Your Body and Fast Food

Everyone knows that fast food is quick, easy, and can be cheap. However have you ever sat down and read the facts about fast food? There are plenty of reasons why it can be very bad for you. Their products are high in sugar, fat and artificial ingredients. These are not meant to be taken in on a regular basis.
Eating all of these ingredients often cause some bad health issues like heart disease, diabetes and even some cancers. They can also be addicting to some people and if tried to stop can cause withdraw effects. If you are someone who already suffers from heart or digestive issues then you need to determine if fast food is safe for you.
Surveys have provided us with information that snacking causes people to consume at least an extra 300 calories more than they normally would. Extra sugar and food dye is put into some foods to make it look more appealing. Many people in the world believe that this is a big part of why people are becoming over weight. As of 2012 there were 520 million obese people worldwide.
Their food is filled with soy, salt, cheese, and mayonnaise, often deep fried which adds a lot of calories and no nutritional value. Given the high amount of calories in most of the meals provided there it would take a significant amount of exercise to burn off them calories. There are a ton of disadvantages to fast food.
The higher levels of fat and sugar can cause obesity. Studies have shown that people who live closer to a fast food restaurant have a higher tendency to be obese. With the cooking oils and preservatives used in the food to maintain the products make it difficult to shed the fat even if you were to up your activity level it would not help.
Liver damage is a big risk with consuming a lot of fast food. Junk food is filled with trans fat. Trans fat is an artificial ingredient that is put in the food so it can sit for periods of time before being ate. Because of that, as your body is trying to get rid of this fat, it can build up in the liver and cause damage. It is just like being an alcoholic if it is not monitored, it will cause liver failure.
Consuming fast food that is high in sodium and cholesterol regularly can cause cardiovascular diseases. Cholesterol clog's the arteries increasing risk of a stroke or heart attack. This can be caused from having to many fries, sodas, or enriched meats.
In conclusion, you should not eat a lot of fast food. It would be alright to treat yourself to it every once in a while, but it definitely is not a source of nutrition and not something that you would want to try to live on.
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