How To Achieve True Fitness: Sharpen Your Mind and Heal Your Body

Happiness isn't just about relationships, careers and all those things we all strive to get right. It's about fitness, health and well-being... and keeping your most important sex organ alive: your brain. By reading this brief article you'll be able to take control of that mischievous child, the brain, and make it work for you. And, along the way, you'll increase your love of life.
I prescribe the following four steps for most of my therapy and coaching clients because they increase the likelihood of success, no matter what they're specific goals may be. Why don't you try them out for a test run? They're simple but effective techniques for keeping your mind young, supple and powerful, and attaining a high degree of fitness that will make you stronger emotionally.
1. Exercise your brain. You'll create more neurons and decrease the likelihood of getting Alzheimer's and other dementias. Play games. Do puzzles. Enjoy brain teasers. Challenge yourself by learning a musical instrument. Take a class. Learn a language. You'll keep those all-important neural pathways strong and vibrant, and you'll keep them growing.
2. Exercise your body to activate your immune system. Just move. Stay active. Walk instead of riding somewhere. Cut the weeds in your lawn by hand. Wash your own car. If you must watch TV, get up often and walk around. By sitting passively on your arse, night after night, you actually take years off your life. Do like the famous and fabulous Bruce Lee, and exercise your body while you are watching the tube. Do some physical labor. Whatever it takes to get yourself moving again!
Avoid a passive lifestyle and you'll be rewarded with a longer, happier life. You'll increase heart rate and blood flow, and supply more oxygen to your brain cells! And you'll enjoy your twilight years more fully. And, by the way, the sex life will be much better.
3. Get your blood pressure under control. High blood pressure impairs cognitive function. If your blood pressure is in a healthy range, you'll perform well mentally. You'll be as sharp as a tack. Work with your doctor and make it happen. Change your diet, throw the salt shaker away and become more active. You'll hit the health and fitness jackpot.
4. Sit still and do something. Studies show that meditation can reawaken the brain, restore balance, and heal traumatic experiences. Listening to the quiet and basking in solitude can make a big difference in your life. Breathing deeply can be your ticket to overcoming stress and enhancing your whole being. Take the time to help yourself. Resting your brain through progressive relaxation or mindfulness meditation can be very rewarding and stimulating.
In summary, you don't have to turn back flips to keep you and your brain young and vital. Just exercise your brain and body, control your blood pressure and sit in the silence on a regular basis. In no time you'll be feeling stronger than ever!
Richard Hamon is a professional therapist and life coach with over 33 years of experience. Richard helps people to solve their relationship problems, enjoy truly extraordinary marriages and find exceptional success in all areas of their lives.
You'll find all kinds of articles on how to spice up your relationships and lead a better life at Richard's website, Find out about therapeutic services and take a free relationship quiz to help you assess your relationship. For more information on conducting state-of-the-art relationships and the latest research on true happiness, please go to:

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