14 Ways To Get Better Sleep And Improve Your Mental Health

Do you feel depressed or anxious? Do you have difficulty concentrating? Are you often irritable? Forget pills and therapists - you may not be getting adequate sleep.
In "Are bad sleeping habits driving us mad?" (New Scientist, 2009), author Emma Young discusses how current research suggests poor sleep may cause psychiatric illnesses or lead to incorrect diagnoses.
Researchers were always aware of a correlation with poor sleep and mental health; however, "The assumption that poor sleep was a symptom rather than a cause of mental illness was so strong that nobody questioned it."
The article continues citing research indicating insomnia may be a cause of depression and put people at greater risk for future mental health problems. Poor sleep may induce abnormally elevated or irritable moods indicative of manic episodes present in Bipolar Disorder. Sleep disorders could also impair attention which may be misdiagnosed as Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder.
Sleep disruption may contribute to behavioral and psychological problems in several, yet undiscovered ways. Two of them are:
  • Stress hormone levels increase and contribute to feelings of anxiety.
  • The brain's ability to process emotion and react to emotional stimuli in an appropriate way is disrupted.
If you are having trouble sleeping consider these 14 ways to improve sleep quality:
  • Exercise - At the minimum, engage in moderate exercise 3 to 4 times per week for 30 minutes. Regular exercise can help you fall asleep faster and deepen your sleep. However, avoid exercising 2 to 3 hours before going to bed, the increase in endorphins may interfere with your ability to fall and remain asleep.
  • Weight Loss - Losing weight can improve or reverse mild cases of sleep apnea.
  • Reduce Sugar Consumption Before Bed - sugar raises the body's insulin level to metabolize it which leads to increased energy.
  • Drink Water - dehydration will cause you to wake up thirsty.
  • Decrease Caffeine/Nicotine Use - both are stimulants and will keep you awake.
  • Decrease Alcohol Use - it may help you pass out, but you will remain in the first stages of sleep and never enter the more deep, restorative phases. Alcohol also causes dehydration.
  • Limit television and internet use - develop a bedtime ritual that allows you to wind down and relax, providing the body with cues for sleep preparation. Heavy computer and television use before bedtime may effect sleep demand and sleep quality.
  • Learn Relaxation Techniques
  • Develop A Natural Circadian Rhythm - go to bed earlier and wake up earlier. Go to bed and arise the same time everyday to establish a regular rhythm and sleeping pattern. Don't overcompensate by sleeping in on weekends to make up for missed sleep.
  • Avoid Naps - if you must take one make it early in the day and set an alarm clock for no later than 1 hour.
  • Create A Peaceful Environment - keep your bedroom clean, uncluttered, and stress free.
  • Only Use Your Bed For Sleeping - doing anything else can confuse your body's association with when it needs to be alert and when to prepare for rest.
  • Take A Warm Bath - after a warm bath the body's temperature drops. A decrease in body temperature is associated with sleep.
  • Use A Comfortable Bed And Pillow - this is the most obvious, but probably the most overlooked. Make certain your current bed and pillow are not the reason for difficulty sleeping.
Damon Clark is a Clinical Psychology doctoral student and co-founder of the Honolulu, Hawai'i based health and fitness business SOHI Fitness

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5648383

How Do I Make My Hair Grow Faster?

If you're having trouble growing your hair out, there are many things you can do strengthen your hair and scalp to make hair grow faster and longer. By applying the following growth tips, advice, and methods, men and women will learn how to make hair grow faster, longer, and thicker by stimulating healthy hair growth.
A Little Water and Washing Goes A Long Way
Shampooing too often can damage hair and cause breakage, which inhibits growth. Also, many shampoos and conditioners leave residue behind. This can build up on the scalp and eventually clog the hair follicles, preventing normal growth. Experts recommend washing your hair only 2-3 times a week unless it gets excessively dirty each day because of your job, exercise or other circumstance. Switching to a milder formula free from dyes and perfumes will cut down on product buildup, too.
Weekly rinse with a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to remove scalp residue and dead skin, promoting healthy hair growth that will grow faster and longer.
Make Hair Grow Faster By Cutting It
Scissors might be the last thing you think of when trying to make hair grow longer and fast, but getting regular trims can actually help. When hair is not routinely trimmed, it becomes more prone to breakage and split ends. Broken and damaged hair will not grow very fast or may stop growing altogether, so to encourage growth, have at least 1/4 inch trimmed every 3 months. Your hair will not only grow faster and stronger, but it will look and feel much nicer and softer.
Try to steer clear of styles that require a lot of work to look good; over-styling is another cause of damage. Furthermore, tight hair styles that put pressure or strain on your hair or roots can also cause growth to slow or hair to fall out. Such hair styles that do not promote fast growth include ponytails, pigtails, braiding, and cornrows.
Supplements For Growth
Certain vitamin deficiencies can cause hair to become lackluster and susceptible to breakage. Extreme deficits can even cause hair loss. Dermatologists often tell patients to take B vitamins - specifically B12 - to help the skin and hair repair itself. Getting plenty of EFAs (Essential Fatty Acids), such as amino acids L-cysteine and L-methionine are also key if you hope to have healthy, long locks. You can add a fish oil or flax oil supplement to your regimen to get them.
Other essential vitamins for hair growth include protein, iron, Vitamin B3 (niacin), B5 (pantothenic acid), B6 (pyridoxine), B7 (biotin), B9 (folic acid), vitamin A, E, and C.
Foods That Promote Growth - Your Diet
In order to get the nutrition and vitamins mentioned above, we recommend eating healthy foods like chicken, fish, cheese, milk, yogurt, nuts, flaxseeds, whole grains, legumes, spinach, beans, broccoli, strawberries, avocados, tomatoes, apricots, lentils, soy products, oregano, bananas, etc.
Be Kind
Don't take the hair you do have for granted. Use a good quality brush or wide-tooth comb, and invest in products that help hair growth rather than hinder it. Try not to comb or brush while it's wet, as this can stretch the hair shaft past the breaking point. Minimize the use of heat styling tools such as straighteners and prolonged use of a blow dryer, and try not to wear extremely tight ponytails or buns. Consider purchasing silk or satin pillowcases to cut down on nighttime friction that can frazzle your hair by morning.
Other important notes include:
  • Find and buy a mild, quality shampoo and conditioner
  • For oily hair, apply a hair care product designed for deep cleansing
  • Stay away from harsh or abrasive chemicals or treatments, including dying, perms, chemical washes, bleaching, highlights, curling irons, hot oil treatments, etc.
  • Stress increases the risk of hair loss - proper exercise and sleep can promote hair growth
Home Remedies For Hair Growth
Certain herbs are known for their ability to naturally help you make your hair grow faster and longer. Taking horsetail daily can stimulate hair growth dramatically, and will also improve its luster and shine. Licorice root can be a valuable tool in fighting hair loss, along with sage and parsley. Other culinary herbs that make hair grow faster include chamomile, rosemary, and raspberry leaves. Any of these can be purchased in bulk and made in to tea, and most are also available in capsules and tablets.
There isn't one single method for how to make hair grow faster and longer. By looking at the way you take care of your hair, you can figure out the particular changes you need to make in order to obtain your ideal head of hair.
Ashley is a writer and blogger specializing in beauty, health, fitness, and hair loss. Check out her Acid Reflux site at AcidReflux123.com [http://www.acidreflux123.com/].

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7053366

Body Building Workout Program - The Best Tips You Will Ever Find

Everyone knows that in order to build a muscular body you need to go to the gym and workout. However, this is just a fraction of the story. There is a lot more to it than you thought. Muscle building is a slow process which requires a strict disciplinary schedule in terms of work out, diet and sleep. Furthermore, it needs a lot of patience, strong will and determination to go all the way till the end to accomplish what you started. So if you though just going to the gym and lifting some dumbbells will get you there, you need to think again. Read below to know exactly what you need to do.
After you have joined a gym you must go to the instructor and take his consultation. Tell him about your plan and what you want to achieve. Depending on your physique he/she will give you an exercise routine which you will need to follow. It will mostly consist of a body part wise exercise schedule. You must work one part of your body per day to get maximum results. It is important that you consult an instructor as you must know exactly what to do and when to do. Otherwise you will only end up spending time for nothing.
Same goes with diet. Your diet plan must be drawn by a dietician in order to get the perfect dosage of nutrition everyday without fail. It is also important to have a good diet at regular intervals and keep a watch on what you had throughout the day. A diet chart will help you monitor your diet and your weight gain. Stick to the dietitian's plan as your diet is directly responsible for the growth of your muscles.
Taking the above points into consideration and keeping them in mind will help in building that desired muscular body that you always wanted and also make you feel good about following a professional bodybuilding workout program.
Do YOU know the exact way of building rock-hard, ripped and shredded body? If No! Not to worry. On next page, I have had shared a Complete Body Building Guide by which you can easily build a body of your dream without supplement, without spending every day in GYM and in very less time.
Most people think body building is very expensive and time consuming task, but let me tell you, if you follow given techniques you will build a rock solid body without steroids or expensive supplements. Basically, you have to follow a proven action plan which will help you throughout the body building process.
If you are serious about building a strong, healthy and ripped body you must have to take action now. Believe me; it is not possible to build a great body without proven workout guide. So without wasting time visit next page to read and follow given instructions. Click Here To Visit Next Page.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/2834289

Proactive Ways to Beat Depression and Anxiety

Why look for ways to beat depression and anxiety if you're feeling just fine? Good question! The truth is that everyone should be proactive about warding off negative emotions such as stress and unhappiness because they're bound to sneak up on you if you don't. Consider these three strategies for maintaining a peaceful and happy existence no matter what challenges life throws your way.
  • Pay It Forward
It's easy to get caught up in our everyday lives and forget the needs of other people. We're all guilty of it. With our busy work schedules, demanding family and social lives, and the never-ending to-do list, we're lucky to have time to take care of ourselves, much less others, but did you know that doing unto others can have an equally positive effect on the giver as on the recipient? It's true! Lending a helping hand simply feels good. Plus, paying it forward means that you're due an act of kindness in the future-likely when you need it the most! Paying it forward doesn't have to be complicated or even time-consuming. Do what you can when you can, and the rewards will quickly add up.
  • Schedule In Variety
Do you ever feel like you do the same things over and over again day after day? Many of us live by a schedule that can become painfully redundant if we're not careful. Humans need to be exposed to different sights, scenes, and experiences, though. After all, there's a reason they say variety is the spice of life! If you're feeling like you're in a rut, take the chance to change things up a bit. No matter how locked in your schedule appears, there are things you can do to introduce variety. Take a different route to work, for instance, or make a bigger change by picking up a new hobby or activity. When life becomes less boring, you'll find that attempting to beat depression isn't such an arduous feat after all.
  • Plan Ahead
When researching how to treat anxiety, you may have been advised to live in the moment and enjoy the present. While it's true that being in the now can have a calming effect, it's important to also plan ahead for a peaceful life. If you're a chronic procrastinator or you find yourself always playing catch-up, then you can bet that stress will find its way to you, creating lots of unnecessary anxiety and mood swings. In order to beat depression and learn how to treat anxiety proactively, you need to get a handle on your schedule. This means applying good organization and time management skills to your everyday life. Ask yourself, "what can I do today to make tomorrow less stressful?"
It's easy to get lazy during the calmer stretches of life. Resist the temptation, though! If you're proactive about your personal development practice, then you'll have the tools to beat depression and you'll know how to treat anxiety when things get tough.
Check out http://www.clearyourstress.com/ for more tips and great information on how to overcome anxiety and beat depression.
You'll also find many guided exercises and meditation methods to connect with your inner wisdom, and enjoy a balanced lifestyle >> http://www.clearyourstress.com/meditation-methods/.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7872116

Diet Tips - Five Easy Ways to Lose Weight Fast!

Many people hate the idea of rigid diets - the good news is that if follow the five proven weight loss tips below, you will lose weight easily.
The diet tips require no real willpower and can improve anyone's diet and chances of healthy weight control.
1. Drink Water
One of the most effective diet tips is to drink plenty of water. In fact, water is possibly the single most important catalyst in losing weight and keeping it off.
Water acts as a natural appetite suppressant by keeping your stomach full and fending off dehydration that leads to hunger cravings. Water also provides the additional benefit of flushing out toxins from the body and keeping it hydrated.
Water also helps your body metabolize stored fat by helping the kidneys flush out waste. When you don't drink enough water the liver that works to provide stored fat for energy also takes on the role of helping the kidneys eliminate waste and thus becomes less effective at metabolizing fat.
2. Eat Breakfast
Many people believe one of the best diet tips is skipping breakfast, as it will help them lose weight, this is totally incorrect. Skipping breakfast can make you hungrier later in the day leading to distorted satiety signals (i.e. it's hard to determine when you're full). This can actually result in eating more as a result.
If you don't have time to eat breakfast or don't like to, at least have a liquid meal to fuel your body after sleeping and having no nutrition for several hours.
3. Increase Fibre Intake
Eating lots of foods rich in fibre helps keep food moving through your bowels. Just like water, fiber rich foods bulk you up and make you feel full. In fact, the average person could lose around 10 pounds a year just from doubling their fiber intake.
High fiber foods are generally low in calories and fill you up, so eating more of them means you're eating fewer calories and leaving less room for calories from other foods. Fiber also cuts calories by attaching itself to some of the other proteins and fats that you eat and eliminates them as well.
The average person consumes about 8g of fiber per day, but many experts recommend 25g. Start your day with a high fiber cereal and keep eating fibre throughout the day.
4. Eat Healthy Fats
Many experts claim that fat causes obesity, raises your cholesterol and causes heart disease, but this is not strictly true. If fat is all that bad, why is it part of our natural diet chain? The reason is fat can be very good for you.
Fat provides the body with essential fatty acids (linoleic and linolenic acids) needed for normal reproduction and growth, as well as for production of prostaglandin, a hormone like compound that regulates blood pressure, blood clotting, and inflammation.
When eating fats you should eat healthy fats. Eating "healthy" fats includes the cold-water fish, mackerel and salmon, nuts, and olive oil. By eating healthy fats over unhealthy ones you will lose weight.
5. Lean Protein
Protein is a great weight control tool because of the immediate satiety factor and because it keeps you full for longer periods. It also balances out carbs by preventing insulin spikes that can lead to a drain in energy and sugar cravings.
Protein also helps maintain muscle mass, which is very important in the fat burning process. At least 20% of calories should be in the form of protein.
More dieting and general health information and FREE exclusive diet and health magazines, are available on our web site: http://www.net-planet.org

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/120766

Healthy Food Tips: Top 5 Best Foods to Prevent Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a ubiquitous "silent" disease of the bones that leads to fragile bones and increases the risk of fracture. Certain foods can help you prevent this disease and improve your overall health. Eating an alkalizing diet with foods high in calcium and avoiding sodas, sugar, coffee, and alcohol are the best ways to fend off osteoporosis. While women are more prone to develop this condition, men may also be affected. Your diet should provide at least 1,200 milligrams of calcium each day. Here are top five best foods to prevent osteoporosis:
Dairy Products
Dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D. If you are on a diet, choose low fat milk, yogurt, and cheese to reduce calories and saturated fat. Those who are lactose intolerant can drink milk with added lactase enzymes. Some dairy products are fortified with vitamin D.
Broccoli is an excellent source of calcium, magnesium, folate, vitamin K, and vitamin B6. This highly alkalizing vegetable also contains vitamin C, which helps the body absorb calcium more efficiently. Broccoli is rich in antioxidants and helps prevent prostate, breast, colon, bladder, and ovarian cancers. One cup of broccoli contains 200 milligrams of calcium.
Soy Products
Soy products contain isoflavones, which helps balance estrogen levels. Hormone imbalances can contribute to bone loss. Studies indicate that regular consumption of soy products lowers the risk of bone fracture, particularly among early post-menopausal women. Many soy foods are naturally high in calcium and contain certain types of isoflavones that may reduce the breakdown of bones.
Oats provide a host of mineral components essential for bone health. Due to its high calcium content, this food is a powerful weapon against osteoporosis. Eating oats regularly can also improve circulatory function and reduce cholesterol levels. Oats helps in treating osteoporosis, relieves cramps, mends bones, and strengthens teeth.
If you are looking for a rich source of calcium other than milk, sardines are a great choice. Three ounces of sardines contain 325 milligrams of calcium. These fish are rich in numerous nutrients that support cardiovascular health, strengthen the bone matrix, and keep your immune system strong. They also contain high amounts of protein and amino acids. Older adults in particular should consume at least 46 grams of protein a day to prevent osteoporosis. If you buy canned sardines, choose those with less salt. Researchers have found that for ever 2,300 milligrams of sodium you take in, you lose approximately 40 milligrams of calcium.
The latest healthy food tips can help you create a personalized diet that suits your individual needs and prevent diseases such as osteoporosis, cancer, diabetes, and obesity. If you want to learn more about healthy eating and get the most delicious recipes, check out DSM Food.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7324654

Vegetarian Weight Loss Tips - 5 Ways to Increase Metabolism for Vegetarian Weight Loss

Weight loss tips to increasing metabolism for vegetarians work very similarly to those for the general overweight public. However, vegetarians tend to lose more fat when they apply these techniques than anyone else as they're more receptive to health advice.
Tip 1 - Water Activates Metabolism
A dehydrated body will have sluggish metabolic rate. That said, consume adequate water amount to keep your body metabolically active.
Tip 2 - Snacking Boosts Metabolism
Insert snack in between your breakfast, lunch and dinner. Doing so can help continue to keep your body at fat-burning level throughout the day. Especially in the afternoon, eating a healthy snack at around 3 - 3:30 P.M. can help prevent you from falling asleep.
Tip 3 - Exercise to Rev Up Metabolic Rate
Put down your cardio exercises and pick up interval workouts today.
Numerous studies and researches have proven that interval training can increase your metabolism all day long, even hours post exercise. Cardio will only keep your fat burning during the exercise bout. Once you stop exercising, your fat-burning subsides soon after.
So, go with interval training where you'll alternate between low- and high-intensity levels. Just a 10 to 20-minute exercise like that in the morning for 3 times a week will take your fat loss to the next level... the whole day.
Many vegetarians find that interval workouts burn more fat with a proper vegetarian fat loss diet plan. However, always seek prior advice from your physicians if you got any medical condition to make sure you're fit for such interval workouts.
Tip 4 - The Early You Move, The More You Lose
An experiment conducted in Australia shows that working out in the morning burns more fat due to higher metabolic rate than doing it in the afternoon and evening. But if you find hard to work out in the morning due to shift work or odd working hours, then any time in the day works fine. You burn less, that's all.
Tip 5 - Get More Cells Repaired
Getting enough rest and sleep is one of the most vital keys to increasing metabolism. When you improve your sleep quality, more cells in your body will get repaired. Since it is your cells that metabolize the calories consumed, the more healthy cells you got, the more boosted your metabolism will be. Turning in before 11 P.M. is the best time since our body repairs cells and tissues at its peak between 11 P.M. and 2 A.M.
Laura Ng strongly suggests using coconut oil for weight loss because this healthy fat can boost your metabolism and burn fat up to 24 hours a day. Discover the 5 simple steps in her free free vegetarian weight loss program to increase your energy levels and expedite your fat loss without getting loose skin and weight rebound. Get more fat-busting tips at iNotFat.com now.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/3965132

Mind-Body Healing: 3 Tips for Those With Chronic Pain

Five years ago I found myself laying face down on the blacktop of Austin's Highway 360, after colliding with a parked SUV while riding my bike. The minutes following my accident dragged on like hours, filling my mind with every possible outcome, most of them horrifying. As an orthopaedic surgeon, I know spinal cord injuries, and I knew I was in trouble.
One week and one violent surgery later, in which my neck was fused in both the front and back and bone grafts from my hip were put in to help stabilize my cervical vertebrae, I called my wife from the hospital and told her to get me out of there because I could "smell death on me." I went home and directed my own course of treatment - physical therapy combined with two forms of what are considered "alternative therapies" in most conventional circles: myofascial release and craniosacral therapy. For four to six hours a day I worked, drawing on my experiences as a world-class competitive swimmer, my own determined nature and my challenged but intact faith, as well as the support of family and friends.
Four months after my accident I reentered the operating room - as assistant surgeon, and began the long road back to my life.
In truth, my life would never be the same again. I am the survivor of a serious spinal cord injury, and as such, I still struggle with recurrent pain, clonus, body temperature issues and a number of other conditions common to spinal cord injuries.
But my life has changed in other ways as well. My spinal cord injury has proven to be one of the greatest of all my teachers. Over and over my recovery has been referred to as "miraculous," and though I cannot disagree, what exactly that means is something I have given serious thought. My recovery from spinal cord injury has gone far beyond prediction or expectation. Why? How? There is an element in the answer to those questions that I acknowledge is beyond explanation. But, there is part of the "miraculous" that can be explored. Looking back over my recovery I can now pinpoint certain factors that played a significant role. Some of these factors I can speak to as a doctor, some as an athlete, some as a spinal cord injury survivor, and all as a human being.
Healing that is considered "miraculous" is that which transforms a condition into its highest possible potential.. Here I will share three principles that can help lead to transformational healing. These ideas are meant for those with spinal cord injury or any kind of chronic condition, and for anyone who desires to elevate their own level of wellness.
1. True health is achieved through integration. We cannot focus only on the body and treating physical symptoms if we are to activate all of the possible healing powers available. Healing comes through three distinct and interrelated prongs: Science, Self and Soul. When we take the best of Science and combine it with the innate strengths and healing capacities of the Self and the Soul, we tap into our part in co-creating miracles.
Examples of Science: integrating conventional and complementary medicines; harvesting your own stem cells, healthy balanced diet, quality supplements and exercise.
Examples of Self: cultivating attitudes of determination, focus, confidence, self-trust and intuition, seeking and creating positive support systems, asking for help when needed, engaging in pleasurable activity, laughing often and becoming your own greatest advocate.
Examples of Soul: cultivating qualities such as optimism, humility, gratitude, hope, mindfulness and generosity, being of service and strengthening your internal locus of control.
2. The nervous system is the highway of life. It is responsible for maintaining and regulating our most automatic systems, those that keep us alive. It manages the body's stress and relaxation response, making it the great balancer of our internal system. The autonomic nervous system offers us one of the most direct examples of the need for balance in maintaining health and well-being. Healthy nervous systems keep our bodies in a state of homeostasis. Healthy lifestyles seek to do the same for all parts of our being and our lives - physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.
If it could speak the nervous system would tell us that these days stress is winning out over relaxation. Our fight or flight response - the body's response to stress - is in overdrive most of the time. So what do we need? To begin consciously balancing our experiences. To take as much time for slowing down as we do for revving up, to learn practices for activating the part of the nervous system responsible for the relaxation response - the parasympathetic system.
Examples: deep breathing with focus on slow, long exhales, mind-body exercises such as yoga and tai chi, therapies such as massage, craniosacral and acupuncture.
3. When it comes to transforming our health and well-being, practice does not make perfect. It leads to progress. When we make the commitment to wake up and engage in the creation of miracles in our daily lives, we are making a promise to practice principles of integrated self-care. Practicing means taking part in, learning, and progressing at our own pace. It means understanding that perfection is not the goal; rather, we seek to tap into a deeper process of healing that comes together as we continue to take small and steady steps. We set goals and move toward them. We reevaluate our goals, change them as necessary and keep practicing. I suggest designing regular practices for exercise, for relaxation, for self-evaluation through journaling or counseling, for having fun and simply enjoying life. Keys to practicing healthy habits include: becoming aware of what you need and where you are out of balance, engaging in honest evaluation, setting goals that can be achieved through small steps, and taking action through conscious choices.
Whether you are facing serious illness, spinal cord injury, chronic pain or simply desiring to create a healthier, more balanced life, it is vital to understand that every day is a new opportunity to begin again, to make new choices and engage your innate, profound powers of transformational healing.
Scott Spann, M.D., board-certified orthopedic surgeon, former world-class athlete and recovered quadriplegic, is an innovator in the worlds of spinal surgery and clinical stem cell use and a proponent for the implementation of integrated health practices. Dr. Spann is a member of numerous medical organizations, a Diplomate of the American Board of Orthopedic Surgery (certifying body of orthopedic surgeons in the United States) and Chairman of Spine Surgery at Westlake Hospital in Austin, Texas.
A consultant and instructor for several medical device companies, Dr. Spann has been a part of numerous product design teams for spinal implants and holds more than a dozen patents for orthopedic products and procedures.
Always pushing the envelope of possibility, Scott Spann's early research led him to become one of the earliest adopters in the world to use autologous (adult) stem cells in a clinical setting.
A championship swimmer during his years at Auburn University and the University of Texas, Dr. Spann broke five world records, including one of Mark Spitz', and was expected to qualify for the 1980 Olympics before the United States boycott of the Moscow games. An active alumnus at the University of Texas, he was inducted into the UT Hall of Fame in 1999.
In 2005, Scott Spann suffered a spinal cord injury that left him a quadriplegic. Forging his own "miraculous" recovery, he was able to return to his role as surgeon within four months. It was this experience that catapulted him into the next phase of his life, as an advocate for integrated healthcare, stem cell usage and the movement toward a new vision of holistic wellness.
Dr. Spann's website and blog can be found at: http://www.scottspannmd.com Dr. Spann is currently at work on a book to share "12 Simple Prescriptions for Transformational Healing."

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/5400786

Yoga and the Mind/Body Connection

Yoga is most famous for its healing ability and the peace of mind that it brings. How does Yoga do this?
The body has two nervous systems, sympathetic, and parasympathetic. The sympathetic system, also called the "fight or flight" system, causes blood pressure to rise, breath rate to increase, and stress hormones to flood the body. This prepares the body for fight, and in today's world, this occurs when we are stressed or agitated. This system, when over stimulated, can cause health problems like ulcers, migraines, and heart disease.
The parasympathetic system does just the opposite, lowering blood pressure and slowing the pace of your breathing. This frees the blood to travel to digestive, reproductive, glandular, and immune systems of the body, because it doesn't need to rush to the muscles. These systems contain the organs that are essential for long term survival. The body has time now to heal from the damage of daily battles. Long, deep breathing exercises encourage the actions of the parasympathetic system, allowing relaxation and healing. The breathing meditations practiced in Yoga encourage the parasympathetic nervous system.
Yoga encourages the mind to calm itself as well. By concentrating on breathing, your mind doesn't wander, and it is encouraged to stay connected to the body, in the now. The more we daydream and reminisce, the less our mind is open to the good things happening now. We tend to miss out on embracing the moments that are happening now. There is a connection between the emotional and psychological states and the pace of our breathing. When we are excited or frightened we take shorter, quicker, shallow breaths; when we are sleeping, or very relaxed, our breathing is longer and deeper.
Yoga teaches the mind to change the breathing pattern, to make breaths slower and deeper, and the state of our mind is similarly affected, being calmer, and quieter. Over time, those who practice Yoga will act and think from a state of peace, making them more likely to act with patience and understanding. The breath helps us to concentrate on staying connected to the present time, helping us move on from past grievances and sadness, viewing the world as it is, without false expectations. Those who practice Yoga accept themselves and others just as they are.
Being in good shape physically affects people's moods. Strengthening the muscles and joints helps us feel better physically, and reducing blood pressure and stimulating the immune systems lead those who practice Yoga to a state of peace in addition to physical health.
Discover more about fundamental principles of yoga [http://pilates-yoga.info/articles/Fundamental-Principles-of-Yoga.html] and yoga breathing exercises [http://pilates-yoga.info/articles/Yoga-Breathing.html] at pilates-yoga.info.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/321394

Best Vegetarian Diet for Weight Loss

Are you an overweight vegetarian? Do you know the best vegetarian diet for weight loss? There are a number of foods that you can consume to reduce any excess weight as a vegetarian. One great thing about this diet is that it is made of natural ingredients. A typical diet for a vegetarian should include legumes, seeds, nuts, fruits, and vegetables. They should not contain any food from animals at all. Each diet you undertake should be unique in its own way.
Vegetarian diets for weight loss is easy to adapt. This is because it is made from readily available ingredients. Many people in the modern world are opting for this diet since it has proved to be effective in weight loss. It will not only see you lose weight, but will also help maintain the health of your body. It will reduce the risks of health problems such as heart disease and cancer.
Even though vegetarian diet for weight loss is the most effective way of losing weight, you should plan this diet in such a way that it contains all the nutritional elements you need to maintain the health of your body. You should ensure that the nutritional requirements of the body are catered for. A good diet for a vegetarian is the one that will steer off foods that are rich in saturated fats, cholesterol and animal proteins. Instead it should be rich in foods that contain high levels of potassium, magnesium, carbohydrates, and calcium. You should also include fiber. This is a crucial component that will see you lose the maximum amount of weight from your body. It works by suppressing the appetite. It is good to know the nutritional information of your food and also know the amount of calories you need per day.
Most people tend to think that vegetarian diet for weight loss contains tasteless and boring foods. This is an inaccurate perception. There are a number of delicious recipes that you can adapt to make your diet tasty. It is advantageous to include all the essential nutrients like proteins, iron, and carbohydrates. This will ensure you have a balanced diet. This type of diet will help in burning down the fats that will see you lose excess fat from the body. You should ensure it is low in carbohydrates and be minimal in calorie content.
It is recommended that before you undertake a vegetarian diet for weight loss that you consult a dietitian. This is the person who will guide you on the amount of calories to consume per day. Bear in mind that calorie requirement will vary from one individual to another. It will all depend on your state of health.
If you want to lose weight using a vegetarian diet, you need to know the main reason why you want to lose weight. This is what will motivate you to stop consuming animal products. Whatever the reason, you can be assured that a vegetarian diet for weight loss can help you lose weight at the same time as improving your overall health.
We have tested hundreds of weight loss programs & methods and isolated a simple, fast and safe way to lose 10lbs in 7 days or less. To discover this FREE and quick solution download our complimentary "Lose 10lbs in 7 days or less" report here:

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7046754

Children's Health - Choosing Healthy Foods For Your Kids

Are you concerned about your child's eating habits? It can be challenging to feed toddlers a healthy diet every day, but I have a secret weapon. A homemade smoothie is an easy way to serve your child at least one serving of fruits, vegetables, and calcium every day. Follow these five simple guidelines to help your child eat a nutritious diet:
Five Effortless Nutrition Suggestions for More Nutritious Kids:
3+ portions of veggies, 2 portions of fruit, 3 portions of whole grain products, 3 food servings of calcium, 1/2 their entire body weight in grams of lean health proteins
One serving size of veggies is just one cup raw or 1/2 cup prepared. Even though it can often be difficult to get small children to eat raw vegetables, it's simple to include at least one portion of veggies in a delicious homemade smoothie. Spinach, mixed greens, and steamed baby carrots are specially effortless to conceal in mouth watering shakes. One of the best smoothie recipe with blended veggies is called Frog Juice, and my favorite recipe made with baby carrots is Bunny Juice. Your kids will happily eat their vegetables if you serve them inside a healthy smoothie!
It's substantially simpler and easier to persuade children to eat their fruits instead of vegetables. One helping of fresh fruit is one actual fruit (such as 1 apple or mango), or 3/4 cup of berries. Although fruits aren't necessary to make great drinks, smoothies taste better with a bit of sweet fruit added! Frozen bananas are very popular in smoothies, because they add cold and creamy texture to the drink. The preparation to add bananas into a juice smoothie is basically non-existent: just peel and throw in. Apples are another popular fresh fruits to add to smoothies. Apples are very nutritious and taste great.
Whole Grain Products have a greater nutritional value than processed, highly refined, white grains. Because children consume a relatively small amount of food day-to-day, it is imperative to ensure that they receive the maximum nutritional value for the amount of food that they eat. One serving of whole grains is equal to 1/2 cup cooked rice or pasta, 1 slice of whole grain bread, 1/2 cup dry oatmeal or 1 cup whole grain breakfast cereal (with less than 6 grams of sugar, and 3 or more grams of fiber per serving). You can easily add a serving of breakfast cereal to your child's drinks, or add dry oats if your vita mixer is effective enough. The whole grain cereal found in the baby section is one other option, though it will be challenging to find a baby cereal with at least 3 grams per serving of fibers.
Chances are your son or daughter will get nearly all of their daily calcium supplement by drinking milk, but calcium is also found in yogurt, cottage cheese, traditional cheeses, green veggies, legumes, and tofu, along with calcium-fortified food items including waffles and orange fruit juice. One serving of calcium is equal to 1 cup dairy, yogurt, or calcium-fortified juice, 1/2 to One cup beans or broccoli, or four ounces of tofu. You should seek out low-fat versions of dairy, yogurt, and cheese, which are healthier since they have less artery-clogging fat. Children over the age of 2 should always consume 1% milk, never the full fat variety. Smoothies made with low-fat milk, soymilk, citrus veggie juice, or even low-fat natural yogurt are specially scrumptious solutions to consume your calcium.
Lean proteins is another sticky point in children's diets. My own child weighs in at 36 pounds. It's ideal for her to consume one half of that in grams, 18 grams, of lean protein each and every day. Children can get protein from a assortment of sources: cooked chicken, poultry hamburgers, yogurt, lowfat milk, peanut butter, tofu, eggs, almonds, vegan burgers, lasagna, and string cheese are common proteins sources amongst this particular age bracket. You'll really need to look at nutrition facts for one's particular grams of proteins for each amount for each item. Try to consider that barbequed chicken along with turkey burgers are definitely the hefty hitters, averaging twenty-one gr of protein per helping that is the dimensions of ones palm. Natural yogurt, low-fat dairy, peanut butter, as well as tofu are usually fantastic sources of trim necessary protein that taste delightful in kid's shakes!
Now that we've reduced down every single nutrition rule you can see exactly how our nourishing smoothie tested recipes for children could go a considerable ways to ensure your child is ingesting great-tasting, healthful food each day. All the best!
Disclosure: I 'm not an expert in nutrition, only a mommy attempting to make certain my little princess dines on food that is as nutritious as possible. Speak with your doctor before switching your child's diet.
Would your child like to drink healthy smoothies? Click here for Heather Boger's favorite smoothie recipes for kids. Good luck!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7038531

Top 5 Tips for Creating Your Very Own Diet Plan

There are thousands of diet plans available online but they are somehow difficult to follow, especially if they include those food items which you almost hate. So, instead of following any of those, why shouldn't you design a customized and healthy one for yourself? You can do that according to your taste and the foods you like. Nutritionists recommend that your diet should include all the foods in a balanced way. It means that the food should not only be high in vitamin alone but also balance all the necessary proteins and carbohydrates.
For the past two to three years, I have been creating diet plans for myself. These proved very effective for my body and provided great results. Following are some of the important tips that I picked up. These points need to be considered while creating your own healthy diet plan.
  • It must include different fruit and vegetables. These are the basic source of vitamins, proteins and other essential nutrients required by our body. The skin or outer covering of fruits and vegetables is also full of nutrition, so avoid peeling it.
  • Your diet should be rich in fiber. Whole grain, fruit, and vegetables are all rich in fibers. Dietary fibres are very important and help in metabolism of our body.
  • Prefer using vinegar, lemon juice, and natural herbs instead of artificial spices in your food. Artificial spices are not good for your health because they increase the acidity level of the stomach and cause different diseases.
  • Avoid eating food items having higher proportion of fats or cholesterol in them. Such foods contain saturated fats which are not good for our health. So stop using cookies, cakes, pastries and other related stuff right from today.
  • When it comes to healthy diet, then you must take care of how much you eat and how much you burn. If the calories you consume through food are equal to the calories you burn then, you have lesser chances of obesity and other dangerous diseases.
Making a healthy diet plan is not so problematic but following it punctually and maintaining it is the difficult part. You should also start having exercises. Exercises not only keep you physically fit but also keep you fresh all over the day.
These points will enable you to create a healthy diet plan which will keep you from obesity and other heart diseases. Now, when you know about the essential ingredients of a healthy diet, why not take a paper and a pen and create your diet plan, all by yourself?
Mohsin Majeed is an enthusiastic article writer. His articles are always well-researched and very entertaining. He is a great writer and possess all the qualities required for quality-article writing. He has been writing articles for various blogs. He always uses simple language for easy digestion. Article writing has always been his passion. You may provide your feedback on his articles by commenting here or atmohsinmajeed1@yahoo.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7788846

Ways To Relieve Stress And Anxiety - 3 Natural Stress Management Techniques

Do you feel stressed and anxious on a daily basis? Does it seem like being stressed out has become a way of life?
You wouldn't be the only one! I myself used to suffer with stress and anxiety all the time due to a high demanding job that involved handling huge sums of money for companies. I could never switch off from work even in my leisurely hours.
You see stress and anxiety is almost unavoidable, in fact the only way to eliminate it would be to rid yourself of all your assets and live off the land. Sounds far-fetched I know but you didn't see our ancestors before us queuing up at the doctors for prescriptions!
Although it's slightly off topic you should watch the film "into the wild". It's based on a true story of a guy who got sick of modern day living so gave all his money to the Oxfam charity and lived off the land. It's really moving and opens your mind to just how much modern day living has enslaved us.
So anyway, life as we know it has become complicated, it's extremely demanding and many work extremely hard in order to provide for their nearest and dearest. This means stress and anxiety is extremely common and many have to cope with stress on a daily basis.
However just because stress is near unavoidable doesn't mean we have to let it rule our lives. How you cope with stress is what matters which is why we'll discuss some simple and natural techniques for relieving stress and anxiety.
Exercise is extremely effective for relieving stress and anxiety. It helps to rid the mind of worry and release any built up tension in the body. Stress can cause you to feel extremely frustrated and agitated and there's no better way to release that pent up energy and channel that frustration than to engage in some physical activity.
Note: Exercising doesn't have to entail a strenuous session in the gym or a three mile sprint! If you're feeling stressed and anxious then a simple walk around the block can help to relieve you of your anxieties.
Maintaining a stable diet and ensuring the body gets the proper nutrition it needs is another effective and natural way to lower your stress levels. If you don't maintain a proper diet then you're going to feel sluggish and fatigued and wont be able to operate at peak performance.
With the fast paced world we live in it's all to easy to snack on unhealthy products due to time constraints. Fast food is called fast food for a reason - because it's served up quickly! It's convenience but not necessarily the best option as it can affect your performance at work and in between work hours.
Making small changes to your diet can have a big impact for relieving stress and anxiety. Try cutting out sugary, fatty and processed snacks and replacing them with healthier alternatives such as;
* Replacing sugary drinks and sodas with water and natural fruit juices
* Replacing snacks such as chocolate with fruits, nuts and even seeds
* Avoid junk foods like the plague!
* Instead of binging, try eating little and often, fueling your body as and when required
Breathing Exercises
Here's a natural stress management technique that's extremely effective. Why is it that experts recommend hyper-ventilating to people that experience panic attacks? Because controlled breathing relaxes both the mind and body almost instantaneously!
Deep breathing helps to oxygenate the blood flow and reduces your heart rate which is often increased when you're feeling stressed and anxious. It also relaxes the muscles and helps your mind to calm down relieving you of that pent up frustration.
Whenever you're beginning to feel stressed and anxious take deep, slow breathes, really fill your lungs with air on each breathe. There's no need to go frantic just nice natural long drawn breathes will do the trick.
Start applying these three stress management techniques regularly and you'll soon find relieving yourself of stress and anxiety gets a whole lot easier.
Is stress affecting your ability to cope in day-to-day life? If so apply these 3 coping strategies for stress and learn to lower your stress levels and calm your mind on a day-to-day basis.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7630876

Five Ways To Add Fitness To Your Daily Routine

People all over the world are looking for ways to lose weight, Eating healthy and getting the right amount of fitness is the best way to go about. If you think you don't have time for fitness, you had better thing again. Here are five ways you can get fit without putting in a lot of time.
When you are stuck in line, you should take the time to do leg bends. There are lines everywhere, so there should be no shortage of time for you to get this done. You don't want to look too awkward, so be subtle about it. Gradually bend your knee and pull your leg back as far as you can. Take turns doing this on each side until it is your turn to be served.
When you go out to get the mail, jog a lap around your house for each piece of junk mail you receive. If you are one of the fortunate ones that don't get any, do a lap for each bill and advertisement. This could turn out to be a pretty big workout if you get stacks of mail in your box every day. You can run laps around the inside of your home if you are worried about the reaction of the neighbors.
If you are in a building where you have to go to an upper floor, take the stairs. It is not reasonable to expect anyone to walk up to the 40th floor, but walking up a flight or two of stairs is not too much. You would be surprised at how often people take the elevator to go up one flight. Not only will you get in some much needed physical activity, but you will save energy as well.
While you are watching TV, get up and do a few exercises during the commercial breaks. This may not seem like much, but it can really add up if you are a big couch potato. Most TV shows have between four and seven minutes of commercials, so watching something lengthy can result in you getting more than enough exercise in. You don't have to pull out the barbells and go crazy, but doing a few pushups or situps would be great.
It has been said that singing helps burn calories, so take every chance you can and sing your heart out. There is nothing like singing in the shower, in front of the mirror while you are getting ready or in the car on the way to your destination. The more upbeat a song is, the more likely you will sing it to the end. It may also help for you to do a bit of dancing while you are singing into your hairbrush microphone.
These are five simple tips that can help anyone get into shape. While the road to weight loss is sometimes long and chock full of obstacles, having the right information can certainly ease the burden. Relax and work on the five tidbits of advice mentioned here.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7760604

Useful Tips For Successful Weight Loss

There are few things as gratifying as reaching a weight loss goal... and few things more frustrating than trying to lose weight! Make sure that you have credible information when it comes to weight loss, as there are numerous myths and misconceptions about the best ways to lose weight and keep it off.
Many of us set impossible goals, such as reaching the weight we were twenty years ago in just a month or two. When we fail to reach these impossible goals, we become discouraged and give up our efforts. Do not fall into this trap! Setting goals is imperative, as they give you benchmarks by which to measure your progress, but make sure that your goals are ones that you will be able to realistically reach with hard work. You probably have a larger weight loss goal, but break that goal up into all the smaller steps that you'll need to take to reach it. Rather than weighing yourself every day, have a weekly weigh in, and record your progress.
Your body needs a certain amount of fats, carbohydrates, and sugars to survive. But chances are pretty good that you are consuming these in far greater quantities than you need! Many of us really don't have an accurate idea of what our typical diet is truly like. Before you can even begin to figure out how to change your diet to best suit your weight loss goals, you need to have a clear idea of what your typical diet is. Keep a food journal - in other words, write down every single thing that you eat every day, no matter how small. In addition to giving you a clearer picture of what you typically eat, you may find yourself eating less and making smarter food choices as a result of keeping a food journal. The simple act of recording all our meals and snacks often makes us more aware of what we're eating, and makes us less likely to engage in mindless eating and snacking.
You would likely be amazed at all the sugar that you consume without even realizing it in the form of sodas and fruit juices. Many people have lost several pounds simply by replacing these types of beverages with water. Your bank account will thank you, as well, as soda and fruit juice can be expensive over time!
Everyone, at some time or another, will become discouraged with their weight loss efforts. This is natural, so don't let your discouragement cause you to stop in your efforts. Remind yourself of how far you have come. In general, lasting weight loss is best achieved if you are patient and persistent, and although the quick results that fad diets typically offer can feel good, their results rarely last more than a few months. Stick with it, and you will soon see results! Remember, you are in this for the long haul.
Losing weight can be challenging! The more you know about successful practices and habits of those who have lost weight, the more likely you will be to meet your own goals. With patience, dedication, and hard work, you will soon be well on your way!

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7596524

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