acne treatments out there that offer you their best products. Before you buy one of their treatments, visit this website to read more acne treatment reviews [http://newacnetreatmentreviews.com/]. Here you can find many acne treatment that you can use to treat your acne problem. You can learn how to get rid of pimples fast [http://newacnetreatmentreviews.com/how-to-get-rid-of-pimples-fast/] in this website.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7105832

Food Lover Fat Loss System Review - Can You Eat Your Favorite Foods & Lose Weight Simultaneously?

Food lover fat loss system allows you to eat all your favorite foods between your dieting sessions to attain a slimmer waistline every single week. It is designed by one of the most popular weight loss coach called Robert Ferguson. This food system optimizes your glycemic profile and converts your body from fat strong mode to fat burning mode. It also keeps your blood sugar levels at par. This diet plan teaches you to keep the metabolism higher by eating your favorites foods.
Robert Ferguson teaches you how to eat your favorite foods to lose weight. You can easily eat chocolates, candy bar, pancakes etc. during this diet plan. Most people undergo starvation mode for losing weight. They follow extreme low calorie diet plans, which can be extremely harmful for your body. It is always advisable to try out healthy methods for losing weight. Some diet plans allows you to cheat your body deliberately by allowing you to indulge in various foods, which you love but they are not as effective as this diet plan in terms of burning fats.
Importance of Food lover Fat Loss System
* You can lose weight by learning little about your metabolism in food lover fat loss system. You should know the difference between slow carbs and fast carbs. It teaches you to eat the same food you are eating now in a way which allows you to loose weight instead of gaining weight. This plan doesn't include pre packaged food, calorie counting and starvation. Food lover fat loss system is all about boosting carbohydrate metabolism for losing fats.
* Acai berry diet is another nutrition plan, which can boost metabolism and make you loose weight healthily. Its unique mood enhancing properties can keep you motivated throughout your weight loss session.
* Fat loss can also be stimulated in your body by performing colon cleansing. There are various methods such as juice fasting and enema for cleaning up your colon, which consequently diminish those stubborn abdominal fats.
Try the Dynamic Duo for Weight Loss & Total Body Detox !
Click Here For Free Trial ---> Acai Berry Diet
Get additional information or to request one of the FREE Acai or FREE Colon Cleanse samples.
FREE offers are for a limited time only so get yours today!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2401337

5 Reasons You Should Get a Relaxing Aromatherapy Massage

Nature has bestowed countless gifts to mankind. While some are abundant and easily accessible, others lay hidden to be discovered. Out of these precious natural elements are the numerous and varied herbs and flowers that contain certain essential oils packed with health benefits. While some can be ingested, others can be directly absorbed in the body through skin to gain their benefits.
There are many different types of essential oils, each different in its composition and hence in the benefits that can be procured from it. Some essential oils can be mixed together to make oil blends which are then used to gain specific health benefits. Let's learn what the different advantages of aromatherapy massage are.

  • One of the most essential benefits of aromatherapy massage is relaxation of the mind and the body. If you are feeling mentally and physically stressed, then aromatherapy using specific oil blends can really help you relax. This fact has been established through the research done at the University of Maryland Medical Centre. After the massage, you will come out feeling relaxed and calm. The essential oils that are used for this purpose are vanilla, lavender, sandalwood, chamomile, rose, orange blossom etc. Many certified aromatherapy centers will let you choose between the different oil blends to suit your preferences.

  • The other most common reason for which aromatherapy massage is preferred is because it helps in the relief of pain. The gentle massage promotes blood circulation throughout the body, and because the essential oils get absorbed into the bloodstream, they reach the different parts of the body and help in the recovery of tissue and aids in curing inflammation. Clove, rosemary, sweet birch, cypress are more commonly used for this purpose.

  • Aromatherapy also helps in enhancing the sleeping patterns; therefore, people who suffer from lack of sleep or insomnia should opt for aromatherapy massage using grapefruit, sweet orange, English lavender and patchouli. They act as anti-depressants and calming agents, the person is able to relax after the massage and is able to sleep restfully.

  • Another benefit of aromatherapy massage is that it helps in rejuvenation. Rejuvenation is different from relaxation. Essential oils have the ability to be absorbed not only within the skin for hydration, but also reach the blood stream from where it is transported to all parts of the body and that includes all the joints and even the mind. Oils like grapefruit, orange blossom, mint, rosemary and lemon are uplifting properties. Together these oils enliven the mind and provide energy to the body. This is because they are able to release the hormone noradrenalin which helps in sustained attention effectively.

  • Lastly, the essential oils also helps in curing digestive problems and in controlling the appetite. For example, Fennel and Patchouli both have the ability to suppress appetite. Besides, they can also help in detoxifying the body. Fennel, especially, possesses this quality and so does orange blossom.
Aromatherapy essential oils massage has a lot of benefits. However, care should be taken that in some conditions it is not allowed, therefore before going for aromatherapy massage, do consult your doctor.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7780494

Foods That Whiten Your Teeth

Green tea contains anti-microbial molecules called catechins that keep bacteria away. It is necessary to drink tea without sugar. It contains polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that prevent plaque, helps reduce dental caries and gum disease. Periodontal diseases are chronic inflammation of the gums and bone that support the teeth. Also, green tea solves the bad breath problem. Substances in green tea inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for halitosis. Tea is a natural source of fluoride, ideal for children to strengthen tooth enamel. Drink green tea regularly, several times a week to keep your teeth away from cavities.
Strawberries are extremely tasty and help whiten your teeth. They contain enzyme called Malic acid, which is found in some toothpastes. Strawberry fibers act as a natural cleaner by removing bacteria from the teeth. You can make a puree with strawberries cut in half. Let them act on the teeth for 1-2 minutes and then rinse with water. Mix strawberries with a teaspoon orange shell and baking soda. Sugar and fruit acids from this fruit alter the teeth. It is recommended to use toothpaste that contains fluoride after this treatment. Long term can be an excellent alternative to using home bleaching kits.
Grated carrot has on teeth and gums a bleaching toothpaste effect. Mixing with saliva, adjust the pH in the mouth, creating an unfavorable environment for bacteria. Carrot eliminates mouth odors, cleans and disinfects. Carrot juice is composed of a combination of elements that nourish the whole body, being rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, C, D, E, G and K. A half liter of carrot juice is more effective than 20 calcium tablets.Eating carrots help clean the teeth, acting as a natural abrasive and improve gum health. Minerals in carrots help to destroy bacteria and protects your teeth from stains. In this way, it is no need to use whitening kits, bleaching strips or trays.
Milk and cheese protects teeth from decay. Calcium and phosphate in cheese along with saliva in the mouth prevent teeth enamel erosion. Milk neutralizes the acidic pH of the mouth, prevents bacteria from tooth enamel and leads to enamel remineralization. Minerals (calcium and phosphorus), protein, fat existing in milk are highly effective and protective factors. 
Probiotic products contain a protein that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates immunity. Hard cheese is best for teeth whitening because removes food particles. Therefore, it is good that at the end of each meal to consume dairy products (containing calcium). High percentage of fat in cheese helps also the body to absorb calcium.

Other foods that help remove plaque and whiten our teeth: basillemon juiceapple (teeth cleaning), mintcelery (whitens teeth), cauliflower (stimulates saliva), parsley (freshens breath).

You can take a look to other natural supplements like triphala churna benefits, what is triphala and how can be used amla powder for hair care.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7339543

Mental Health Awareness Month and Mental Illness Awareness Week - Free Depression or Anxiety Tests

May is Mental Health Awareness Month, during which the free National Anxieties Disorders Screening Day is held. Consider what Kim Bassinger, Marc Summers and football great Earl Campbell have in common. They have all suffered from an anxiety disorder, America's most common mental illness. According to the National Institute for Mental Health, nearly a quarter of the American adult population will suffer from an anxiety disorder at some time in their lives. Unlike normal worries, these individuals can experience a variety of symptoms which can include spontaneous panic attacks, endlessly checking and rechecking their actions, persistent, uncontrollable worry and social anxiety, which interferes with their lives.
The symptoms of anxiety disorders are characterized by fear and anxiety that appear for no apparent reason. Anxiety disorders include Panic Disorder, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), Social Phobia, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Left untreated, these conditions often become accompanied by depression, substance abuse and suicidal thoughts. Although most sufferers never connect with appropriate treatment, effective treatments do exist, which can offer relief within a relatively short period of time.
The first week of every October is designated as Mental Illness Awareness Week, during which the National Depression Screening Day is held. Consider what Abraham Lincoln, Ernest Hemingway, and Brooke Shields have in common. They have all suffered from clinical depression. 

Depression and manic-depression strike more than 17 million Americans each year, according to figures from the National Institute of Mental Health. Fewer than half, however, actually seeks treatment, despite the fact that treatment can help 80 - 90 percent of those affected.
Common symptoms of depression include feelings of hopelessness, worthlessness, restlessness and irritability, changes in sleep and appetite, loss of energy and thoughts of death or suicide. Manic-depression includes feelings of euphoria or agitation. Clinical depression is more than just the 'blues. It is a real, pervasive condition that even has the potential to be life threatening. 
A sufferer has no better chance to "just snap out of it" than someone, for example, with a seizure disorder simply controlling their attacks.The screenings initiatives are invaluable opportunities for people, who might otherwise be timid about discussing their concerns or symptoms, to do so without feeling pressured.

Click HERE to watch the online video: "The Pain of Depression - A Journey Through the Darkness" For more information about National Depression Screening Day and National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day visit my website, http://www.ThePsychologist.com/yearly.htm You can also find information about free, online / in-person screenings for clinical depression and anxiety.
Gerald Solfanelli is a Pennsylvania licensed psychologist and certified hypnotherapist in full-time private practice, who has participated with the National Anxiety Disorders Screening Day and the National Depression Screening Day, since 1997.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/1152703

5 Tips to That Help Depression, Anxiety and Stress

Here are 5 tips that help with stress, depression and anxiety. These are all natural things that you can do without seeing a doctor. They could help you beat your problems naturally.

1. Exercise Regularly
Exercise causes the release of endorphins that are helpful for both depression and anxiety. Exercising regularly will also reduce allow you to de-stress. When you need to blow off some steam, go for a walk, drive to the gym or do some yoga stretches. You can do yoga stretches in just a few minutes to relieve work-related stress and you won't even work up a sweat.
2. Do Deep Breathing Exercises
Many people are naturally shallow breathers. Training yourself to totally fill your lungs will help with anxious feelings and nervousness. Deep breathing exercises can be used to stop an anxiety attack. Simply breathe in for a count of 4. Hold the breath for a count of 4 and exhale slowly for a count of 4. This exercise stops the production of adrenalin and naturally relaxes your body.
3. Watch What You Eat
Some foods contain small amounts of nutrients that have some anti-depressant and anti-anxiety activity. Small amounts of tryptophan for example are found in turkey and cheese. Salt on the other hand can make you feel more anxious by raising your blood pressure. Processed foods and simple carbohydrates may make you feel sluggish and depressed because of their effects on your blood sugar levels.
4. Watch What You Drink
While a little alcohol might help you relax, it can also cause you to feel depressed. Excessive alcohol intake contributes to anxiety and depression. It also puts stress on your liver and other bodily organs.
Caffeine is a drug. Some doctors believe that many people are being treated with drugs for anxiety when they are actually suffering from caffeinism.
A small amount of caffeine can give you a boost. But many people are consuming a lot more than they should. Caffeine is a stimulant that causes your body to release adrenalin. Adrenalin is the main cause of panic attacks.
5. Increase Your Nutrient Intake
Depression and anxiety are symptoms of many different kinds of nutritional deficiencies. While you might think that your diet is giving you enough nutrients, you are probably missing out on some of the more important ones.

Omega-3 fatty acids for example are lacking in the typical American diet. The essential healthy fats are found primarily in fatty fish like tuna and salmon. Unless you are eating at least two servings of salmon, tuna or another fatty fish every week, you are not getting enough of a specific omega-3 called DHA.
Low blood levels of DHA are associated with an increased risk of depression. Fish oil supplements have proven to be beneficial for people with depression, anxiety and attention deficit disorders. The brain needs DHA to function properly.
5-HTP is another beneficial nutrient. It is not found in large enough quantities in foods to work as an anti-depressant. Supplements containing 5-HTP and other beneficial nutrients are available. Those supplements can help you fight depression, stress and anxiety naturally.

Please click the How to Treat Depression, Stress and Anxiety Naturally link below in the resource author box.
Thanks for reading the article. There is a lot more health information tips on my website - all free. I would like to invite you to visit http://www.HealthyBodySupplements.com - Treat Depression, Stress and Anxiety Naturally

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7628149

Lose Weight and Maintain Beauty at the Same Time - How?

Health and beauty are two aspects which cannot be separated. It effects and pulls each other like a sea-saw, and it is undoubted. To maintain absolute beauty, health has to be retained first. When a person is naturally beautiful, it all starts with the inside. In this case, to be healthy means to have the ideal body and weight. Why? Overweight will not only drop self-confidence, but it will also endanger health. 
Diabetes, stroke, heart attacks, they all come from obesity. Many people are seeking ways in which they can pump both aspects in a simple way, and there is no other simpler way than intermittent fasting.

Losing weight is probably one of the most crucial activities for some people. Everyone tries hard to lose weight and gain muscle to be able to get the ideal weight they want and also shape. With the right weight and size, health is already maintained. Through intermittent fasting, achieving this goal is not a hard process. People will simply lose weight and keep muscle mass easier and faster. This is caused by the increased burning enzyme when people fast, so fasting with a little combination of workout will result fabulously.

Short-term fasting absolutely differs from diet fads. People experiencing with intermittent fasting has no problem at all with energy and productivity. Fasting will not slow down metabolism. 
One of the great things about fasting is that it is fortunately effectively for health and beauty. By fasting, it can actually increase antioxidant and neutralize toxic inside the human body. So ladies, this is a good combination of fat loss and natural beauty treatment.

Losing weight, muscle building, and maintaining beauty at the same time is more than anything can offer. Intermittent fasting is the safest, easiest, and fastest way in achieving all like a dream come true.
Health will always be our treasure, so find out more about losing weight and be healthy Now!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3060408

Acne Scar Treatment - Facts You Should Know

You may have to patiently investigate different treatments in order to find the right one for your unique acne scars. Remember, what works for one person isn't always the best solution for another. The severity of your scarring, and the type of scars that have developed, will determine which method of treatment is best for you. To help you make the right choice, especially if your scars are severe, you should consult with a dermatologist and get his or her opinion as to the correct treatment. The most effective treatment techniques available today for acne scarring will be the main point of this article.
The different types of acne scars have been identified and named, so it's easy to identify which types you are afflicted with. By far the most common scars left by acne are called Icepick scars, due to their distinct appearance as punctures made by an icepick. Treating icepick scars is difficult because they tend to be very deep.
Boxcar scars, on the other hand, are usually shallower than icepick scars, and can be identified by their round or oval shape and sharp edges. Rolling scars are those that appear wavelike, or rolling, on the skin. These are the most common scar patterns and, whichever one you have, will determine which kind of treatment you will require.

If you can eliminate the conditions that cause your acne to scar, that's the best solution to solving the acne scarring problem. It's always best to remember that an active acne attack won't always result in scars. Nevertheless, preventing scars from forming isn't always straightforward or easy. Whenever you realize that an acne attack is commencing, immediately start a treatment routine to clear it up. 
It's not wise to ignore the acne with the hopes that it will clear up by itself. Sometimes an acne outbreak will disappear on its own, but take matters into your own hands and treat the problem so it will clear up faster and with better results. Indeed, it's very important that you don't cause your acne to become inflamed. Be careful what you do so you don't inadvertently cause more scars. Don't delay visiting your dermatologist immediately if you want to get started on a good treatment plan that will reduce the risk of scars whenever you have a severe outbreak of acne.

One acne treatment is collagen injections. When the collagen is injected into the acne scar area, the scars are not as noticeable Your dermatologist or a plastic surgeon, is who you would go to for a collagen treatment. It's a good idea to get the opinion of your dermatologist to see if he or she recommends collagen injections if you are seriously considering this option. It could be that other surgical procedures may be more suited to your particular case. How deep your scars are, and the type of scars you have, would be the determining factors. 
Dermabrasion is another surgical procedure that has been successful. A fine wire brush effectively rotates on the surface of your skin, removing the top layer. Another option is a chemical peel, where your outer layer of skin is removed by chemicals. Acne scarring has been treated successfully with the above surgical procedures.

Acne scar treatments are important in that they can help you feel better about yourself if you're self conscious about how you look. While in most cases, other people aren't as critical of issues such as acne scars as you are towards yourself, it still can be nice to find a way to get rid of any scars you have. The treatments we've outlined for you in this article are just a few of the possibilities you may want to explore to get rid of your acne scarring.
Jason l Clifton is a blogger http://www.acne-support.com who shows a great interest in acne and looking at different ways in treating the skin condition. If you would like to read more about acne scar removal techniques click on the link.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7824615

Health Benefits of Using Mayonnaise in Food

People all over the world use different kinds of sauces to enhance the taste of their food. There are many kinds of sauces prepared from different items. Mayonnaise is one such sauce. Generally the sauces are prepared from the items of plant origin, for example Tomato Sauce, chili sauce or the Mustard sauce. But Mayonnaise is prepared from an animal product. Actually the Mayonnaise is prepared from egg yolk by slowly mixing oil into it and blending it with a blender or mixer, with a mortar and pestle, or even with whisk or fork. While the oil is added slowly, the yolk is whisked vigorously so as to disperse the oil. Generally in Indian preparation, a bit of mustard is also added to make the taste sharper and slightly tangy. European recipe uses olive oil with vinegar or lemon juice. Herbs and spices can also be added to this sauce.

Mayonnaise acts as a base for many other sauces as well. For example, it can be combined with Tomato Ketchup to make a new type of sauce, the Fry sauce. Mixed with mustard sauce and Tomato Ketchup, Mayonnaise can also be used as a condiment. Generally people have a misconception that Mayonnaise is an unhealthy food. But researches have shown that it has many benefits and is really good for our health. 

This sauce has been found to prevent strokes in postmenopausal women. So they are advised to add this sauce as their salad dressing on a regular basis. Also Mayonnaise is found to have a lot of Vitamin E. Actually it is this Vitamin E in the sauce that helps people protect from strokes. If a person is deficient in Vitamin E, he can very well include Mayonnaise as in his diet as this food product can resolve the deficiency very quickly. It also helps the heart and lungs to function properly and it also aids in the blood circulation. Mayonnaise has a rich content of omega -3 fatty acids which are actually good for heart.

Another health benefit of Mayonnaise is found to be on skin. Sure, it does work from within, but it can also be applied directly to the skin. This makes the skin soft and radiant. When washed, it carries off the dead skin cells with it and leaves the skin looking fresh and glowing. Thus a mayonnaise massage is always good for your face and hands. When applied directly on the skin, the ingredients penetrate the skin directly and nourish it faster and better. It can also be used as the treatment for sunburn. When applied to the affected part, it has a cool and soothing effect. Even the dry, dead skin from the elbow and flaky skin at the feet can be removed by rubbing some Mayonnaise on the problem area.

Mayonnaise can also be used as a conditioner for hair. Just take a tablespoon of Mayonnaise and massage it deep, from the scalp to the tip of the hair. After 1 hour wash with regular shampoo. It not only makes the hair soft and silky but also gives it a shine. Mayonnaise is also a good treatment for lice. Massage it over the scalp and leave for an hour, wash and the lice are drained out with the sauce. So, we see that Mayonnaise is beneficial rather than harmful for our health.

Author loves to use Mayonnaise Sauce instead of Tomato Sauce or Tomato Ketchup, as this is good for our health also.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7475887

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