Self Massage Tips

Trigger points or also known as muscle knots are small spots of hyper tension muscle fibers that that make you feel stiff. This kind tension in that small area of the muscle can affect the entire muscle and even cause trigger points in muscles close to it. Although using a professional masseuse is a great way to get rid of the knots in your muscle trigger points can be self massaged as well. Let's look at some self massage techniques on how to get rid of muscle knots in your muscles.
Simple self-massage instructions
If you're not that tensed up there are simple techniques you can follow. By rubbing your muscles gently together for a couple of minutes can already help release tension tremendously. By rubbing your muscles softly for 2 or 3 days regularly you will be able to sooth more severe cases of muscle ache and pains. If you want to reduce the pains in a vast majority of muscle knots you need to gently massage each trigger point 15 - 20 times four to six times a down.
What to use to massage yourself
You can use your elbows, thumbs or fingertips to rub your muscle knots. You can also use objects that are readily available at home like a tennis ball or a table spoon. If you're going to use a table spoon use the rounded side of the spoon and gently rub it in a circular motion on the muscle knots.
How to massage
There are different techniques you can use to massage. One way is to simply press down on the trigger point for 15 - 60 seconds at a time and then releasing the object slowly. You can also apply small but gentle kneading stokes forward and backward or in a circular motion to the tensed up muscle to relax it. If you know which direction the muscle fibers run massage it in that direction to get the knots out of it. If you don't know it's also fine as anything will do.
When applying pressure to the muscle don't press down to hard. You want t relax your muscle not tense up in pain. On a scale of 1 - 10, 1 being painless and 10 be intolerable, aim for the 4 - 6 range. If the pressure feels satisfying and relieving you're on the right track. If massage can be described as having a conversation with your nervous system, you want to have a friendly tone. Screaming at your muscles or being rude would leave you gnashing on our teeth and this means you're pressing too hard on your trigger points and need to be gentler.
Hi my name in Julian Venter. I am a massage specialist based in Cape Town. If you would like to find out about massage Cape Town or full body massage Cape Town please visit my website.

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