Losing Weight The Vegetarian Way

"Okay! Right! That's It", you say. "No more Mr/Ms Chubby. I'm going to lose weight and what's more I'm going to do via a vegetarian diet."

Good thinking, but have you thought it through thoroughly? Are you going down the vegetarian path, or the one less traveled, that of veganism.

Yes, there is a difference.
Vegetarianism encompasses the practice of following plant-based diets using vegetables - well, that's logical - fruit, nuts with or without using dairy products or eggs. By using this diet, you abstain from eating all meats of flesh, fish and fowl and some of the by-products such as gelatine.
Practitioners of vegetarianism do so because of health, moral or religious reasons, just to name three; there are many more.

It's not just a case of eating veggies and fruits; there is a variety of vegetarian diets:
Ovo-vegetarian; eggs are in, but not dairy products.
Lacto-vegetarian; you can enjoy dairy products but no eggs.
Ovo-lacto vegetarian diet; eggs and dairy products are on the menu.

Vegan diets excludes all animal products; eggs, dairy and yes, honey.

All of this began in 1847 with the establishment of The Vegetarian Society and claim the word as being derived from the Latin Vegetus which means lively or vigorous.
Vegan, on the other hand is much younger and was coined almost 100 years later, in 1944, by one, Donald Watson a co-founder of the British Vegan Society. Aside from eschewing meat and meat products, the Vegans also meant Vegan to mean, 'non-dairy vegetarian; also on the strike through list was eggs and honey as foods.

How Does It Affect Me?
Well, as you know, many weight loss programs are loaded with meat and dairy products; thus, seeking a vegetarian oriented diet is well worth a look. All the proteins and vitamins are there without resorting to meats. Let's take a look at ten tips to help you as you embark on your fruit and vegetable weight-loss program.

1. Beans and nuts provide plenty of protein.
2. Soy patties, or other 'mock-meat' products make great burgers - good for the arteries too.
3. Pop into your nearest health food supplier and buy natural peanut butter - it tastes great and is good for you.
4. Water! Water! Drinks lots of it to elevate your metabolism.
5. Opt for whole grain breads and brown rice.
6. Eat lots of salad with vinegar and oil (olive oil is great).
7. When eating out, try the Chinese or East Asian restaurants for thedir vegetarian fare.
8. Eat fruit that his fibre heavy.
9. Soy, rice or oat milk in lieu of dairy.
10. If you must have a much on potato chips, that's okay, just buy thosr that are baked, not fried.

By choosing to go on a vegetarian diet whilst losing weight can give you an overall healthy lifestyle change. You'll feel much lighter and you'll wonder where that extra energy comes from.
One last thing. Before embarking on any diet change, please consult your GP and seek appropriate advice.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6739437

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