Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label illness. Show all posts

What Are the Causes of Lifelong Depression?

Some unfortunate people suffer from depression all their lives. There may be a sneaking suspicion it's their fault in some way, which is not true. Lifelong (chronic) depression is an illness that can be as debilitating as heart disease, and if untreated can even be fatal. Chronic depression is caused by one or a combination of the following:
• You have an imbalance in your brain chemistry. This can be addressed through supplements and/or antidepressant medications. Many people think they don't want to take medication, but what if your prejudice against it is keeping you from relief?
• You don't get enough exercise. Research has repeatedly shown that getting enough exercise is the number one thing that helps relieve depression.
• You are lacking EFA's and need to take fish oil supplements. This seems to be especially true of people from Northern European heritage.
• You have a highly sensitized reaction to alcohol, sugar, and/or caffeine, and may not be able to use them like other people. Bummer, I know, but many people with chronic depression see miraculous results when they begin to manage their diets in much the same way a diabetic does.
• There are ways that you think and things you tell yourself that are not helpful. Depressed people tend to have depressing thoughts. You do not have to be a slave to your mind.
• You don't have enough friends or social contact. Depressed people tend to be lonely without adequate social support. Facebook doesn't count - we need to be in the presence of other peoples' bodies.
• You have unfinished business from the past that needs to be worked through. A competent, licensed mental health professional can help you do the work to get free.
• You are not living your right life. Depressed people often feel trapped in work that is not feeding their heart or their passion. There are hard decisions that must be made if one is to feel good about themselves and their lives.
• You are a spiritual person, and living a life without deeper meaning is not enough for you. Many depressed people have tasted something deeper than is offered by the mainstream culture, and have a driving desire to honor that inner knowing. This call must be answered.
The healing of lifelong (chronic) depression takes a holistic approach, and yes, it can be done. If you or someone you love suffers, please get competent help.
© 2011 Catherine Auman
Catherine Auman, MFT is a spiritual psychotherapist and the Director of The Transpersonal Counseling Center in Los Angeles, Calfornia. She has advanced training in both traditional and alternative methodologies based on ancient traditions and wisdom teachings. Visit her online at

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How to Find Sound Mental Health and Evolve in a Crazy World

The information you have in dreams helps you in so many ways that you will surely realize that your dreams are sent by God. When you translate the meaning of dreams according to the scientific method of dream interpretation you verify that all dreams contain meaningful messages.
These messages give you detailed information about what is happening in your psychological system and in the world around you. They also talk about your past, your traumas, and the problems you are facing now. Thus, you understand from the beginning that the unconscious words reflect the truth.
God knows everything about you, your life, and everyone around you. You find solutions for all problems in dreams.
You may have the tendency to dislike believing in God's existence because you follow the atheistic and materialistic mindset of the modern civilization. You probably consider science more important than religion. Perhaps you believe that it is strange to read a document about a scientific method of dream interpretation, which declares that our dreams are produced by God. God is not a scientifically proven truth.
However, the accurate translation of the meaning of dreams based on the scientific method translates God's words because it is based on real research, and not on the dream interpreter's imagination. Carl Jung looked for the meaning of dreams like an archeologist who was trying to understand the meaning that the dream images had for the human race. I precisely followed his steps, proving that his method is efficient and real.
I was cured from my severe neurosis, which already had characteristics of schizophrenia, and I became a psychiatrist and psychologist. I started curing others through dream translation without payment, since September of 1990. I completed Carl Jung's research and I simplified the dream language before publishing my work online, in 2007 and 2008, after nineteen years of studies and real cures through dream therapy.
I looked for the meaning of many dream symbols that Jung didn't explain. I also discovered the wild side of the human conscience, which generates mental illnesses within our human conscience.
I could better understand the dream language because I was a literature writer since my childhood and I had an extraordinary literary talent. All my writings were inspired by the unconscious mind, which sends us therapeutical dreams and gives us artistic talents with the intention to help us escape craziness, and have the chance to evolve.
I also was a designer since my childhood. Many of my drawings helped me better understand my psychological reality. I found important dream symbols in my drawings and in all the personages of a literary book I started writing after suffering from a tragic car accident, when I was 15-years-old. This book helped me completely understand the meaning of the symbolic dream language and relate the information I had in dreams to our mental health, based on Carl Jung's lessons.
My work proves to the world that Jung was a special scientist. The real importance of his work was not properly evaluated by the ignorant, superficial, and hypocritical world. My work proves to the world that Jung discovered the right code for the comprehension of the real meaning of the dream language according to the meaning given by the dream producer; the unconscious mind.
Only Jung didn't distort the meaning of dreams with his suppositions, like all the other dream interpreters and scientists of the world. Everyone must learn his method of dream interpretation based on my simplifications, after continuing his mission.
The real translation of the dream language accurately transcribes God's words. This is an important scientific proof of God's existence, which can be verified into practice when you learn the dream language and you start understanding the meaning of your own dreams.
You verify that your dreams talk about your past and about all the details that were important for you. You understand from the beginning that your doctor already knows everything about your psychological system and how you can be cured. God is an excellent psychiatrist and psychologist; the only one who can cure invincible mental illnesses.
My work also proves to the world that human beings are unable to cure mental illnesses without divine guidance because there is craziness into the biggest part of the human brain.
This means that we are absurd from birth. Absurd creatures cannot understand how to find sound mental health without being guided by a mentally healthy and wise mind; the divine unconscious mind. We indispensably need superior guidance.
Alone we will never find peace. We are unable to put an end to terror, violence, immorality, poverty, hypocrisy, indifference, and greed because we are absurd and evil. Craziness and evilness are synonyms.
We are wild and under-developed primates who have inherited a satanic anti-conscience. Our anti-conscience keeps trying to destroy the human conscience we received from God. We received this conscience from God in order to transform our wild side into human content by obeying God's guidance in our religion and in our dreams.
However, we refuse to respect our religion. On the other hand, only now I am scientifically proving God's existence thanks to the fast dream translations based on my dynamic method, derived from Carl Jung's complicated method of dream interpretation.
His method is so complicated and obscure that it doesn't have a practical value for average people. Only now that I simplified the dream language can you easily understand the dream language and have a direct communication with God without complications.
My work solves a basic problem because it is the result of my obedience to God's guidance. I would never be able to simplify Jung's method without divine guidance. My work is God's gift to the world. I was an obedient servant.
God is the best psychiatrist you can find, but God also is your spiritual guide. You have to transform your personality and become a better person. You have to understand the meaning of goodness, so that you may defend its importance into practice.
Your goodness is more important than anything else for your evolution as a human being, but you tend to believe that goodness is something you should give to those you like. You disregard those you dislike, and you never show compassion before their pain.
God will show you that you have to behave like an angel in all occasions, with everyone, even with your worst enemies. And not only that; you have to love your enemies the same way you love your children even when they do something you dislike.
You have to show compassion to everyone, without exceptions.
Your goodness helps you keep your mental stability because it doesn't let you agree with the satanic ideas sent by your anti-conscience whenever you face challenging situations. When you try to become a perfect human being you don't make costly mistakes that can put your mental stability in danger.
However, trying to become a better person in a crazy world is a dangerous adventure you cannot face alone. It's very hard to be good in a selfish world, especially because you have inherited absurdity into your own brain. You have to obey the wise unconscious mind that produces your dreams, even if you will disagree with God's wisdom.
God will save your sanity and help you use all of your brain power. Even if in the beginning you won't understand God's plan for your psychotherapy, you should always believe that God knows what is better for you because God is wise and saintly, while you are an imperfect creature. Many times you won't be able to evaluate God's wisdom from the beginning because you ignore how your future will be unfolded, and many other things that God cannot explain in a few words.
Christina Sponias continued Carl Jung's research into the human psyche, discovering the cure for all mental illnesses, and simplifying the scientific method of dream interpretation that teaches you how to exactly translate the meaning of your dreams, so that you can find health, wisdom and happiness.
Learn more at:
Click Here to download a Free Sample of the eBook Dream Interpretation as a Science (86 pages!).

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Is Depression a Mental Illness?

Many people suffering from mental depression illness and they know that it can have a debilitating effect on their everyday lives. A lot of mental depression sufferers find that they are unable to leave the house, work in a job for long and they are often burdened by feelings of helplessness and hopelessness. Mental depression can sometimes be so serious that people can think of, attempt or even succeed at suicide. As such, mental depression should be taken very seriously. If anyone you know is a sufferer of mental depression, get them assessed by a qualified professional so as to know what steps to take towards treating the depression.
Usually, mental depression is a result of chemical imbalances that occur in the brain. Sometimes, this can originate from a traumatic childhood or in more puzzling cases, appear for no apparent reason. Regardless of the causes, it is hardly any fun. Most sufferers tend to internalize their feelings, which in turn results in them becoming anti-social and isolate themselves. This seclusion prevents them from enjoying life as they are unable to form meaningful relationships with anyone. Even the simple task of getting up in the morning is burdensome for sufferers from mental depression.
Help is, however, readily available for those who suffer from mental depression. Some prescriptions can help a sufferer find hope where they previously had none. There are also specialized doctors who can assist a depression sufferer in working through their issues so that they have better self-esteem. Even experts acknowledge that they do not fully understand what makes people become depressed, especially in instances where there are no discernible factors. Everyone gets upset every once in a while, usually attributed to a traumatic event like a bad break up or losing their job. Regardless of the reason (or lack of), it is important for a sufferer to seek help the moment the depression starts to affect their daily life.
If you know someone who is perpetually feeling down (especially when they begin to entertain suicidal thoughts), they are very likely to be sufferers of depression. Depressed people often broadcast signals about their emotional state. While the signals may be subtle and murky at first, this may actually be a cry for help. As such, respond to their calls and help them. For all you know, you could save someone else life.
Depression is treatable. You have to be mindful that there is always hope and that the situation can always improve. There is no reason to be feeling down unnecessarily. Get some help so that you can begin to feel positive about life again, just like you used to be before the depression.
Discover the facts about mental depression illness [] and the 7 part mini course that shows you how to cope with your depression. Want to know the natural depression relief method to stop your panic attacks? Check out the review of panicportal [].

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