Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label teeth. Show all posts

True Laser Teeth Whitening Cost - Hidden Extras

It is easy to get an estimate of a laser teeth whitening cost online or from your dentist, but its true cost may be considerably higher. These hidden factors can greatly increase your overall costs.
Your final cost may well consist of the combination of not so obvious factors involved in this teeth whitening process.
One treatment may not be enough
Although it is expected that you should get your desired white teeth after just one treatment, it has been noted in the medical literature that on average it takes three treatments to make patients happy. Sometimes people need from two to six whitening treatments to achieve their desired effect.
One of the reasons for this may be in the fact that during the laser teeth whitening your teeth are exposed for a prolonged time to a strong heat. This exposure dehydrates teeth. As teeth dehydrate, they get whiter. Thus, your whitening effect is greatest immediately after the laser whitening treatment. As teeth re-hydrate with time, and it can take up to seven days, they tend to revert to their normal darker color.
The dentists know this and therefore recommend further treatments to achieve maximum whiteness.
Add at-home whitening kit
After you have had your laser teeth whitening you will most likely be recommended to follow it with an at-home whitening procedures.
This at-home treatment will be able to compensate for the loss of white color due to teeth re-hydration. Hydrogen peroxide based at-home whitening kits provide further whitening effect.
The other reason for using at-home whitening kits after the laser teeth whitening lies in the fact that during the whitening procedure the dentist needs to isolate your teeth from soft tissues to prevent their damage and discoloration.
Such isolation is more difficult to achieve on the back teeth. That is why laser teeth whitening quite often performed just on the front teeth.
Once the whitening has been completed, your back teeth, especially upper molars, may be prominent when you smile and affect your overall look. To compensate for this, you will need to use an at-home bleaching kit.
You will need to enquire with your dentist if the cost of the kit is included in your laser teeth whitening cost.
Fix your old restorations
The third and not that obvious laser teeth whitening cost is associated with any previous tooth restorations that you may have had.
You have to remember that only natural tooth enamel will whiten and all your previous restorations such as veneers, crowns, bridges etc. will not. So, after you have had a laser teeth whitening procedure they will be considerably darker than your shiny white teeth.
Additional procedures and costs may be required to rectify this problem
These are the three most important factors that you have to keep in mind when calculating your true laser teeth whitening cost.
Discover the secret to whiten your teeth naturally [] and safely for a lot cheaper and conveniently from the comfort of your home: []

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Foods That Whiten Your Teeth

Green tea contains anti-microbial molecules called catechins that keep bacteria away. It is necessary to drink tea without sugar. It contains polyphenols, antioxidant compounds that prevent plaque, helps reduce dental caries and gum disease. Periodontal diseases are chronic inflammation of the gums and bone that support the teeth. Also, green tea solves the bad breath problem. Substances in green tea inhibit the growth of bacteria responsible for halitosis. Tea is a natural source of fluoride, ideal for children to strengthen tooth enamel. Drink green tea regularly, several times a week to keep your teeth away from cavities.
Strawberries are extremely tasty and help whiten your teeth. They contain enzyme called Malic acid, which is found in some toothpastes. Strawberry fibers act as a natural cleaner by removing bacteria from the teeth. You can make a puree with strawberries cut in half. Let them act on the teeth for 1-2 minutes and then rinse with water. Mix strawberries with a teaspoon orange shell and baking soda. Sugar and fruit acids from this fruit alter the teeth. It is recommended to use toothpaste that contains fluoride after this treatment. Long term can be an excellent alternative to using home bleaching kits.
Grated carrot has on teeth and gums a bleaching toothpaste effect. Mixing with saliva, adjust the pH in the mouth, creating an unfavorable environment for bacteria. Carrot eliminates mouth odors, cleans and disinfects. Carrot juice is composed of a combination of elements that nourish the whole body, being rich in vitamin A, vitamin B, C, D, E, G and K. A half liter of carrot juice is more effective than 20 calcium tablets.Eating carrots help clean the teeth, acting as a natural abrasive and improve gum health. Minerals in carrots help to destroy bacteria and protects your teeth from stains. In this way, it is no need to use whitening kits, bleaching strips or trays.
Milk and cheese protects teeth from decay. Calcium and phosphate in cheese along with saliva in the mouth prevent teeth enamel erosion. Milk neutralizes the acidic pH of the mouth, prevents bacteria from tooth enamel and leads to enamel remineralization. Minerals (calcium and phosphorus), protein, fat existing in milk are highly effective and protective factors. 
Probiotic products contain a protein that has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect and stimulates immunity. Hard cheese is best for teeth whitening because removes food particles. Therefore, it is good that at the end of each meal to consume dairy products (containing calcium). High percentage of fat in cheese helps also the body to absorb calcium.

Other foods that help remove plaque and whiten our teeth: basillemon juiceapple (teeth cleaning), mintcelery (whitens teeth), cauliflower (stimulates saliva), parsley (freshens breath).

You can take a look to other natural supplements like triphala churna benefits, what is triphala and how can be used amla powder for hair care.

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