How to Choose the Best Acupuncture School For You

If you're considering becoming an acupuncturist or getting training in acupuncture or Oriental medicine, you want to make sure you pick the best acupuncture school possible. You may be thinking about setting up your own practice or getting a job with a good salary and working with other health professionals. If you have a school in your area that you're already aware of there will still be some things to check out.
Acupuncture schools and programs have been cropping up over the years more and more as acupuncture has become universally accepted. More and more doctors are referring their patients to acupuncturists and other healers and health insurance companies are beginning to recognize the value of acupuncture and are including it in their health insurance policies.
In the early 1980s two important acupuncture school accreditation commissions were formed. They are the Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) and the Council of Colleges of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (CCAOM). This accreditation is important for you as a student of acupuncture.
You want to make sure that whatever school or program you choose has been accredited. There may be acupuncture schools or programs operating without this accreditation. Also there are some schools that are candidates for accreditation. They have applied for but have not received accreditation yet. So you may want to wait until they do get accredited or go to a school with accreditation. Transferring of credits may be difficult if the school is not accredited.
States that have accredited acupuncture schools include: Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Texas, Washington and Wisconsin. In Canada there is a school in British Columbia that is accredited.
States that have schools that are candidate schools at the time of this writing - that is they are waiting for accreditation and include: Arizona, Connecticut, Illinois, North Carolina, Ohio and Washington. In Canada there is a candidate school waiting in Ontario.
Choosing a school close to home will save you a lot of money on housing and transportation costs besides a lot of other costs and should be the first consideration. Secondly make sure the Oriental Medicine or Acupuncture school is accredited. Many of these schools are naturopathic schools or specialize in oriental Medicine, herbal medicine, applied health sciences or traditional Chinese medicine.
Make sure to check out all their degree programs. When going over the classes, make sure you don't sign up for classes you don't need to cut costs and save time. Find out what acupuncture classes are offered online. There is federal money available for online classes. Sometimes people are encouraged to take classes that aren't necessary. Find out if they help place you in a job if you don't plan to set up your own practice. There are a few other important acupuncture school tips - too many to include here.
Next for more secrets and tips on choosing the best acupuncture schools and finding the best acupuncture school financial aid a nurse's website also for info on acupuncture schools lists

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