Health and Fitness Getaways: Weight Loss Retreats and Much More

Weight loss has become among the common goals of people around the globe. The great thing is that oftentimes, it's no longer just about looking good with toned arms and a 24-inch waistline. People have come to realize that maintaining a good way of life has more bearing. Regardless of what the motive is, it looks like a great number are striving to lose some pounds. If reducing your weight is in your list of goals, you may want to consider a weight loss or detox retreat, spa or bootcamp.
These fitness getaways provide an enjoyable, thrilling and highly effective alternative to your run of the mill gym. With the proper tools and programs made not just to help you lose needless pounds but also live a continuous healthy and balanced lifestyle, here is some more information about these wellness choices:
Weight Loss Retreats
Are you up for a health and fitness getaway? Look for a weight loss retreat. It lets you join in various full-body workout routines in an environment that is truly favorable for those who wish to stay healthy. From indoor workouts, healthy food options, to outdoor activities such as hiking, not forgetting magnificent views as your backdrop, weight loss retreats will help you accomplish your fitness objectives.
Weight Loss Spas
You'll find different types of weight loss spas, centering on different kinds of diet plans and programs, but they're all designed with the overall health as the primary goal and not just weight reduction. Although the goal is to return home feeling lighter and looking better because of the blend of relaxation treatments, diet, and workout, weight loss spas will teach you how to improve your dietary habits and exercise routines and help guide with regards to deciding on the best weight management program for you or how you can adhere to a healthy way of life even if you are no longer at the spa.
Weight Loss Bootcamp
Looking for a full body workout program that runs from one week to a few months? Be part of a weight loss bootcamp. You may think that since programs here take more time than in health spas or resorts, these can get pretty uninteresting. Well, the majority of these types of bootcamps facilitate several fat-burning activities throughout the program so competitors always have something new to look ahead to. If you're looking for a health kick before an important event (like getting married) there are weeklong programs that will be right for you. Alternatively, in case you're looking to make a more serious long-term commitment, you'll find programs that last up to 8 weeks.
Detox Retreats
Would you like to experience speedy but lasting results? You might want to consider joining a detox retreat. A detox retreat makes use of nutrition as the crux of its programs, generally focusing on fresh vegetable and fruit juices to help you shed weight faster. Aside from helping you drop the weight and making your overall health more robust, detox retreats also place importance on cleaning your system and relaxing and resting. Yoga exercises and meditation are likewise frequently incorporated into the retreat's scheduled activities. As such, the detox program provides you with weight loss, increased energy, and better mental clarity. If you are searching for an all natural experience, detox retreats are especially suitable for you.
No matter what your level of fitness is, there is a weight loss retreat, spa, and/or bootcamp which can help you achieve your health goals. It's all a matter of doing a bit of research and selecting the best platform for you. Keep in mind, though, that what's more important is to remain driven. Spending the weekend at a weight loss spa, for example, and going back to your old, unhealthy ways won't be helpful. If you've got a friend who likewise wants to commit to improving their health and fitness, consider signing up together! It's been proven that engaging in a fitness program with a good friend may improve your motivation and level of commitment. And lastly, it pays to be patient - you'll see the benefits of your labor if you stick with your program.

And finally, if you're interested in learning more about detox retreats as well as weight loss retreats, spas and bootcamps, please visit

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Juicer Recipes - 5 Super Fruits For Heart Health

Many health experts agree that a diet rich in fruits and vegetables can improve heart health and reduce the risk of developing heart disease. Furthermore it can reverse heart related problems such as atherosclerosis, high blood pressure and high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol.
Juicing fruits is an excellent way to get a densely packed amount of beneficial nutrients. So which fruits are best for fighting heart disease? Research has shown these 5 fruits are powerful protectors for your ticker:
Pomegranate has an abundance of antioxidants gaining a lot of attention in the past few years as a super fruit for the heart. Punicalagins is one of the well researched cardio-protective antioxidants found in pomegranate. It can reduce inflammatory damage of arteries and reduce oxidative stress. Other antioxidants in pomegranate include vitamin C, catechins, isoflavones and anthocyanins. All of which have protective qualities for the heart.
Juicer recipes tip: Cut the fruit in half and scoop out the flesh for juicing. Use only the flesh in your juice. The rind and skin will make the juice sour.
Resveratrol is the antioxidant found in red and purple grapes and consequently red wine. The French Paradox is the observation that even though the French eat lots of saturated fat and red meat with a high percentage of smokers, they also have a much lower risk of heart disease in comparison to countries like the USA! This is due to their regular intake of red wine. The health benefits of taking resveratrol include reducing the risk of blood clotting, thinning the blood, lowering LDL "bad" cholesterol, preventing damage to blood vessels in the heart and helping to keep blood pressure at a good range.
Juicer recipes tip: when juicing grapes at home you will find the juice looks cloudy. This is not a problem because commercial juices are filtered to look good. The cloudiness simply means there is more nutrition in the juice. Enjoy!
Blueberries, like pomegranates, are a super fruit loaded with antioxidants. Blueberries contain some resveratrol, but also contain a newly discovered antioxidant called pterostilbene. So far pterostilbene appears to have the same chemo-preventative qualities as resveratrol. A super fruit! Also high in vitamin C.
Juicer recipes tip: You will need a lot of blueberries to make one juice. Four or five cups will do it! Just think how much antioxidant power will be in one single juice!
A was published in 2006 by the American Chemical Society's Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry. It found that giving one grapefruit a day for 30 days to patients with high blood cholesterol actually lowered their cholesterol levels. In this study red grapefruits were found to be more effective than white grapefruit. It is thought that undiscovered antioxidants in the red grapefruit are responsible for its heart healthy effects.
Juicer recipes tip: Remove the outer skin, but keep the white pith for your juice. The pith contains healthy bioflavanoids.
Kiwi has earned its wings as a heart healthy fruit. There is evidence that it reduces blood clotting, lowers LDL "bad" cholesterol levels and raises HDL "good" cholesterol levels. Kiwi is a great source of vitamin C. Vitamin C is needed to create collagen to keep your arteries elastic and supple and to protect the arteries from free radical attacks.
Juicer recipes tip: Drink kiwi juice immediately after juicing. The longer it sits around the more vitamin C it loses.
For more juicer recipes for heart health visit

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How To Lose Belly Fat - 3 (Anti-Captain-Obvious) Ways To Easily Melt Away Fat!

Looking to learn how to lose belly fat without the typical "captain obvious" methods you hear so much about (such as just eat better and do some exercising)? Continue reading to learn 3 easy and highly effective techniques I practiced to help flatten my stomach and lose a lot of weight... quickly and naturally...
Have quality protein with every meal.
Please take note of the word QUALITY. Quality protein means lean meats (such as chicken breast and turkey breast), nuts, dairy (such as Greek yogurt), beans, and healthy protein shakes.
When you eat quality protein with EVERY MEAL, you will get fuller quicker, your digestive system will work efficiently, you'll improve your metabolism, and this will all help shrink that stomach in no time!
70/30 fitness.
Quickly, what's the first thing that comes to your mind when I say the word "exercise". Was it some type of cardio routine? If so, don't worry, this is very common. Most people when getting in shape, spend WAY too much time doing cardio to "try" and lose belly fat and lose weight. Now don't get me wrong here, doing cardio is fine, but doing it in excess is not going to be effective for getting amazing results.
What I recommend you do instead is to approach fitness with a 70/30 mix. 70% muscle building activities and 30% cardio activities. In other words, the bulk of your time should be spent building lean muscle. When you build muscle, your body becomes an AUTOMATIC FAT BURNING MACHINE! This is because in order for your body to build and maintain muscle tissue, it MUST burn fat... even while you are resting!
Drink the "miracle drink" 3 times a day.
There is a mixture drink I have everyday that has done some pretty amazing things with my body. I've lost body fat, lost weight, increased my energy levels, improved my internal health, and so much more. This drink is a mixture of 8 ounces of water, 3 tablespoons of ACV (organic apple cider vinegar), and a freshly squeezed lemon.
BONUS TIP: Improve your digestive system!
Most people don't realize this, but improving your digestive system can have a gigantic impact on how quickly and consistently you can lose weight and body fat. When your digestive system is running strong, your metabolism is running strong and you are getting rid of toxins in your body. And a faster metabolism means faster fat loss, and getting rid of toxins means less bloating, less waste buildup, more energy, and more!
>> Click Here for the top 5 online fat loss plans I highly recommend that are 100% all natural, highly effective, and have been proven time and time again to produce amazing results.
Click to learn more.

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vegetarian renal diet

Renal also kidney or is a medical condition in which the kidneys fail to adequately filter waste products from the blood

A proper renal diet  is an essential part of any therapeutic plan for chronic kidney disease. Although renal diet reduces Albrootinank need to eat some high-quality protein every day. Kidneys are responsible for preventing potassium and phosphorus much from building up in the blood. Therefore, it is important to have the proper amount of potassium and phosphorus in your diet Pacman Ogeltjunb fatigue kidneys' ability to maintain healthy levels.

In general, dairy foods are the main sources of phosphorus in the diet. So by limiting or avoiding dairy products, you may be able to control blood-phosphorus levels. You can 
make up for dairy products by choosing milk and yogurt made from rice or soy-based products.

The majority of potassium comes from fruits, vegetables and dairy products. So by limiting the dairy in your diet and keeping the amount of fruits and vegetables in check — and choosing ones that are lower in potassium — you can control blood-potassium levels.
It is difficult but  determine to find ways to cut out meat . Hearing it's possible helps. I searched to see what people in India and on dialysis eat. Sounds hard but there were a few ideas.

Most vegetarians fall into one among the subsequent categories:

  • Lacto-vegetarians- This group excludes eggs, but consumes milk and other dairy products in addition to plant foods.

  • Lacto-ovo vegetarians- This group consumes eggs, milk, dairy products and plant foods.

  • Pesco-vegetarians- This group eats fish for health reasons, in addition to eating plant foods, dairy products and eggs.
  • Vegan- This group consumes only plant foods and no animal products.

it's possible to be vegetarian on PD or Heamo,but it depend to your Exertion

easy to follow guidelines for plant based eating, to help slow down renal function, you can buy this  perfect book “The Vegetarian Diet for Kidney Disease Treatment”

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Healthy Mushroom Recipe

Ever tried dishing out a mushroom recipe?
I have discovered a fabulous culinary substitute for high calorie meat - mushrooms!
Mushrooms such as Cremini, (otherwise known as the Brown Mushroom, Brown cap, Chestnut, Champignon Marron), Portabello (large Cremni, which are by far my most favourite variety of exotic mushroom), and Trumpet Royale Mushroom and Eryngii Mushroom or King Oyster Mushroom have a heavy texture and a savoury bite that is as flavoursome as meat. For meat lovers who are struggling to give up high-energy density meat in the diet, or people who are deliberating to move toward vegetarian alternatives, a low-carbohydrate mushroom recipe is definitely something worth trying. Mushrooms are low in calories (1 full cup contains only about 45 calories), low in sodium, have virtually zero fat and cholesterol. No wonder why they complement so many meat dishes and why some even consider them as the meat-eaters vegetarian choice. Thinking about it, perhaps that's why the vegetarian diet consists large quantities of mushrooms.
Not only healthier, mushrooms are also as palatable and satiable as meat, making you feel full and gratified. I believe this mushroom-eating strategy can be helpful in shedding pounds and promoting weight loss. Furthermore, mushrooms are also rich in natural glutamates, contain a host of amino acids, and have an excellent source of vitamins B and D, a nutrient very much associated with prevention against osteoporosis and colon cancer.

Ruth's Favorite Mushroom Recipe

5 big leaves of lettuce 
Brown mushrooms or portabello mushrooms, cut into broad strips 
Sea salt to taste 
A dash of black pepper 
2 cloves of garlic, chopped fine 
2 teaspoon of cooking oil 
3 table spoons of balsamic vinegar 
1 tablespoon of honey

1. To prepare fresh mushrooms, first trim off any hard bottom on the stems and knock off any sticky bits of dirt with a damp kitchen towel. Then give them a quick wash under the tap, they don't really absorb as much water and turn mushy as what many people had warned. 
2. Fry chopped garlic in oil till it's slightly brown. 
3. Add mushrooms and continue to stir-fry until they become soft. 
4. Turn off heat and add salt and pepper. 
5. Cut lettuce into thin strips. 
6. Put lettuce, mushrooms into a salad bowl and add honey and vinegar 
7. Mix and enjoy!

Ruth Tan runs the popular website Benefits of Honey which is an immensely rich, quality resource on honey and its benefits, and a plethora of health-related issues. Discover the amazing health benefits and all the positive spin-offs super-food honey can bring to your life and the lives of your loved ones at

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