4 Different Common Causes of Hair Loss

Hair loss can happen to both men and women, and it can be very traumatizing when it seems to come out of nowhere. There are a lot of theories and stories out there that try to explain why people lose their hair. However, there are four proven causes of hair loss that people might want to be aware of so that this doesn't happen as suddenly to them as it may have for people they know.
The most common cause for hair loss is called male or female-pattern hair loss. This condition is actually hereditary and is caused by sex hormones. For men, this is more common and it is a permanent condition that can happen as early as puberty. For women, this is a little less common, but can still happen. Women can also have temporary loss of hair associated with hormones during pregnancy, because of birth control, or because of menopause.
Medical Conditions
There is a disease that actually causes the body's immune system to attack the hair follicles called alopecia areata. This disease causes there to be patches of hair falling out around the body including the head. Another medical condition that can cause this is thyroid problems. The thyroid gland helps to regulate hormone levels, and fluctuating hormone levels can cause hair loss problems. Some scalp infections can cause temporary loss of hair where the scar is until the scar goes away; however, certain skin disorders such as lupus can cause there to be permanent loss of hair.
Medications are used to treat things from sickness to pain, but they can also have some unwanted side effects. Certain medications have been known to cause hair growth, changes in hair color, changes in hair texture, and yes, even loss of hair. The severity of the loss of hair caused by medications depends on the type of medication, the dose of the medication, and people's sensitivity to the medication. There are many different kinds of medications that can cause hair thinning and loss as a side effect to the drug including acne medications with vitamin A, antibiotics, antidepressants, birth control pills, high blood pressure medications, hormone replacement medications, medications that treat cancer, thyroid medications, and the list goes on and on. The good news on hair loss as a side effect to medications is that it is temporary, and the hair can grow back once the medication is no longer being taken.
Emotional Problems
Losing your hair can also be caused by emotional stress and disorders. When someone has just dealt with a shocking emotional stress, they can lose weight and even some hair. Stress can also cause people to stop eating right, which could make their hair start to fall out and not grow properly. There is also an emotional disorder called hair-pulling disorder, which would also leave people with bald spots from loss of hair.
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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/7748375

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