Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plans

Losing weight is often a favourite reason for teenagers, young adults and adults to go vegetarian. It is highly possible and easy to lose loads of weight by following the proper vegetarian weight loss meal plans. However, you will need low calorie vegetarian meal plans if you want to successfully lose weight by going vegetarian.
Studies show that vegetarians generally have healthier body weights and are thinner than meat eaters. On the other hand, it is definitely possible to be an overweight vegetarian.

How to Gain Weight on a Vegetarian Diet: Eat a lot of junk food like chips, chocolate, soda Eat a lot of take out like pizza, fries and high fat veggie burgers Eat a lot of cheese and full fat dairy products
How to Lose Weight on a Vegetarian Diet: Eat lots of vegetables Eat lots of plant based protein Drink fortified dairy free milk such as soya milk, almond milk, rice milk or hemp milk
So what exactly should you eat to lose weight on a vegetarian diet? Easy Veggie Meal Plans takes the confusion out of vegetarian diets by providing low calorie vegetarian weight loss meal plans that show you exactly how to lose belly fat fast. The protein rich and vegetable filled vegetarian recipes in this program are the key to unlocking the healthy vegetarian in you.

Here is an example of the low calorie vegetarian recipes included in her Easy Veggie Meal Plans.
Seitan Stir fry Calories 385, Fat 12gr, Carbohydrates 44gr, Protein 21gr
*Seitan: also known as wheat meat or wheat gluten. Even though it comes from wheat, it is not a carb, it's a protein. It contains 31 grams per 3 oz! It resembles meat in look and can be made to taste like all kinds of meats, fish and seafood. The texture varies if it is baked, boiled or reheated in the microwave.

1/4 cup Seitan 
2 cups broccoli
¼ cup onion
½ cup brown rice cooked
2/3 cup snow peas
½ cup celery
1 cup bell pepper
1 tsp. Toasted sesame oil
1 tsp regular sesame oil
2 tsp. sesame seeds
Celtic/ Himalayan salt to taste
Garlic powder or fresh garlic to taste
Ginger- optional
Hot pepper- optional
Soy sauce

Sauté seitan, broccoli, bell peppers, celery, snow peas and onion together in a small amount of oil and water. Add sesame oils, salt, ginger, hot pepper, soy sauce and garlic to taste and sauté 2 mins. Boil rice and salt in water until soft. Al Dente style preferably (slightly chewy)
Follow simple, easy, and budget-friendly vegetarian weight loss meal plans to lose weight without sacrificing your health, wallet, or taste buds.
Want to get slim and sexy, the easy, vegetarian way read more about this slimming diet here: How to Eat Vegetarian for Weight Loss
If you're reading to jump right in and start cooking delicious meals, I've written a cookbook for those wanting to try an increasing amount of vegetarian meals How to Eat Vegetarian Easy Ideas and Recipes Under 30 Minutes.

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Important Facts About Food Nutrition Labels

Food nutrition labels are often seen at the back of food packages sold in the grocery stores. Most people do not know the fact that these tags are as important as the contents each package holds. 
In fact, only a small percentage of shoppers care about reading them before paying for the goods they have at hand. This small crowd of shoppers are usually health buffs who are dedicated to managing their weight.

If you are keen to observe, the nutrition facts printed on these labels come with other information like the ingredients, approvals from different health organizations, recommendations from respected sources and indications where certain products are made.

The common name of the item sold is the major information that makes up food nutrition labels. It is followed by the serving size. The serving size is provided so that consumers may be protected from the harms of taking much food in their systems. 
Those who are having a close watch of their weight must be able to track the amount of calories and fats per serving if they wish to eat more than the recommended serving. With this, they will be able to track how much hours they need to spend in the gym to burn the extra calories.

Apart from weight gain, more serious challenges to a person's health may be prevented through some helpful information in the package. These are the detailed nutritional facts that include the amount of carbohydrates, cholesterol, saturated fat, protein, vitamins and minerals. As we all know, people with heart disease must stay away from foods with high cholesterol. 
All these are listed in standard units so that a regular consumer will find it easy to track their amounts. Furthermore, people plagued by certain allergies can avoid eating allergy-causing substances if all the ingredients are listed on the box or packet of food they are purchasing.

On the side of the food companies, packaging and labelling also provide an effective means for them to entice consumers to purchase their products. A creative logo, neat design and vibrant colors can definitely attract shoppers who are browsing through the grocery shelves. Consumers are also attracted by health claims in phrases like 'decreased possibility of certain cancers', 'certified fat-free products' and 'energy-giving solution'.

There are special requirements by which these food tags must be produced. These requirements vary according to the kinds of containers in which foods are stored. Liquids and other solid foods kept in bottles and jars are often refrigerated. And so, the food nutrition labels to be attached to them must withstand very cold temperatures and moisture. Texts in substandard tags sometimes smudge when they come in contact with moisture. In cases like this, strong materials and glues must be used to suit such conditions whether they are applied manually or through a machine. There are also situations where non-toxic ink is required for the printing of these tags as they are to label edibles. Herewith, soy based inks are utilized during the printing.
Are You Looking For Local Experts In Sticker Printing For Your Food Business? Visit For More Information On Doing This Right For Your Business Today.

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Organic Foods For Vegetarian Weight Loss Meal Plans

People nowadays are becoming more health conscious. Some people follow vegetarian weight loss meals plan. It might be because they believe that having fruit-and-vegetable-only diet can make them healthier. Also people nowadays are getting aware on the harmful effects of chemicals that are sprayed to plants and injected to animals; they are opting for organic foods.
A recent study conducted in America found that organic foods and conventional foods do not differ dramatically in terms of nutritive content. It means that an organically grown apple does not have higher vitamins and minerals content compared to commercially grown apple. But it cannot be denied the fact that insecticides and other chemicals sprayed to plants have negative effects when taken in the body, not to mention those chemicals are not good for the environment too.

For a vegetarian weight loss meals plan, consuming these foods will be a far better approach to a healthier body. If you are having a vegetarian diet, but the fruits and vegetables that you are eating contains high levels of chemicals, it will not give you the best effect for your health. People who are eating these foods in their vegetarian weight loss meals plan experience positive changes in their health. They feel they are more 'alive' and they have more energy, compared to their previous diet plan.

You might want to ask the foods meals recipes that you should incorporate into your vegetarian weight loss meals plan. It is true that these foods are more expensive than the conventional ones. So, to save money and still get to enjoy the benefits of vegetarian weight loss meals plan, here are some suggestions.

Include in your list of organic foods meals recipes fruits and vegetables that have thin peelings. These fruits and vegetables when sprayed with pesticides, insecticides and fungicides absorb more of these chemicals and cannot be washed off easily with water. So when these foods are included in your vegetarian weight loss meals plan make sure you are buying the organic foods. 
Foods included in your 10 organic foods meals recipes are root crops with thin peels like potatoes and carrots, apples, tomatoes berries, grapes and others. If you are tight on budget, you can exclude foods that have thicker skin in your list of organic foods meals recipes. You can go with conventionally grown foods like avocados, pineapples, and squash.

Also, do not forget in your vegetarian weight loss meals plan green leafy vegetables. These vegetables should be organic foods, without those harmful chemicals because you might enter in your bodies those chemicals if it sprayed to the leaves of these vegetables. Include in the 10 organic foods meals recipes green leafy vegetables like spinach and foods in the lettuce family. 
If commercially grown, these foods are abundantly sprayed with chemicals to keep off insects, so better opt for these foods. 

It is good to save your money on foods like broccoli, sweet potato, eggplants, cauliflower and the like, because these foods do not retain chemicals well, or they are not grown with chemicals. White sugar and flour are refined stuff, so if you can, avoid them, and go for the lesser processed and near natural.

These are just some of the foods that you can add to the organic foods meals recipes. You can eat some of this raw, or cook them lightly. There are a lot of available resources that you can look through for the 10 organic foods meals recipes. You can experiment, and try which suits your taste.
Are you looking for information on organic foods? Visit today!

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Nutrition Weight Loss Tips - How Proper Workout Routines, Diet and Nutrition Can Help Weight Loss

Proper workout routines, diet and nutrition are the most important factors when it comes to weight loss. Paying attention to your food choices and eating patterns along with exercise should be your primary goal if you want to lose weight quickly. 
You gain weight when you normally eat more calories than your body burns. So, the key to long term weight loss is to change your diet (like eating low calorie diet) and perform workout routine in moderation.

When doing workout routines, do strength training and perform workouts that engage multimuscle groups which should help with your weight loss. 
Strength training is an effective exercise to build more muscle and burn calories. So, always incorporate strengthening exercises along with your aerobic conditioning exercises in your workout routines to accelerate your weight loss programs.

When it comes to nutrition, incorporating smart food choices is very important. Avoid sugar, cream, oil, margarine and fried foods, and, eat vegetables, fruits, legumes and grains. 
Eat colourful fruits and vegetables as they contain fiber and pack powerful anti-oxidants. Eating fibrous fruits and vegetables help you keep fuller longer as they get digested slowly and help you to cut down your total caloric intake.

Last but not the least; don't depend just on your normal foods for your body's optimal nutrition. Taking nutritional supplements along with your regular diet is very important these days. With commercialization of the food industry, the foods that we eat today are bleached, processed or treated with chemicals; therefore they get stripped of their vital nutrients in the process. 
Hence, adding dietary nutritional supplements (such as multivitamin supplements) is a must these days to meet your nutritional requirements and, curb food cravings to lose weight quickly.

For more info like these visit: workout routine tips

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Lose Weight The Vegetarian Way in 2 Weeks

Let me show how you can lose weight the vegetarian way in 2 weeks or less. What you'll discover are practical, proven tactics that'll help you shed pounds on a natural pace healthily and safely without side effects.

1. Natural Helps Fat Loss
No doubt pre-packaged (processed) vegetarian meals make filling your stomach easy, their high-sugar, high-sodium and high-fat content can easily sabotage your fat loss plan. Cut back on those and include more raw vegetarian food in your 14-day meal plan. Not only you save time in cooking, but you'll lose weight the vegetarian way more easily.

2. More Meals Burn More Fat
You get optimal metabolism when you break up your 3 regular meals into 5 smaller meals. The logic behind eating smaller meals at 2 - 3 hours interval is that your metabolic rate will stay active over longer duration. You won't get too full on each meal, but yet you won't feel hungry so easily. When you starve, your metabolism will slow down, and you'll burn less fat. Hence, consume more meals to burn more fat.

3. Prepare Your Own Diet
Where possible, make your own meals so you know exactly what you're feeding your body with. To save time on making vegetarian meals at home, I suggest that you buy some recipes that show you how to easily whip up nutrient dense dishes in less than 20 minutes per meal (on average) so you won't feel daunted at the thought of creating your own fat loss vegetarian diet.

4. Change Your Recipes
Keep changing your recipes every 2 - 3 days. Sticking to the same old meals for 2 weeks will deprive your body of certain vitamins, minerals and various other nutrients it needs for optimal metabolism. When you rotate your meals with a broader spectrum of ingredients and nutrients, you won't likely experience weight loss plateau, which some vegetarians face.

5. Drink Water to Stimulate Metabolism
Soup, fruit juice or green tea already contribute some amount of water in your body, so you may not need to drink too much water. When weather turns cool, you may need only 5 glasses of water per day.
Observe your urine color. If it turns pale yellowish or clear, it means your body is properly hydrated for effective fat loss. When it goes yellow, you need to drink more water. But don't drink 2 glasses at one go even if the weather is extremely hot. Spread out your water consumption over time for better fluid absorption and boosting metabolism.

I've just shared with you on how to lose weight the vegetarian style by changing the way you eat. However, you should not ignore the facts that getting enough quality sleep, doing regular exercises and keeping yourself stress-free will make fat loss more effective. You should see apparent results in 14 days.
Laura Ng recommends coconut oil for weight loss because this healthy fat can boost your metabolism and burn fat for up to 24 hours a day. She suggests that you include coconut oil in your vegetarian eating plan to lose weight faster and expedite your fat loss success. Having this super food in your diet, you'll soon increase your energy levels and get in shape without getting loose skin and weight rebound. Visit for more vegetarian weight loss tips now.

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Weight Loss Nutrition - How To Determine If Your Diet Is Right For You

With 50,000 results coming from searching "diet books" on, it's not surprising that so many people are confused about what they should be eating to lose weight and get healthy. Many people embark on fad diets without knowing how to tell if a diet plan is right for them or not. In this post, I'm going to share with you the principles that I believe all good nutrition programs should follow.
So let's get to it...

1. Good Nutrition Controls 'Calories In' Versus 'Calories Out'
This is not just a dietary rule but a fundamental law of nature. Known in the physics world as the First Law of Thermodynamics, it states that that energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred. How does this apply to what you eat? If you eat more calories than you use, you gain weight. Or if you take in less calories than you use, you lose weight. And if you take in as many calories as you burn, you will remain the same weight.
In reality all calories aren't made equally and severe calorie-restricted diets can waste away your muscles which can end up making you gain the weight back. However, calories are an important factor and can be the sole determinant of whether you are losing or gaining weight.

2. Good Nutrition Improves The Way You Look And Your Health
Not only should you look better from a good nutrition plan but your blood chemistry should improve as well. You should take before and after pictures along with measurements to measure your change in appearance but going to the your doctor to have your blood work done is the way to tell if your health is improving. This way you make sure that your nutrition plan is also improving your health as well as your aesthetics.

3. Good Nutrition Provides Results
"I don't understand. I eat we but I'm still gaining weight." I have news for you: you are not following an appropriate nutrition plan if you are not losing weight. Maybe your diet isn't right for you, maybe your diet is good but you are not following it well or maybe your diet isn't right for anyone. The fact of the matter is that a good nutrition program is one that provides results.

4. Good Nutrition Has Flexibility
I call this the 90/10 rule. I eat a pretty strict diet about 90% of the time, but the other 10% I cheat. Never having ice cream, or drinking alcohol, or eating pizza is not my idea of a good time. Let's face it: some of the things that are "bad" for you are also pretty tasty!
I encourage my clients to reward themselves every week with "cheat" meals. Knowing that you will eventually be able to eat something that you want helps with adhering to your nutrition plan. There's also evidence that cheat meals can help with your results via a hormone called leptin.

WARNING! You might have to be really strict for several weeks (or maybe even months) to get yourself started so you can develop the new behaviors that that will put you on the track to success. Another problem that I see is that people think they're cheating 10% of the time when they are actually cheating more. 
Don't do that! Like I mentioned above, if you aren't getting results, then most likely that you are not sticking to your program or your program isn't good for you. Using a food diary is one way to be sure you know exactly what you are eating. No need to weigh your food, just start writing things down.

The Take Away
The big take away here is that your nutritional plan should be getting you results, improving the way you look and your health and allow you some room to have some treats in the process. If it isn't, then something needs to change!

Ted Ryce is a Miami Beach Personal Trainer who specializes in Fitness, Fat loss and exercises for Injuries.
Visit my website for more information on Fat Loss, Nutrition and Miami Beach Personal Training.

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Healthy Recipes for Your Kids' Breakfast

Preparing breakfast for kids is a challenging task for moms. Kids need healthy foods to start their day and that means that moms need to be creative in finding breakfast recipes. Mornings are always rushed, so the solution can't take a lot of time. If you are trapped in this kind of situation, don't worry. 
Nowadays, plenty of healthy recipes for your beloved children are available. Below I will share some great recipes for a healthier breakfast each day. These recipes are easy; all you need to do is just make some small adjustments to the original ingredients. I know that you don't have much time to prepare breakfast so hopefully these ideas will be very helpful for you.

Pancakes or Waffles
You will love to know that there are ways to make your pancakes or waffles a little bit healthier. You can use ¼ cup of bran flour to substitute for some of the regular flour, and this is a great way to add fiber in your kids' foods. This substitution won't change the pancake taste or texture. Your kids will still get a tasty pancake while at the same time they will get enough fiber for their body. 
Do you want another pancake trick? Well, you can also add ½ cup of banana or apples to add flavor. Add some cinnamon to the flour before adding water, since cinnamon and apples go very well together. These fruits will add vitamins in the pancake that make their systems strong.

Most kids love muffins since they are easy to grab. You can make the recipe healthier by adding certain fruits like strawberries, bananas or raisins. It is also possible to add vegetables such as spinach, carrot or pumpkin. Adding ¼ cup of fruits or vegetables gives your kids a vitamin boost.

Some kids don't like to eat in the morning. If your kids don't like to eat pancakes or waffles for breakfast, there is a great trick to overcome this. You can make a smoothie so that they can drink their breakfast. The basic compositions for smoothie are milk, yogurt and fruit. To create a delicious flavor, you can mix some fruits like pineapple, strawberries, kiwi or blueberries. Add low-fat vanilla-flavored yogurt and skim milk then mix them. If your kids don't like milk in the smoothie, you can substitute 100% fruit juice. It can be fun to get your kids to help you and they can choose their favorite fruits to mix.

Other Ideas
You can also try to serve oatmeal and add some cinnamon, blueberries or other fruits. The key to serving a healthy breakfast is to keep it high in fiber and low in sugar. With the ideas above, preparing healthy recipes for breakfast won't be as hard as you thought.
We have done research about the five Best Selling Healthy Breakfast Recipes in the market. You can learn it here at We also give you Special Discount in there so visit us right now.

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Chest Exercises Without Weights - Home Workout Options

Think the bench press and the pushup are your only chest exercise options? Think again.
There MANY ways to target your chest without weights.
Let's take a look at a few you might not have tried yet.

Chest Exercises Without Weights - Bodyweight Options
The pushup is a fundamental upper body exercise, and one would do well to master it. But let's look at some not-so-common variations that can really target your chest.

Ball Pushups
Grab a basketball, soccer ball, homemade medicine ball, or other inflatable ball.
Place your hands one either side of the ball, and push your hands together, hard.
You should feel a strong contraction in your inner chest (much like doing cable crossovers on a weight machine).
While flexing, crank out some pushups. You should feel much more activation in your inner chest than with standard pushups.
To turn this move into more of an upper chest exercise, try elevating your feet onto a chair.

Wide Stance Pushups
Generally, the wider you place your hands while doing a pushup, the more it becomes a chest exercise, and the less it targets your arms.
Since the upper chest is often stubborn to develop, try doing wide stance pushups with your feet on a chair, or if that is too difficult, try doing wide stance jackknife pushups (bent at the waist - check YouTube for detailed instructions).

Explosive Ball Pushups
For this chest exercise without weights, place one of your hands onto a ball on the floor. Do a pushup with your one hand on the ball and other hand on the floor.
At the high point of your pushup, quickly switch hands on the ball.
Go back and forth explosively.

Decline Pushups on a Suspension Trainer
Suspension trainers are extremely useful pieces of equipment. Don't stress if you don't have the $200 or so to spend on a retail model, do a quick Google search for a DIY suspension trainer and you can find several great ways to make your own for around $15.
For this exercise, set the suspension trainer up so the handles are an inch or two off the ground. Put your feet on a chair, grip the trainer's handles, and do a pushup.
This is my personal favorite chest/upper body exercise.
To target the optimal muscle growth range (4-8 reps per set), add some weight (pea gravel works well) into a backpack for this exercise.
Some trainers claim this exercise is safer AND more effective than the bench press for upper body strength!

Don't Forget to Balance Pushing With Pulling
Doing only pushing motions will lead to muscle imbalances that make you prone to injury. So, don't forget to balance all these pushing motions with pulling motions like body rows (the suspension trainer works well for this move).
A good way to get a complete upper body workout is simply doing 4 sets of decline pushups, each set alternated with a set of body rows.
Try these chest exercises without weights out for yourself and see how they work for you!
If you found this article interesting and for more info on the best chest exercises and homemade workout equipment, check out my blog at
See how I have successfully lost 30 pounds of fat, built strength and muscle, and overcome chronic injuries all at home.
Take care and good luck!

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Looking for Healthy Easy Recipes for Dinner? Try These Spanish Meatballs

Trying to choose quick healthy easy recipes for dinner can sometimes be cumbersome, especially you're in a mad scramble to get everything prepared, cook a meal the whole family can enjoy all the while making sure it's nutritionally dense and well balanced. 
With this Spanish meatballs recipe below you can rest assured because it's a quick and healthy easy recipe for dinner that the whole family will enjoy.

Healthy Easy Recipes for Dinner: Spanish Meatballs
Serves 4
• 500g organic lean minced beef
• 1 large organic or free range egg
• 2 400g tins of chopped tomatoes
• 2 organic beef stock cubes
• 1 litre of boiling water
• Dried Herbs de Provence (or a good selection of dried mixed herbs)
• 1 white onion, finely sliced
• 1 garlic clove, finely sliced, extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil, salt and ground black pepper
1. Mix the mince with the egg and half the onion chopped. Season with 1 stock cube and black pepper.
2. Roll the mixture with your hands into ping pong sized balls and fry in oil until almost cooked (the meatballs can still be slightly.
3. pink in middle as they are going to simmer in the sauce). Be sure to turn them around now and again so they cook evenly.
4. Take the meatballs out and put them on a plate to rest.
5. Drain all but 1 tablespoon of oil in the pan, retaining the bits of meat that are left in the bottom of the pan.
6. Add the rest of the chopped onion and some finally chopped garlic and sauté for a further 2 minutes until golden.
7. Add the 2 tins of chopped tomatoes and a good sprinkling of mixed herbs.
8. Add in the water and crumble in the final stock cube. Season with salt and pepper if required.
9. Simmer for about 10-15 minutes until the sauce thickens a little.
10. Add the meatballs and mix them well with the tomato sauce. Let them cook for another couple of minutes.

These meatballs are delicious and can be served with some steamed greens such as broccoli, asparagus, spinach or any other of your favourite veg. If you do find yourself craving some pasta or spaghetti you can have them with some 'miracle noodles'. These little gems are low calorie and low carb which means they are perfect if you are carb conscious and looking to drop a few pounds or maybe even if you're looking to lose a stone fast. That's not to say that carbs should be avoided altogether, definitely not. I hope you enjoy this healthy recipe idea for dinner and that you give it a go. Hasta luego.

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Easy Exercises To Lose Weight

Losing weight does not have to be hard because there are many easy exercises that will help you lose weight. When most people think about losing weight, they think about going on a diet. While changing how much or what you eat for healthier options is good, you will not lose much weight unless you get up and get moving.
Most people overlook the benefit of walking. If you are walking, you are burning calories. You don't need any extra equipment or expensive memberships. Walking can be done anywhere. You can walk around your house, your neighborhood, or your office on your coffee break. You can walk through a mall and look at all the new things for sell while you get healthier. 
You can walk around a park and enjoy nature. You don't even have to set aside 30 minutes to do it. Just park in the parking spot farthest from your job, or school, or doctor's office. Every extra step you can take today adds to how many calories your body will burn. So add 5 minutes walking time to every errand you run and you will see a difference soon.

You have your radio on to your favorite station and you notice your foot is tapping to the beat. So why not put that energy and beat to use. Get out of your chair and dance to the beat. You don't have to know how to dance.
 Just move your body in any way that feels good to you. As long as you are moving, you are burning calories. Dancing using all of the muscles in your body, not just a few. Before you know it an hour has passed. But you never noticed as you were having too much fun dancing around to Lady Gaga and Beyonce.

Housework and the tasks of daily living can be as good as exercise if you do it right. Instead of using the electric mixer to mix batter for those pancakes, get out the whisk and use some arm muscles. Instead of using that leaf blower to clean up those leaves, grab the rake and a wheel barrow, and get to enjoying the sun while you make leaf piles.
Instead of hiring a lawn service to cut your grass, or using the riding lawn mower, get out your push mower and get to pushing. Choose to use a real paint brush to repaint the fence and put the paint sprayer back in the garage. When you vacuum, move the sofa out of the way and then move it back when you are done. Leave the laundry basket in the laundry room, and go up and down the stairs with each persons' dirty clothes. The more you go up and down, the more calories you burn. Take the batteries out of the remote controls so that you have to get up to turn the channel. Leave the phone on the charger so that you have to walk to the phone whenever it rings. 
Park closest to the street whenever you go somewhere. Walk up the stairs or escalator instead of riding the elevator. Play with your kids instead of watch.

Walking is something everyone can do. Dancing is very fun. Housework is something you do every day. But, if you choose so, these activities can be wonderful and easy ways to lose weight.
Felix Makmur is the owner of Weight Loss Secrets where he shares free tips and information on how to lose fat, build muscle, and live a fit and healthy life. Download your FREE Report "Extreme Weight Loss Secrets Revealed!" worth over $37 at Weight Loss Tips.

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The Secret to Losing Weight Without Dieting, Exercise, Pills, Or Surgery!

My wife was obese. When we were first married in our twenties, she was a few pounds overweight. As the years flew by, she began craving more sweets and trending toward larger portions of fattier foods. Every New Year's Day, she began a different diet along with a pledge to really be good during the ensuing year. By every February, she was back to her old habits. Twenty years later, she was 100 pounds overweight. A decade after that, she weighed 325 pounds and stood five foot six inches tall. I'll get back to her in a moment, but first, let's talk about you.
You are probably reading this article because: (a) it's the beginning of a New Year and you're overweight, (b) you really want some easy answers, (c) you're sick of dieting and exercise, or (d) you figure that someone must have a secret cure. Well, you've come to the right place. But first, my credentials.

No, I'm not a physician or fitness guru and my degree is in marketing. But rather I'm a student of human nature. I lived with an obese person for over 30 years and have an obese sister and brother-in-law. I, myself, have had slew of exercise equipment over the years, including treadmills, cycles, rowing machines, weights, elliptical trainers, and barbells. I take a variety of supplements and have had a gym membership. I've known nutritional experts and naturopaths. My weight hasn't varied more than 10 pounds in 20 years. 
But I have friends who struggle with the issue and I see more and more that are. I'm approaching 60 and realize that being fit can add years to my life. But enough about me. We're here to talk about you.

There are chemists and geneticists working on engineering chemicals to vaccinate against weight gain. Eventually, you may be inoculated at birth against excessive poundage. But that's a few decades off. In today's world, weight gain is almost inevitable. Restaurants offer prodigious portions. Snack foods abound. Fast food is never low-fat. Even low-fat, and low-carb foods are high in their sugar content. Soda is loaded with calories, as is beer and wine. 
So where does one turn? Fruit and fruit juices? Wrong because they are also caloric by nature. Can you live on celery or lettuce for extended periods because they are low in everything? Of course they are tasteless and unfulfilling. Ditto to some cereals and tofu. There must be a better way.

If you choose not to change your diet and the thought of exercise makes you want to throw up, perhaps you're on the right path. Anorexia will keep your stomach empty and allow you to eat whatever you want. Of course you may loose your teeth from the acidic reflux and have other side affects, but so what? You will loose weight. Fine, so that may not be the answer. Oprah has endorsed Hoodia, the latest wonder-drug. But long-term studies haven't proven it safe. 
No diet pill alone has ever done the trick.
Okay, I've teased you long enough. It's time to reveal the secret and crux of this article. But let me first return to my wife. She reached 325 pounds and, with her doctor's blessing, had gastric bypass surgery. Within the first three months, she lost 80 pounds. Within the first four months, she lost her life. She died at age 55 from a heart attack brought on by decades of obesity and the toll it took on her heart. Which brings me to the real secret. 
Death. It's the first three letters of "diet." There you have it. Now you will never gain weight and don't have to be bothered with all that stress of diet and exercise. After all, it worked for her. Now before I get hate email responses, let me explain.

I loved my wife dearly and tried to get her help. I watched her go through dozens of diets, to no avail. Surgery was her last chance, albeit, too late. Those of you that are reading this article are still alive and have many choices. I'm writing this as a word of warning and hope. Don't allow your weight problem to get out of hand. Take action right now and do the right thing. Rid your house of junk food, begin to take walks, and watch those portions. 
Forget pills, diet powders and so-called miracle cures. Make a lifestyle change and commit to a new and better you. That's the real secret to weight-loss success without sugar-coating it, pardon the pun.

Jeffrey Hauser was a sales consultant for the Bell System Yellow Pages for nearly 25 years. He graduated from Pratt Institute with a BFA in Advertising and has a Master's Degree in teaching. He had his own advertising agency in Scottsdale, Arizona and ran a consulting and design firm, ABC Advertising. He authored a book about his directory years, "Inside the Yellow Pages" which can be seen at his website, [] and he is officially retired.

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Five Simple Healthy Recipes for Kids

Those of you with children may find it difficult to offer healthy recipes for kids throughout the entire day. This may be especially troublesome these days if your children have already developed some poor eating habits or if they are among friends who are consistently eating fast food and bags of potato chips.
However don't worry, with a little bit of persuasion and vital teachings from your part, you can open your children's eyes to the wonderful world of healthy nutrition.

This is the perfect opportunity to educate your children about the importance of eating healthy, and what the long term repercussions can be if a person does not monitor what they eat. It's never too early to educate them about healthy nutrition in the hopes that from your teachings they grow up taking care of their bodies and never have to worry about health related issues of being overweight or obese.
Here are some healthy recipes for kids to get you started building your arsenal of meals that will be conducive to a nutritious and well balanced life. As you explore these options, take note of what your family enjoys eating and additional possibilities that you may think of. Often merely tweaking a few ingredients can produce an entirely new meal without needing much extra work.

1. Beef Bowl with pudding dessert. Grilled or baked strips/chunks of meat with a layer of brown rice, beans, and any vegetables you know your family prefers. You can even add beans if you'd like, or potato wedges instead of rice. As a dessert, a small helping of pudding with a dash of whipped cream and a cherry to top it off.

2. Grilled chicken wraps with jello dessert. These can be fantastic choices to offer your family because aside from the grilled chicken, you can include a variety of vegetables or other low calorie options that will taste great such as lettuce, beans, brown rice, tomatoes, onions, or even some shredded low fat mozzarella cheese. Use a whole wheat tortilla instead of tortillas made with refined flour.

3. Whole wheat pasta with turkey meatballs and frozen yogurt dessert. Instead of eating the standard pasta made of refined enriched flour, opt for 100 percent whole grain pasta since it is loaded with vitamins, minerals, and high in fiber so you will eat less of it to get full. Ground turkey is also better for you than regular ground beef, or you can ever select the garden meat variety that is vegetarian to make your meatballs or meat sauce.

4. Soup and Salad. There are a variety of soups such as vegetable, lentil, and minestrone that are all healthy and great tasting. Spice it up for kids by throwing in a few goldfish crackers and they will happily eat it all. A bowl of soup and a salad with their favorite toppings and a light salad dressing, PRESTO... you have a healthy meal on your hands.

5. Tuna pita pockets with applesauce dessert. Whole wheat pita pockets provide the perfect "container" to place an assortment of healthy edibles within, and kids will treat it just like a taco. Tuna with lettuce, olives and some parmesan cheese can be a great starting point.
The healthy recipes for kids listed above are all far better and lower in calories than the majority of fast food or pizza delivery options available around you. Use these meals as building blocks to get you thinking of other possibilities you could prepare for your children. Depending on the age of your kids (5-10), you may want to get a little creative with the presentation of the meal. It's the simple things that matter, 
so think how you can present the healthy meal in a way so that they will start asking you to cook this meal again in the future. Sometimes by merely adding a decorative garnish such as a fruit cutout or curly orange/apple peel can inspire your child to want to eat the meal. If adding that little extra is all it takes to get them eating in a healthier manner, the minute or two spent on the future. 
Sometimes by merely adding a decorative garnish such as a fruit cutout or curly orange/apple peel can inspire your child to want to eat the meal. If adding that little extra is all it takes to get them eating in a healthier manner, the minute or two spent on the presentation is well worth it.

If your children are older (11-18), then definitely a more serious conversation should take place. You can even gather specific articles and pictures from the Internet that will work wonders for motivation. Nothing works better than a graphic representation of a coronary bypass surgery.
Keep in mind as you build your library of healthy recipes for kids, maintain an ongoing recipe book where you continually add new healthy meals that your family enjoys. Pretty soon you will have a book full of healthy recipes for kids and if you want, you can even let your children decide which meals to cook out of the recipes you have collected. This way they will feel more connected to what is prepared and served that day.
Gregory L. Gomez, M. Ed, has been teaching 5th grade in the LAUSD for 12 years and has recently embarked on a journey to lose weight, eat healthier, and finally get in shape! Follow his progress on as he strives to lose 60 pounds through dedicated exercise and eating healthy. From healthy eating guides to a step-by-step manual to help tackle the process of losing weight, readers will find the latest information to combat the rising obesity epidemic and start getting into shape at

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Vegetarian Weight Loss Diet - 4 Top Tips For Losing Weight Quickly

If you are a vegetarian and looking out for a weight loss plan, you have come to the right place. This article discusses some great tips on a vegetarian weight loss diet; using which you can shed all that extra fat, while continuing to be a vegetarian.
It is not at all a difficult proposition to plan a vegetarian weight loss diet. All that you need to ensure is that your diet consists of all the essential ingredients. This will ensure that your body gets all the vitamins and minerals that it needs.

Let us take a look at some simple, yet amazingly effective ways to weight loss following the vegetarian way.
Tip#1: Try and include as many crunchy vegetables and fruits in your diet. Apples, string beans, tomatoes, salad, broccoli, cabbage and carrots are some of the fruits and vegetables that you can include with your eyes shut. It contains almost all the nutrients that your body needs.
Make sure that you don't add up high calories dressings or sauce along with these vegetables.

Tip#2: The diet plan adopted should contain all types of beans since they are known to be the powerhouse of protein. Beans are low in calories and fat, while being high on proteins. In fact, they are a must for vegetarians, since they do not consume meat.

Tip#3: Spinach is another item that must be a part of the new diet program. It is again low on calories, doesn't contain fat and very importantly, high on protein. You can include it to be a major part of a variety of dishes.

Tip#4: A handful of nuts included in your daily regime can do well for your body as well as for your skin. Nuts are known to be good sources of Omega 3 fatty acids and contain certain other important oils that your body needs.

Once you take care to include these essential ingredients in your special weight loss plan, you are sure to shed all that excess fat in quick time.
Are you looking out for some great tips on Lose Weight Diet? You can check out my blog on Lose Weight Diet [] You can know more on Diet Plans [] right from my website.

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Lose Weight Without Changing Your Lifestyle

I have seen several advertisements lately for various products that guarantee that you can lose weight without changing your lifestyle. The testimonials say things like "It was so easy and I didn't have to change a thing!" Can we take a step back and just think about that for a second? Because as a personal trainer I find that very disturbing.

So you grow up, start your career, and have a family. You have a lot going on, which probably means that you have spent several years not eating well and have been less active than you should be. Now you find yourself with a few extra pounds feeling sluggish and down about yourself, with perhaps some health issues. Sound about right? You are not the only one. It happens to a lot of us.
Now you have decided that it is time to shed the weight. So you go for one of these easy, quick-fix products. One of two things is going to happen.

One possible outcome is that you do lose some weight, but then what? Are you going to use these products forever? Probably not. So it is highly likely that you will put the weight back on. After all, you have not changed your lifestyle, which we have agreed is probably how you got there in the first place, right?
The more likely outcome is that you do not lose weight, so you have wasted a bunch of money and now you feel even worse. So you either give up or you move on to the next quick fix.

So I submit this to you for your consideration. CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE! Being healthy and fit is a lifelong commitment, but it does not matter when you start. Think of it as a "rest of your life" commitment. Getting healthy requires just as much effort as everything else in your life. Presumably you did not graduate high school and get a job as a CEO of a Fortune 500 company the next day. Getting married and having kids takes work. It is time to take ownership of your health. Earn it.

Now I do not advocate going "cold turkey". Making drastic and abrupt changes will likely result in failure just as much as the quick-fixes. Make incremental changes. Go for a 20-minute walk. If you have a donut every day with your morning coffee, two days a week swap it out with a banana. 
I think you will find that taking baby steps to make permanent changes will be far more effective and rewarding than the drive-through method that companies promote just to make a buck off of you.

Can these "miracle" products help you lose weight quickly without changing your lifestyle? It is possible I suppose, in isolated cases, but that does not mean that you should use them. Asbestos is a great insulator and look where that got us.
If you need help and don't have the support system needed to make changes, consider using a personal trainer,

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