The Benefits of Bike Exercise

Exercise is great for keeping fit and healthy, and it's an important part of any weight loss program, along with a review of your diet.
They say that walking is the king of exercise, and with good reason, but bike exercise holds most of the benefits of walking without the stress on ankle and knee joints.
You can exercise inside your home on a stationary machine, which is ideal for catching up on your favourite TV program, or you can do the real thing outside, which gives you the benefit of fresh air and sunshine in addition to your exercise - unless it's raining of course!
Benefits Of Bike Exercise
  • Simple to do
  • Low cost
  • Indoors or outdoors
  • No special area needed other than the road - or your floor.
  • Excellent cardiovascular workout
  • Calorie burn
  • Tones muscle, especially legs
  • Low impact, less chance of injury
The calorie burning benefits of bike exercise are well publicised, but the total calories burned are dependent upon the duration, intensity and frequency of exercise, plus your weight - the more you weigh, the harder you work in order to propel yourself forwards. A 126-pound human will burn approximately 360 calories per hour, this total rises to 600 for a weight of 210 pounds.
When you consider that it takes a calorie burn of 3500 to lose one pound of body fat, you can see how frequent bike exercise can help dramatically in your goal to lose weight. The key is consistency, if you cycle for half an hour, five days a week you can lose half a pound in a week. Now this may not sound like much but throughout the course of a year that could add up to a total loss of 25 pounds, just through cycling alone! That's why it is important to be consistent. Make cycling a habit, don't succumb to the temptation of missing a day or two here and there, otherwise you'll be right back to where you started.
Cycling can be done solo or as part of a group. There many cycling clubs all over the country and they are a a fine environment for making new friends who share your interest in fitness. Of course cycling done be performed as part of a gym routine, but the real strength of the activity is that it can be done virtually anywhere.

Equipment - other than the initial purchase - is not expensive, and doesn't extend past a purpose-designed cycle helmet and appropriate clothing to suit the weather.
Bike exercise not only has many benefits, it is fun and a splendid activity for the whole family - so get pedaling!
Do you want to Lose Weight? Go to our FREE web resource to learn about Easy Ways To Lose WeightNO dieting, and a great section to give you help and support if you're struggling.
Check out this article: What Is The Difference Between Aerobic And Anaerobic Exercise? to get more info on this topic.

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Easy Exercise Tips For Beginners

Are you also one of those enthusiastic, impatient people that start exercising big style, only to end up being sore the next day? This is easy to do, but also a sure way of becoming frustrated and giving up the whole project.
Having a little extra weight around the waistline is incentive enough to want to work it off, but as you start, be honest with yourself about what level of fitness you are at.
As you begin exercising after a period (long or short) of more or less sedentary life, it's essential to start off slowly, and get the feel of how your body responds to exercise this time. Listen to your body and get to know what it needs.
Good first exercises
Stretching exercises, like yoga, are a good first exercise. Stretching takes the stiffness out of your body, which makes it easier for you to feel comfortable with your following workout routines.
Even starting off with easy exercises, that maybe doesn't feel like it's "for real", is an excellent way of laying a foundation for future, more fat-burning and challenging exercises. After doing some easy stuff for a while you will feel your body "crave" a heavier workout.
Then, as you get fitter and the workout routine feels easier you will be ready to move on to more challenging and more fat burning exercises. Get to know where your comfort zone is and try to workout a little bit over that. That's how you will lose weight and get fitter. Otherwise you are mostly maintaining your current level.

Most important is that you find workout routines you like. Nothing will have you postpone your exercise more than "looking forward" to something boring. When it's something you look forward to with enthusiasm you will always find the time and place to do it. If it's boring, you will only find all sorts of excuses as to why you can't make it, at least not this time.
The ultimate solution is an exercise that doesn't feel like "exercise", either because it's something that is a natural part of your every day life, like walking to your job, or because it's something that you really enjoy doing.
Every physical activity that makes you burn calories strengthens your muscles, and a good stretch is good for your overall sense of wellbeing.
One of the easiest and best exercises is walking. There are more benefits to walking for weight loss than the amount of calories you burn, so try using your legs as a means of transportation as often as you can.
Most exercises aren't that thrilling to start with, but that's only because your body is not used to them. Beware of aches and pains. It's only natural if it feels a bit heavy to start with, but if your exercise hurts, stop it!
Taking it easy to start with increases the possibilities that you will be sticking to your exercises for a long time, and enjoying them!

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A Healthy Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss

Since it rained for most of the weekend, my time was spent reading a book I just picked up called, Thrive: The Vegan Nutrition Guide To Optimal Performance In Sports and Life by Brendan Brazier (creator of the Thrive Diet).
Now even if you have no interest in veganism or vegetarianism this book and its core principles can still speak to you.
Brazer, a professional triathlete, promotes a healthy vegetarian diet - essentially, a plant based lifestyle. Eating this way has helped him increase his performance over the years and stay lean in the off season.
Personally, I am not a vegan, nor am I a vegetarian. But I do believe that animal based products should be consumed in moderation - meaning that we should be focusing on a plant based menu.
In fact, best selling Author, Michael Pollen agrees. In his book, Food Rules, Pollen outlines 60+ food rules you should be living by for optimal health and reduced disease risk. These rules can be summerized by 7 simple words:
Eat food. Not too much. Mostly plants.
Sounds like a healthy vegetarian diet to me.
But why? Because numerous research studies have clearly shown a strong correlation between animal products consumption (meat, dairy, eggs) and diseases such as heart disease, cancer, and diabetes.
That's not to say you have to give up your favorite indulgences such as steak or ice cream. Just stop making them the foundation of your diet and start viewing them as treats that you allow yourself occasionally.
A healthy vegetarian diet, therefore, is a long term eating plan that can help you:
  • Lower body fat and increase muscle tone
  • Diminish visible signs of aging
  • Sleep better and more restfully
  • Experience better moods
  • Increase energy and mental clarity
  • Build a stronger immune system
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Eliminate cravings

Who wouldn't want to experience all of these?
The best part about The Thrive Diet is that is also comes with a 12 week whole foods meal plan with over 100 wheat-, gluten-, and soy-free recipes. Brazier also includes some outstanding recipes for pre and post workout nutrition, gels, sports drinks, smoothies, and energy bars, as well as burgers, salad dressings, pancakes, and veggie dishes.
Here is a recipe for a homemade energy bar that I made yesterday and thought were outstanding:
Chocolate Blueberry Energy Bars
  • 1 cup chopped dates
  • 1/4 cup chopped almonds
  • 1/4 cup blueberries
  • 1/4 cup cacao powder
  • 1/4 cup ground flaxseed
  • 1/4 cup hemp protein
  • 1/4 cup sesame seeds
  • 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
  • 1/2 tsp lemon zest
  • Sea salt to taste
Combine all ingredients in food processor and mix until blended. Lay out on a clean, flat surface and roll out into a thin square. Cut into bars, wrap individually ans store in freezer or refrigerator.
I got 10 bars using this method although the recipe says 12. If I made them into 12 they would have been more like energy bites not bars!
Anyway, I was so into this book I finished it in less than 24 hours. I am so excited to give a healthy vegetarian diet a shot. I know that it will not only make us all much more healthy but will also help us to lose unwanted weight.
To learn more about good ways to lose weight fast, take a look at this blog post about Home Gym Workouts on my Home Workouts Blog. While you're there be sure to sign up for regular email updates to learn more weight loss tips.

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A Healthy Vegetarian Diet Review

A healthy vegetarian diet can be a highly effective solution to several health issues people face daily. From losing weight, to lowering high cholesterol in the body, becoming a vegetarian is a complete lifestyle change that several people choose to employ. A healthy vegetarian diet is basically broken down as simply restricting your food intake to non-meat items. There are several layers to these types of diets which allow certain meats to be eaten like:
  • Lacto-ovo Vegetarian: which allows you to eat eggs and dairy products
  • Pescetarian or Fishetarian: which permits the consumption of fish
  • Flexitarian: where you can eat fish but no red meat
For many people, the choice to start a healthy vegetarian diet is simply a personal decision about environmental or ethical choices the individual may have about the treatment of animals. Because of these philosophies, many people are choosing to start this type of diet. However, for people who are trying to lose weight, choosing to begin a healthy vegetarian diet might provide the individual with a stronger conviction to stick with this type of diet program.
Back in 2005, the American Journal of Medicine stated information from a medical survey about a healthy vegetarian diet showing a plant based, low fat diet is highly effective at helping people improve insulin sensitivity and lose weight. The study also concluded that this kind of diet is more effective for helping in these two areas than an omnivorous diet (which is when people eat both meat and plants). The study also concluded that countries and individuals who do not consume meat for cultural or religious reasons had lower rates of diabetes, high-blood pressure and heart disease.
One thing that all medical experts can agree on is that in order for a healthy vegetarian diet to be effective, it must be followed correctly. Simply not eating meat but choosing to eat potato chips, pasta and cheese is not being a vegetarian. Another hurdle that individuals who choose the vegetarian lifestyle deal with are stereo-types the community has battled over the past few decades, such as being labeled as 'tree-huggers' or 'hippies'. No matter what labels have been applied over the years, the fact remains that several health studies have confirmed that consuming a vegetarian foods is becoming mainstream. And more scientific evidence supports that living a vegetarian lifestyle is a great way not only to lose weight, but to remain healthy for years to come.
Here are some of the PROS:
  • Vegetarians traditionally have lower BMI's (body mass index) or overall weight rates than people who are omnivorous or carnivores
  • The retail consumer marketing has embraced it as mainstream and has adjusted their branding accordingly
  • A healthy vegetarian diet reduces the risk of heart disease, and other diseases related to obesity
  • There are several types of vegetarian diets a person can follow
  • It is more eco-friendly and promotes more plant growth, which is great for our environment
Here are some of the CONS:
  • People who engage in a healthy vegetarian diet have to be well educated on how grains and other products are important for complete protein or they might develop nutritional deficiencies
  • A healthy vegetarian diet might be expensive for some people
  • It restricts ALL meats, fish and chicken intake in many cases
  • Those who oppose suggest that people deny their bodies of important nutrients found in meats
More Information
As vegetarianism gains momentum, the mainstream media has parlayed this into hundreds of books, support groups, videos, websites and even clothing which provide important information about the effectiveness of being vegetarian. Simply put, it allows people to lose weight by eating leafy greens, legumes, soy proteins, whole grains and nuts. However, restrictions of products not to eat during a healthy vegetarian diet include:
  • Pork products
  • Red Meat products
  • Fish or seafood products
  • Chicken products

As the world begins to expand its awareness of vegetarianism, your available options expand as well. More restaurants, cookbooks and retail outlets are providing more ingredients and meals to support the vegetarian lifestyle. If you are looking to lose weight and live a healthy lifestyle, choosing a healthy vegetarian diet might be a good choice for you.
Starting a healthy vegetarian diet [] is as simple as finding a good source of information to guide you to a better lifestyle. Be sure to visit the web's best vegetarian guide at [] to get started on a healthier "you" today!

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Healthy Vegetarian Recipes

"You are what you eat" has been said a large number of times and it is usually used in food ads. If you start to ponder over the meaning you will start to dissect your meals and find that the majority of food we eat is processed so much, it does us not good whatsoever. Healthy vegetarian recipes is what you need to follow.
Your blood plasma is a liquid that transports blood cells around your body. If plasma is analysed after a meal which composed of a beefburger, it shows high levels of saturated fat and LDL cholesterol. When you change from digesting an excessive meat to eating a vegetarian diet, you lose weight. You are less susceptible to different diseases such as cancer and other obese-related disorders.
Eating healthy vegetarian recipes reduces hypertension, which in turn reduces the incidence of strokes and heart disease. You can expect a healthier lifestyle as a vegetarian, with a feeling of enhanced energy and vigour. This is especially important if your family has a history of high blood pressure and LDL cholesterol.
Once you switch to a vegetarian diet, the body starts eliminating toxins from your previous meat diet. Toxins and oxidants are responsible for many diseases and illnesses.
Never mind why you want to start a vegetarian diet, you will start noticing healthy related benefits within a short period. Studies have shown that healthy vegetarian recipes lower LDL cholesterol levels whilst those on a meat diet remain the same. Just eating eggs and milk is OK as a vegetarian as it is meat that causes the excessive fats.
High LDL cholesterol levels have been linked to coronary heart disease(CHD). Scientists have determined that people who eat meat regularly are more prone to CHD than those that do not eat meat. Middle-aged people are have been shown to suffer from a fatal heart attack when eating meat regularly.
So the benefits of a vegetarian diet include low LDL cholesterol levels, normal blood pressure, reduced risk of CHD, less risk of cancer and the chance to start feeling healthy, alert and ready to take on the World!

For examples of healthy vegetarian recipes follow the link below.
For more ideas go to Healthy Vegetarian Recipes.

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Vegetarian Diet Plan for Weight Loss - Healthy Fat Loss Tips for Vegetarians

The vegetarian diet is a diet without meat, but there are several gradations. Some vegetarians do without red meat and poultry, but still eat fish, while others only eat eggs and dairy as animal products. And then there are vegetarians who completely do not even eat eggs and limit themselves to yoghurt and cream. Another type of vegetarian is a vegan, who completely forgoes on animal foods. If you are a vegetarian and want to lose weight, you might be surprised that this works in the same way as if you were a meat eater. Nevertheless there is one pitfall, you have to be more careful with the nutrients you need.
Overweight as a vegetarian
It is a myth that vegetarians do not get fat because they "only" eat plant food and maybe a bit of milk. As vegetarians there are many calorie rich ingredients, because in these meals the meat is often replaced by nutrient-rich dairy products: like cream and cheese sauces which are real calorie bombs. And those who eat breaded and fried Camembert, as vegetarian alternative to a pork chop, digests a lot of fats. If vegetarians want to lose weight, you have to - like everyone else - identify the fattening ingredients in your meals and replace them with lower calorie ingredients.
Pay attention to iron
If you are losing weight you should pay particular attention to iron! The biggest risk is lack of iron for vegetarians. This essential element is accumulated in the body and is primarily gotten by eating meat. Although many plants also contain the mineral, they are far from the required amount. Iron is needed for healthy blood and can especially occur with vegetarian women. Permanent iron deficiency leads to anaemia and other health risks. Even riskier is the nutrition for vegans, besides the risk of lack of iron in the daily meals is also the risk of B12 deficiency.
The vegetarian diet
A vegetarian diet is still possible, even with these pitfalls. They are available in different versions, one which all other diets have in common: the calorie content of meals is reduced and the intake of fat is limited. If you want to lose weight as a vegetarian, you can also customize a "non-vegetarian" diet to your own: replace the meat ingredients in the recipes with soy products. Although this should not be industrially processed as vegetarian soy sausage, or other meat substitutes because sugar and fat are added as a flavour enhancer - and that increases the calories in the meal. You could go for soy granules, which are available in different forms in health food stores. You want to make sure that your soy dish is GM free, buy biodynamic products.
Furthermore you should continue to take iron-rich vegetables. Make sure that you do not simultaneously digest dairy products, as these interfere with the iron absorption. Iron is present, for example, in green spelled, oats, raspberries, carrots, potatoes or whole grain bread.

Are you a vegetarian struggling with weight loss? Read our effective vegetarian weight loss diet plan for tips how to lose weight and keep it off.

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Is Vegetarianism Healthy?

Vegetarianism certainly has its rewards but there are risks involved if you're not careful. It all depends on the kind of diet you follow.
There are three types of vegetarian diets, namely, vegan (the rare and true type) where no animal flesh or byproducts like eggs or dairy products are eaten; the ovolactovegetarian, where no animal flesh is eaten but animal products are allowed; and the semi-vegetarian, where no red meat is eaten but poultry and fish may be taken once in a while.
What are the advantages of vegetarianism? Dr. Jack Yetiv, a well-known nutrition expert, said this diet can give you:
1) Decreased risk of heart disease. Vegetarians have a lower incidence of cardiovascular disease than non-vegetarians. The reason behind this is that vegetarians normally have low cholesterol levels than other people. They are also less likely to be overweight and suffer from high blood pressure.
2) Better management of diabetes. Experts say a high carbohydrate intake improves diabetic control. Combined with a high fiber diet that vegetarians enjoy greatly eliminates the need for drugs in some people.
3) Decreased severity of colonic disease. Since they are high in fiber, vegetarian diets can be useful in diverticulosis (the presence of small, saclike swellings in the wall of the colon), constipation, and other colonic diseases.
4) Decreased obesity. Vegetarians are less overweight than their non-vegetarian counterparts. That's because they eat a lot of fiber which is filling but not fattening.
And now the bad news. While all three vegetarian diets have health benefits, the more restrictive vegan diet may spell trouble for some people.
"A vegetarian or fruit diet is safe as long as it provides some protein from dairy products such as cheese and milk or from fish or eggs. The reason for this is that eggs, milk, and animal flesh contain complete protein but most plant foods do not," according to Theodore Berland in Consumer Guide's "Rating the Diets."
Vegans are also more likely to suffer from a vitamin B12 (cobalamine) deficiency since this is found in animal foods like meat, fish, eggs, and dairy products. Lack of this important vitamin may cause neurological and gastrointestinal problems.
Strict vegetarians likewise lack vitamin D which is found in fortified milk and eggs. To remedy this, they should expose themselves to sunlight for about 20 to 30 minutes daily. If not, the use of supplements is advised.
Rickets, another deficiency disease that causes deformed bones and a curved spine, has been observed in vegans. So have calcium and iron deficiencies. Children who adhere to vegetarianism tend to be smaller than omnivorous kids, Yetiv revealed.
"If you are considering vegetarianism, think twice. We human beings change habits slowly. We resist giving up the high calorie foods we have eaten all our lives. Becoming a vegetarian may take a year or so or even a decade. The speed with which you change lifelong habits depends on your motivation, your environment, and other factors over which you have some but not total control," Berland concluded.

While vegetarianism can help you lose weight, there's no need to become one if you want to shed those extra pounds. All it takes is a good diet and exercise program. The use of supplements can also help. One popular brand is Zylorin, a safe and natural fat burner that will reshape your future. Go to for details.
Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine []

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Healthy Vegetarian Weight Loss - How to Lose Fat and Gain Energy

A healthy fat loss diet plan should not only help you lose fat but also help you gain energy. Check out these 9 do's and don'ts that hundreds of overweight vegetarians have followed and got amazing results. You too can effectively shed unwanted body fat and get more power when you apply them in your daily life.
Avoid alcohol. Alcohol packs a wallop of calories. If you keep it in your vegetarian diet, you can easily stock up excess calories in your fat tissues. Also, as it contains toxic substance, your liver needs to work hard to purge the toxins, draining unnecessary energy from your body. So, avoid it totally if you want to lose fat and gain energy as a vegetarian.
Avoid caffeinated drinks like tea, coffee, soda pop. These beverages drain energy by flooding your body with stress hormones such as cortisol, which wears down your brain as well as other crucial organs and body systems. They make it more difficult for vegetarians to lose weight.
Drink only water. No beverages works better than water when it comes to shedding weight since water carries zero calories yet stimulates your metabolism. But make sure you drink just enough for proper hydration. Excessive water consumption can lead to water poisoning.
Eat nutrient-dense vegetarian diet for fat loss. When you feed your body with essential nutrients, it'll work optimally to manage your weight automatically. So, eat a variety of vegetables, grains, legumes, nuts and seeds, seaweed, fruits and many other whole natural foods.
Macronutrient composition. Your meal should carry relatively low fat and high carb because our brain primarily runs on carb to keep it sharp and alert. As for protein, World Health Organization (WHO) recommends a daily intake of 5% of our daily calorie needs. For athletes, you may need a bit more like 7% protein.
Never skip breakfast. Whether you feel hungry or not, take your breakfast. If you're not so hungry in the morning, eat a smaller portion then. The key is, you must eat breakfast to fuel your morning activities.
Eat small regular meals and snacks. Doing so can prevent hunger and keep up your energy levels throughout the day.
Get enough rest. Failure to sleep enough can lead to metabolic disorder and hormonal imbalance regardless of whether you're on a healthy vegetarian diet or not. In most cases, you'll stock up more calories than you expend. So, sleep well and enough.
Exercise. Keeping a reasonably high carb intake can energize your workouts that not only improve your overall well-being, but also help you burn the excess fat off your belly, thighs and buttocks, thereby sculpting your body the way you want it to be.
Tip: When you take all these necessary steps and strategies to lose fat and gain energy as a vegetarian, remember not to lose grip on your cravings for junk food and high-calorie beverages, or you can easily end up undoing all the hard work.
Laura Ng recommends you to read her free program on healthy vegetarian weight loss that shows you the 5 essential steps to lose your unwanted excess body fat safely and healthily, without the side effects of having loose skin and weight rebound. Be sure to get more vegetarian tips to lose weight at You'll also improve your health, increase your energy levels and daytime performance when you follow her fat-busting techniques closely.

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Weight Training and Nutrition Periodization

By now, most folks have heard of the term "periodization", which is the scientific term for splitting a triathlon training year into periods and focusing on a specific performance or fitness goal for each specific period. Most triathlon programs that you find in books, magazines and the internet already use some form of periodization, but there are two sorely neglected components of a periodized model that do not receive adequate attention in triathlon programs: nutrition periodization and weight training periodization.
Since this article is being released in what for most folks is the off-season, now is a perfect time to briefly put a discussion of swimming, cycling and running on the back-burner, and instead focus on understanding how to properly structure weight training (for enhancing muscle recruitment, power and injury prevention) and nutrition (for enhancing weight loss, health and adequate energy).
Although there are a multitude of variations on the concept, a triathlon season is generally split into four periods: off-season, base training, build training and race peak/taper. If you use the same weight training volume and intensity, the same weight and the same number of repetitions all year long, you¹ll experience burnout and subpar weight training benefits. So just as you should make slight alterations or major changes to your swimming, cycling, and running routine, you should also modify (or "periodize") your weight training routine as the time of year changes. If you properly decrease sets, increase power, and incorporate more explosiveness as your high priority races draw near, you can allow your weight trained muscles to achieve peak performance on race day.
The same concept holds true for nutrition. Fueling your body for triathlon is not as simple as fueling a car. With a car, you simply put fuel in the gas tank when you¹re running low or when you¹re preparing for a long trip. But your body is different, since is has several different physiological systems, or ³engines², that you¹re fueling, and also three different types of fuel: fat, protein, and carbs. The key to nutrition periodization is to match the amount and timing of these three fuel types with the volume and intensity of your training and the seasonal time of year.
If this sounds complicated, then keep reading, because you can use the rules below to help guide you in properly periodizing both weight training and nutrition.
Off-Season Period:
Weight Training Periodization: If your goal is to develop muscle mass, tone muscle in a specific body area or part, or build significantly greater strength, this is the time to do it. Traditionally, the off-season is a time of year when there are few or no triathlons, and a triathlete is often engaged in other cross-training activities that go beyond swimming, cycling or running. 
Off-season weight training workouts should be performed in a set and repetition range designed for strength and muscular growth (hypertrophy), two crucial keys to injury prevention and foundation building. Because swimming, cycling and running are de-emphasized in the off-season, it is not as important during weight training to reduce overly fatiguing a muscle or producing soreness ­ instead, these effects are often necessary to achieve significant growth in muscle mass or strength. In the off-season, most weight training should include 3-6 sets of 10-15 reps, with the goal of completing 2-3 weight training sessions each week.

Nutrition Periodization: For most athletes, the off-season takes place during the winter. Not only does total training volume and intensity typically decrease during this time, but there is also increased prevalence of fatty foods, feasts and caloric excess. For cold weather athletes, there is also a completely natural propensity to gain body fat for insulation. Finally, most athletes who stay lean year-round have increased injury propensity and lower energy levels as they move forward into more focused training later in the season. 

Therefore, it is acceptable for the off-season nutrition period to allow slightly higher fat and total calorie intake (preferably from healthy, plant-based or non-processed fat sources), moderate protein intake, and relatively low carbohydrate intake. During the off-season period, carbohydrate/protein/fat percentage ratio should be approximately 30-40% carbs, 30-40% protein, and 30-40% fat.

Base Period:
Weight Training Periodizaton: A triathlete¹s weight training goal during the base season should be to develop strength and muscular coordination, while considering the added focus that will be placed on triathlon specific training, and the need for decreased soreness. 

Most triathlon training programs incorporate high amounts of swimming, cycling and running volume during base training (there are some exceptions to this rule, in which case, you may need to intelligently re-arrange the order of periods in this article), so the number of weight training workouts should decrease. Plyometrics, an explosive form of weight training, should not yet be introduced, as this method of training does increase risk of injury. Most workouts should include 3-4 sets of 8-10 reps, with a heaver weight than used in the off-season, and the goal of completing 1-2 weight training sessions each week.

Nutrition Periodization: This is traditionally the time of the season when you should be laying down the groundwork of aerobic conditioning (again, there are exceptions to this model, and the information in this article can be modified accordingly). Workouts are typically long and intensity fairly low, meaning that you¹re using quite a bit of fat for fuel, and a moderate amount of carbohydrates. The lower the intensity of your exercise, the more fat is used as a fuel for your ³low-intensity engine², and the harder you work, the more you turn to carbs as a fuel for your "high-intensity engine". 

Aside from weight training, not a significant amount of speed and force work is taking place during base training, so since there is decreased muscle damage and repair demand, protein needs are slightly lower. Compared to the off-season, however, the amount of fat should also be lowered as carbohydrate energy needs are increasing. Therefore, during base training, carbohydrate/protein/fat percentage ratio should be approximately 50% carbs, 20-30% protein, and 20-30% fat.
Build Period:
Weight Training Periodization: The build period of a triathlon training season typically increases in both the intensity and the volume of swimming, cycling and running. While it may seem logical to simultaneously increase intensity and volume of weight training, this can detract from triathlon sessions and increase risk of overtraining. Instead, like base training, weight training frequency should be maintained at 1-2 sessions each week, but with the flexibility to lift as infrequently as once per week. Most workouts should include 2-3 sets of 6-8 reps, with a heavier weight than used in base training, and should also begin to include a plyometric, explosive component ­ either performed separately or at the same time as the weight training session.
Nutrition Periodization: Your longer, harder triathlon training efforts are increasing in frequency, and you are spending a greater period of time at lactate threshold, at which the body's engine is engaged near peak carbohydrate utilization. As a result, fat needs will decrease, muscle recovery and protein needs will increase, and total caloric and carbohydrate needs will peak during the build phase. At this point in the triathlon season, carbohydrate/protein/fat percentage ratio should be approximately 55-65% carbs, 20-25% protein, and 15-20% fat.
Peak and Taper Period:
Weight Training Periodization: While strength and increased recruitment of muscle motor units can be built and maintained during off-season, build and base weight training periods, the goal during the peak and taper period prior to a race is simply to maintain neuromuscular coordination and peak power. During this period, when weight training sessions are performed properly, there should be little to no soreness or muscle failure, but a high amount of muscle fiber stimulation. All exercises should be performed explosively, with a lighter weight than used in previous periods. Most workouts should include 1-3 sets of 4-6 reps, with a continued plyometric component and a weight training frequency of 1-2 sessions each week.
Nutrition Periodization: Similar to build training, a continued need for higher carbohydrate intake will be present, with carbohydrate loading in the final days prior to the race bringing the triathlete close to maximum carbohydrate intake. In a traditional carbohydrate loading model, several days prior to the race, a higher fat and protein diet pre-dominate, followed by a gradual build in carbohydrate intake as the race draws near, so there can be a great deal of fluctuation in actual percentages during this period of the triathlon season. Therefore, 7-14 days from the race, carbohydrate/protein/fat percentage ratio should be approximately 30-40% carbs, 30-40% protein, and 30-40% fat, and gradually build to 75-80% carbohydrate, 10-15% protein and 10-15% fat 1-6 days from the race.
To summarize, weight training periodization for the triathlete should involve building a strength and injury prevention foundation, progress to a focus on strength and power, and finish with explosiveness and maintenance of maximum muscle recruitment. Nutrition periodization should involve increasing carbohydrate intake as energy needs increase, increasing protein intake as muscle damage increases, and gradually decreasing fat and protein intake as a race draws near.

Get even more information on this hot topic over at, where you can grab a free book from author Ben Greenfield, jam-packed with over 75 pages of fitness, nutrition and human performance content. You'll also get instant access to a free weekly audio podcast, videos, free iPhone app and more!

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Nutrition Weight Loss - 3 Natural Weight Loss Drinks

With all the different diets and foods that claim to help you lose weight, how do you really know if you are getting enough nutrition? Nutrition and weight loss are a tricky combination, you have to make sure that what you take in will give your body the right vitamins and minerals it needs while not giving it calories and such. Drinks are of the same dilemma. Our bodies need liquid to survive and there are certain drinks that one cannot take in when trying to lose weight. There are on the other hand, good drinks - healthy and naturally helps our bodies lose weight. Which drinks are these? Read on to find out.
1. Vegetable Juice. Not as popular as fruit juice, vegetable juice actually has the same nutrients, vitamins, and minerals that fruit juice offers - minus the added sugars and calories. So basically, you get everything good that a fruit juice gives without giving your body the bad stuff. Vegetable juice is definitely a nutrition and weight loss drink in one.
Making your own vegetable juice would ensure the health benefits in your drink and also ensure that no added sugars are mixed in the drink. If you prefer store-bought vegetable juice though, pick varieties that have reduced sodium.
2. Black Coffee. Coffee is well known for its caffeine effect which helps us stay awake. Coffee has so much more benefits than just that though. For one, coffee has been proven to be good in weight loss. If drank black and in moderation, black coffee can help burn calories. According to nutritionist Anna Yuschak, "If (coffee) is consumed on an empty stomach first thing in the morning before a workout, it can boost endurance and prolong fatigue, which aids in fat loss." Coffee, being a diuretic, also improves digestion and helps us eliminate. Aside from these, black coffee offers other extra benefits such as - having great amounts of antioxidants that help reduce the risk of cancer; so long as you don't put in a truck load of sugar into your coffee, it has a good amount of anti bacterial and anti adhesive qualities that prevent cavities; and as studies have shown, drinking coffee decreases a person's chances of developing Parkinson's disease by as much as 80%.
3. Good Old Natural Water. Water is good for numerous bodily functions such as digestion, respiration, and circulation. What is important to take note of though, is that it is great for weight loss as it is calorie free! Aside from it having zero calories, water helps us feel full and boosts our metabolism. Drinking at least eight 8oz glasses of water will surely be beneficial for everyone.
Who would have thought that nutrition and weight loss could easily be achieved through drinking natural and healthy drinks? Contrary to popular belief - drinking is good for your health! (So long as it involves vegetable juice, black coffee, and water - no alcohol please!)    

Are you having trouble with nutrition weight loss?
Click here to get free information on right nutrition for losing weight.

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Extreme Weight Loss - 7 Nutrition Tips To Lose Weight Fast

Whether you are a bodybuilder trying to shed fat for a competition, or somebody who drastically needs to drop weight in order to improve the quality of their life, this article is for you. If extreme weight loss is what you are after, then these 7 nutrition tips will help get you there in one piece. Apply this advice with consistency and you will never look back.
1. Calories - No matter what you do, calories are always going to count at the end of the day. You have to burn more than you take in or you will not drop any weight at all.
2. Deficits - Calorie deficits refer to how many calories you burned at the end of the day. Look at this from a weekly perspective. At the end of the week if you have burned 7,000 calories for example, you would see around a 1-kilogram reduction in bodyweight.
3. Don't Starve - If you think that you will drop weight by starving yourself, you are unfortunately incorrect. If you try to diet this way, your body will think that it is not being fed properly (which it isn't) and will store whatever you eat next as body fat.
4. Increase Protein - You will want to increase your protein intake if you are serious about extreme weight loss. Your body uses protein to repair and fuel your muscles before and after exercising. Generally, the higher protein diet you have, the leaner you will appear.
5. Protein and Weight Loss - The reason why protein is so beneficial to people trying to lose weight is because the body finds it hard to break down proteins, as compared to carbohydrates and fats. Therefore, your body will use more energy as a result of this and burn more fat.
6. The Effect of Glycogen - Without boring you with all of the details, glycogen plays a key role in weight loss. You should aim to empty your glycogen stores once every 2 weeks in order to maximize your progress. This is simple to perform: Every 2 weeks, eat no more than 90 grams of carbohydrates for 2 days.
7. Remember Healthy Fats - The human body finds it very hard to use its own body fat stores as energy if you aren't eating enough healthy fats everyday. Start cooking using coconut oil and eat fish at least 3 times per week to help ensure that this doesn't occur.
Nutrition is everything when it comes to weight loss and even general wellbeing. Now that you have these 7 tips under your belt, you have a better understanding of how bodybuilders and fitness models are able to achieve such extreme weight loss in such a short period of time.

John Stamford is a personal trainer, nutritionist and an expert in everything relating to fat loss. Visit his website in order to discover "One Tip That May Be Preventing You From Losing Fat", plus receive Free Updates for life at:

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The Weight Loss and Nutrition Fad

Getting in shape and being thin is all people want these days but just being thin is not what is important. The weight loss and nutrition fad that is out there is not the healthiest one. We should not want to just "get thin." We should want to eat healthy, workout, and get the nutrition we need to then have weight loss.
Men and women have different body types. Men and women can not lose weight the same way, they have to take a different approach. Men naturally have faster metabolisms than women do. So, unfortunately, it is harder for women to lose weight. Due to this, many women feel that they need to starve themselves to get thin. This is not the right thing to do. This will actually only make your metabolism slower. When you have a slow metabolism, you won't lose weight. You'll just gain more back in the end.
So, how can you achieve proper weight loss & nutrition? There are many great diet plans out there to help you get started. In reality though, all you need to do is start eating the right foods and working out. Working out is not for everyone, so make it fun. Go for a bike ride with your family or just play catch in the backyard. Whatever you have to do to get up and get moving will work. Don't think that you have to go for long runs to get into shape. That is not what you have to do. Working out can be anything that involves physical activity. So, the slogan "eat less, move more" is so true.
As for the right foods to eat, we could go on forever. Fruits and vegetables at every meal along with protein and a little bit of carbs is great. Fruits are filled with antioxidants and other nutritional things to help you maintain a healthy body weight. We also recommend that you try to eat spicy foods. Spicy foods boost your metabolism and help you shed unwanted fat. This does not mean you have to eat jalapeños at every meal. Just add a little red pepper here and there and you should be set. The addition of healthy supplements on a daily basis is also recommended in order to make certain you are receiving a balanced daily requirement of nutritional food. Get started today and you'll see that you too can obtain weight loss & nutrition benefits.
If you want to learn more about weight loss and nutrition please click here:

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Get Weight Loss Nutrition Bars

It is okay to indulge and eat our favorite foods sometimes, but not always. We all have that one dessert we can't live without and when we go to a cookout, of course we're going to eat a juicy hamburger. This is all okay in moderation. However, if you find yourself eating these foods very often, you may want to look into purchasing some weight loss nutrition bars.
Weight loss nutrition bars are great to have around the house. They contain protein and nutrients that we need and can substitute a small meal. The best part of the weight loss nutrition bars is that they actually taste good! A lot of diet food tastes like cardboard, but these taste very good.
There are many different types of weight loss nutrition bars. You should do some research online to see which kind you would like to try. 

You may not find your favorite the first time you buy them, so keep your options open. When you get the bars you'll notice that they often contain a little bit of chocolate in them. This is because chocolate is actually good for us in moderation. However, dark chocolate is the best as it lacks the cream of milk chocolate which brings more fat and calories.It has many good health benefits unless you eat it all of the time.

These healthy bars will help you get rid of that unwanted fat that you've been working on getting rid of for years. This is because they contain fat burning substances along with lean protein and just the right amount of carbohydrates that our bodies need to stay energized. 

When on a diet, most people are afraid to eat carbs. They think that carbs are the worst thing for you. This is not true because carbs are what keep us going. Without carbs, you won't be able to workout and make it through the day without feeling tired. But with the addition of nutritional bars in your daily schedule you will be amazed with the needed energy level needed for leading a productive life for all of us.

You should definitely look into getting weight loss nutrition bars when you are trying to lose some weight. They are nutritional and contain many of the substances our bodies need. When you eat weight loss nutrition bars, you are also not starving yourself like so many dieters do.
If you want to learn more about nutritional weight loss please click here:

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What Is Stress?

If stress is so bad for us, why have our bodies developed the stress
response in the first place? From an evolutionary standpoint, stress is
not only useful but also necessary for our very survival. For the first
200,000 years of humanity’s existence, stress was a useful mechanism
to get us physically prepared to hunt a wild animal, run for our lives,
fight an opponent, or survive a natural disaster such as a flash flood.
Greater physical strength from the adrenaline rush, sharper hearing
and vision, heightened brain function, and more energy to fight or
run were certainly useful.

The catch-22 is that stress is not meant to be a long-term condition
 of daily life. Our ancestors experienced the heightened physical
response of a stress reaction during times of real physical danger, discharged
their energy dealing with the problem, and then returned to a physiologically 
normal state. But in the modern world most of our stress, unless we are getting 
mugged at knifepoint in a dark alley,is psychological in nature.

Therefore it is difficult to make it go away
by an immediate action that discharges the stress. When you have
twenty hyperactive eight-year-olds over for a birthday party and suddenly
the power goes out and you find yourself in the dark, what can
you do except light candles, try to avoid burning down the house
when a child accidentally knocks one over, and somehow keep them
all safe and happy until their parents come to get them in two hours.
Yelling at the kids or banging on the kitchen counter with frustration
isn’t going to solve the problem.


Chemical Changes That Occur during Stress
When you find yourself in a situation that your body perceives as stressful, 
a number of chemical reactions occur that push certain body systems 
into higher gear by shutting down or cutting off energy to others.
1. Stress affects the cardiovascular system. The first to be affected is the
cardiovascular system. In the presence of danger, much of the blood in
your outer extremities is shunted to organs that need more oxygen,
such as the brain (the decision maker), the heart, and your other vital
organs, such as the lungs and the liver. The constricting of the blood
supply to your hands, arms, feet, and legs has another role—it decreases
your blood loss should you be injured. Your body also increases its production 
of endorphins and other pain-reducing chemicals so that you
won’t feel the injury as keenly as you normally would. When these
changes happen, your blood pressure rises, your pulse races, and your
heart must beat faster and harder to handle the strain. Adrenaline
causes glucose and fat to be released from your tissues to give your body
a much-needed energy surge in case you must fight or flee.
2. Some systems shut down. This enormous surge of energy comes
at a price, however. Certain other bodily systems must be shut down
somewhat in order to compensate. Your reproductive system, which
is normally very energy intensive, is suspended so that its energies
can be directed elsewhere. In the short term, this isn’t a bad thing,
since you would never think about fighting off the cave bear and
making love to your mate at the same time. But you can see how
living in a constant state of stress would erode your libido over the
long term.
3. How cortisol affects the body. Another chemical downside following 
the release of stress hormones is that cortisol accumulates in
your body. As the adrenaline rush that released fat and glucose as an
energy source subsides, the stress hormone cortisol becomes active,
causing insulin to be released to stimulate your appetite so that you
can replenish your fat stores. Since most of us don’t reach for an
apple or a piece of swordfish when we are ravenous, this usually leads
to craving a quick carbohydrate snack such as candy, pizza, cookies,
ice cream, or high-carbohydrate fast foods. Unfortunately, living
with a high level of daily stress causes the body to produce a consistently 
high level of cortisol, leading to overeating and weight gain,
especially in the all-important abdominal area in men.

The Stress Connection

No one can avoid stress. It will be with you, in one form or another,
every day of your life—within your working relationships and when
you are at home, with friends, on the freeway, in a crowded department 
store, or watching the evening news. Stressors, great and small,
surround us at every turn.

Suppose your alarm clock fails to go off one morning and you
discover that you have overslept by half an hour. You shake your husband 
awake, leap out of bed, take a five-minute shower, skip your
makeup, and pull a brush through your hair. Somehow you manage
to get both kids dressed, fed, and out the door to the school bus. But
you have no time for coffee and your own breakfast, so you start the
day hungry and not looking your best. When you get to work, you
find out that your secretary is out sick, so you must answer your own
phone and deal with tasks that you would normally allocate to him.
Somehow you get through the morning. But when you come up
for air, you remember that the Tuesday noon staff meeting has been
switched to Monday. Your secretary would normally have reminded
you of this, but he isn’t there. The quiet lunch you planned is out, so
you order a sandwich from the deli and wolf it down in five minutes.
All through the meeting you have indigestion.
On your way home you stop at the gas station to fill your nearly
empty tank. There is a line of cars waiting and you notice that gas
prices have gone up another ten cents per gallon. When you stop by
the bank, both of the ATM machines aren’t working, so you have to
go inside and wait in line to get some cash. When you stop by the
grocery store to pick up something for dinner you buy prepackaged,
frozen entrées because you are just too tired to cook. Your cell
phone rings and it’s your husband telling you that he’s stuck at the
office and won’t be home for a couple of hours. When you get home,
the nanny is on the phone with her boyfriend and the kids are fighting
in the living room. You speak more sharply than you’d like to the
nanny, quiet the kids and give them dinner, then eat with your husband 
when he gets home at nine. You both watch half an hour of television 
and fall into bed exhausted.

Everyone’s life is filled with small stressful episodes like this.
None of them, taken individually, will kill you. But over time the
effects of constant stress become cumulative, causing your health,
well-being, and energy levels to deteriorate. Stress causes wear and
tear on the body, keeping you on edge, giving you heartburn and a
jumpy stomach, making it difficult for you to sleep soundly at night,
unbalancing your hormone levels, elevating your pulse rate, and
making you cranky and irritable. It also makes you more susceptible
to colds, flu, and more serious types of disease by lowering the efficiency 
of your immune system. If you factor in lifestyle choices such
as being overweight, drinking too much, poor nutritional habits,
and not exercising, you are only increasing the long-term effects of
stress, both physically and emotionally.
The trick is learning how both to manage stress and to raise your
stress threshold. Minor incidents add up over a long time until they
do as much damage to your mind and body as one major, traumatic
incident. If you don’t learn to release stress daily or find a way to
make it work for you over the long haul, eventually stress will make
you sick or even kill you. It will certainly rob your life of energy, joy,
motivation, and fulfillment.

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