Use Tomato Juice Recipes To Add More Health Benefits

Just as tomatoes are an important addition to many food recipes, they are also an important addition to many vegetable juice recipes as well. This is not only because tomatoes are jam packed with vitamins, minerals and other nutrients such as the antioxidant lycopene, which is excellent in preventing cardiovascular problems and for eye health, but simply because tomatoes taste great. Tomatoes are highly versatile and available year round, either from other parts of the country or other parts of the world. your best option of course is right out of your garden, but not everyone has access to a garden.

The base for the popular vegetable juice drink V8 is tomatoes. If you enjoy the taste of V8 juice this can be a good place to start by creating your own V8 juice. Start with a couple of tomatoes, two stalks of celery, a half a dozen carrots. If this pleases your taste buds add other vegetables one at a time such as a green pepper, a beet, a cucumber, a cup of spinach, a cup of cabbage and even an onion, season with salt and pepper to taste. 
 If you need to sweeten it up a little, an apple will work fine placed into the mix. This vegetable juice will have the added benefit of being fresh, easily assimilated by the digestive tract and not lacking in vitamins and nutrients that are so easily destroyed by commercial processing ion order to give the product a long shelf life.

If you prefer your tomato juice straight, this is another option. Just add whatever seasonings you like such as salt, pepper or even hot sauce. The tomato pulp you remove from the juicer can also be used in other ways. For starters you can add a little bit to your tomato juice if you want more fiber. It can as well be used in recipes such as casseroles or sauces where you don't mind the crunchiness of the tomato seeds or chewiness of the skins, though in recipes if they are cooked log enough, they will soften up. another option is to make the pulp into a vegetable leather.

This works better with fruits, due to their sweeter taste and the stickier nature of the pulp which makes it adhere better into a solid mass. A simple method for a leather is just to place it in a wax paper lined pan and cook it in the oven on low for a few minutes until it feels dry to the touch or cook in the microwave in a wax paper lined plate for 1/2 minute low setting bursts until it feels dry. 

Roll it up and it will last a couple of days. You can sweeten it with honey before cooking if you desire. Some produce will work better than others. But it makes for a chewy between meal snack.

If you drink the fresh tomato juice before the meal it can help to curb your appetite to some degree. With other added vegetables in the mix it will be even more effective. The important thing to remember is to use the juice right away, the longer you wait to ingest it, the more vitamins and nutrients will be lost. You want to receive the full value of the high vitamin C as well as vitamin A and the B vitamins, the antioxidant lycopene and the trace minerals sodium, phosphorus and potassium.
Want to learn more about tomato juice recipes? Visit my website at for helpful tips and information on creating the best juices for your needs.

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