Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fitness. Show all posts

Quick Fitness Plan is a Time Saving Way to a Great Body

Believe it or not, there is a quick fitness plan to get that toned and lean body that you want. You may think that engaging in weight training for weight loss and to tone your muscles is all about spending hours in the gym as if it was your second home. You might believe that getting your body into model or beach-worthy shape is achieved by toiling in that hot gym with iron machines day after day.
It doesn't have to be that way. Hard work is admirable, and consistency is essential, but you don't have to feel like a slave. Muscles burn calories much faster than other body tissues; this is why weight training is so great for weight loss! But save time by employing the full-body workout method, in which you work the whole body, muscle group by muscle group, in a single session. This type of fitness exercise will fit into your busy schedule, and it has additional benefits.
So if you are ready to re-shape your entire body quickly, and exercise for weight loss also, read on:
Save Time With the Right Exercise Training Method
A full-body weight loss workout will save the time that is so precious to you. You can visit the gym two or three times a week and this will be sufficient. If you have a home gym, schedule your 'visits' there in the same fashion, keeping a regular schedule.
Also, you do not have to spend two or more hours of arduous exercise for each session; 30 to 60 minutes will be more than sufficient. Full-body fitness workouts focus on the quality of the exercise you do for each session and not on the quantity, or on the number of minutes you spend for each workout.
More Benefits of Fitness Exercise
A full-body workout session will benefit your cardiovascular system and your health in general. Each session will accelerate your heart rate and breathing rate; this is so good for your future health and well-being. Your joints, muscles and bones will also be maintained to slow down the aging process! In addition, this kind of fitness routine has flexibility and is appropriate for all ages and fitness levels.
Rules For Weight-Training Exercise Plans
Now that you are mentally pumped up, here is some information about the basic rules for engaging in full-body weight training:
First, the frequency of your workouts will be three times per week, whichever days are convenient while leaving a day in between each workout. This schedule couldn't be much easier, right?
Second, many fitness routine programs stress that you should utilize one exercise per muscle group. This makes the workout easy to learn and follow. Do a basic but intense exercise for each part of your body.
Third, keep your workout relatively short. Resistance training triggers hormones that facilitate muscle building, such as testosterone. However, long workouts increase catabolic cortisol which is detrimental.What do I mean by catabolic cortisol? Catabolic refers to muscle breakdown. Physical or mental stress will cause cortisol hormone to be secreted from the adrenal glands. Cortisol will act to make available fat, carbs, and protein in order to deal with the stress.
Intense and long-term exercise is a kind of physical stress that raises cortisol, and repetitious exercise minus basic rest periods will produce chronically elevated cortisol levels; the result will be constant muscle breakdown and a suppression of the immune system. This state is sometimes referred to as overtraining syndrome.
However, with a full-body workout routine, in 30 to 60 minutes you will get the benefits of muscle-building hormones and avoid those catabolic cortisol effects. (And ladies, you don't have to be concerned about your muscles bulking up. You don't have enough testosterone for bulking, just enough to get that nice toned look.)
Get a Weight Loss Exercise Program
Now that you have the information about full-body weight training workout, you might want to invest in a solid quick fitness plan and diet program that will actually give you a solid step-by-step method to tone you up and achieve quick weight loss, ridding yourself of any excess fat.
So get going and get ready to enjoy a truly beneficial and enjoyable health and weight loss routine!
Always check with your physician before starting a diet or fitness program.
Olivia Wells writes about health-related articles, including nutritional foods, nutritional supplements, quick fitness plan, the food industry, exercise, and weight training.

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The Best Body Weight Workouts for Weight Loss and Fitness

Body Weight Workouts for Weight Loss
Body weight workouts are the best options to go for when it comes to losing weight and maintaining fitness. They are a combination of cardiovascular and muscle building bodyweight workouts, facilitating burning of fat and increased metabolism. These exercises are often considered for military fitness training, martial arts, sports, dance and other activities. The best thing about these body weight workouts is that they don't require any equipment so they can be done at home, offices, parks and even in hotel rooms.
The Body Weight Workout Routine
Bodyweight Squats
The squat is an important exercise for building muscle, power and strength. It primarily works on the glutes (buttocks), the quads (outer thighs) and other leg muscles. Squats are great for strengthening lower backs. Athletes, swimmers, skiers, dancers and martial artists will benefit most from these exercises.
Push ups or Press ups
Push ups and press ups are core bodyweight workouts. They strengthen the shoulders, triceps, forearms and backs, making them much leaner. These exercises can be modified to suit the strengths of people. Press-ups can be done against walls and push ups can be done on knees or with the use of stability balls. Martial artists often demonstrate one-hand push ups.
Lunges are often considered second to squats in terms of developing glutes and thighs. They may be simple to perform but people of added weight may find them hard work. Dumbbell lunges can be great body weight workouts for weight loss starters since doing these do not require squat racks.
The Plank
The plank is often used as basis for evaluating core strength. It is demonstrated with the body supported either by the hands, feet, or forearms in classic press-up position. When doing the plank, it is important to keep your back straight up. When it starts sagging, it means you are getting tired and must take time to rest. Planks can be performed on the side, in half or in full position.
Jumping Jack
This is perhaps the most old school from the workout options but is great for burning fat and increasing the heart rate. Jumping jacks are performed by jumping to one position with widely spread legs and hands touching or clapping overhead. Intensive versions include bending over and reaching the ground between the jumps.
Mountain Climbers
Mountain Climbers can be great for core and bodyweight cardio strengthening. They primarily work on the abdominals, legs, chest and shoulder altogether. Begin with a push-push up position but with one leg bent forward. Simply switch your legs so one will always be straight behind, with the other bent beneath your torso. You can work slow or fast, depending on the pace you're comfortable with.
Abdominal Cycles
Abdominal cycles are great for strengthening the abdomen and building abs. There are a variety of cycling exercises that can be considered. Bicycle kicks include lying flat on the floor with arms behind the head and bringing the elbows over to one knee at a time in a twisting motion. Another exercise is cycling on air. This is demonstrated by lying on the floor and bringing the legs up on the air in a cycling or pedaling motion.
Doing these body weight workouts for weight loss are best for toning down belly fat especially when done with proper breathing techniques. There are several exercises which you can consider, including regular crunches, oblique crunches, right and left side crunches, reverse crunches and bicycle crunches. Choose the bodyweight exercise that you feel comfortable doing and that which your body can sustain.
These are just a few exercises you can use to get in shape and lose weight.
To Get The Most Out of Your Workout Routines and Stay Fit go to

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Healthy Food Tips: Top 5 Best Muscle Building Foods for Fitness Enthusiasts

A diet rich in protein and complex carbohydrates is essential for building lean muscle and losing excess fat. Proper nutrition requires some basic knowledge, discipline, and consistency. When you work out, the stress of weight lifting damages muscle fibers. In order for your body to recover, you need to consume quality foods that contain amino acids and carbs. The foods you eat on a daily basis are responsible for helping you recover from your workout sessions.
Here are top five best muscle building foods for fitness enthusiasts:
Chicken is a preferred choice among bodybuilders and athletes worldwide. This food is cheap and easy to cook. One chicken breast has approximately 25 grams of protein and less than 130 calories. For a rich flavor, you can marinate chicken in seasoned fruit juice. Use bold seasonings like minced hot peppers, infused vinegar, and curry.
Lean Ground Beef
If you want to put on some muscle, include beef into your diet. This type of meat is an excellent source of zinc and iron, two essential muscle building nutrients. Beef also contains two grams of creatine for every 16 ounces. Red meat is packed with protein, vitamins, and minerals. Each cut has a different amount of fat, protein, and calories. Beef doesn't contain any carbohydrates.
Almonds are one of the best sources of vitamin E, a powerful antioxidant that helps the body fight against free radical damage after strenuous physical activity. Recent studies have shown that men who eat almonds on a regular basis have a 67 percent lower risk of Alzheimer's disease. Almonds also contain protean and healthy fats. They are the perfect snack for satisfying late-morning hunger.
Sunflower Seeds
Sunflower seeds provide 25 grams of protein per 100 grams. Available both shelled and unshelled, they can be eaten roasted or row. Sunflower foods are rich in fiber, which helps improve digestion. In addition to protein and fiber, they contain vitamin E, linoleic acid, selenium, and vitamin B2. These essential nutrients support lean muscle growth, boost energy levels, and promote healthy adrenal glands.
Brown Rice
Brown rich is loaded with complex carbohydrates and fiber, providing a sustained release of energy throughout the day. The American Dietetics Association recommends active individuals to have a diet rich in complex carbohydrates from quinoa, whole wheat pasta, oats, brown rice, and sweet potatoes. Whether you want to lose fat and get ripped before a fitness competition, or you are trying to build muscle, brown rice should be on your list.
Whether you want to build muscle, lose weight, or have more energy, search for healthy food tips before starting a new diet. Proper nutrition should be a priority for those who want to stay healthy and maintain their body weight. At DSM Food, you can learn how to prepare tasty meals and choose the right foods for your diet.

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Alcohol - The 5 Most Common Fitness and Fat Loss Questions Answered

One area of the alcohol debate I come across a lot is when people start a new fitness program, they always seem to ask how alcohol will affect their progress. To help you understand the affects alcohol has on your progress I've compiled a list of the most common questions I get asked about alcohol.
1. Are there calories in alcohol?
Yes, alcohol is labelled as having 7.1 calories per gram, although if you take into account thermogenesis and the thermic effect of food it comes down to about 5.7 calories.
2. What happens to me when I drink alcohol?
You get drunk, start sending drunken texts and everyone becomes your best friend. Oh wait, that's just me. When you drink alcohol (ethanol) your body and specifically your liver goes into high alert mode because one of the metabolic by products of alcohol is a toxin called acetate. Our liver starts working overtime to remove this toxin and metabolizing it takes precedence over everything else. This means any fat burning your body might have been doing or growth and repair it might have been doing comes to a standstill until the acetate is removed. This leads to the next question...
3. Will I get fat if I drink alcohol?
The easy answer here is yes and no. Let me start with the no part. At the end of the day to put on weight you have to be in a calorie surplus and to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. Bearing that fact in mind, when you drink alcohol, if you were to stay below or at your maintenance level of recommended calories then no you wouldn't gain weight. Therein lies the problem however... You see it's what alcohol actually does to us that cause the problems. Alcohol been alcohol gets you drunk, when you're drunk your inhibitions are lowered way down - I mean "oh my god I can't believe I [insert your own embarrassing story here] last night" down. These lowered inhibitions lead to all kinds of crazy stories but most importantly for you and your health they lead to you overeating i.e. cue the snack-boxes, chilli fries and all the other junk food that more often than not follows a night out. It's the alcohol and the excess calories from this junk food and late night gorging that lead you to eat over maintenance and thus get fat.
The second problem here is that as calories go - alcohol calories are empty - they have no nutritional value what so ever and they have a very short term effect on satiety (how full you feel). And because the majority of alcohol is consumed in liquid form it's very easy to over consume calories by drinking alone.
4. What if I don't eat and just drink instead?
Seriously are you that stupid? Re-read the previous two questions and pay specific attention to the fact that alcohol is a toxin, contains no nutritional value and leads to overeating by reduced inhibitions and not to mention that going down this route is just plain idiotic, especially when you get the 'weight-watchers' saving all their points for the weekend and wonder why they aren't getting any healthier. Apologies, rant over.
5. Is there a way I can minimise the negative effects of alcohol?
Actually there is. Now I can't take credit for this formula. It was devised by the excellent nutritional consultant Martin Berkhan. This works on a moderate basis only once every week or every 2 weeks and is NOT free reign to get bananas every night. On the day you will be drinking limit your intake of dietary fat to 0.3g per Kg of bodyweight. Limit carb intake to 1.5g per Kg of bodyweight. Get your carbs from veggies and any accessory carbs that are in protein sources. Eat as much lean protein as you want. Limit your alcohol choices to dry wines, spirits with calorie free mixers and avoid beers, sugary drinks and high calorie cocktails. This formula focuses on elements that are least like to cause fat storage when drinking. Remember though alcohol is a toxin at the end of the day, it causes a host of other problems and should only ever be consumed in moderation, if at all. A friend mentioned to me recently that if alcohol had only been discovered today it would most definitely be banned. Remember that very true observation.
Thanks for reading. Being alcohol aware is just the first step.. For a complete plan visit my website where I'll give you my Free 90 Recipe Cookbook system.
Thanks again,
John "Social Life Friendly" Mulry

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Bodybuilding Basics 101 - Tips for Skinny Guys!

Bodybuilding is the art of modifying the body to appear more muscular and fit. Bodybuilders have to go through a lot of successive training and particular body part oriented weight lifting to get the shape of modern bodybuilders.
Bodybuilding is an art. Anyone at any age can start body building but the quickest gains will come from 18-25 when testosterone levels in men are at their peak. Any beginner bodybuilder will be able to gain muscle quicker than professional body builders or weight lifters because beginners' bodies tend to adapt and respond efficiently to a brand-new stimulus, since they are starting further from their genetic ceiling. The muscles will grow as they will be forced to adapt.
Before starting bodybuilding one must first set his goal and target at sight and motivate himself for being consistent and efficient at every session of workout. Also endurance and patience is the key, the reason being: it takes time to see the muscle build up and grow (you'll notice a difference normally within 1-2 months). Negative thoughts about not be able to build up muscle should strictly be prohibited!
For bodybuilding planning and organizing is of utmost importance. It is not as easy as going to the gym and lifting weights and doing reps and sets. You have to make a routine for the days you will work out and what type of exercises will be performed. It is better to work the counter parts in the same day; if you do sets for chest do the same for back.
The addition of weights on the bar will help to ensure that muscle is properly broken down and can begin to repair and build (muscular hypertrophy), but pushing it too hard at novice level will backfire, so be cautious about it, consult with an expert. Don't work too hard at the beginning; just do one rep short of failure. Total exhaustion should be avoided for beginner bodybuilders.
If you don't have many spare hours in the day, make sure bodybuilding workouts are well planned, and target compound muscle sections.
Finally, rest is essential, not just for beginners, but for all bodybuilders. Without allowing enough recovery time for the muscle tissue to repair itself, you will find that repeating the exercise will cause injury and slow muscle growth. It is also extremely important that your body is provided with the correct nutrients during this time, vegetables are essential, so are BCAAs (Amino Acids) such as Glutamine and Taurine.
Looking for quick, long term bodybuilding results? join our free bodybuilding community at today!

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Effective Fitness Training Programme for Different Body Types and Needs

Regular exercise and proper diet are the two essential things people needed to do and have in order to obtain good health and maintain a healthy, balanced life. Because of this, people are encouraged to do and follow professionally designed exercises and fitness trainings to improve body structures and maintain overall body health such as a fitness training programme.
A fitness training programme is very beneficial and ideal when aiming to improve body health and structure because a fitness training programme is a professional design of a fitness experts and doctors, and specifically aims to reach a certain fitness goal set by the person. An effective program improves muscle strength, flexibility and tones the muscles. It also helps in improving cardiovascular circulation of the body to prevent heart attacks and strokes. It also helps in preventing diseases like high blood pressure, diabetes, arthritis, and other heart-related and bone-related diseases.
There are various types and kinds of programs available nowadays. They vary according to the goals, age groups and body types of the persons that will do the training exercises. There are different fitness training programme for every individual since everyone has different body structures and fitness needs.
Some of the popular types are aerobics and cardiovascular trainings; weight reduction trainings; muscle building and toning; strengthening trainings; flexibility and agility trainings.
  • Aerobics and cardiovascular trainings can improve the heart condition and blood circulation system. It is also a good fitness training programme for beginners since it prepares the body for heavier or more advanced types of trainings later on.
  • Weight reduction is one of the popular fitness training programmes since most people want to exercise in order to reduce weight.
  • Muscle building and toning fitness training programme is ideal for people who want to improve the overall muscle body structure. This kind of training can provide leaner and stronger muscles to gain well-trimmed muscles and better body figure.
  • Strengthening training programs are ideal for people who want to improve body strength as well as strengthening the bones for support.
  • Flexibility and agility trainings are also one of the popular types of program since it expands the muscle range capacity for movement and eases the joints therefore reducing the risk of injuries.
In order to have the perfect program, one should consult a doctor or a fitness trainer to make sure that the type of fitness training programme is appropriate for the specific person's type of body. It can also be customized or specifically modified to fit the individuals' body type and needs.
It should also be basic, simple and known effective because some may claim and introduce new and revolutionized types of training to achieve your goal faster and easier but will only prove not effective. And most of all, an effective regimen includes a balance diet and nutrition program to support and ensure greater effectiveness of it.
Get yourself a FREE Report on Mass Muscle Guide and learn more about fitness training programme [] tips, trainings and professional advises.
Please visit Get Muscle Building [] site for more information.

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Bodybuilding Diet Plan - A Terse Guide to Diet Fitness

Modern times have changed the way men and women think about beauty, health and other related ideas. One prominent change that has occurred in the outlook of people is the way they should look - particularly their body shape. Today, people are more conscious about their health and fitness as compared to the people in the past. Apart from this, they desire to sculpt their bodies in order to achieve that magazine-cover look. Due to this, one ever growing industry is the health industry - this includes health spas, gyms, and fitness clubs. A perfect body can be achieved through a smart bodybuilding plan - a diet and exercise program.
Although exercise plans have immense importance when bodybuilding is the goal to achieve, but a healthy bodybuilding diet plan can never be ignored. You must choose to eat food that assures your fitness and health with all kinds of heavy and routine exercises that you carry out for shaping your body. To put it in a nutshell, a bodybuilding diet plan is as important as an exercise plan.
A well prepared and well executed bodybuilding diet plan provides your body all the essential nutrition that you need, when your muscles are worn-out. It also promises a healthy growth. Professionals and experts have established many different strategies; programs; and methods for bodybuilding. However, the problem is to choose one perfect plan that may suit your requirements and your bodily needs the best.
There are basically two types of most popular diet plans for body building - high carbohydrate diet and high fat diet. In order to choose one that may work wonders for you, you need to examine your health and fitness requirements. As the names indicate, high carbohydrate diet plan is the one which focuses on carbohydrate-rich food while high fat diet plan endorses food that is rich in fat.
High carbohydrate diet helps store glycogen in muscles and liver, which offers energy to the body. On the other hand, fat is the richest source of calories. Keeping these facts in mind, it is recommended that you either choose to follow high carbohydrate diet with low fat diet or low carbohydrate diet with high fat diet. High carbohydrate diet and high fat diet shall not be followed at the same time.
Your bodybuilding diet plan has to be well in accordance with your individual needs and requirements. Either you can search down a suitable plan for yourself on the internet or you can ideally contact a fitness expert to help you out with it. We wish you all the very best in your struggle to carve your body out in a perfect shape.
To learn more about bodybuilding diet plan [] and diet fitness, log on to our website.

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Body Building Workout Program - The Best Tips You Will Ever Find

Everyone knows that in order to build a muscular body you need to go to the gym and workout. However, this is just a fraction of the story. There is a lot more to it than you thought. Muscle building is a slow process which requires a strict disciplinary schedule in terms of work out, diet and sleep. Furthermore, it needs a lot of patience, strong will and determination to go all the way till the end to accomplish what you started. So if you though just going to the gym and lifting some dumbbells will get you there, you need to think again. Read below to know exactly what you need to do.
After you have joined a gym you must go to the instructor and take his consultation. Tell him about your plan and what you want to achieve. Depending on your physique he/she will give you an exercise routine which you will need to follow. It will mostly consist of a body part wise exercise schedule. You must work one part of your body per day to get maximum results. It is important that you consult an instructor as you must know exactly what to do and when to do. Otherwise you will only end up spending time for nothing.
Same goes with diet. Your diet plan must be drawn by a dietician in order to get the perfect dosage of nutrition everyday without fail. It is also important to have a good diet at regular intervals and keep a watch on what you had throughout the day. A diet chart will help you monitor your diet and your weight gain. Stick to the dietitian's plan as your diet is directly responsible for the growth of your muscles.
Taking the above points into consideration and keeping them in mind will help in building that desired muscular body that you always wanted and also make you feel good about following a professional bodybuilding workout program.
Do YOU know the exact way of building rock-hard, ripped and shredded body? If No! Not to worry. On next page, I have had shared a Complete Body Building Guide by which you can easily build a body of your dream without supplement, without spending every day in GYM and in very less time.
Most people think body building is very expensive and time consuming task, but let me tell you, if you follow given techniques you will build a rock solid body without steroids or expensive supplements. Basically, you have to follow a proven action plan which will help you throughout the body building process.
If you are serious about building a strong, healthy and ripped body you must have to take action now. Believe me; it is not possible to build a great body without proven workout guide. So without wasting time visit next page to read and follow given instructions. Click Here To Visit Next Page.

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Five Ways To Add Fitness To Your Daily Routine

People all over the world are looking for ways to lose weight, Eating healthy and getting the right amount of fitness is the best way to go about. If you think you don't have time for fitness, you had better thing again. Here are five ways you can get fit without putting in a lot of time.
When you are stuck in line, you should take the time to do leg bends. There are lines everywhere, so there should be no shortage of time for you to get this done. You don't want to look too awkward, so be subtle about it. Gradually bend your knee and pull your leg back as far as you can. Take turns doing this on each side until it is your turn to be served.
When you go out to get the mail, jog a lap around your house for each piece of junk mail you receive. If you are one of the fortunate ones that don't get any, do a lap for each bill and advertisement. This could turn out to be a pretty big workout if you get stacks of mail in your box every day. You can run laps around the inside of your home if you are worried about the reaction of the neighbors.
If you are in a building where you have to go to an upper floor, take the stairs. It is not reasonable to expect anyone to walk up to the 40th floor, but walking up a flight or two of stairs is not too much. You would be surprised at how often people take the elevator to go up one flight. Not only will you get in some much needed physical activity, but you will save energy as well.
While you are watching TV, get up and do a few exercises during the commercial breaks. This may not seem like much, but it can really add up if you are a big couch potato. Most TV shows have between four and seven minutes of commercials, so watching something lengthy can result in you getting more than enough exercise in. You don't have to pull out the barbells and go crazy, but doing a few pushups or situps would be great.
It has been said that singing helps burn calories, so take every chance you can and sing your heart out. There is nothing like singing in the shower, in front of the mirror while you are getting ready or in the car on the way to your destination. The more upbeat a song is, the more likely you will sing it to the end. It may also help for you to do a bit of dancing while you are singing into your hairbrush microphone.
These are five simple tips that can help anyone get into shape. While the road to weight loss is sometimes long and chock full of obstacles, having the right information can certainly ease the burden. Relax and work on the five tidbits of advice mentioned here.

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Weight Loss Quick Tips - 4 Health and Fitness Tips We Should All Live By

When it boils down to it we all need to adopt healthy habits. Obesity is a serious problem. Especially in the Westernized world. More and more people are being declared obese by their doctors. Of course this opens the door for the big pharmaceutical companies to come up with new pills, powders and shakes that will supposedly help you shed a million pounds overnight. None of these magic pills and potions work.
It's time we all start taking responsibility for ourselves and take our health more seriously. Far too many people are dying due to obesity related diseases. It has to stop. Here are 4 very simple health and fitness tips we should all start living by.
Health & Fitness Tip #1 - Start Drinking More Water
Water is extremely important to your overall health. Not only does it keep you hydrated and ensure your vital organs continue to function and operate, but it also help you lose weight by ridding your body of toxins and excess fat. Too many of us are borderline dehydrated. That means our bodies are basically working overtime trying to flush out all the toxins and junk. So drink more water. It does a body good.
Health & Fitness Tip #2 - Eat More Often Throughout The Day
When it comes to losing weight and getting in shape you want to eat more and not less. I know this sounds counter intuitive but hear me out. Most of use grew up on the whole eat 3 square meals a day bit. And while that isn't bad advice, it also isn't the best advice when it comes to losing weight and getting in shape.
If you truly want to lose weight you will need to up the number of times you eat during the day. Notice I didn't say up the amount of food you eat. Instead of eating 3 large meals a day you should eat 5 or 6 small meals. By doing this you will rev up your metabolism and cause your body to burn more calories all throughout the day. So start the day off with a nice healthy breakfast. This will help set the tone and get your body ready to burn the fat.
Health & Fitness Tip #3 - Get Out And Get Some Exercise
Something as simple as a 30 minute walk around the neighborhood will have a profound affect on your health. By getting regular exercise you will keep your heart and your joints strong. You will also prevent certain diseases from occurring. If you are currently out of shape just start off with something simple. Next time you have the option to take the elevator or the stairs, choose the stairs.
Next time you go to the grocery store park as far back as you can. Don't ride around looking for a close spot. Park far in the back so you can get a little exercise in. You don't need to join a gym and pay a monthly fee to get exercise on a daily basis. Just be creative and most importantly have fun. Run around with the kids or play a game on the kinect with them. Anything that gets you moving is a good idea.
Health & Fitness Tip #4 - Find A Way To Stay Motivated
Losing weight and getting in shape is not easy. Especially if you have a lot of weight to lose. That's why it is very important that you find ways to keep yourself motivated and on track. The first thing you should do to stay motivated is determine your "why". Why do you want to lose the weight and get in shape? Do you want to make sure you around to see your grandkids grow up?
What is your "why"? Make sure it is big enough to keep you going during the rough patches. You should also consider getting a workout buddy. Having someone there to hold you accountable is a great motivator.
Losing weight is one of the hardest things to do. I know because I struggled with my weight my whole life. But once I learned how and what to eat that all changed. I started to lose weight and feel confident again. You too can do the same thing. Are you ready to feel confident and sexy again? If so check out Eat Yourself Thin NOW!

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Get A Killer Body With These 7 Top Fitness Training Tips

Building a body is not always easy, but there are a few things you can do at home to keep building the six-pack abs you want.
There are several ways you can work out with the equipment you have in your home. They not only help with building muscles, but they also tone the body to keep the muscles from going flabby.
1. Weights, Intensity And Volume
When you work out you need weights, intensity, and volume. And you don't have to go to a gym to get them.
You can use what you have around the house as weight. Intensity can be accomplished by add more repetitions. As for volume, you can get by adding new routines as well as doing more reps per routine.
2. Pullups Are Good For The Upper Body
Pull-ups are good for the upper body. There are several doorways in your home you can use to increase the reps. You can also increase the times you do them throughout the day.
If you start out doing 5 pull-ups, try for 6 pull-ups the next day and add one every day. The more you do, they stronger you'll become.
3. Rowing A Boat To Build Up The Legs, And Upper Body Muscles
Since there is water everywhere, you shouldn't have a problem rowing a boat. It builds up the legs, and upper body.
If you spend 10 minutes rowing, you'll get all the blood flowing through your muscles and joints. Rowing's much better than a treadmill or jogging, for that matter because it works the upper body and core as well as your legs and arms.
4. The Power Of Squats
The military makes their soldiers do squat thrush's because it builds them up faster than other exercises.
You can emulate them starting with 5 a day and working your way up to 20 to 30 reps a day. They help with the entire body and the cardiovascular system.
5. Cut Out On Carbohydrates And Sugar Intake
Cut out the carbohydrates and sweets such as cookies, cakes, chocolate, breads, and other foods that contain sugar or corn syrup.
The reason is because, these food items tend to spike your blood sugar and they are also not good for your blood pressure, pancreas, or your heart.
6. Eat 5 Times A Day Instead Of 3 Times A Day
Eat 5 times a day instead of 3 times a day, where you have breakfast, morning snack, lunch, then afternoon tea-break and finally, dinner. And you'll want to keep your food portions small for your 3 main meals (that is, breakfast, lunch and dinner), as you'll be having some snacks in between.
Doing so will ensure that your body's overall energy level remains at a steady level throughout the entire day. Also, you're less likely to suffer from any mood swings due to the fact that your blood sugar level remains at a steady level as well.
7. Drink Plain Water Instead Of Soda, Coffee, Tea Or Sweetened Juices
Drink plain water rather than soda, coffee, tea, or sweeten juices.
Otherwise, you may also want to drink fruit juices that are unprocessed, unsweetened, and all natural. They will give you all the nutrients, as well as energy you need to build the killer body you want.
Want to have a body-to-die-for and fit into that figure hugging dress or sexy bikini? Get tips on how to tone your body at UrbaneWomen and get trim and fit... fast!

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How To Achieve True Fitness: Sharpen Your Mind and Heal Your Body

Happiness isn't just about relationships, careers and all those things we all strive to get right. It's about fitness, health and well-being... and keeping your most important sex organ alive: your brain. By reading this brief article you'll be able to take control of that mischievous child, the brain, and make it work for you. And, along the way, you'll increase your love of life.
I prescribe the following four steps for most of my therapy and coaching clients because they increase the likelihood of success, no matter what they're specific goals may be. Why don't you try them out for a test run? They're simple but effective techniques for keeping your mind young, supple and powerful, and attaining a high degree of fitness that will make you stronger emotionally.
1. Exercise your brain. You'll create more neurons and decrease the likelihood of getting Alzheimer's and other dementias. Play games. Do puzzles. Enjoy brain teasers. Challenge yourself by learning a musical instrument. Take a class. Learn a language. You'll keep those all-important neural pathways strong and vibrant, and you'll keep them growing.
2. Exercise your body to activate your immune system. Just move. Stay active. Walk instead of riding somewhere. Cut the weeds in your lawn by hand. Wash your own car. If you must watch TV, get up often and walk around. By sitting passively on your arse, night after night, you actually take years off your life. Do like the famous and fabulous Bruce Lee, and exercise your body while you are watching the tube. Do some physical labor. Whatever it takes to get yourself moving again!
Avoid a passive lifestyle and you'll be rewarded with a longer, happier life. You'll increase heart rate and blood flow, and supply more oxygen to your brain cells! And you'll enjoy your twilight years more fully. And, by the way, the sex life will be much better.
3. Get your blood pressure under control. High blood pressure impairs cognitive function. If your blood pressure is in a healthy range, you'll perform well mentally. You'll be as sharp as a tack. Work with your doctor and make it happen. Change your diet, throw the salt shaker away and become more active. You'll hit the health and fitness jackpot.
4. Sit still and do something. Studies show that meditation can reawaken the brain, restore balance, and heal traumatic experiences. Listening to the quiet and basking in solitude can make a big difference in your life. Breathing deeply can be your ticket to overcoming stress and enhancing your whole being. Take the time to help yourself. Resting your brain through progressive relaxation or mindfulness meditation can be very rewarding and stimulating.
In summary, you don't have to turn back flips to keep you and your brain young and vital. Just exercise your brain and body, control your blood pressure and sit in the silence on a regular basis. In no time you'll be feeling stronger than ever!
Richard Hamon is a professional therapist and life coach with over 33 years of experience. Richard helps people to solve their relationship problems, enjoy truly extraordinary marriages and find exceptional success in all areas of their lives.
You'll find all kinds of articles on how to spice up your relationships and lead a better life at Richard's website, Find out about therapeutic services and take a free relationship quiz to help you assess your relationship. For more information on conducting state-of-the-art relationships and the latest research on true happiness, please go to:

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Fitness Attire For Exercise - Trendy And High Tech

Exercising regularly lets you perform at your peak. Isn't it fantastic when exercising regularly improves your life in so many ways? Fitness works. Boost your athletic performance and opt for a healthy lifestyle. Exercises deliver improved cardiovascular performance of your heart and lungs. So grab a pair of compression tights and tops, and get going.
You really should consider getting yourself some trendy and comfortable fitness attire. It can lead to greater encouragement and greater effort to carry on training. Proper breathable fitness clothing that keeps you dry and cool can let you stay focus on your exercise routine without being distracted by sweat and discomfort. Feel the difference when you have on compression outfit compared to your ordinary t-shirt top.
Buy fitness clothes that fit you just right. If they hang too loose, it may affect your training. Loose sportswear such as loose exercise pants would make a nice comfortable pair of pants to lounge and relax around in. A good example would be a pair of lightweight jersey pants such as those by Champions.
Get the fit body that you have always wanted with a little help from your compression attire. With their high-tech features such as moisture transport system for wicking away sweat, odor removing technology to keep you cool and fresh or the UPF 30+ with advanced sun protection to filter out harmful UV rays, high-tech trendy fitness attire make working out an enjoyable experience. Whether it is for better stamina or a more desirable shape, your compression sportswear makes it more enjoyable and comfortable.
Some prefer exercise pants with drawstring at the waist, such as the ultra-comfortable sweatpants. Normally made from cotton and polyester, with an elastic waist providing room to move, some come with elastic cuff on the legs. Fleece sweatpants with soft fleece interior keep you warm and comfortable in the cooler months.
So, what are the brands fit for the job? Well, you have famous brands such as Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, Columbia, 2XU and lots more. Fitness attire is getting more high-tech and innovative.
Exercise can make you happier. Put on your trendy exercise wear and jogging shoes, and a short run round the park will see you breaking into a smile. Exercise has a link to that cheerful smile as scientists have confirmed that there is an increase in the brain itself of feel-good hormone serotonin, endorphins, dopamine and norepinephrine.
So what are you waiting for? Get the latest high-tech fitness attire and see yourself achieving your fitness goals comfortably.
Where to buy workout clothes? Check out the site for the best deals on fitness attire.

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Fitness For Older People - Because Fitness Transcends Beyond Age

Age does not matter in fitness. Fitness is actually a matter of concern that people should pay attention to, even after reaching their mature age. These days, we can hear from the news or read from online articles that there are indeed old people whose ages are 70 and beyond, yet are still able to do well in their fitness-related activities. This simply shows us that fitness for old people may be pursued successfully and safely.
The usual concerns for old people are health problems associate with their ripe age. Their bodies are also not that robust as they used to be while they were still younger. However, just as a younger person needs to take caution in pursuing his/her fitness goals, aged people only need to be well-informed about how they can safely workout in order to remain fit.
Consultation With The Doctor First
Before performing any exercise, it will be best to consult first with the doctor if an elderly person can safely do it or not. Through a consultation with a health care provider, one may also know what physical activities are okay to be performed and how intense these activities can be.
Ideal Activities For Elders
Muscle-strengthening and aerobic exercises are the two ideal activities that people aged 65 and above must perform on a weekly basis in order to improve health or stay healthy.
Moderately Intense Exercises
If a person has no condition that limits his/her mobility, daily performance of moderately intense aerobic activities may be done like fast walking or cycling for two and a half hours weekly. Water aerobics, dancing (line and ballroom), pushing the lawn mower, volleyball and canoeing are also other activities of reasonable intensity.
These activities let you work hard enough so the heart rate may increase so you can produce sweat. One way to know if an activity is moderate is if you can still talk while performing it, yet, you cannot actually sing the exact lyrics of a song.
Vigorously Intense Exercises
Running or playing single tennis can be considered vigorously intense activities and should be performed for 75 minutes each week. Fast swimming, biking fast or on an elevated ground, football, uphill hiking, dancing and martial arts are also considered vigorous activities. They let you breathe fast and hard, making your heart rate considerably faster. While doing vigorous activities, you need first to pause and breathe before you can sing lyrics of a song.
Muscle-Strengthening Activities
These are exercises that must be performed with counting in repetitions and in sets. Repetition refers to a full movement of any activity like sit ups or weight lifting. Set is one group of many repetitions. An elderly individual needs 8-12 repetitions in a set of each activity. Up to three sets can be beneficial.
Other Beneficial Activities
Elders have high risks of falling due to weakened legs, medical conditions and poor balance. To compensate for these, exercises or activities that can help improve coordination and balance should be performed; such as tai chi, dancing and yoga.
Fit Over 40 offers true stories of people who successfully maintained their fitness and vitality, despite their old age. Turbulence Training is a related training system using the latest discoveries in science.

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Gym Franchise Opportunities - A Good Time to Start

Gym Franchise Opportunities have grown over the past few years as people become more health conscious. Gym memberships seem to have increased and going to the gym is becoming a regular habit for most people. There are several gym franchises that you can get involved with and now may be a good time to start.
You can't escape an advertisement, article, or discussion that deals with people's health and wellness. The media covers a lot of stories on how to lead a healthy lifestyle and the benefits of exercising. The public has become increasingly health conscious as new government programs attempt to limit the consumption of unhealthy foods. With this in mind, gym franchise opportunities may be a good thing to look into if you are interested in starting a franchise.
There is a wide range of gym franchise opportunities offered that cater to certain people and exercise regiments. For example, some gym franchises cater to only women while some gym franchises have a variety of weight lifting machines for body builders. You will have to think about and decide what type of client you want to cater to as you research gyms. One thing to keep in mind is the demographics of the people who live and work in the vicinity of where you want to locate a gym. If your market area contains a high percentage of women then a gym franchise that caters to women might be of interest to you.
When considering operating a gym you have to think about the high cost of purchasing and maintaining equipment. Exercise machines are not cheap and require frequent maintenance of the padding and cables. Many gyms institute equipment maintenance and upgrade fees twice a year in addition to the monthly membership fees. The technologies of exercise equipment changes rapidly just like every other industry. For example, it is now common for treadmills and ellipticals to come with personal TVs built in to the machine. If your competition down the street has upgraded equipment then you may have to invest a little more money in order to stay competitive. In other words, research the operation, fees, and equipment at the gyms near where you want to locate. However, keep in mind, franchise terms and conditions may not allow for you to make certain decisions so make sure the gym franchise opportunities that you research will allow you to be competitive in your local market.
Gyms seem like they would be good investments due to today's health conscious society. Although the purchasing and maintaining of equipment may not be cheap, that cost can be made up in other ways. There are several types of gyms available that cater to certain segments of society so it may be beneficial to research the local demographics of your market to see what type of gym would be best to invest in.
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Tips For Health And Fitness!

Fitness encompasses your physical and emotional self. When people get physically fit, they are healthy and happy. Read on for some ways to help you end the struggle and start getting fit the right way.
When you have a specific set of objectives leading to a goal, you will have built in motivation for your fitness plans. This helps you see and overcome obstacles without shying away from them. Having goals give you something to work towards.
Maintain a good pace of approximately one-hundred rpm while bicycling. You'll ride faster, but with less strain on your joints. This can be determined by simply counting how many times your right leg goes up every ten seconds, and multiplying that number by six. The resulting number is the rpm you should aim for.
Running can help your overall fitness. It burns calories, creates lean muscle, and helps the heart and lungs, and it may benefit your brain as well. Performing aerobic exercise enriches your blood with oxygen, which is then delivered to your brain. Among those suffering from depression, running has been shown to be as effective a treatment as prescription medications.
When you perform exercises that include such things as pullups or lat pulldowns, your thumb should not be wrapped. Placing your thumb next to your index finger will make you use less arm and more back in the exercises. Doing so is awkward at first, but targets the correct muscles.
When you begin running, it's important to run in three separate segments. Start running at a slower pace and gradually work up to more speed. In the final third, push hard to reach the finish. This pattern improves endurance and total distance over time.
You should feel energized, not exhausted, when you finish your workout. Cardiovascular activities like jogging, swimming, running and cycling are essential to a good workout regimen. Consider including strength training and try to work on different muscle groups each day.
Before running a sprint race you should prepare by working on a faster stride. You may try to run faster by stretching out your front leg when you run. However, when your front foot lands it should be in line with your torso. In order to better propel yourself, push with the toes of your back leg. As you practice and become familiar with the proper form you will find your speed increasing.
Consider unique ways to get fit. You don't have to go to the gym to get a fair amount of exercise. By finding activities that you enjoy, you will not become bored but rather look forward to your exercise.
Improve your contact skills when training for volleyball. Foosball is a great way to improve these. Foosball is fast and competitive, involving quick hand-eye coordination with lighting fast reflexes. Lots of practice will do wonders to enhancing these skills for you, and then you can carry them back to your main sport.
As illustrated in this article, it is certainly within your reach to become more fit, and doing so will make you proud of your accomplishment. You do not have to be ashamed of how badly you are out of shape any longer. If you use these tips, you will find yourself obtaining your fitness goals in no time!
Are you interested in learning more about Professional Massage Tables? Having a massage is a great way to recover after exercise and massage tables are essential for a good massage! Great information and links are available from Jayne's Massage Table website.
Jayne enjoys surfing around the web and reading interesting and bizarre articles and likes to contribute value to the internet through her blogs, articles and posting comments on other people's sites.

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How A Healthy Fitness Regime Can Help Your Mind, Body And Soul

Fitness to your mind, body, and soul is like the rain is to grass, flowers, and gardens. It refreshes and feeds necessary nourishments to assist with growth and flourishing. Fitness and health experts have been telling the public for many years how incredibly important committing to a lifestyle of health and fitness is for the mind, body, and soul.
How fitness helps the body
Physical fitness has many benefits for the body. It helps maintain muscle tissue, keeps the heart strong, strengthens the bones, boosts the immune system, strengthens muscles, aids in digestion, and helps keep excess weight off. Exercise has been proven to help with physical endurance so that you will not tire so quickly from day to day doing tasks such as climbing stairs, cleaning the house, or lifting your children.
Working out will get your heart pumping extra blood to your vital organs, including your brain. As the blood carries oxygen, your brain will benefit from this and experts assert that your cells can actually regenerate as a result, which is very beneficial for optimal brain function.
Let's face it: obesity is common in the United States and much of this is contributed to lack of healthy eating and exercise. The older you get, the slower your metabolism is; thus, the need for exercise becomes even more prevalent. Obesity leads to all sorts of physical problems, such as heart disease, high blood pressure, and diabetes. These are sure fire reasons why committing to a lifestyle of exercise is so important.
How fitness helps the mind
Fitness can significantly benefit the mind, as it increases blood flow and releases "happy" chemicals that help you to feel better emotionally. When you exercise, neurotransmitters called endorphins are released in the brain and provide a sense of well-being and happiness that can last for hours.
Another way that fitness helps the mind is that it relieves built up stress. As you go through your day to day activities, anxiety and stress can affect you mentally and physically. Chronic stress can cause physical and mental problems such as high blood pressure, anxiety disorders, and depression.
When you exercise, stress tension decreases and you get a sense of relief. Haven't you ever just felt overwhelmed with busyness and stress and went for a brisk walk only to feel much better by the end? Getting those muscles moving and heart pumping will decrease your stress level so that your mind can relax and be at peace.
How fitness helps the spirit
The spirit is the absolute essence of who you are. Underneath the physical body and separate from the mind lies a river of flowing life and love that oftentimes gets overlooked and forgotten about. Following the belief of the ancient physical and spiritual discipline of Yoga, committing to a lifestyle of fitness can certainly help the mind, body, and spirit.
As you embark on a journey to take care of yourself by exercising and eating healthy, you are less likely to be plagued with stress, anxiety, depression, and physical illnesses, which makes it much easier to tune into your spiritual life.
A healthy fitness regime is well worth the commitment in your life. Go ahead and make a plan to exercise at least 3 times a week. If you doubt your ability to commit to such a task, consider hiring a personal trainer, as he or she will be there to motivate you, instruct you, and encourage you to live a healthy lifestyle so you can be at your best physically, mentally, and spiritually.
You can stay fit doing all sorts of exercise. Choose from brisk walking, jogging, weight training, playing tennis, basketball, golf, or softball. Join a gym and sign up for a fitness class, yoga, or Pilates. There are plenty of opportunities for you to get into shape and stay in shape. All you need is to make a firm commitment and dedicate yourself to such a healthy task.
Written for Healthy Life Essex by Authors at Start Right PT.
Personal Training in Southend is a service Start Right PT provide, they aim to help women across the county achieve their goals while helping others online with their online content.

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Top Ten Attitudes of Health and Fitness

I have a unique opportunity to work with many types of people. This allows me the chance to observe different fitness attitudes. It is this attitude toward nutrition, health and exercise that shows as people engage in physical activity. I will share the top ten attitudes list with you.
Attitude number one is Good Intentions. This person is always "meaning to" get some exercise. They talk about it, they put it on their schedules, but for some reason they never get around to it. This person could use an accountability group or partner. All they need is someone to hold them to their commitments and keep them on the right path.
Attitude number two is the Guilt Builder. This person knows they should be exercising and eating better but they just can't seem to make themselves do it. Whether it is low energy or low motivation, they have trouble with actually getting started and this causes them to feel very guilty each time they don't do what they think they "should" be doing. Instead, they often end up doing only what they feel like.
Attitude number three is the Socializer. This person shows up where healthy activity is going on, but only joins in when they have a buddy to talk to. They enjoy being around others and watching others engage in activity. They are interested in healthy living, but they don't always make time to participate unless it becomes a social opportunity.
Attitude number four is Apathetic. These folks understand what it takes to be healthy and fit but they just don't care about it. They are comfortable where they are and don't see the need to change. This is a difficult mindset to change. Apathy takes a major life event to alter.
Attitude number five is Under Duress. You have seen these folks. They are doing the health thing, but they are not happy about it. Most likely a doctor or spouse has told them that they must do this. They put their time in, but often get lack luster results. Because their heart is not in it, they get less endorphin release and tend to not push their intensity.
Attitude number six is the Hedonist. You will not see them working out, playing sports or making healthy food choices. They live for the pleasure of the moment, never thinking about the consequences down the road. No momentary pain for long-term gain here. If it feels good, do it! That is their motto. They do not feel guilt for their poor choices. They embrace the short-term pleasures lifestyle and it is reflected in the way they look and feel.
Attitude number seven is the Enthusiast. This is the person who loves to exercise and makes it a regular part of their lifestyle. They feel better after a workout and feel strongly about making healthy choices. When exercising they seem at ease and in the zone. Healthy choices are not a tough for enthusiasts, they enjoy them.
Attitude number eight is the Uninformed. This person would make healthier choices if they only knew how to do it. There is great potential for this attitude. With the right instruction they can become an enthusiast.
Attitude number nine is the Addict. This person goes beyond enthusiasm for fitness and has crossed the line into addiction. They actually have a compulsion to work-out and often follow a very complex diet. It goes beyond a normal enjoyment of healthy living when the person feels distress if unable to follow their routines.
Attitude number ten is the Hopeful but Harried. These people enjoy fitness and healthy living but are not always able to follow through due to multiple responsibilities and tight schedules. For this person, it is not impossible to exercise and eat healthy, but it is a major stretch. They must make a commitment to it and then plan ahead to make sure they can do what they need to do.
All of these attitudes have described me at different times. However, number ten is most often the case. I would love to be the enthusiast but at this time I am not quite there. You can probably see yourself in one or more of these attitudes as well.
Whatever your attitude, remember that you have a choice. Choose to do the right things even when your feelings and circumstances don't line up. After all, attitude is a choice.
"Wellness Matters" Article Series by Lisa Schilling RN, CPT
Speaker, Writer, Wellness Coach & Consultant
Lisa is the author of "The Get R.E.A.L. Guide to Health and Fitness." She is a wife and mother of three boys. Lisa Schilling is a Registered Nurse, author and recovering pageant queen, who spreads hope with her Get REAL approach to wellness. She empowers women, caregivers and groups to unleash their fullest potential by helping them to see their true beauty and discover their REAL value.
She feels passionate about sharing her knowledge and time to help others improve their personal health and wellness. Lisa uses her enthusiasm to teach people to value and appreciate who they are. She helps people build a bridge from where they are, to where they want to be.
As an outspoken advocate for wellness and prevention, her motto is: "See one, do one, teach one!" For more holistic wellness information, visit Lisa's website & sign up to claim your FREE gifts!

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How to Become a Bodybuilder - 3 Steps Becoming a Natural Bodybuilder

Despite what you might read in the magazines, drugs, pills and supplements are not essential when considering how to become a bodybuilder. In fact, these things can actually be detrimental to real bodybuilding, and do long term damage to your body and internal organs.
If you're thinking about how to become a bodybuilder, specifically a natural bodybuilder, there are really 3 things that you need to be focusing on. But in addition, I would say find a role model, someone in the natural bodybuilding world that you admire, and see how they do things, where they started and how they become a world class athlete.
How To Become A Bodybuilder - #1 - Diet and Nutrition
You may have heard the popular bodybuilding phrase that "muscles are built in the kitchen". The point here is that if you are serious about how to become a bodybuilder you need to get serious about your diet and nutrition.
You reap what you sow, and this is so true of bodybuilding. Putting junk into your body will get you junk results. Focus on increasing your calorie intake massively, and making sure that they are quality calories, not cheeseburgers and pizzas.
Aim for around 24 times your bodyweight in pounds - so if you weigh 150 pounds you should be getting 150x24 = 3,600 calories per day.
Aim for around 1 gram of protein per pound of bodyweight per day to, and plan your diet around 25% proteins, 50% carbs, and 25% fats. You can use a good quality whey protein isolate shake, to make sure you are meeting your protein needs, just don't use it as a crutch.
How To Become A Bodybuilder - #2 - Bulk Up, Then Cut
Some folks are unclear on their goals and so try to gain muscle mass and lose body fat at the same time. While this can certainly be done, the pro bodybuilders tend to focus on bulking up and building muscle first and then cutting down the body fat to get shredded just before competition time.
This is a much easier and healthier way to do things, and allows you to focus on one thing at a time, instead of getting confused and possibly jeopardising your results. So get clear on your goals before you start your routines.
How To Become A Bodybuilder - #3 - Harness Your Natural Hormones
While there is a lot of nonsense talk in the press about artificial hormones and stimulants, very little is dedicated to the question of harnessing your body's own natural hormones to help you build muscle faster and more efficiently.
By maintaining a disciplined sleep and resting pattern you can increase the level of anabolic growth hormones that your body produces. This are at their peak during deep sleep and so this should be a priority for anyone wondering how to become a natural bodybuilder.
Reducing stress will minimize the existence of any catabolic hormones like Cortisol in your system that can hamper muscle growth and cause excess fat deposits.
Lifting heavy weights on big muscle building exercises like Squats and Deadlifts, encourages the production of testosterone, which will lead to bigger and better muscles.
If you're a skinny guy who's looking for how to gain muscle mass, discover the secrets to natural bodybuilding and how to pack on pounds of muscle mass quickly ==> How To Become A Bodybuilder

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Steps to Becoming a Personal Fitness Trainer

1. Do you have the qualities of a successful trainer?
The first step on the road to becoming a successful personal trainer is determining whether or not you have what it takes. A personal trainer needs to be patient, persistent, organized, motivating and, most of all, a good listener. You should be able to work with a wide variety of people and get them to listen to and follow your instructions. It is important that you can convey your knowledge in a way that is easy to understand for a beginner client.
2. Choose a certification
All personal trainers must be certified. But, there are a number of organizations that provide certifications for personal trainers. It is always a smart move to go with the best certification, even if it costs a little extra. One of the most well-respected certifications is through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM). The exam is comprehensive and will prepare you train a wide variety of clients. You should visit their website to learn more about the exam as well as ask the gym that you want to work for which certifications they prefer.
3. Choose a specialty
This step is not required, but it is always good to set yourself apart from other personal trainers. The fitness industry is extremely competitive and any edge can go a long way towards making you a successful personal trainer. Plus, becoming specialized will allow you to boost your resume, market yourself better and increase your pay. One example of a specialty certification is the ACE Clinical Exercise Specialist certification. This certification will allow you to work with special populations such as people with chronic diseases or injuries.
4. Get a job
After you get certified, it's imperative you get experience training clients. The best way to do this is by getting a job at a local gym. They will provide you with a consistent stream of clients that will help you get the experience you need before starting out on your own.
5. Set up your own business
Once you have gained experience training a wide variety of people, it is a good idea to venture out on your own. Independent personal trainers make significantly more money and have much more freedom with their day-to-day schedule. You should begin by choosing a business name, registering your business and getting liability insurance.
Another important step with starting your own business is finding a place to train your clients. Since starting your own gym is extremely cost intensive, it is a good idea to contact local gyms to see whether they will allow you to train clients at their facility. Usually they will agree as long as you pay a small fee (around $10-$15) per hour.
6. Market Yourself
Once you have set up your business, it's time market yourself and establish a client base. Different marketing methods working in different areas, but you should look into making flyers, newsletters, business cards or a website. This may seem difficult at first, but once you get the ball rolling it will get easier and easier to acquire clients.
7. Improve Your Skills
The path to becoming a successful personal trainer is about always learning as much as you can. If you want to be a good trainer, you need to know the latest research and keep acquiring new certifications. At this point, it's probably a good idea to attend personal trainer summits, workshops and seminars in order to further your education.
8. Beyond Personal Training
Once you are an established personal trainer and small business owner there are a number of opportunities available to you. You can consider consulting, fitness writing, athletic coaching or group fitness instruction. The path to becoming a successful personal trainer is long and arduous, but the benefits are limitless if you put in the time and effort.
If you are interested in becoming a personal trainer, my personal recommendation for a personal training certification is the NASM exam. You can learn more about NASM and how to study for the exam at NASM Study Guide.

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