Showing posts with label massage. Show all posts
Showing posts with label massage. Show all posts

5 Reasons You Should Get a Relaxing Aromatherapy Massage

Nature has bestowed countless gifts to mankind. While some are abundant and easily accessible, others lay hidden to be discovered. Out of these precious natural elements are the numerous and varied herbs and flowers that contain certain essential oils packed with health benefits. While some can be ingested, others can be directly absorbed in the body through skin to gain their benefits.
There are many different types of essential oils, each different in its composition and hence in the benefits that can be procured from it. Some essential oils can be mixed together to make oil blends which are then used to gain specific health benefits. Let's learn what the different advantages of aromatherapy massage are.
  • One of the most essential benefits of aromatherapy massage is relaxation of the mind and the body. If you are feeling mentally and physically stressed, then aromatherapy using specific oil blends can really help you relax. This fact has been established through the research done at the University of Maryland Medical Centre. After the massage, you will come out feeling relaxed and calm. The essential oils that are used for this purpose are vanilla, lavender, sandalwood, chamomile, rose, orange blossom etc. Many certified aromatherapy centers will let you choose between the different oil blends to suit your preferences.

  • The other most common reason for which aromatherapy massage is preferred is because it helps in the relief of pain. The gentle massage promotes blood circulation throughout the body, and because the essential oils get absorbed into the bloodstream, they reach the different parts of the body and help in the recovery of tissue and aids in curing inflammation. Clove, rosemary, sweet birch, cypress are more commonly used for this purpose.

  • Aromatherapy also helps in enhancing the sleeping patterns; therefore, people who suffer from lack of sleep or insomnia should opt for aromatherapy massage using grapefruit, sweet orange, English lavender and patchouli. They act as anti-depressants and calming agents, the person is able to relax after the massage and is able to sleep restfully.

  • Another benefit of aromatherapy massage is that it helps in rejuvenation. Rejuvenation is different from relaxation. Essential oils have the ability to be absorbed not only within the skin for hydration, but also reach the blood stream from where it is transported to all parts of the body and that includes all the joints and even the mind. Oils like grapefruit, orange blossom, mint, rosemary and lemon are uplifting properties. Together these oils enliven the mind and provide energy to the body. This is because they are able to release the hormone noradrenalin which helps in sustained attention effectively.

  • Lastly, the essential oils also helps in curing digestive problems and in controlling the appetite. For example, Fennel and Patchouli both have the ability to suppress appetite. Besides, they can also help in detoxifying the body. Fennel, especially, possesses this quality and so does orange blossom.
Aromatherapy essential oils massage has a lot of benefits. However, care should be taken that in some conditions it is not allowed, therefore before going for aromatherapy massage, do consult your doctor.

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Massage Therapy - Great for Tension Headaches!

There are not many experiences that feel better than a massage with a professional massage therapist! And because of the growing awareness of massage as a registered health care profession, more than likely you probably are already aware of some of the amazing health benefits. Some of these exceptionally helpful benefits include relief from:
  • anxiety and depression
  • back, leg and neck pain
  • carpal tunnel syndrome
  • edema
  • insomnia
  • athletic injury
  • asthma
  • chronic fatigue syndrome
  • fibromyalgia
  • and of course, headaches!
And if you suffer from headaches, you might agree that a massage can do wonders for this type of pain, especially when it's caused by tension. A tension headache (aka tension-type headache) is the most common type of headache, and can start in your shoulders, the back of your neck, behind your eyes, or even in other muscle groups in your body. Tension headaches can appear occasionally, or frequently - even daily. The severity of these types of headaches will vary, and is usually throbbing and present in the front, top, or sides of your head. These types of headaches are usually on both sides of your head, and do not affect your vision, balance or strength. The causes of tension headaches can be any or a variety of the following:
  • stress, depression or anxiety
  • sleep issues
  • poor posture
  • poor diet
  • vision problems
  • teeth grinding
  • overexertion
Massage therapy is excellent for treating tension headaches when they are connected to muscular issues, which most tension headaches are. The muscles usually involved with tension headaches may include your trapezius, levator scapulae, sternocleidomastoid, and scalenes (i.e. neck and shoulder muscles), or possibly your temporalis muscle (used for chewing and covering most of your temporal bone on the side of your head), or even your orbicularis oculi muscle (whose action is to close your eye, and is very easy to massage).
Massage is excellent for pain and discomfort associated with tension-type headaches. By applying professional massage techniques such as pressure, movement, and stretching, your therapist helps to relax your muscles and make you more comfortable. For tension headaches, they may need to do more deep-tissue massage, which further helps improve circulation and reduces the pain and tension in your muscles. The improved circulation helps reduce inflammation, which often occurs in muscles that are irritated and causing you pain. Massage can also help to release endorphins, the 'feel good' chemicals in your brain that lower stress levels and help you relax.
If you are experiencing frequent headaches and are concerned, see your doctor to rule out a more serious condition. Once determined that your headaches are likely to be muscle-related, seeking out the help of a registered massage therapist is the next smart step to take.

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The Benefits Of A Foot Massage

A foot massage is something that almost everyone craves, but very few can actually get. It can be both sensual as well as relaxing. This is a very simple idea that can help to keep even the most on edge person relaxed and at ease. A simple foot massage can relieve many of the tensions of the day and can make you feel revitalized. It can do this in many different ways. It will help to relax the tense muscles in your feet and it will also give you a feeling of relaxation.
In regards to the sensual aspect, there can be many benefits to this as well. A simple foot massage of your loved one will tell them that you care and will help in the creation of an atmosphere of peace. By simply touching and caressing your partner's feet you set the tone and the atmosphere for the time that lies ahead. This simple gesture will let your partner know what you are willing to do for them and how much you care by caressing their feet and letting them take some tension off which will lead to a night of potential romance.
A simple foot massage can be something that is very helpful to those who have high stress jobs or for someone who is on their feet for the better part of their day. This simple tension reliever will lead to not only your feet feeling better, but your mind and soul will be relaxed as well. This simple pleasure will make your whole day better. A simple foot massage helps to sweep the tension away from your body by making your feet feel comfortable and relaxed again which will rejuvenate your entire body. It is a great end to a long day and a wonderful way to start your night. It will send you on your way to a relaxing evening and a good night which will allow you to have a great start to your next day.
A foot massage has many benefits not only physically, but mentally and emotionally as well. It also helps to relieve the stress as well as provide physical relief. It can relax the muscles and tendons in your feet and help to soothe away those aches and pains that you get from standing on your feet all day. As far as mentally, the fact that someone is pampering you and showing you the affection and attention that you need and crave. It is also just a simple relaxation and stress relief technique that for all intents and purposes allows you just put your feet up. So go home and find someone to give you that foot massage that you so richly deserve or you can go to a massage parlor and let someone else do it for you while receiving some of the other perks of the massage service. It is something that everyone deserves every once in a while or even more so. So go and treat yourself, you deserve it.
Chris Powell has worked for many years as a massage therapist, and has written amazing articles on massages that will educate you about what you absolutely need to know about giving a perfect massage.
You can read more of Chris’s articles about massages at

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Self Massage Tips

Trigger points or also known as muscle knots are small spots of hyper tension muscle fibers that that make you feel stiff. This kind tension in that small area of the muscle can affect the entire muscle and even cause trigger points in muscles close to it. Although using a professional masseuse is a great way to get rid of the knots in your muscle trigger points can be self massaged as well. Let's look at some self massage techniques on how to get rid of muscle knots in your muscles.
Simple self-massage instructions
If you're not that tensed up there are simple techniques you can follow. By rubbing your muscles gently together for a couple of minutes can already help release tension tremendously. By rubbing your muscles softly for 2 or 3 days regularly you will be able to sooth more severe cases of muscle ache and pains. If you want to reduce the pains in a vast majority of muscle knots you need to gently massage each trigger point 15 - 20 times four to six times a down.
What to use to massage yourself
You can use your elbows, thumbs or fingertips to rub your muscle knots. You can also use objects that are readily available at home like a tennis ball or a table spoon. If you're going to use a table spoon use the rounded side of the spoon and gently rub it in a circular motion on the muscle knots.
How to massage
There are different techniques you can use to massage. One way is to simply press down on the trigger point for 15 - 60 seconds at a time and then releasing the object slowly. You can also apply small but gentle kneading stokes forward and backward or in a circular motion to the tensed up muscle to relax it. If you know which direction the muscle fibers run massage it in that direction to get the knots out of it. If you don't know it's also fine as anything will do.
When applying pressure to the muscle don't press down to hard. You want t relax your muscle not tense up in pain. On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being painless and 10 be intolerable, aim for the 4 - 6 range. If the pressure feels satisfying and relieving you're on the right track. If massage can be described as having a conversation with your nervous system, you want to have a friendly tone. Screaming at your muscles or being rude would leave you gnashing on our teeth and this means you're pressing too hard on your trigger points and need to be gentler.
Hi my name in Julian Venter. I am a massage specialist based in Cape Town. If you would like to find out about massage Cape Town or full body massage Cape Town please visit my website.

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Learn The Benefits Of Shiatsu Massage

Shiatsu massage was first developed in Japan and is the counterpart of acupressure in China. "Shi" stands for finger, and "atsu" stands for pressure. Thus, instead of using needles it uses finger pressure to restore vitality and improve functionality throughout the body.
Shiatsu massage follows the belief that each of our bodily organs is connected to different energy channels called meridians. These meridians are like turn-on and turn-off switches, where most concentrations of nerves are. When pressure is applied to these points, "chi" or energy is stimulated to its corresponding organ. For instance, the pressure points in our w nerves are highly concentrated. Applying regular pressure in this area relaxes and stimulates the associated organs, reducing the risks of heart attack and hypertension.
Most of the time, Shiatsu massage is applied to the palms of the hands and the soles of the feet. The therapist can use a combination of his fingers, thumbs, palms, or wooden massage tools to apply pressure. It may also include gentle stretching and manipulation techniques.
Though Shiatsu massage is an ancient technique, it is now widely used and respected all over the world. In fact, most hospitals use Shiatsu massage as post-complementary therapy for patients who have suffered a stroke, heart attack, and chronic disorders like arthritis.
How is Shiatsu Massage Done?
Like any other massage technique, the therapist must first asses your conditions. For example, if you have a lung disorder like asthma, the therapist will check for imbalances at any of your meridian points, especially in your arm where a high concentration of nerves is connected to your lungs. This is a simple process. The therapist applies light pressure to the corresponding nerve meridians. If you feel pain at a particular area, then an energy imbalance exists. Sometimes the therapist has to check more than one meridian point, searching for other existing conditions.
The essence of Shiatsu massage is touch. Your therapist can use the power of her hands to deliver different approaches such as pressing, shaking, hooking, rocking, joint rotations, vibrating, grasping, patting, and other hand massage techniques. Each is applied more than 3 to 5 minutes on certain areas where pressure is needed the most.
The patient is normally advised to wear loose clothing. However, there are times that the patient will be asked to remove garments for areas that require deep pressure manipulation, such as the back, the thighs, and the knees.
Depending on which area needs to be treated, the patient will be asked to lie face-down, or to sit on a futon or chair. The session typically lasts from 45 minutes to an hour. The therapist can also follow through with a Swedish massage or Thai massage. This further relaxes the patient and restores balance of "qi" flows.
During the session, patients may feel "good pain." However, over time, these pains become more tolerable. This means that circulation is beginning to improve, which will soon relieve pain and boost energy levels.
The number of Shiatsu massages one may need will vary. Normally, it takes more than 6 or 8 sessions before achieving the full benefits of the technique, which can mean 2 to 3 months of therapy. Once the patient has received full relief, they may undergo Shiatsu massage once a month for follow-up.
Benefits of Shiatsu Massage
The benefits of Shiatsu therapeutic massage depend on how well your therapist has mastered the technique, which focuses on finding the root cause of a problem and healing it. Shiatsu is a non-invasive and holistic approach to heal the body and boost the mind. It can be used to treat all chronic disorders such as stress, muscular pains, fatigue, migraines, anxiety, and much more.
When the right amount of pressure is applied to meridian points, endorphins are released. Endorphins are responsible for our "happy hormones" and serve as a natural painkiller for those who suffer muscle pains and chronic disorders such as arthritis. Once endorphins are released, the patient usually feels immediate relief of pain.
Shiatsu massage also improves blood flow. Better circulation can promote faster healing, due to the increased supply of oxygen. Your skin will benefit - looking young and smooth with a healthy glow. Why? When pressure is applied to the skin, it improves the sebaceous gland, which is responsible for keeping skin smooth and moisturized. Shiatsu massage can also enhance flexibility, treat injuries, lower blood pressure, help with insomnia, strengthen bones and muscles, and improve our immune system.
Eugene Wood is a NYC Licensed Massage Therapist, who also has an office in Wantagh Long Island. Learn more about the healing powers of massage by visiting his website.

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Excellent Massage Recliners to Maintain a Healthy Life

Massage recliners provide health benefits in two functional means: as massagers and as reclining chairs. These chairs are usually utilized by people requiring regular therapeutic care, but you don't have to be infirm or old to enjoy these benefits. By using innovative technology and procedures in these massage tools, it is now possible to achieve a different level of relaxation.
Massage recliners provide comfort against back pain, spasm and muscle tightness. Nonetheless, they can aid people who are suffering from sleeping problems related to snoring or sleep apnea. In addition, though not totally required, recliners are also useful for faster recovery of patients who underwent surgeries. There are instances where your personal physician would recommend recliners for certain medical conditions where their use may be helpful.
A massage lounger provides maximum therapeutic experience akin to the massage induced by professional masseuse. Regular massage therapy aids in proper circulation of blood and increases joint flexibility. It also serves as an extension program for high intensity exercises.
Receiving massages from a massage lounger could also be helpful for your brain. Regular massaging helps your brain to release endorphins-neurotransmitters in the brain that have pain-relieving properties that are similar to morphine. Recent studies have shown that the increased amount of endorphins in the bloodstream induced during massages could significantly enhance a person's immune system, reduce stress and retard the aging process. Apart from acting as pain regulators, endorphins are also closely associated with physiological processes that include euphoric feelings, which is perhaps the reason why we feel so relaxed and rejuvenated during and after massages.
The inception of home massage chair units made it possible for many people to receive regular massages at the comfort of their own homes. The good thing about this massage tools is that they do not require upgrades as they are designed to last for a lifetime. Hence, when shopping for a massage chair, you have to carefully examine the unit and make sure that it works well so that you could get the best massage you deserve.
Massage recliner units are great means to deviate from a sedentary lifestyle. For people who have an active lifestyle, using recliner massage seats are a great way to rest and replenish one's energy. If you're not that fit however, using such massage tool could be the equipment you need to start your personal fitness program. All in all, recliners can do you and your health well, regardless of your current physical condition.
Massage recliner units are cost-efficient alternatives for expensive massage therapies induced by professional masseuses. Massage lounger units are ideal accompaniments to improve overall health and wellness. They are good pain regulators and relaxation tools. For these reasons, many people are now seeing the benefits of having a home massage chair that they could use at the privacy of their own home.
Wyatt Fisk: nobody really knows more about massage chairs than he does. A freelance writer for and a massage therapy aficionado, Wyatt has been writing informative articles since 2007. Need more info on great robotic massage loungers? Wyatt's your man.

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What Is Chair Massage?

Chair massage is a short massage, anywhere from five to 30 minutes, done through the clothing. It typically focuses on key tension areas in the back, neck, shoulders and arms. A professional practitioner performs it in a specially designed ergonomic massage chair. They were originally referred to by its creator, David Palmer, as "on-site massage" since the massage chairs were portable and were usually brought into a workplace. However, this kind of onsite massage service is now more commonly referred to as simply "chair massage" and sometimes as "seated massage".

They are performed in all kinds of environments. Most people know about the service as a corporate massage service, although probably only half of all of them are done in the workplace. Retail chair massage, either done in massage stores or as stand alone massage booths or massage kiosks is becoming increasingly common.
One of the benefits of them is that it takes a service that is typically done behind closed doors and makes it visible to the public. Because it is done out in the open, people getting them know exactly what to expect. They can see who is doing the massage and what they are doing.

Another benefit of chair massage is that it is done over the clothing. Many people feel uncomfortable getting undressed for traditional massage that is done on a table. With seated massage, people can avoid the discomfort and awkwardness that they may feel having to disrobe.
The sessions are usually shorter than traditional massage making it very convenient for anyone to fit into their schedule. And because the sessions are shorter, the cost for a chair massage is relatively low. These benefits make chair massage a safe, convenient and affordable. It's no wonder that more people are introduced to massage through chair massage than through any other massage technique.

Relax to the Max is the only chair massage school in North America that specializes in seated massage. Visit their site online at

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Enhancing Your Massage Experience

Having the right setting for a massage is half of the experience. When the temperature and lighting is to your taste and the comfort or the sheets and table is just right for your body type, it makes the massage experience that much more enjoyable. When the massage comes to you, either at your home office or hotel, you have the option to make it as enjoyable as possible for your massage experience. Having all the pieces in place for the best most relaxing and therapeutic massage as possible does take a little bit of thought and action.
The setting is what you are paying for at a very high class resort or spa. The ambiance the luxury the beauty of getting a world class body treatment experience one to remember. This can be an experience that you will remember for a lifetime. What makes this experience so memorable are a few key things. The mental, emotional, physical and spiritual aspects of the massage must be addressed in order to enhance the massage experience. Adding just a few simple subtle things to the environment will bring everything together in a harmonious and balanced massage.
Adding a flowing water aspect to the massage gives your mind a steady and consistent flow of therapeutic white noise that helps put the mind at ease. Adding a water fountain to the massage environment enhances the experience a tremendous amount with just a simple stream of water. Water is the same as our Chi or life energy it flows through us, adding a water -fountain brings the natural flow to you and the therapist allowing both of you to enjoy the experience more.
Aromatherapy and essential oils are another very subtle piece to enhance the massage. Using a essential oil aromatherapy diffuser adds a light but still noticeable scent to the environment. This gives off that spa scent when we smell nice soothing pleasant scents of essential oils it makes you feel like you are in a different space. Essential oils have been used for centuries for therapeutic services. When the oils are diffused into the air you breath them in and the positive effects are felt immediately.
Adding just a few extra things that are cost effective and easy to add enhance the massage experience tremendously. Bringing the extra spa indulgence to your home, brings the spa and all the service to you. Allowing you to enjoy the experience even more.
The calming and therapeutic effect of many of the good spas around the world, have been carefully thought through and organized in a way that each of your senses is given a positive experience. Allot of the nicer hotels also create the flowing and aromatic effect that many spas use to bring the people staying there moods up. It can be used at any time, creating the flowing water and positive smelling aroma into any space makes people feel better. Remember that just a simple push of a button can create a flowing sound of water or the positive aroma of essential oils, so use it as often as you need.
The art of massage and feeling good takes a little planing and thought into the environment before making sure you have a good massage experience. Enjoying and feeling good are the most important thing.

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Benefits of Massage Shoes

Reasons Why You Should Use a Mini Massager and Massage Shoes at Home
Alternative medicine has become more and more popular due to its remarkable health benefits, traceable results and lack of dangerous side-effects. As a result, giant suppliers have started commercializing different categories of wellness products and accessories, designed to help people alleviate and control chronic pain, reduce stress and enjoy an overall delightful sensorial experience. Massage shoes, massage oils and mini massagers are now two of the most requested items, which have the potential to turn any home into a personal wellness center.
You and millions of other potential buyers might have a lot of questions regarding this exciting topic, like, for instance:
1) Why should I purchase massage shoes?
Massage shoes are considered a great investment by millions of buyers worldwide, because they are accessible, 100% wearable and provide real, traceable health benefits. Check out the impressive selection of high-quality massage shoes currently available on the market, pick a pair and soon you will notice that:
• You no longer have to waste any time trying to massage your aching, sore feet.
• Massage shoes make you feel much more relaxed, active and contribute a great deal to your wellbeing.
• They come in various sizes, styles and colors, so you could definitely find the right pair of massage shoes for all your outfits. You can wear them at home or at the office because they are extremely comfortable and fashionable at the same time.
• Massage shoes are a key element in reflexology (also known as zone therapy) stimulating small surfaces on our feet, which influence the functionality of some of your most important organs. Reflexology represents one of the most promising therapies brought to us by the alternative medicine, which provides long-lasting pain relief, reduces stress, improves our mood and even manages to decrease our appetite.
Reflexology is widely used to treat numerous diseases and conditions without pain and without exposing the patient to a long list of unwanted side-effects. Massage shoes ensure an adequate stimulation, applying just the right amount of pressure on our feet to correct organ imbalances.
2) Why would I invest in a mini massager?
Because mini massagers:
- Are tiny and lightweight and can be easily carried around
- Guarantee an optimal level of tissue stimulation
- Should be used on a daily basis
- Can be used to alleviate chronic pain located in different areas (back, neck, limbs)
If you are frequently bothered by body aches and pains, a mini massager should be considered a top priority on your shopping list. These tiny, lightweight gadgets guarantee deep tissue stimulation, annihilating minor pain and helping you de-stress and relax virtually anywhere. You could use it at home, in your office or during your regular trips. Battery-operated mini massagers always come in handy, and they could easily replace those luxurious spa treatments which cost you a fortune and make you waste a lot of time. In order to experience noticeable health improvements, it is recommended to use the mini massager at least to 2 or 3 times a day, for up to 60 minutes. These devices are FDA-approved and have passed all safety and medical tests; therefore they are considered excellent for personal use and should become your #1 ally in fighting some of your most upsetting pain episodes.

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What Is Hot Stone Massage And What Does It Do?

Hot stone massage is a type of massage developed using techniques found from Native American history. The Native Americans would use stones heated by fire to treat aching muscles and help them heal, as was often the case with these highly active people. Mary Nelson developed the first massage treatment to use hot stones which is called LaStone Therapy. Since this was created many other masseurs and spas have created their own versions of the treatment such as stone therapy, wild water stone therapy and other such names.
When receiving a hot stone massage, the masseur will use heated smooth stones to heat up certain muscles in the body. Whilst these stones heat up the body, the masseur will use others as extensions of their hands, rubbing them all over a person's body in different massage strokes to achieve complete relaxation. 
The advantage of using hot stones is that muscles are warmer and therefore more relaxed, meaning they can be worked to a higher degree without the need to press so hard during massage. Through hot stone massage a masseur can achieve the same effects as deep therapy massage if they do the massage strokes correctly.

Hot stone massage is very difficult to master, and many people find that when they go for one, they actually come out no better than they were before. To reach the right level of skill to perform a good hot stone massage a masseur needs to have been working for many years. Over these years a masseur will develop a sense for what their customers can tolerate in terms of temperature, and also learn how to effectively massage after using stones to gently heat muscles.
Some people have complained about going for a hot stone massage and being treated like an ironing board. This is not the effect that you should be feeling, and if a masseur begins to make you feel this way they need to be told, otherwise a massage could be wasted and you could in fact end up coming out feeling worse than when you went in.
In conclusion, stone massage is a type of massage developed from techniques used by the Native Americans. The fact that it has been used for so long shows that it's an effective type of massage that clearly achieves a greater level of healing and relaxation in the muscles, otherwise people would have moved onto a different form of massage that achieves better results.
Hot stone massage is one of Charlotte Palmer's favourites. She uses her special massage bed from Beauty4Less to make sure she can get it right, and she always has great results from her clients who keep on coming back for more.

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Massage Therapy Is Secret For Good Health

It is our nature to massage the area where we have discomfort or pain. Massage therapy is an age old practice. It is true for human beings and animal. The touch with pressure increases the blood circulation and as a result you feel more comfortable. Now-a-days you can get Japanese Shiatsu massage in USA and Indian ayurvedic massage in Norway.
A visit to a massage therapist normally relieves you from mental pressure and body pain. Masseur uses her palm, forehand and some hand held massager to put required amount of pressure to selected part of your body and this pressure does the magic for you. You can take full body massage or you can even go for a head or foot massage. To get the maximum benefit from massage therapy, you should select some licensed massage therapist who is recommended by somebody. To get maximum benefit from massage you should check the ambience also.
Do You know Benefits Of Bodywork
Relax and rejuvenate your body and mind
Quickens healing process
Improves blood circulation and necessary hormone secretion
How The Benefits Of Massage Therapy Work
The cumulative results of this therapy can be felt after a series of massage treatments, though even a single sitting can stimulate some of the effects.
It is recommended by experts that massage need to be taken regularly to have the optimum benefits
(1) Strengthen, tone and toughen the body
(2) Prevent stress related injuries and structural weaknesses
(3) Reduce fatigue by calming the nervous system
It is current trend to visit massage parlors or spa for massage bodywork. This kind of treatment is a special massage technique which is a mix of few other massage techniques. Masseur uses her hands and different massage tools to give maximum pleasure and benefits. Sometimes massage therapy is painful as your masseur need to push hard to maximize the benefit.
A qualified and experienced therapist can work wonders on the tired or dysfunctional parts, augmenting the results of conventional medicine. Regular full bodies massage along with yoga and meditation can rejuvenate you to accept new challenges of life. [] provides detailed information on various massage techniques and related benefits. To get latest research report on different massager like massage chair, massage table follow the []

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5 Reasons You Should Get a Relaxing Aromatherapy Massage

Nature has bestowed countless gifts to mankind. While some are abundant and easily accessible, others lay hidden to be discovered. Out of these precious natural elements are the numerous and varied herbs and flowers that contain certain essential oils packed with health benefits. While some can be ingested, others can be directly absorbed in the body through skin to gain their benefits.
There are many different types of essential oils, each different in its composition and hence in the benefits that can be procured from it. Some essential oils can be mixed together to make oil blends which are then used to gain specific health benefits. Let's learn what the different advantages of aromatherapy massage are.

  • One of the most essential benefits of aromatherapy massage is relaxation of the mind and the body. If you are feeling mentally and physically stressed, then aromatherapy using specific oil blends can really help you relax. This fact has been established through the research done at the University of Maryland Medical Centre. After the massage, you will come out feeling relaxed and calm. The essential oils that are used for this purpose are vanilla, lavender, sandalwood, chamomile, rose, orange blossom etc. Many certified aromatherapy centers will let you choose between the different oil blends to suit your preferences.

  • The other most common reason for which aromatherapy massage is preferred is because it helps in the relief of pain. The gentle massage promotes blood circulation throughout the body, and because the essential oils get absorbed into the bloodstream, they reach the different parts of the body and help in the recovery of tissue and aids in curing inflammation. Clove, rosemary, sweet birch, cypress are more commonly used for this purpose.

  • Aromatherapy also helps in enhancing the sleeping patterns; therefore, people who suffer from lack of sleep or insomnia should opt for aromatherapy massage using grapefruit, sweet orange, English lavender and patchouli. They act as anti-depressants and calming agents, the person is able to relax after the massage and is able to sleep restfully.

  • Another benefit of aromatherapy massage is that it helps in rejuvenation. Rejuvenation is different from relaxation. Essential oils have the ability to be absorbed not only within the skin for hydration, but also reach the blood stream from where it is transported to all parts of the body and that includes all the joints and even the mind. Oils like grapefruit, orange blossom, mint, rosemary and lemon are uplifting properties. Together these oils enliven the mind and provide energy to the body. This is because they are able to release the hormone noradrenalin which helps in sustained attention effectively.

  • Lastly, the essential oils also helps in curing digestive problems and in controlling the appetite. For example, Fennel and Patchouli both have the ability to suppress appetite. Besides, they can also help in detoxifying the body. Fennel, especially, possesses this quality and so does orange blossom.
Aromatherapy essential oils massage has a lot of benefits. However, care should be taken that in some conditions it is not allowed, therefore before going for aromatherapy massage, do consult your doctor.

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