I've been a vegetarian for over 23 years which I did not see as an achievement until recently. Often the things we value the most or our greatest achievements are the things we just don't notice in ourselves or give ourselves credit for.
It was a friend who has been considering becoming a vegetarian to lose weight said to me, "How did you stay being a vegetarian for so long?".
Well, for me there are three aspects to any major lifestyle change:
1. Motivation
2. Persistence
3. Temptation
2. Persistence
3. Temptation
Motivation is really answering the reason why. This becomes very important when you later might feel weaker in your convictions.
Persistence is about sticking to your guns not matter what. Upholding that promise to yourself that you are going to follow through on what you say.
Temptation is feeling weak when you arrive at a choice point and feeling like you have little or no option other than the 'wrong' choice.
In terms of becoming and staying a vegetarian, you must be sure of your reasons. Is it for health? Weightloss? reducing cholesterol? animal welfare or the environment?
Whatever it is, remind yourself of this reason. Think about it every day. Pin images to your fridge or mirror. This will help you to remember why it was important to you in the first place.
Persistence is taking one day at a time and simply recommitting every day to this reason. If you fall off, get back on and try to go just one day further next time. It will not be easy and may take a few runs at it but realise each day is a positive step in the right direction.
Understand you will have good days and bad and if you have fallen off yet again, 'don't throw the baby out with the bath water' and blame your goal or vegetarianism as a whole. Remember, it is not the goal that is not worth achieving, it is that you simply haven't built the capacity to achieve it yet. This takes time and practice. Be gentle on yourself because Rome wasn't built in a day!
In terms of temptation, the answer here is preparation and being realistic. The more you know your own eating patterns the better! Are you able to cook your own meals every day? Are you a snacker? Do you eat out with friends every week? Are you disorganised in your food shopping and preparation? All of this is OK. There is nothing 'wrong' or 'bad' with any of these things in terms of becoming a vegetarian.
Simply, if you know this is how you do things then you can simple plan for it. If you are a bit disorganised with shopping and cooking then start with a new shopping list or menu plan and just give it a try. Don't overplan. Start simple and then it is easier to keep up the momentum.
Believe me, after only 4 weeks you will notice just how much of a habit it has become in your life and how good you can feel about yourself.Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7224178