Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts
Showing posts with label fat. Show all posts

How To Lose Belly Fat With A 10 Minute Workout

Are you looking to change the shape of your body or trying to lose belly fat without joining a high priced gym? If so, try this high energized cardiovascular fitness routine that that was developed by Keli Roberts.
With this 10 minute exercise routine you can burn up to 150 calories every single day.
The first two minutes of this fat burning routine is: Jump Rope - Begin by performing two jumps for each turn of the rope. Safety: Use the correct size jump rope and always land softly on the balls of your feet (that is the upper part of the bottom of your foot). Keep thinking I am losing weight.
Minutes two to three: Squat Thrust into a Push Up. The proper technique for this exercise is to stand with your feet shoulder width apart and your arms strait down next to your sides. Slowly squat down with your head forward and bring your hands to the floor just outside of your feet. Your hands should be pointing forward as well. Then in one movement, push your legs back and out behind you (into a pushup position). Perform one strict pushup and then jump back into your squat position and then stand back up. Keep thinking, the fat is vanishing.
Minutes three to four: Jump Rope with only one jump per turn. Keep thinking, The fat is melting away.
Minutes four to five: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Side Plank. After completing your squat thrust and push up, you are going to lift and rotate your left arm off of the ground and over your head. Your left foot will rotate and rest on top of you right foot. And you will rotate your neck so you are looking up at your ceiling. Rotate back to the center and repeat on the other side. When finished, hop back into your squat position, stand up and start again. Keep thinking, no more belly.
Minutes five and six: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. keep thinking, I am losing body fat.
Minutes six and seven: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add the Leg Lift. This is the same as minutes two and three only this time you will lift the toes of one foot about twelve inches off of the ground only after you have performed your push up. Lower your foot and repeat on the other side. Hop back up to your squat position, stand up, and start again. Keep thinking, goodbye belly.
Minutes seven and eight: Jump Rope. Same as minutes three and four. Keep thinking, my belly is getting smaller.
Minutes eight and nine: Back to the Squat Thrust and Push Up only this time you are going to add Mountain Climbers. Repeat everything as in minutes two and three only this time after your push up, you will quickly jog in place from your push up position. Make sure you bring your knees up to your chest on each rotation. Perform 5 jogs and repeat this entire process. Keep thinking, I am going to lose weight.
Minutes nine and ten: Jump Rope. Same as you first two minutes. Keep thinking. If I do this everyday, I will lose belly fat. Good luck to everyone.
We recommend using a soft padding such as a yoga mat when performing this exercise. This will cut down on any injury and save some of those knee joints for you. If you need more information on gym mats and yoga mats, please visit Ultimate Fitness Equipment - for all of your fitness needs.

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3 Killer Exercise Tips To Burn Fat Lightning Fast - This Will Have You Easily Burn Fat Like Crazy!

Exercises to burn fat fast can be a challenge. However, if you take note of the following 3 awesome exercise tips, not only will you find it more EASIER to get in great shape, you will actually receive mind-blowing results faster than you ever thought possible!

1.) The first amazing exercise tip is to break up your workout routine. What I mean by that is for example; Instead of exercising for 45 minutes, break it up into small exercise sessions throughout the day (such as 10 minute workouts done 4 times a day)! This reason this type of exercising works so well is because first, it's VERY easy to stick to, second, you will seriously increase your metabolism, and third, you will burn off fat much more effectively and quicker.

2.) The next tip is another option based off what I just mentioned in #1. If you would rather do you workout in one shot, then another way you can make your exercise very simple and still be able to burn up to 20% more fat than normal exercising is take a short break during your cardio routine! The reason this will do wonders is because this will actually increase your bodies fat burning hormones!

3.) The next killer tip for exercising to burn fat off LIGHTNING fast is to exercise as soon as you awake. You see, the reason doing this works like a charm is because of the following:
Throughout the day, your body relies on carbohydrates that you eat from your daily meals for energy. Also, when you sleep, your body will use carbs as well to ensure the body functions properly during rest. Now, this is where the fat burning trick comes in:

When you first awake in the morning, WITHOUT eating anything (especially carbs), and then you do an exercise session, the energy your body needs to perform the workout has to come from somewhere, right? Well guess what? If your body doesn't have carbohydrates to supply for energy, then what it will do is take a detour and start using STORED BODY FAT as the source of energy

If that wasn't enough, working out first thing in the morning will also give you an additional boost in energy all day long and will also help keep your metabolism remain active throughout the day as well! A faster running metabolism is what will have you burn off a lot of calories, and therefore lose a lot of weight and stubborn body fat!

Now, I actually came across this AMAZING and very simple Fat Loss Secret a while back to melt away fat extremely fast (plus lose up to 15 pounds every 2 weeks), but I really didn't want to share it publicly...
If you want to find out what this amazing secret is, and also see how I lost 52 pounds and flattened my stomach in 8 weeks with this secret, then simply click the following link:

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