Showing posts with label Lemons and Weight Loss. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lemons and Weight Loss. Show all posts

Lemon Detox Diet: Good Or Bad?

etox "boom" that started several years ago, was provoked by dozens of patented detox diets that are promised to give you amazing weight loss results in minimum time. But are those diets really so effective as they are claimed?
Lemon detox diet is very close to starvation: you have to drink nothing but lemon juice mixed with maple syrup, water and cayenne pepper. Your daily calorie intake is minimum, and it is very dangerous to consume less than 1200 calories per day, unless you are supervised by specialists. Of course, you will lose weight if you don't eat anything. But this effect won't last long. As soon as you finish dieting, your organism will store even more fat than before. The reason this happens is that when you starve, your body enters the so-called "starvation mode". It shuts down some of its functions, as a result, you feel sleepy, fatigue, you lack energy, can't work and concentrate. When you start eating normally again, your organism, after experiencing this shock, makes energy reserves by storing fat, in case it will have to starve again.
If you are trying to lose weight, you should exercise also, as diet alone will never give you lasting results. But since your energy levels become so low, your exercising becomes almost impossible, and ineffective.
Besides, the weight you lose is not only fat. If you starve longer periods, you start losing your muscle as well, as you deprive your body of much-needed ingredients, and it needs to get them from somewhere. And later, this lost muscle mass will be replaced with fat, too.
So, what are the effects of lemon detox dieting? Short-term weight loss, long-term weight gain, strong side effects - both physical and psychical, and great stress to the entire organism and all its systems.
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Can Lemon Juice Substitute Lime Juice For Weight Loss?

Some people are wondering if lime juice can be substituted for lemon juice for weight loss and vice versa. The answer would be yes. Any fruit which consist of citrus acid in it can be substituted with each other such as lemon, grapefruit, lime and others. Both lemon and lime juice can provide acidic elements and some zest to your recipes when baking and cooking. If you don't have one of them then it is alright to substitute with the other.
Why Use Lemon Juice for Weight Loss
There are already several claims about the success of this diet. In order to effectively lose weight, you can squeeze a lemon in the warm water every morning. Some people are wondering whether these claims are actually real. Well, it seems that it is a fact due to the evidence gathered on the effectiveness of lemons in regulating the absorption of sugar in the body as well as in improving your digestion. Aside from this, it has also vitamin C which is a very important element for those who are serious about their weight loss. This is because the body will absorb more calcium into the fat cells which can help in losing weight.
How Does Lemon Juice for Weight Loss Works
Actually, it is quite surprising how juice of the lemon can be very effective in sugar absorption as well as in regulating metabolism and as a result helps you in losing your extra weight. The secret is hidden behind the acidity content of the lemon. Lemon juice is full of citric acid. That is why, if you take a glass of lemon juice with warm water at the start of the morning, you can achieve a healthy natural digestion in your stomach. The citric acid in the lemon will interact with enzymes and the other acids in your digestive system so that you can have a worry free and healthy digestion.
Lemon juice for weight loss can lower your absorption of sugar. According to studies, it just takes a little lemon and you can already lower your absorption of sugar. This is due to the high content to acid in lemon. Aside from the lemon juice, you can also eat the lemon peels. The peels contain pectin which can help in losing weight because it will form a gel substance in your stomach and helps in the sugar absorption of the food that you eat.
According to the research done at Arizona State University, those people who are eating foods which are full of vitamins such as lemon, lime, oranges, kiwi fruit and grapes are less likely to gain more weight compared to those who have low intake of vitamin C. Aside from having a healthy digestive system, it can also help in absorbing more calcium from the foods that you eat and the calcium will be stored in the fat cells. The more calcium you have in your fat cells, the more you will burn fat. So, this is another benefit from lemon juice for weight loss.
For info on juicing for weight loss [] ideas, visit []

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Facts on Lemons and Weight Loss

Many people ask questions like, "How do lemons and weight loss go together?" and "Can lemons make me lose weight?" Let's examine what that sour little citrus friend of ours can and cannot do in our battle of the bulge.
Lemons are well-known for containing a lot of Vitamin C. In addition to that, lemons also contain citric acid, which is what gives them the sour taste.
Apart from the lemon juice, there are also the pulp and rind that make up the rest of the lemon.
Not much there that could help one lose weight, one would think? Well, think again.
To lose weight effectively you have to keep your body well hydrated, meaning it is important to drink a few liters of water per day. The water itself does not make you lose weight, but it helps the body perform well and clean itself of waste and toxin.
Drinking lot of water can be rather monotonous. Some people also just do not like the taste of water.
Instead of substituting water with some other liquid, add some lemon juice to the water. That will change the taste and help you drink a little more water.
Lemons are also used in food preparations.
Lemon juice is typically squeezed onto fish dishes to neutralize the taste of amines in the fish.
Fish makes an excellent meal in anyone's weight loss diet. It's generally low in fat and very nutritious.
Hence, lemons help us make a very healthy food even better and more tasty, helping us to eat it more regularly.
Now, for weight loss we're not talking battered fish! We're talking about "the fish" cooked and served with minimal dressing.
Lemon juice also adds that little extra taste and zest to the best of salads. Once again, it helps us wanting to eat more healthy and low-fat food.
Even though our lemon friend does not contain magical powers to help us lose weight, it plays a very important role in enhancing the taste of many of the foods that help us shed those pounds.
Tisha Diaz recommends this fat loss and weight control program that will help you get rid of those excess pounds and make you slim and trim [].

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