Hair Loss Basics For Black Hair

Hair loss poses a problem for all nationalities, but if you are of African descent there are special issues you need to be concerned with to prevent hair loss. Even though this subject is not written about often, here we will expose the issues anyone with black type hair should be aware of.
Hair types People of African descent have a different type of hair from other nationalities. The hair or hair follicle is tightly curled so it produces a hair that spirals. It is a larger diameter hair than Caucasian hair and has a tendency to retain less water, causing it to be "kinky." Because of this fact, many hair styling procedures can be of great concern for anyone facing hair loss.
Black hairstyles cause extreme stress on the hair and scalp, but fortunately Black hair in general is very strong. Using a pick to create a bushy or Afro style is very damaging to the hair follicle because of the constant pulling and tugging on the hair shaft. Creating such stress adds to the dryness of the hair.
Pulling the hair in too tight to the head by cornrowing or braiding can add extreme stress on the hair and scalp. This stress can cause traumatic alopecia resulting in hair loss. Traumatic alopecia is usually temporary and can be reversed by taking proper care of the hair.
Treatments Straightening the hair by using hot combs or relaxers can cause chemical and heat damage to the hair and scalp. This again could cause temporary traumatic alopecia and eventually permanent loss of hair. This can be especially true when pulling the hair tight by using a hot curling iron or curlers.
One treatment that is excellent for Black hair is hot oil conditioners. This treatment uses polymers and proteins to help repair the hair follicles. The process consists of heating the oil and applying it to the scalp and hair, then covering the head with a plastic cap to allow the oil to soak in. Hot oil treatments can help to heal breakage and will cause the hair to be stronger and shinier.
One very damaging product that is commonly used is relaxers. Most relaxers contain lye, which is also used in products like Drano to break down hair in hair clogged pipes. If this type of product was left on the hair too long, it would eat right through the hair and it would fall out in clumps. Even no-lye relaxers can contain calcium hydroxide and guanidine carbonate to produce guanidine hydroxide, which is caustic enough to clean sinks with like lye.
These caustic products can cause the loss of hair and if continued long enough could cause permanent hair loss. There are all natural relaxers on the market now that do not pose such harmful chemical reactions to the hair and scalp.
This is just a few tips to stop hair loss and help to re-grow your hair. You can learn how to use less than $15 of grocery store items to stop hair loss and re-grow hair at Hair Loss Prevention and Re-growth [] Information found at []

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